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Everything posted by ChinRey

  1. Does it say eaxctly that? That the destination doesn't exist, not that she doesn't have access to it? If so, that shouldn't be caused by any bans or parcel/estate settings. It's hard to see any server side issues that only affects one user but there is a very small chance it can be connection problems. What happens if she searches for the sim on the map (ctrl+M to bring up the big map, then typ the name of the sim in the search field)? Does it show up on her map at all? and if it dos, can she tp with the map?
  2. It certainly is a possiblity. That is, it's possible some people here are a bit cautious because they feel that way. But if the Lindens thought that way, I wouldn't have been here today. I'm not going to mention specific support tickets and other incidents of course but I can assure you that if they were the kind of people to be easily offended and prone to personal revenge, they would have found an excuse to get rid of me long ago. And they certainly wouldn't have missed the chance they had last week. I will keep complaining about Linden Lab and the way they run Second Life because they do not really provide the level of customer service se should expect and they have a tendency to become very evasive when confronted with that. But I will never ever doubt the good intentions of any current Linden. They are doing their best, it's just that there are so many skeletons in the closet. Before I get flooded by protests from the old-timers, yes, I do know it wasn't always so and yes, they do fall back into their old sins every now and then. Bad habits are hard to break. Anyway, there is a positive side to having Lindens more active in the forums and I think that far outweighs any negative effects. We've always complained about LL's lack of communication, haven't we?
  3. Yes but there is a lot to it. The overall design will always set a certain mood. Second Life is a very good example since we have different viewers and you keep hearing people saying how much better the graphics are with one than with another. And they're right even though the render engine actually is exactly the same. It's the overall UI design that makes everything look different.
  4. If you don't like growing old, consider the alternative. Is that really better?
  5. Welcome back, Zhiara! I hope you find your items in your lost and found as seanabrady and Alwin suggested but unfortunately there's a good chance you won't. Linden Lab is very clear they can't guarantee they'll keep the inventories of accounts that remain inactive for a long time and usually there will be losses. Building in Second Life has progressed so much, especially the last two or three years, you probably wouldn't want to use any of the old stuff today anyway so it shouldn't be a big loss that way. But as we all know, all those all thingies can hold fond memories and they are hard to replace.
  6. Yw. And sorry I forgot the simpler solution onedarkflame gave you. The basic idea is to switch avatar to force an upgrade. Often any avatar will do and it's not always neccessary to do all the work I suggested to eliminate all possible problems. If the problem keeps returning, you probably have either a connection problem or a corrupted cache file. So if that happens, first check your connection and if that seems ok, clear your viewer's cache. Bake failure can also happen if you have so many items in your inventory your copmuter never gets around to loading the ones you need for your avatar but you need to have a very big inventory for that to happen.
  7. Let me see if I get this straight: You're talking about two different accounts with the same role in the group, both have the group active, do exactly the same and use the same connection, same computer and same viewer and they still get different results??? And you tried it several times so you're sure it's not a one-time glitch? Yes, that's definitely one for Rolig's option 4. There should be a simple workaround of course. It doesn't have to be the owner of the object who deeds it so let your partner do the deeding. No guarantees it will work though, anything can happen in the twilight zone.
  8. You can always ask but no, not a a chance really
  9. ChinRey

    Baby Prim

    I'm not sure if there are prim children that old but there are bot children. You have to pay a little bit a week for them but I don't think it's more than a few Lindens.
  10. The cloudy something is how an avatar looks before the computer has had time to laod and render all the parts. Usually it only takes a few seconds. but sometimes you jsut get stuck forever. There are so many possible reasons it's impossible to say what causes it in your case. Here is a method that fixes many of the problems though: Go to a low lag empty water sim like Bevel Relog Type the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Q to bring up the super-secret Devlop menu. Select Avatar -> Character Tests -> Test Male or Test Female (your choice) This is a rather ugly avatar but it is very low lag and should load no matter what happens. Once you have a visible avatar. Switch back to your regular one and usually it will load jsut fine from then on. If it doesn't, we will need a bit of technical info about your computer and connection to help you.
  11. That advertisement is a year old, Moz. and if they were so desperate for marketing they nekroed a two year old thread back then, it's not very likely they're still here. Edit: When you see somebody with hardly any other posts on the forum going all crazy about the products of one particular store, you can safely assume it's the store owner in disguise or somebody paid by the store to promote it.
  12. If I understand you correcty, you are an owner of the group so that rules out #1 on Rolig's checklist. And if you rez a prim, not something from your inventory, we can rule out #3 too. That leaves us with options 2, 4 and 5. #2 is the most likely one and easy to check. You are wearing the right group tag, aren't you? If you go for #4, remember to stamp your right foot, not your left one. Then there's no. 5: how is your internet connection? Do you have any packet losses? That can sometimes cause problems like this. Your computer and the servers need to communicate a bit before they agree what you are allowed to do and if messages are lost there, you may be denied your well earned rights.
  13. ChinRey


    I knew I couldn't fool you , Madelaine. Of course the lyrics grew steadily more pornographic too. Henry VIII - who was a skilled musician himself - wrote about how he was true to his loved one (although he forgot the "until death do us apart" part). John Dowland wrote a song named "Come again" - and for once dirty minds will actually be fairly spot on. Maybe English renaissance music and SL aren't that different topics after all.
  14. ChinRey


    No, yes and yes. But most of all, we have to always be very concious about how strange this little artificial world is to a newcomer. My two examples were a bit off of course since SL is a far more idiomatic topic than English renaissance music and probably with a smaller insider crowd too. But even so, to those extremely rare people who are familiar with neither, both my examples have more or less the same semantic meaning. I'm actually criticizing myself at least as much as anybody else here. I really should have posted that joke but you gave me such a straight line! Academic??? I didn't even mention Corpus Hermeticum, let alone Thomas Morley's "Plaine and Easie Introduction to Practicall musick", the book with the most misleading title in recorded history!
  15. ChinRey


    I don't disagree with you but I think you missed my point. The Linden Homes are what new premium members are presented with right away. We should not expect a relatively new user who signed up for premium right away to even be aware that there are other options, let alone have figured out how they work and the pros and cons of each alternative. There are so many things an experienced SL user take for granted that hardly makes any sense at all for a newcomer and the way the (un)real estate market works is definitely one of them. And if you don't believe me, I'm gonna give you a lecture in the differences between the music styles at the courts of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I that'll make everybody familiar with 16th century English music nod their heads in recognition and leave you in a state of total bewilderment. Look at this sentence: "During the mid 16th century the general trend in English music gradually evolved from a late medieval French/Flemish predominantly polyphonic style as represented by van Wilder to a more a more homophonic style influenced by the fashionable trend at the Medici court and we also see the beginning of a formalized basso continuo system replacing direct intabulations." Any "insider" would wonder why I bother saying something as obvious as that. Would you? Now, compare to this: "Abandon your Linden home, buy a 512 m2 parcel on mainland (make sure it's mainland, not a private estate) and rez your treehouse there. Be careful to center the treehouse precisely on the plot so it doesn't encroach onto neghboring land." You may wonder why I bother saying something as obvious as that...
  16. Yes, that looks very much like a case for the IMPOSTOR FACE!!! Edit: Sorry to hear that. But... I may be wrong but I always try to write my replies in the mesh forum in a way that can be useful for other readers too, not just the OP. THis is an open forum after all and I do actually think it is the most important resource that exists for anybody who wants to learn how to make mesh for SL.
  17. Yes but if I understand correctly, this thread started with somebody trying to preserve as much of the looks in the lowest LoD model without increasing the LI, Compared to well made optimized manual LoD models, the autogenerated ones always offer you the choice of either higher download weight or poorer LoD. If one of those options is acceptable, go for it. If not, that rule is actually no. 1 on the list.
  18. When the last content creator with a Linden account name and one of the Lindens most visible inworld suddenly vanished and it didn't occur to LL that this was a bit more than the usual change of personnel and maybe it would be a good idea to give some info about what was going to happen to the department he was the head of. Probably not very important to the average SL user but I was certainly not the only one to worry.
  19. Yes, that's one of the few genuine improvements of the new MP search. In the old system the ratings were very important for relevance ranking. That's why merchants went to such lenghts to get good reviews and get rid of bad ones, they really, really made a difference to sales figures. It was also the reason why old outdated items tended to be higher ranked than new improved ones - the longer an item had been listed, tte more time it had to accumulate customer ratings. I wouldn't dream of calling the new MP search good. It's still based on concepts that went out of style when Google and Fast turned up and flattened all the old web search engines and even the best search algorithms in the world would struggle making something meaningful out of the madness of data MP can provide. But with the significance of customer ratings reduced and with the constant tweaks LL seems to have made, I think it's safe to say now that it's not as bad as the old one. Get rid of that useless and annoying autofill and I might even go as far as calling it ok. (Special message to G. Linden. If you read this, remember that programming is creative work and that means the golden rule for all creative work applies: Kill your darlings!)
  20. I've seen how others are treated there. Poor Immy for example, she's as sweet as a person can be and she always seems to draw flak when she posts there. But then again, what do I know? Maybe somebody holds a grudge against her for something that happened long before my time. I haven't really been active on that forum since my first bad experience. I posted a few factual replies to the copybot thread but they were innocent enough not even the most paranoid internet troll could possibly find an excuse to attack them. The only time I've really used SLU was the Michael incident. I couldn't let that one rest, my inworld enquiries (which eventually led to a secret info meeting) didn't sem to go anywhere and I obviously didn't dare start that thread in this forum.
  21. Also not ideal because it makes retexturing harder and because it can worsen the "LoD switch jumps" since it's very hard to get the shading of the billboard right under all windlight settings. But yes, it's certainly a technique worth considering. Sometimes you can even use one of the existing faces for the billboard. I think Bitsy already knows that but you're right, it should be on the list since this is going to be read by other less experienced mesh makers too. That also applies to: 9. Do not use the "Generate" option in the LoD model menus!!! There is an Advanced+ version of that rule: 9A+. Do not use the "Generate" option in the LoD model menus even for throwaway "zero models"!
  22. ChinRey


    Woops, I didn't re-read the existing replies and forgot there was more in your first than the rainy day. Sorry, Rolig. I'm sure it was a serious question. Linden Lab tries so hard to persuade us Premium members to move into the special Premium Member ghettos and then they give us a house that just won't fit there. That has to be confusing to people not fmailiar with how SL works. Oh well, it isn't the first time a question here gets two serious answers and it won't be the last. Besides, I do think the point about finding not just any random spot on mainland but one where a treehouse actually fits in is important not only to me but to others too. Mainland is full of eyesores and something as unusual as a treehouse can easily become an eyesore in the wrong environment and I have to point out that an eyesore is not necessarily something that looks bad in itself, it's something that makes the whole place look bad. Of course, we can discuss what is good and what is bad and what fits in and what doesn't until the cows come home but there is one rule I think we all should try our best to follow: respect what is already there. It's easy for somebody new to find another place - it's not as if we're short on space on mainland - much harder for somebody who has already spent time and effort building their little vistion of virtual reality. Now, what would have been seriously great, is a whole village of treehouses and similar. In the middle of Jeogeot perhaps, Lots of available space there and the ground texture, the one thing not easily changed, is far more suitable than anywhere else on mainland. It should have been an official LL project - named ... how about "Bloom Village"? Find a group of completely empty sims in the middle of Jeogeot, rewrite the covenant to specify the area is dedicated to fantasy builds and put the parcel up for sale. That is not going to happen of course but I can dream, can't I? And even though LL isn't going to do anything liek that, a group of residents can.
  23. ChinRey


    I think we owe poor NanR a reasonably serious answer and not only lame jokes. The premium gifts of the past used to be cool collectors' items and sometimes something you could enjoy playing around with for a short while. However, for the last year or two some of Linden Lab's builders have become fairly decent mesh makers and as far as I know there are no fairly decent mesh tree houses on the market so although I haven't seen it myself, I would expect this to be useful if you want to live in a tree house. You can't have it on a Linden Homes sim though, so if that's what you have, you want to abandon it and use your premium tier to buy a mainland parcel instead. If you do, please do yourself and your future neighbors a favor and find a parcel where a treehouse would actually fit in.
  24. I have no idea what you are making but here are a few general tips: Try to keep the general outline as intact as possible (of course). Don't be afraid to reassign triangles to other faces than they have at the other LoD models. At lowest LoD model exact texturing rarely matters. Remember that the top of an object always is more visible than the bottom. Align vertices with the same location along one or two axises whenever possible. Download weight depends on the size of the compressed file, not the raw data and the more identical bits of data the file has, the easier it is to compress. That means there may be room for more triangles than you thought. Also align vertices wherever possible on the UV map. Sometimes I go so far there I move all vertices to the corners of the UV map. Take a deep breath, make a cup/glass of you favorite brew and remind yourself Patch & Co. gave us more prims to play with a few months ago. Edit, Completely forgot: See if you can make room for more details in the lowest model by reducing the download weight of the others. One useful and often forgotten technique here is to not triangulate the dae file, at least not if you build in Blender. The uploader doesn't know how to triangulate concave polys but is usually handles convex ones better than Blender. Edit even more: Those were the Medium and Advanced level techniques for lowest model LI control but we're at the Advanced+ stage here of course so: Consider the relationship between the models and how noticeable the switches between them are, not only how each looks by itself. Abrupt jumps between the various models are often far more noticeable and annoying than the actual reduced level of detail. Keep that in mind and you can often reduce the polycount for the lower models quite a lot. A bit counterintuitively, sometimes with smooth normals that actually means adding extra "breakup" polys to the higher models to avoid abrupt changes of the shading across prominent surfaces,
  25. I don't know. That was before my time. When I arrived we already had Lithium with hired unmoderators fro, well from Lithium. But I assume there was some secret ritual there, involving candelights, readings from archaic manuscripts and such. The standard stuff you see everywhere.
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