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Everything posted by MrsSeren

  1. Okay I had continue in another post; LOL! This few months after I got my Maitreya and mesh heads were just starting to come on scene; took me 2 years to take plunge into a mesh head so this shot from about Aug 2015. Second shot is just few months after I got my bento Catwa mesh head so Dec 2016 I think.
  2. Seren in 2013; I'm about 2 weeks old here. Next one is Seren in 2014 with Lolas and slink hands and feet
  3. In another thread, I mentioned how I made myself show teeth slightly so looks like she smiling and here it is!
  4. I made Seren show her teeth slightly in my Catwa animations HUD, at first I thought it looked super dorky but now it grown on me and I think she looks like she smiling but that just me.
  5. Highest I seen myself as a neko with bento tail; round 120,000 but usually round 50-80K complexity.
  6. Think I'm ready for the foam party I'm hosting at tomorrow - just !
  7. Just a lazy moment before hosting in just over 2 hour though I have back to ya'll however I like what going on in front of me; lol!
  8. Have you tried leaving the designer a NC and asking? Knowing Liza of Foxy, she super friendly and helpful!
  9. Okay; so anyone tell me what piss flaps or beaver dam or baggy vag are??? As they from the aforementioned book, lol. Wow, they went through!
  10. Oh bloody 'ell, what world ruddy coming with a pigging child avi swearing? Makes me think of my RL colouring book which is sweary and some of those I never even heard of and i'm so like what the freaking 'ell does that mean???
  11. My RL mom who I live with, was looking through my Instagram feed and saw the dress from Decoy and was like you need this for Seren though not sure why she don't reactive her Instagram but not like I don't trust with her my phone because I do and agreed with her on dress.
  12. I saw this dress at C88 aka Collarbor88, had to get fatpack as I adored so many of the colours and I took my pixels to Brighton Pier as felt it fit the pose I had a while and just think it one the cutest summer dresses I own as Seren!
  13. I think passport/driving license would cover as official ID but could be wrong.
  14. Pondering where to go in my boat and did that mirror effect with a windlight and think turned out pretty cool!
  15. In other news, i'm feeling like myself again; doing few hours of colouring in and just talking to my mom helped so here's a happier shot!
  16. Just having one of those days, where I feel meh so jeans and hoodie day; plus B&W just fit my melancholy mood. I go back to my corner now; sorry I haven't posted for few days; just been not feeling like myself but I gonna soldier on and feel like myself eventually.
  17. I think they mean the extreme big bums, not ones you mentioned.
  18. This my SFW forum version; the none NSFW version is here: https://www.flickr.com/…/…/48083527148/in/dateposted-public/ and my friend's version of same themed picture: https://www.flickr.com/…/1633…/48083480786/in/dateposted-ff/
  19. Since opened or unpacked them; grand total kept: 6. So in two minds whether it was actually worth my time clicking but was planning to attend the event anyways as was fat pack of nails I wanted!
  20. I got most of them (albeit still unpack ones I got; lol); found 2 were no gifts no available from what I told was in local by gift, ignored the guy ones and rejected the Genus ones as I'm Catwa user though if honest I thought wasn't that bad a system and yes requires patience but don't most things in some aspect?
  21. Just saying in Firestorm, you can still save nearby chat and here is how: Preferences > Privacy > Logs & Transcripts then tick the box that says save nearby chat transcript. Tada; nearby chat is saved!
  22. Thanks, my friends are quite divided on the two pictures but interesting how both same shot however a flashing lightning can add such a difference!
  23. First shot I took, was at lightning flashed which took a lot of trying and second is after it faded and I'm using a night setting as felt it fitted theme of shot better! First shot: Second shot: Personally I'm not sure which I like best but included both so yo could see difference!
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