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Tex Monday

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Everything posted by Tex Monday

  1. Svetlana Larimore wrote: Yupp! You read that right .. I know most ppl try to avoid having neighbors in SL but me? I prefer to as another means of just socializing like in RL. My partner and I don't have SLex so I don't worry about anybody peaking in on us, but it would be great if I was able to find something like an apt building with a community resident meeting/hangout area. My hubby is a very social person in both lifes and he prefers to be in our club when we're logged on for the socialization but if we lived some place where other ppl lived and popped in and hung out also he might be more willing to go home before 8pm SLT! lmfao .. and if not? Well, I might find other ppl who are sick of living the majority of their SL in clubs and who have other interests (and again, not in a sexual way) but, playing games, or trivia or chatting, etc. So, my question is .... any suggestions on a place to rent? **oh yeah, let me also say that being able to control my own radio station in my home is a MUST!! (I don't care if I can't stream my own music, but I don't also care for the same music taste as some ppl) Thanks in advance for any help! -Svetlana This was posted a few days ago. It might be what you're looking for... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Parcels-for-Rent-Estate/Rooms-for-Rent-in-Apartment-Building/m-p/2097507
  2. Storm Clarence wrote: Is "sysadmin appreciation day". \o/ for all us admins. I am sure I will be appreciated. Anyway, I was thinking perhaps we should hold "slf moderator appreciation day" this coming Sunday. I know it's a Sunday and most mods are taking a respite from their brutal weekday grind, but I was hoping they could come to this thread to introduce themselves, and tell us forum folk how difficult and important their job is to the SL Community. And we can bestow the accolades they truly deserve; and one by one. Many of us only know the mods by reading their names as they move a thread to an appropriate sub-forum or when we receive the "We appreciate your participation, but...." PM's when the RIC's come rolling in. Perhaps it's time to change all that. And have a very happy sysadmin day! Please don't forget to send the little gifts like a lunch voucher or comic con tickets or cigarettes to your favorite sys admim. If the mods are smart, they won't show up. They'd spend the rest of their SL lives being bombarded by requests and "suggestions" from users on how to improve the system...at least, that's my thought.
  3. Kniffelig wrote: Thanks but I'm in england and I want my mother to give me information that she actually has. She won't speak to me about it. And I'm ending this thread, I got what I wanted and a few sarcastic comments to coat, so I'm done. I hate to say this, dear...but just saying you're going to end a thread, doesn't end it. Unless you actually go and delete the entire thing..:matte-motes-sunglasses-3: I feel very sad for you. As many others have said, we've been there. I was away from SL for a few weeks because I just got tired of it all...I still get that way every so often. It happens. Don't let it drag you down farther. What I did when I felt that I wanted to get away from it all (and this may sound weird) was that I found a pretty garden and just hung out there. No one could find me unless I wanted them to and I could just take in the calmness and serenity of the surroundings. Another suggestion is that you could create a new AV and start over. I've done that a couple times (Tex is actually my first ALT and I have one three others as well). It gives you a chance to try new things...new personality...new gender, maybe? One thing does bother me about your post...you say that your partner in SL is your RL partner. Why isn't he helping you out..not only in SL but in RL as well. Your Mom won't help get your new license..you feel you're too stupid to do it yourself..where the f**k is he in all this? Why isn't he stepping up and helping out? If he's out of town or away on business or something...they must have telephones where he is. I don't necessarilly buy that you're completely alone...but, it's not for me to say. Good luck with whatever you decide. YOU are the only one who can solve your problems...but you don't have to do it alone. Get help.
  4. You forgot Sir Loin of Beef and Sir rhosis of Liver... :smileyvery-happy:
  5. Perrie Juran wrote: I'm confused about something here. If they are Duke and Duchess, how is the baby a Prince? Maybe I don't understand the British pecking order. Wouldn't the Duke or Duchess have a Duke or Duchess? I don't get the pecking order either....that's why someone invented Wikipedia... (ETA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line_of_succession_to_the_British_throne) Queen Elizabeth II(born 1926) (1) The Prince of Wales(Prince Charles; b. 1948) B D W (2) The Duke of Cambridge(Prince William; b. 1982) B D W (3) Prince NN of Cambridge (b. 2013) B (4) Prince Henry 'Harry' of Wales (b. 1984) B D W (5) The Duke of York(Prince Andrew; b. 1960) B D W (6) Princess Beatrice of York (b. 1988) B D W (7) Princess Eugenie of York (b. 1990) B D W (8) The Earl of Wessex(Prince Edward; b. 1964) B D W (9) Viscount Severn (James Mountbatten-Windsor; b. 2007) B D W (10) Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor (b. 2003) B D W (11) The Princess Royal(Princess Anne; b. 1950) B D W (12) Peter Phillips(b. 1977) B D W (13) Savannah Phillips (b. 2010) B D W (14) Isla Phillips (b. 2012) B D (15) Zara Tindall (née Phillips; b. 1981) B D W Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon (1930–2002)D88 (16) Viscount Linley(David Armstrong-Jones; b. 1961) B D W (17) Charles Armstrong-Jones (b. 1999) B D W (18) Margarita Armstrong-Jones (b. 2002) B D W (19) Lady Sarah Chatto(b. 1964) B D W (20) Samuel Chatto (b. 1996) B D W (21) Arthur Chatto (b. 1999) B D W Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester (1900–1974)1952 (22) The Duke of Gloucester(Prince Richard; b. 1944) B D W (23) Earl of Ulster(Alexander Windsor; b. 1974) B D W (24) Lord Culloden (Xan Windsor; b. 2007) B D W (25) Lady Cosima Windsor (b. 2010) B D W (26) Lady Davina Lewis(b. 1977) B D W (27) Tane Lewis (b. 2012) B[n 3] (28) Senna Lewis (b. 2010) B D W[n 3] (29) Lady Rose Gilman(b. 1980) B D W (30) Rufus Gilman (b. 2012) B[n 3] (31) Lyla Gilman (b. 2010) B D[n 3] Prince George, Duke of Kent (1902–1942) (32) The Duke of Kent(Prince Edward; b. 1935) B D Earl of St Andrews(George Windsor; b. 1962) MC / D W Lord Downpatrick (Edward Windsor; b. 1988) XC / D W Lady Marina Charlotte Windsor (b. 1992) XC / W (33) Lady Amelia Windsor (b. 1995) B D Lord Nicholas Windsor (b. 1970)XC / D W (34) Albert Windsor (b. 2007) B[n 4] (35) Leopold Windsor (b. 2009) B (36) Lady Helen Taylor (b. 1964) B D[n 5] (37) Columbus Taylor (b. 1994) B (38) Cassius Taylor (b. 1996) B (39) Eloise Taylor (b. 2003) B (40) Estella Taylor (b. 2004) B Prince Michael of Kent(b. 1942) MC / W (41) Lord Frederick Windsor (b. 1979) B (42) Lady Gabriella Windsor (b. 1981) B (43) Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy(b. 1936) B (44) James Ogilvy(b. 1964) B W (45) Alexander Ogilvy (b. 1996) B W (46) Flora Ogilvy (b. 1994) B W (47)Marina Ogilvy (b. 1966) B W (48) Christian Mowatt (b. 1993) B W (49) Zenouska Mowatt (b. 1990) W
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: I'm still trying to wrap my head around the wording, "...delivered of a son." This reads to me like she went into the hospital, they removed the crotch fruit, and she had no other involvement in the birth. Or that she was rescued from some terrible condition. She was...pregnancy. :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  7. unfortunately, I have to agree with the others. LL will not handle disputes between neighbors unless it violates the TOS. So you're kind of stuck unless you can get in touch with him and get him to turn them off. Good luck
  8. the entire my.secondlife.com website has been acting funky (that's a technical term for "acting like sh**") for the past two days. I'm sure LL is working on the problem (maybe) so try to be patient.
  9. First of all, being an American I don't give a rat's a** about a royal kid being born. It's right up there with the news that George Zimmerman is coming out of hiding or that Obama fa**ed in congress today (which didn't happen but would be much more interesting news) Official statement from Kensington Palace on birth The full statement from Kensington Palace: Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm. The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz. The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well and will remain in hospital overnight. What?? Harry doesn't get a title....what a rip!!! And...I care more about little ones born to SL couples in RL Like this one: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Lifestyles-and-Relationships/Come-see-the-baby/m-p/1761989/highli... Wonder how the little rug rat's doing anyway??
  10. Well... If you put someone on a small boat and throw them off..that will make their clothes wet... :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  11. OkaGame wrote: i remebere there was a place on the internet where we can go and make sugestions to linden lab and it is not here so cna someoen tell me where to go make sugestions to lindne lab at? PS: yes my spelling is bad but idc ;D *Laughed so hard, my milk came out my nose* :smileylol:
  12. We picked this as our wedding song (IRL), but I think it fits here too....
  13. I do agree that there are plenty of problems with the SL site But.... 1. I like the feeds. It's fun to see some of the odd stuff that people put on there...from cool pictures to funny posts. It helps make my day go a bit faster. 2. I like the fact that I can message my friends when they're in world and I'm not. Granted, it's a bit annoying to have to wait for a response and they don't all show up in the friends list, but it's a good way to keep in touch with them. 3. It's also a good way to make corrections or additions to your profile when you're not in world. If I want to add an RL pic or change my settings, it's better than waiting until I get home. So...even with all the problems, I think it's a good feature and would hope LL can improve it, rather than scrap it (as one of the posters recommended.)
  14. Hello dear... There are very simple answers to your situation.... 1. You have the right to put on your AV or profile what you want. If you don't want IMs from people, that's fine. And if they don't like it, that's fine too. And if these same people decide to mute you, so what? Why should you care? If they say something harrassing, report them. No biggie. 2. If someone flirts with you and you're not happy about it...just block them. But remember that if someone is flirting with you..even in a perverted way...it means they find you attractive or sexy. Is that a bad thing? Think about it.....
  15. Not exactly, if he is younger than 16 he can't be in SL. Everyone younger than 16 has to be associated with a school, company or similar and isn't allowed on the regular sims, just the one from the company/school. Thank you. I was a bit unsure about the age. I remembered seeing 13 somewhere and I knew that it was associated with a school. I actually thought that the age on your own was 18 (for some reason). Thanks for the verification, Syo :matte-motes-sunglasses-3: 18 is the required age for M and A rated sims. 16 and 17 year olds are restricted to the G sims. ok..so I'm not totally crazy...just as crazy as I was before...thanks...:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  16. Syo Emerald wrote: Not exactly, if he is younger than 16 he can't be in SL. Everyone younger than 16 has to be associated with a school, company or similar and isn't allowed on the regular sims, just the one from the company/school. Thank you. I was a bit unsure about the age. I remembered seeing 13 somewhere and I knew that it was associated with a school. I actually thought that the age on your own was 18 (for some reason). Thanks for the verification, Syo :matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  17. Welcome to SL As you can tell, you're probably not going to get a very good reaction from members of the forum. In the late spring/early summer, we get A TON of students asking for help with research papers and school assignments. And I'm almost always one of those people who doesn't like to help...but a few things. First, you may want to let people know what time you're going to be inworld. Just saying "I'm (here) at the moment so come see me" doesn't really work. SL is a global community...you're going to find people here from all over the world. You need to let us know when you're here, so we can find you. Secondly, give us a bit more information. What school are you in? What year are you in? Is this HS, College, younger than that? (although, if you're younger than 13 16, you can't be in SL at all) I might suggest that when you're inworld (and please don't call SL a game, that just upsets people), go to some places and talk to people directly. I hope that you have a list of questions you want to ask, otherwise, you might upset some residents Good luck in your research, but as I said you probably won't get much help from people here.. Edited to correct age....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:
  18. Welcome to SL My first suggestion is to go into the search function in your viewer and put in some interests you might have...music, movies, gaming....see what's out there. Once you do, find a group and join it. Send a group message or maybe an IM to the group moderator. They'll be able to point you in the right direction for things to do and people to meet. Good luck
  19. donni67 Cyberstar wrote: I received 2 negative reviews by a buyer because he/she failed to read the description of the item before buying. Said person bought two pictures of classic cars that I have on Market Place. Said person ASSUMED that they were buying an actual car since they collect and drive them. I then received a notecard inworld asking for a refund of their Lindens, when it states in my shop information that there are no refunds. I gave the person back their Lindens even though I felt it was their fault for the mistake not mine but I really did not want to deal with a "whiny" customer. So I guess what I want to know is did I do the right thing and take a loss or should I have kept the money and mute them if they became a bother? Donni<3 Well...the bottom line is that you have to be able to look yourself in the mirror when it's all over. Technically, it's the buyer's fault since he failed to read the description...you didn't have to give the money back. He could have threatened up down and sideways to report you and nothing would have happened. So, you were a good guy in doing what you did. Is it the right thing? That's up to you.
  20. I agree that it's all part of who you are... I've had the same skin since I started in SL. Tex was originally an ALT (now become my main), so I took some money and went out and bought a really nice skin that I thought suited him. At the urging of a friend, I tried another look. She really liked it...thought he was really sexy..but I prefer my normal look. So basically, I've used the same skin since 2009. I like it.....not really interested in changing.
  21. Senobia Xenga wrote: It's a HUD. And it's true. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Soul-Seize-Hud-Control-Someone-Permanently-No-RLV-Needed-No-Collar-Needed-No-Attachments-Needed/4297337 That's scary if it actually works. although, I had a similar (I think) experience many years ago. I was in this BDSM sim and this woman and I pi**ed each other off. I wasn't running RLV, but she was able to attach some kind of carriage to my AV. I complained that I wasn't running RLV, she said that there were other ways to attach things besides that. Eventually, she decided to remove it. I think she was using some kind of "magic wand", I don't remember it was so long ago. Never went back to the sim and never saw the b**ch again. Bothered the heck out of me....
  22. nothing happens to you. I got "bitten" years ago (naively took a bite request from someone) and I'm still the same, slightly insane, person I was all that time ago. I did drink whatever potion you were supposed to (cost me a couple hundred lindens too) but I don't think it did anything. Every so often, I'll be walking around and someone will tell me that I've been bitten and my soul is in limbo. My response: "Oh.,.I'd forgotten about that...thanks."
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: I sure wouldn't worry too much about your name. Especially considering a lot of the names I've been seeing pop up recently. "BananaGirlWhoWillSplitForYou" and "PeanutButterCauseISpread" were definetly hoots. ok, I made those up but................. But...you're not too far from the truth. Just for fun, searched "Banana" under names Monkeyeatingabanana HannaBanana BananaManMahanahan All of a sudden Gumbyboy doesn't sound so silly, does it????
  24. Ok...first things first.... Orca Flotta wrote: Don't worry about it, Summer, for I share your fetish. Maybe we should open a fetish club ... although ... hang on, wait a second ... it might be misunderstood. Singularity club...wouldn't that be people standing around all alone talking to themselves...(being singular)? Ok..poor joke, but I did it anyway, so there......:matte-motes-silly: now, more serious note. I also use FS..and the thing that the OP might like about it is that you can change the style of the viewer (Phoenix/SL viewer) so if they are used to the way one looks, it won't be a huge change if they use it. Also, FS has RLV in it. The SL viewer doesn't and won't. You would have to download the Restrained Love Viewer from the website...and when I tried that, my anti virus program wouldn't accept it and the older versions of RLV don't run well. I've never used Singularity or Cool viewer.I found FS and (for the most part) like what it has to offer..
  25. Sephina Frostbite wrote: So as most of you know I lost my sister recently. She was my best friend and also introduced me to sl. Ive cried a million times to my friends in rl and I don't want to burden them anymore. Is there a place in sl that one could talk and grieve with others. I know it might sound stupid but being around others who understand where I am coming from and I don't have to put a fake happy mask on for would be nice.. Even a relief. As I've said before, Seph, I am sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you must be going through. I did a quick search and found a number of groups under "Counseling Services" or "Group Counseling". I did also find a place called "NewWays Counseling and Support" (located Hauwai (50, 198, 92)). I can't vouch for the place..or if there's anyone there or if they can even help...I just went and did a search. I have also heard of counselors in SL who you can talk to...do not know what they charge though. Anyway...hope all those options help, Seph. If you need anything else, let me know...
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