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Everything posted by mysteriousdots

  1. noobs and few days only people don't watch forums.. they try to get to have sex with first person they meet or learn how to fix their avatars and stuff like that. A new person to SL will never check forums first.
  2. Hi , i use to work for a big boat company back in the day but owner left SL and now I'm running low on lindens so i need a job. I am good at being a CSR. Apparently that is the only thing i'm good at in SL. Tried almost all positions in SL and failed them. I'm running out of options. I'm 5 years old in SL already. and my time zones is +2 GTM.
  3. Good luck to anyone who joined. I applied and was declined and i think it must have been due to my dress code.
  4. That chocker is basically a kit and they are just reselling it or modify it a little.
  5. surely we can help with that .. add me to friends and i will introduce you to my boss
  6. well at first you hate it then you love them if you give them time
  7. Hello! I am a freelance photoshoper! NOO i do not take your photos but instead i just manipulate them. Here are some examples of my work over the years. its Deviant Page and not flicker. http://mysteriousdots.deviantart.com/art/Turlaccor-Custombike-Second-Life-Hurrcane-bike-629987286 http://mysteriousdots.deviantart.com/art/Second-life-photo-morph-511967515 http://mysteriousdots.deviantart.com/art/Vea-3-presales-Second-Life-poster-363157416 I don't talk about fees because i consider any payment as a donation and an apreciation. Minim pay would be 250L for any photo manipulation and the rest is up to you! Thanks for reading and please contact me inworld as i don't read the forums most of the time.
  8. you may want to redo this as people wont take you seriously .. there are alot of jobs and you need to be more specific of you wants and needs... plus .. inworld employment is a section where people offer jobs not looking for them.. well you look for the job you need.. not advertise that you need a job...
  9. nice.. really nice sim and good job offer. sadly you need 500 lindens to join group as a regular person and then but maybe then you will get hired. upon arrival you have a banline in your face and to access it you need to pay..
  10. i made the texture and left you a message .. im me when you are ready to pay me for my work
  11. theres no game on the sim.. its just someones BDSM sim
  12. i think the tattoo is by endless pain but can't tell for sure..
  13. have you tryed Stargaze estates or surreal estates?
  14. yep thats old retierd and stolen hair you are showing us.. hehe.. just kidding..
  15. look me up inworld and we can try see what we can find that you might like. i know some stores that give out like quality free skins as group gifts.
  16. Hi , i have no idea if you can find stuff like that in sl but good luck in your search. If you find any that can include male jobs with REAL Life cash amounts then let me know because i would like to work like that too.
  17. Hi, I suggest you are better of buying things as custom stuff that are uniq are over 100$ usd and i believe its rare that someone will work for you. Some people will only work from 5 000L minim to 10 000L or 20 000L on any customs and will ask you for money upfront. My best bet is to look for the marketplace and see what you can find. Good luck!
  18. Hello, i can help you way easier then Bee Estates. Go to Surreal Estates and talk to Surreal Chung! Tell her Lorena sent you and that you need the cheapest land avalaible. She will set you up with a nice land. 250L / week is the cheapest and prims are 230 so its a really good offer. Its not free but good quality land.
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