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Everything posted by VaelFaye

  1. I feel your pain. Been trying on and off for several hours to try to get into Catwa and Fameshed, and still no success. Gotta just keep trying I guess. 😵
  2. Still trying patiently to get into the Fameshed event. 😨 Teleport attempt # 2034 coming right up... ❦ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/05/04/whats-on-my-face-v/
  3. Pic spam! Decorating my new home in Vautrien. 🙂 Missed having a place of my own to come back to at the end of the day. Also, $40 and an official name change later...
  4. Tried my hand at the Fantasy Faire again (using this handy shopping guide I found!). I teleported around to a few places, but didn't really find anything that spoke to me. As usual I had a hard time finding anything V-Tech compatible. 😭 Visited the Raven Bell store and demo'd a few things. In the end the only thing I came out with was this free V.I.P. gift hair "Ren" (the group was free to join), which I simply adore for its simplicity. Well, I had a great time anyhow. 🙂 ~Vael ↪ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/04/29/ren/
  5. Made a valorous but fruitless attempt try and shop at the Fantasy Faire event but the lag defeated me. Nothing rendered and everything was so spread out! So I had to abandon my efforts. Even though I dressed up for it and everything. Oh well. 😭 I'll try that Engine room event next and see what happens. ~Vael Wearing some OLD system stuff here. + Koi Rainbow Skin by [[TRAP]] + Nocturn Garment by Aii~The Ugly and Beautiful + Flexi wings and skirt pieces that go with the Black Angel Dress by Boudoir (one of their oldest outfits you can still purchase today at their MP page) ↪ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/04/28/nocturn/
  6. Latest pet peeve, and one that’s hard to explain: When my V-Tech chest forgets to alpha out my Maitreya one upon login. 😅 And I have to manually do it. Every. single. Time. Not sure if it’s a glitch that has to do with the latest version but it seems to happen to me an awful lot lately. ~Vael
  7. That's awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you. ~Vael
  8. So much love for this look right now. ~Vael
  9. Pictures tend to get buried very quickly in this thread. Give it some time and I'm sure it'll get more likes, especially since it's only been a couple of hours since it was last posted. 🙂 ~Vael
  10. On a whim decided to test out the new Nova head. Rambled about it for a bit on my wordpress blog, but had a lot of fun playing around with it in the meantime. 🙂 Echoing @Matty Luminos's sentiments, these have come out a bit too late for me. I'm still quite happy with my Chloe head, but it's good to see them putting new products out there. = ) ~Vael https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/04/17/lelutka-evolution-demo/
  11. ↪ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/04/06/kitsune-ii/ ~Vael Faye
  12. My favorite event is going on right now. ↪ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/04/03/kitsune/ ~Vael Faye
  13. ~Vael Faye@https://veileddream.wordpress.com/
  14. Added you to my blog roll Matty, if that's alright. 🙂 ~Vael
  15. I actually have that same problem myself, so I just keep Advanced Lighting Model and Ambient Occlusion unchecked, even when I take snapshots. They still turn out okay. 🙂 ~Vael
  16. I would love to share a platonic dance and a chat with you sometime Rhonda. 🙂 I promise I won’t spam you with friend requests every two seconds, along with inquiring about your age, voting status, and “what you smell like in RL.” (No joke, somebody actually asked me this one time. Not the weirdest thing, sure, but pretty random anyway. 😅) ~Vael
  17. » A pleasant place to hide away. ↪ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/02/19/garden/
  18. My favorite stores: Valentine Technologies Shi CLBlue Aii Flutter Memal Violetility and far too many more to list here. 🙂 ~Vael
  19. Oh dear, I missed out on all the fun! 😎 ~Vael
  20. Some more unedited snapshots I took earlier in the day. HEAD | LeLutka Chloe Bento v3.4 BODY | Maitreya Lara v5.0 + V-Tech v2.71 SKIN | Pink Fuel + Glam Affair in Arctic ↪ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/02/15/friend/
  21. Playing around some more with Bakes on Mesh. Found my old system skin I wore before I went mesh. ~Vael ↪ https://veileddream.wordpress.com/2020/02/13/bom-cont/
  22. ”How are you feeling today?” Well.... My monitor went kaput so I’ve been computer-less and unable to get online for the last few weeks. 😅 I’m shopping around for a new one but in the meantime I have kept myself busy doing other RL things I’ve been neglecting. 🙂 Only downside to this break is I have to neglect my wordpress site for a bit, but hopefully I can get back to it soon. Well, and I had about thirty boxes sitting in my inventory that I hadn’t unpacked yet before my monitor cropped out. 😬 Back to lurking. Hope you’re all having a great day. 🙂 ~Vael
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