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  1. Hi, I am trying to teleport my avatar to a another region using osteleportagent. For performing the teleportation I require the hyperlink of the reqions. I am not sure how to copy the link in the format : xxxx.xxxxx:8002:Region_Name When I try copying using copy SLurl in world map I end up with a link hop://xxx.xx.xx-xxxxx.xx.xx:8002/Region%20Name/128/128/2. When I try to alter the xxxx.xxxx part which does not match. Is there a way to copy the regions hyperlink manually in the format that can be used in the osTeleportAgent.? Also is there a way to get the region hyperlink using lsl script ? I am new to LSL so I am not sure of the above. I am currently using Phoenix Firestrom browser.
  2. Hi, I am trying to display a dialog box for the user. step1: the user touches a object (prim) Step2: The script uses a llHTTPREQUEST with URL Step3: http_response event is used to obtain the reply Step4: A llDialog box then open based on the reply When I try the lsl script, the HTTPREQUEST for URL was successfull and the result was acquired in http_response. However the llDialog code within the http_response does not function. No dialog box appears. The CODE: default { state_entry() { } touch_start(integer temp) { string weburl="http://localhost/opensim/"; weblink = llHTTPRequest(weburl, [],""); } http_response(key webid, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if (webid==weblink) { if(body=="true') { key avatar_key = llDetectedKey(0); listener = llListen(0, "", avatar_key, ""); llDialog(avatar_key,"Make a choice",menu_list,0); //The dialog menu does not appear !! } } } } I am new to the LSL code. I am not sure were I am wrong !!
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