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Profaitchikenz Haiku

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Everything posted by Profaitchikenz Haiku

  1. Try getting some avatars who are regularly pushed like this to wear a sphere 3m in diameter, with a script inside it which has a collision_start event. In the collision start event, get the name of the collding object, it's key, it's owner name, it's detected position and chat these or IM them to a collector. Sift through this data, weeding out collisions with known objects, and hopefully you will end up with name to pass to Linden Labs
  2. I was sitting in my island last night, with a few others around me, when a blue box popup appeared , offering me the chance to join some manicmesh group for L$500. Of course, I cancelled it, it popped up a second time, I cancelled it again. Asking around, everybody else on the island was seeing it pop up twice. I opened the world region-estate menu and got a list of all the scripts running, but saw no scripts owned by anybody who wasn't already known to me. Over the next 20 minutes, incoming visitors also got the blue boxes, twice. I watched the radar and during all this time, there were no avatars I did not already know. What I want to know is, how can somebody work out the names of avatar in a private island, which has no neighbouring islands, without having an object rezzed in the islands with a script running? I can understand an avatar quickly popping into the landing area and getting the names off the radar, but I cannot see how they could get the names of avatars arriving after they have departed without having left behind a prim with a script in it,. and the arrival point is a parcel where only a limited number of person can create objects. This isn't the first time this has been noticed, but it is the first time I was able to quickly open the list of running scripts and look through it to see what there was which might have been new.
  3. Looking at the two sets of coordinates you've supplied and the slight differences between them, I wonder if what you have got are accurate region coordinates, and that although you say the box is "pretty much next to it", you are of course getting the reported position of the centre of the box, and the attachment. If they were both 0.5 metre cubes, you would expect to see about 0.5 metres difference between thge two prim positions if they were adjacent and actually touching. Have you checked your results in several different versions of the servers, such as Blue Steel and Le Tigre, as well and SecondLife mains server channels, to be sure you aren't seeing an anomaly in different servers? ETA I just read Cerise's post and the updated wiki, which was added while I was typing, so what I wrote is a load of twaddle, please ignore.
  4. You could turn him into a bot and script him to go door to door...
  5. Porky Gorky wrote: Whining and complaining is what people were invented for. FIFY
  6. There was a place called Yadni's Junkyard, and also Freebe Dungeon. Be aware that a lot of earlier SL content will not look as good now as it did then, there have been changes to alpha ;layers and ivisiprims which will affect shoes, and also some of the scripts in the items are a bit laggy.
  7. It is usual for that sort of rule to be in force in roleplay sims, to allow the people there to have a shared experience that is not fragmented by somebody deciding to go against what everybody else wishes to do. For example, a roleplay sim with a medieval theme might insist that all visitors also wear a medieval costume, to avoid creating an incongruity. There might be an amimal sim somewhere that has a rule that no human avatars are allowed, for the same reason. As you say, it's a fantasy, but the sims you are pointing out have such rules do so because they want to created a shared fantasy, not a free-for-all. Somebody who pays for the use of the land has the right to insist on visitors following their rules. The golden rule is, when you visit somebody's place, arrive at their designated arrival centre (i.e. do not MAP-TP right into the middle of the cluster of green dots), and look to see if they have any special rules on display or in a notecard giver.
  8. I don't see how Linden Lab can be blamed for what looks like a concerted effort. All that I think we can do is keep RIC-ing one message from each usename that is spamming, and let somebody else work out how to detect each new joiner who might have the same location or characteristics as the growing number of blocked accounts.
  9. I think this might be an attempt to do the next "What the Bleep..." without J Z Knight's input. Now, if somebody decided to make a Quantum Physics exploration island in SL, that would be worth linking to.
  10. Supposing somebody was rezzing a temp_on_rezz object, or a chat-log scanner which deleted itself after a short while, or rezzed a new copy of itself a few metres away and then deleted itself? Now I've thought about it, I can see some uses for what this script is trying to do.
  11. I am guessing here that the OP wants to look for objects that have a format to the way they're named but keep changing the complete name, and the filtering by name alone only works for an exact match.
  12. You'll need to use llSensorRepeat if you want it to keep going after you've touched it and left the sim.
  13. I think it's worth mentioning two things here: 1) Linden Lab allow Third-Party Viewers so we have a choice. Nobody is forced to use a viewer, they try as many as the like until they find one they like. If, however, the team who were maintaining that viewer decide that they do not wish to do so, or Linden Lab decided for various reasons to no longer approve that viewer, it is just something we have to accept, just as we all have to accept faults in the servers being fixed. 2) Linden Lab made TPV's stop showing the viewer that each person was using for several reasons, one of which was that they found people using their own viewer were being sneered at by people using different viewers. Jessica Lyon herself wrote that when she went around using the official Linden Viewer, she herself experienced first-hand such behaviour, and accepted that Linden had good reason to insist on viewers no longer being identified. Having some sort of viewer good/bad poll is taking a step back and risking starting up another bout of viewer-sneering.
  14. I want the option back. I also used to place funds ready for my island tier into my account in this way, and when the change occurred, phoned the support office and was told that tier charges would be taken against my card without my having to do anything. But I too have logged in to be met with a warning that there was an outstanding amount due against me and had to manually make the payment.
  15. The figure in the call to llSetTimerEvent should be a float, not an integer, and the effect of it is for the timer event to occur that number of seconds AFTER you make the call. The timer event repeats for the same interval, until you change the interval, or set it to 0.0, which turns the timer off. To make the count reset, remove the call to the state extinguish and instead call the actions that were in that state as a , and add to your code if( count >= 12) { count = 0; llSetTimerEvent(0.0); } This will cause it to restart from 1 again when the touch event triggers it.
  16. I've been checking the local textures feature and it also works for the sculpt maps produced by the in-world scupt generators, so I can't see there;s any reason to complain that we've lost anything, we just need to learn a new way of doing it.
  17. Since the thing to start this all off is the rezzing of a new server prim, why not add an on_rez event in it which gets the key and then sends it via an llRegionSay, using a message of the form "Server key is", and then does a script reset or initialisation. Then the listening prims simply have to have a clause in their listen events to recognise that message, take the id, and update their own stored version of the server key.
  18. I would suggest not listening to channel 0. Use a random number or hash the avatar's key and form a negative number, and use this as the channel number for the dialogue. As has been mentioned, you probably will want to create a strided list of avatar key , channel number, and other items to keep track of what is happening. To avoid holding listens for too long, set a timer and remove the listener you have opened for the dialogue if the timer event occurs before the person responds to the dialogue box. The first thing the listen event must do is to stop the timer, or remove the avatar/channel combination from the list of channels waiting for a timeout or listen response. Another thing to remember is that touch events, like sensors, can record more than one avatar touching them. So llDetectedKey(0) will always return an avatar key if there has been a touch, but if several touches occur, a for loop stepping from total_number -1 down to 0 would pick up each of them.
  19. My own router is a Linksys, one of the models that has previously been claimed to be one of the ones which work badly with SL. I use it in wired mode, and don't have any problems. Admittedly, I stopped using the Firestorm viewer and switched to CoolVLViewer, and it was partly for the reasons the OP has mentioned, Firestorm was giving me problems with texture loads on turnarounds. So far most of the people have taken an on/off approach to the HTTP textures, but it's possible that simply lowering the maximum number of fetches could solve the problem? There's a reason for putting that spinner box in the preferences page. I had got as far as cutting the HTTP fetch numbers down to a maximum of 8 fetches. It seemed to be giving me an improvement, but then I got tired of having to do clean installs and painstakingly put all the settings back in again for each update, so I tried other viewers. Singularity was good, but still had the problem that Firestorm had of not updating the positions of rotating doors if they were behind you when they were supposed to swing closed, and CoolVLViewer did that perfectly, and used HTTP fetching with the maximum number without any turnaround problems, and also did not demand I uninstalled it every time I updated it. It's only drawback that I can see is the maximum cache size of 1G, but I wasn't seeing any advantages with the other viewers of having larger caches when I was getting the texture freeze issue and the doors not updating their position. It's all a matter oif experimenting, and of remembering that no developers, Linden included, can hope to test their code with every possible combination of graphics card and motherboard. That's what we have to do @)
  20. Try reducing your draw-distance to something like 96 m, possibly less. and if you haven't already done it, turn on speed-rezzing via draw distance stepping. It sounds as though your graphics card just cannot handle too much at a time. There are also suggestions from people thagt turning off http textures helps with some card/viewer combinations, you will have to experiment with this.
  21. A lot of roleplayers add something about IMs to their profile or in their picks because of the convention that local chat must be used for emotes and utterences, allowing everybody else the chance to participate and observe, while IMs are for non-storyline communications. I haven't seen anybody add it to their tag or title, though, but it sounds like you just nrushed past a prickly individual. How do you know you were muted?
  22. There is also the possibility to have multiple scripts inside a single prim, and use llMessageLinked(LINK_ALL_OTHERS...) or (link-number... to send the other scripts the details to be stored, so that the main script simply obtainss the immediate data, then sends it to the appropriate script which adds the data to the list. The main script could also monitor either the time and message a child script each time midnight comes and goes to tell it that it is the new logger, or each script doing the storing could send an alarm message back to the main script when it detects the free memory is less than a certain amount, and the main script then selects the next child script as the recorder. I use this method in a singlke prim to record details for each day of the week, with Monday_1, Mondeay_2, Monday_3, Monday_4 allowing me to keep up to a month's records in the prim. I do not know if there is an upper limit to the number of scripts a prim can hold, I suspect there is one but I haven't found it yet. ( I appreciate this isn't answering the OP's original question about telling if a script is stuck or how to reset it, but in this instance I suspect the best approach is to plan to avoid the sort of memory-usage issue which would crash the script in the first place.)
  23. Be prepared to get annoyed from time to time with visitors who drop in, can't be bothered to read any guidance notes you've placed at the arrival spots, and then insult you when you ask them to stop doing things which are annoying yourself or others. There is a mindset in some visitors that SL is an open game where they can do anything they want. I'm not talking about griefers here, just about people who don't own sims themselves, and can't be bothered to appreciate the effort and expenditure put in by those who do. That said, I have to say running your own island is a wonderful experience, far more satisfying than having a chunk of mainland. if you can justify the monthly tier, then do it. If you can get a couple of friends to help you with the builds and running the group, plus thinking up things to give people to do when they arrive for a look around, you'll find there is a synergy that you'll miss if you are a solitary owner-builder. Getting people to come and visit you is best done by carefully wording your landmark text and then paying the weekly fee to have the sim listed in search. Without that, you'll be sitting in a desert counting mirages.
  24. I have a large building rezzed inworld. I am not the creator, but I am the owner. It came with modify permissions, and I have extensively altered and scripted it. Today, when I went to look at a script, I got a popup I haven't seen before, telling me I cannot edit the script without modify permission. Looking at the tab for the linkset, it no longer has modify permissions. I don't understand how this can have changed, The object has remained rezzed since I last made changes. Edit: After reading the first reply I must stress it is the OBJECT ( linkset) containing the script which has lost the modify permission. I have backups aplenty, but there is no way to restore the backup of a script into an object which NO LONGER allows one to modify it by adding/deleting or modifying content. A sim-restart did the trick, thanks to all for your help.
  25. Sayrah: The parcel has a group, but nothing is deeded to it, the group exists so that objects not set to group can be autoreturned. If the parcel group or the object group *did* get changed, a lot of things would have vanished, including the two things that suddenly stopped working. However, testing today showed that the scripts now are working with the no-push flag setting re-instated. I am going to have to assume that toggling the parcel push flag off cured the problem, and that possibly we could have tuirned it off and then immediately back on again.
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