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Tex Monday

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Everything posted by Tex Monday

  1. Autumn Xomotron wrote: I got passed a notecard through a group, and its a scary warning. SoulSeize is back out in SL. For those of you who are unaware of what this is, it is basically a way (usually a HUD) for someone to retain control of your Avi forcing it to perform animations at will. It will ask the victim ONCE to allow it to animate their Avatar, and from then on will retain the permission forever. There is no way to revoke the permissions (not by relogging or any other way . DON'T ACCEPT a random request from anyone to animate your avatar you DON'T know. Pls pass this information out I don't want to pass along rumours, so want to check the validity before sharing it. Cheers Autumn I agree with everyone else..it's better to err on the side of caution. This goes not only for random animations, but for friendship requests, products or anything else from someone you don't know. I've been very lucky in my 4 years here that I've never had any problems..of course, that could change tomorrow...:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  2. I have to admit that I don't normally go to clubs..I find them annoying and laggy and cliquish. But...when I do go, here would be the answers to your questions.... 1) WELCOME MESSAGE d) think DILLIGAF (do I look like a give a f...) - I find them rather annoying and I don't think people care about them 2) GESTURES - a) I hate gestures! Another annoying factor of clubbing. Also, slows things down for me and if I'm not part of "the group" they are meaningless... 3) CAPITAL LETTERS a) Oh my god, stop the shouting! It's totally impersonal and I don't read that stuff. Also makes notices harder to read. CAN I EXPRESS THIS ANY MORE CLEARLY!! PLEASE...TELL ME IF MY POINT ISN'T GETTING ACROSS TO YOU....HUH??? 4) WOW WORDS a) I'm so damn bored by it... is really every DJ awesome and every host sexy? Be more creative in notices and chat! OMG...if I see one more wow word I'm going to ROTFLMAO.....(then get a machete!!) 5) TIP SHOUTS a) If a DJ/host is good they'll get tipped. No need to beg for it. I don't usually tip a DJ or host at a club (mostly because I turn off my speakers when I go) And I only tip the dancers if they involve themselves in good conversation..more so than just endless slexual emotes...which is another thing that gets on my nerves... 6) NOTICES (honestly, have no idea because I don't care. I don't club that often and if I do, I don't care who the DJ is. I think the only time that's necessary at all is if a friend is DJing and you'd want to see them) Ok..I hope that helps. As I said, I have my own issues with clubs...to repeat, I find the people there very cliquish, there is incredble lag, endless stupid chatter (not just from the DJ/host/dancers but from the patrons as well) and G-d forbid, you try to carry on a conversation in open chat or even IM with anyone.. But, good luck with your club...
  3. Melita Magic wrote: What are your plans for this July 4 - in Second Life or in first life? We go to an amazingly HUGE 4th party every year. He owns a construction company and puts a giant flag on a crane and has a Flag Raising ceremony. He and his family go up in a crane overlooking the backyard. It's really great. While the flag is going up, this song is blasting through the speakers. Very patriotic. (I'm not overly patriotic, but it's a moving experience)
  4. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Some have rules, whilst some don't. Some are turning out to be screaming matches to get your voice heard, whilst others are silent. Some people like having fun, others like standing around and doing nothing. I'm just curious tho, Any offical rules that cover all infohubs? Or people are really free to do whatever. (No porn tho. I know.) Apparently, LL does set up some loose rules for info hubs. From the http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Welcome_Area_Guidelines"> New Residents first arrive in Second Life in Welcome Areas, Infohubs and other locations. In addition to the Community Standards and Terms of Service (that apply everywhere in Second Life) these newcomer areas have the following additional guidelines: No shooting, blood or violence. No buying, selling, advertising, begging, or recruiting. No sex, nudity, or offensive language. No annoying, repetitive, or adult sounds. The last two items apply regardless of the local region's maturity rating. Please remember to treat your fellow Residents as you want to be treated. Behind every avatar is a real person, and how you behave makes a difference. If you run into problems with a disruptive person: block them. If you continue to have problems, file an abuse report
  5. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Once in a while you see the green text chat whether it be from something you're wearing or from a sim welcoming you. Is this seen by everyone or usually only one person, you? I probably don't have a leg to stand on when making this statement, but here's my thought It would depend on the object. If the object is, for example, welcoming you to a sim or asking you to join a group..I think that you would be the only person to see it. If the object is, for example again, a lucky chair notice or something announcing a winner of a prize...that would be seen by everyone. If it's an object that is coming from a person (maybe wearing an icontrol or something that changes their speech) everyone would see that as well. I hope that helps.
  6. Czari Zenovka wrote: If I hop in the pool do I have to pay $50L? (I can't believe I just said that; it's the adrenaline rush from the new PC.) *laughs hard* Well done, Czari. Actually, you gave me a good idea. Set up a Battle Royale (not the Pulp Fiction "Royale with Cheese"). Participants pay $20L to participate, winner takes the money...All right....who's in??? (and ticket prices just went up again....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:)
  7. Snugs McMasters wrote: It's always about Maddy, Tex. The only clothing I have is the referee's outfit you see in my forum badge. Maddy won't give me more to cover up with... or less. Mark me down for a ticket. got your order covered, Snugs If Maddy won't offer anything else, we'll have to have this competition au natural... (and ticket prices just doubled...:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:)
  8. Now now, you two...stop it. It's not about you...it's about Czari's new computer. Let's settle this like adults....you go get your bikinis on and I'll get the pool fill it with the chocolate pudding. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: ETA: Tickets will be available at the event for $50L each...
  9. I agree with you...I'm not a big fan of the SL viewer. I did download it when firestorm was giving me issues or to use multiple AVs when on line. Really hate the way it's set up..have the same problem with the chat function (opens in seperate window, can't move while open)..doesn't allow RLV...functions are kind of odd (although that may be just me as I've used Firestorm for as long as I can remember) Use another viewer if you don't like the SL viewer. As people have said, there are plenty out there to choose from. Don't let a crappy viewer ruin your SL experience. The world is too big to be stimed by how you view it. (If that makes any sense...) Good luck
  10. Dresden Ceriano wrote: That didn't even come to mind... lol. ...Dres Pervert..... (but that's what we love about you Dres....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:)
  11. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: Awe Thor wrote: I think staging the World Cup is more important than improving social benefits. Awe . . . although the Olympics aren't. for once, I can't argue with you...about the Olympics vs the World Cup. I looked up a few articles and world wide, the World Cup is much more popular with viewers than the Olympics. (1.4B viewers for the 2008 Beijing Games compared to 2.2B for the 2010 World Cup match in South Africa). If you ask someone in the US, though, you'd most probably get a different answer. I don't watch either...and I only watch the Super Bowl for the commercials.... ETA: :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  12. Adhelm wrote: Hey everyone. I have $26 of credit on my account which I would like to withdraw. The only problem is that I don't have a Paypal and don't want to do the wire transfer. I read that you can get Linden Labs to send you a check but that was written a long time ago, and I didn't see that as an option on the website. So is sending a check still an option or do they not do that anymore? I wouldn't expect that LL would do that anymore considering all the different Authorized Resellers for Lindens. Have you checked these companies out yet? One of them should be able to help you. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_(L$)_Authorized_Reseller_Program Good luck
  13. garey Solo wrote: Please could someone tell me how to run 2 viewers at the same time. I forgot how too. I know you add something like muliple es to the viewer properties but i can't remember exactly. I'm on imprudence viewer Thans in advance My suggestion is to run one SL viewer and one Firestorm viewer. When I need to, I just toggle between the two. If I need another, I run it on a different computer.
  14. BrandonBoyer wrote: I recent got messages while I was offline, before I got to read it all I ended up logging out(Accidently). I have it where I can see when I get messages and it saves. But I cannot find the messages there. Is there any other places I can look, or is there anything I can do? I might be off on this because my I am not on my main computer, but I know that in the SL folder on your computer (I think) there are chat logs stored. They show up as notecards. If you click on that, you should be able to find the conversation that you lost. Hoping that someone can clarify what I'm talking about...now excuse me while I go find my medications.....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  15. skiblits wrote: My roommate introduced my to SL a little while ago, but until now I didn't have a comuter that would actually run it. Now I have a Laptop that can play but my roomie and I are on at different times and when I'm awake she is asleep and visaversa. Is there anyone who could help me learn the ropes when i have questions and possibly invite me to a game or two? I love fantasy type stuff. I've created a modern neko type character and a half dragon. I love character creation so thats what drew me into SL in the first place. I look forward to chatting with everyone! Thanks for the help in advance. Skibs Hello Skibs and welcome to the Wonderful World of SL It is not easy to maneuver around the world when you first come in , but I might suggest that you check in the search function for a group that might strike your fancy. You like Fantasy type things..put that into the search, find a group, join and then send out a group message or an IM to the moderator. I'm sure that they can point you in the right direction. Good luck
  16. OK....I'm going to put myself out there for a moment... I found SL through a bondage website and when I came inworld, I wasn't expecting anything. I had no idea about Lindens or how to earn them..about finding a home..or a job..or even what kind of environment I would find when I got here. I was looking for SLEX...plain and simple. I used a completely different AV to play SL at that time and SHE (yes she) got exactly what she was looking for, at first. Eventually (probably 3 or 4 months later) to get Lindens to upgrade her appearance, she took a job as a dancer and escort. She found a Master and, when he left, a Mistress. Whatever home she had was either with her owner, a free apartment she was able to find or something a friend built on their land for her. It was fun, but she got bored. I think I've already told the story about how she was ignored by her Mistress when she came inworld. That's when Tex came into the picture. Now my priorities have changed...a bit. Tex doesn't make any money. Most of the funds that I have are from when my original AV was dancing and escorting. Tex has a home and lots of friends (as well as subs and sissy maids). So I guess in answer to your question, I had almost no expectations or ideas of what SL was going to be like when I started...My first AV just went with the flow....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  17. Syo Emerald wrote: Sorry, but where I come from someone who can purchase expensive electronic devices and pay a monthly fee isn't what I consider really poor. Sure, someone can feel poor towards the standart income of his/her country, but thats a different kind of poor (one the homeless guy under the bridge aorund the corner will laugh at Syo.... There's a name for mythical creatures who live under bridges (not directing it at you or any of the usual posters).... http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/dora-the-explorer-backpack-adventure/screenshots/gameShotId,231149/
  18. claudiasoftcloud wrote: i've bee playing for a week now and i really like this game.. (i've only met with only two jerks, but i wont let that get me down) but yes, it is very nice to meet you, i'm pretty shy but i am a little foxie, i guess i am a furry but i wont ever annoy anyone or be a burden, i am sort of quiet and out of the way as i mentioned but i am very friendly. and i hope to meet you all in game. Welcome to SL, Claudia Please don't let our crazy forum posts drive YOU crazy. Whatever you wish to be, you are welcome in SL and in the forums. Ask your questions, get advise and generally look around. You'll find some interesting things here. You're not being annoying or a burden... I am glad you're having fun inworld. It's nice to see a new resident who isn't lost and whining about how horrible SL can be. I would refrain from calling SL a "game" though..it gets some people all riled up. If you haven't already, go into the search function and see if there are any groups that you might be interested in. The furry community does have a lot of places of their own, so I'd hunt around and see what's out there. Join some groups. Once you do, send out a group message or an IM to the moderator. I'm sure other furries know great places to go and have fun. Anyway, good luck inworld.
  19. I agree with Theresa. Most places like that aren't legit. There are a few ways to earn money in SL...dancing, building, photography..plus there are money trees (where my new ALT earned a cool $10L over three days time...:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:). There are lots of things for new residents though. Check out the Fab Free website (http://fabfree.wordpress.com/) which has lots of items for new residents. Then go out...check out some groups through the search function..meet some people. won't cost you a thing except time. Good luck.
  20. Czari Zenovka wrote: Tex Monday wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: I'm glad to hear that about The Arbors. Now I just need a gentleman to suggest dinner there. *Looks about* I can suggest it...but I'm no gentleman.... :matte-motes-wink: You seem quite gentlemanly in your forum responses. At any rate I would definitely make an exception for you, Tex. Shhhhhh!! You'll wreck my street 'cred, yo!! :smileyvery-happy:
  21. Gerigo wrote: not me:)) i have a huge group and one resident is blackmailing me if i dont give refund. actually this member was banned for copy/pasting private message into local chat. I'm sorry to hear that..what's he blackmailing you with? Is he going to report you to LL? If that's the case, tell him to buzz off...LL won't even touch this issue. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  22. Gerigo wrote: What is the charter about refund group join fee? Is there something official statement about how to treat the group join fee and refunds. owner of group must pay back group joining fee if removing a member? and ability of refund based on the reason of kick or not? Im searching for the official opinion but i couldnt find any atm. Can somebody help me? I looked as well and didn't see anything. My guess would be that since LL doesn't get involved in resident to resident disputes, groups would be the same way. I don't think the group owner has to refund anything to the removed member and a group owner can remove anyone for whatever reason they want...sort of like the owner of a sim. Sorry...(if you're the one that got kicked out) but I think you're out of luck.
  23. Uallas Borgin wrote: One of the previous posters already said it. Linden Lab will keep a free account indefinatly and a premium account as long as you pay the fee and tiers for land use if you own land. If you are a premium member and fail to pay, they are harsh however. I know ppl who had issues with their credit card or with the registration of that credit card at Linden Lab and they did not get acces to their main, despite long explenations to Linden Lab why the credit card did not work on Second Life or proof that credit was good and the new card valid. In that case, no way to recuperate an avi, even if you decide to abandon the premium status. That isn't necessarilly true. If you don't pay your tier, you can get your AV back once you pay..but it's a pain to do so.. per the knowledge base: Re-activating a canceled account If you have cancelled your account, you may be able to restore it, depending on how long ago it was cancelled. There is a US$9.95 reactivation fee for restoring an account. Warning: Even if your account is restored, the associated inventory, land, and Linden dollar balance may be unrecoverable. To start the process: Open a support case. Under What type of problem are you having? choose Account Issue. Choose Reactivate an old account. Enter the required information Click Submit.
  24. Madelaine McMasters wrote: I just looked George Hamilton up in Wikipedia, to see if I can figure out how I know of him. I've never seen any of the movies he's done, but he is familiar to me. He's comfortable being silly, so I shall continue swooning. He's done a bunch of movies...most of which people haven't seen (unless they're like me...). He used to be known as the Tannest man alive, maybe that's how you know him. (ETA...Doonesbury comics used to make fun of him. He was Zonker Harris' idol..that's of course if you've ever read Doonesbury) Anyway...here the link to his IMDB page ..maybe that will help http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001313/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
  25. Ceka Cianci wrote: Four fonts walk into a bar The barman says "Hey you, get outta here! We don't want your type in here." A jumper-cable walks into a bar. The barman says "I'll serve you, but don't start anything." A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says "Sorry we don't serve food in here." A dyslexic man walks into a bra. A baby seal walks into a club. A man walks into a bar with a roll of tarmac under his arm and says, "A beer please, and one for the road." My 9 year old told me that joke a few days ago....believe it or not, I had never heard it before.. My turn: A guy walks into a bar with a duck on his head The Bartender says "Can I help you?" The duck says "Yeah..get this guy off my a**" Then the guy and the duck got banned...go figure....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
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