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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. It really is. I have the paid version of it, cuz I hate having to copy & paste text around all the time. 😛 One of the things I really like about is the AVpos configuration. Instaed of relying on 'saving' your adjusted positions (to memory), which will be lost upon scripts reset/inventory deletion, AVpos can store the settings permanently. And, with the AVHelper 'stick' you get, adjusting your pos is a breeze!
  2. No, thank YOU! It's really a lovely home you made there. ❤️ You'd think I'm used to it by now, but seeing interiors like yours still gives a thrill, every time. Chapeau! EDIT: Also, I really like all those special floors you put in.
  3. You really did an amazing job there! ❤️ Great choice of wallpapers and interior. And I'm really loving those fancy doors (on the image with the bathtub, and the last one). And that bed is just absolutely perfect against that equally perfect bedroom wallpaper.
  4. Thanks! And my, you're getting real good at this Blender stuff. 👍
  5. Hehe, I hear ya! I so hear ya. All levity set aside, I think Blender shows why Sansar is essentially such a bust: you need an advanced degree in Blender to be able to do anything useful in it. Another way of putting this, is saying: this is why SL is such a success. 😄 Some people will scoff at prims, but the fact remains, that the prim-system. and the incredible intuitive, low-threshold way of doing things, is what makes building in SL so accessible to many. If SL had been as impossibly difficult as Sansar, I would never have been here.
  6. Hey, Marianne, quick question. What happens if you don't export the object with textures already on it? Will you still be able tp texture them, later on? I read somewhere you need to define UV mapping too, if you want to be able to texture them afterwards. I have no idea how to do that.
  7. Darn, yeah, wish it were c/m, so it would fit inside my rezzer. But the Livid stuff sure is very classy.
  8. My experience with Blender, as told through her thoughts... "This is probably why Kira thinks the program is called 'Blender', as it only takes about 5 minutes for everything to become one huge blur to her. And it's usually the moment she starts talking in the third person."
  9. Hi. Just want to say I really love your new avi picture. ❤️
  10. Loving the idea of an Art gallery at Bellisseria! "I'm Kira Shepard, and this is now my favorite spot on the Citadel."
  11. That was pretty much my position on it too. But Patch has spoken, and, far as I'm concerned, that pretty much closed the case.
  12. I cannot believe it had to come to this. Shame on those who caused this!
  13. No need to apologize for just speaking your mind. I just happen to believe creators aren't really holding back out of fear for losing business. Why, actually, some probably really are; but at the 'blonde' level I'm asking questions at, I don't think that's ever going to be an issue. 😁 And, I figure, by the time I'm reaching the kind of level in Blender that I might actually pose a 'threat' to their business, I won't need to ask questions any more, anyway. I *have* noticed a reluctane in creators sharing Blender knowledge, though; but it's usually more of a matter of them realizing I know sh*t, and thus like "We wouldn't know where to start!" And I don't blame them: I really do need to get disciplined at some time, and start forcing myself to do a full beginners course, as I haven't discovered a Royal Road to Blender yet. And I often think I'm really too blonde for Blender, no kidding. Overall, I honestly don't think I'm all that dumb, but I just don't seem to 'get' Blender. Like the other day, I added a subdivide filter, to smooth out a ring. I googled it; but how long would it have taken me to figure it out on my own? Probably for ever. It's like: either you already know how to do it, or you'll never find it. In that sense, Blender doesn't feel all that intuitive to me.
  14. That's a mite too cynical for me. Blender is simply hard. Also, we're not talking super-duper secrets here. Marianne's tutorial is more like a "Blender for dummies" starter guide (right at my level, LOL). And as for not being "able to find somebody to coach me on Blender" in SL, Builders Brewery, I know, gave courses on it (garvie), and the Internet is replete with hundreds of Blender tutorials. But I suppose many ppl, like me, do Blender the wrong way: we Google for this-or-that particular need, and maybe accomplish what we want, but then get too frustrated with it and toss it aside. Whereas it's probably best to start on a whole series of beginner tutorials first, to learn the basics. It's not like Word, or something, where you can immediately start to type.
  15. I'm loving that pool! ❤️ And that purple rug is quite unique too.
  16. *GULP* What an incredibly beautiful design! And the yellow accent fridge and stove, incredibly classy! ❤️
  17. Gorgeous view! ❤️ Thx for sharing.
  18. Yes, like Sylvia said, either there really *are* some exceptions, or different things have been said thru different avenues. All the more reason to ask for some clarification.
  19. We just DID ask. 😄 Like Beth said, though, I hope we can all stay civil (I think we all actually, were, LOL). and that a Linden won't have to come out on a Sunday, and close this thread. I don't think that will be necessary, though. Way I see it, we're just discussing some edge-cases that either might need some refinement, or at least some clarification, if possible.
  20. Yeah, I don't think they would ban ppl directly. Nonetheless, they were considering maybe making those sims 'inaccessible' (was the word they were using, iirc). I understood that to mean they might not just close the region to visitors, but actually not 'connect' it yet (in the meta-region file). If so, I would be deeply saddened by that. Not for me, really, but for the Moles. During that vid, they said they specifically left those sims open, so ppl could actually see what's going on behind the scenes, and feel part of the whole process, as it were. It would be monumentally sad, and shameless, if some bad apples caused them to have to take such drastic measures. Let's just hope it won't come to that, and that ppl respect the work Moles do -- and per chance even realize how awesome they are.
  21. ^^ And this is why you're one of my favourite ppl here! ❤️
  22. You speak in absolutes, but things get a little less 'clear and unambiguous' when you get to the details. Like while 'Asking for tips is clearly a commercial activity,' just putting out a tip jar isn't the same as asking for money per se. One could argue it's merely a matter of having rezzed a courtesy box, saying "If you liked what you saw, consider tipping me, maybe; or not, up to you." And it's still not mandatory. If I buy a dress, I have to pay for it. That's 'literally asking for a profit in return for a service.' Putting up a donation box, for instance, in Church, is a lot more ambiguous, as there's no 'quid pro quo' situation going on; aka, you're not barred from the services if you don't pay. It may all sound the same to you, but there's really a distinction. Tip-jars are advertising, though, and there's no way to get around regarding them any other way. But even advertising isn't outright forbidden at Bellisseria (see the old 'Show Homes' thread, where Patch declared that some advertising is allowed, provided you're not selling goods at Bellisseria, or directing ppl off to a shop elsewhere). And again, I'm not entirely sold on the absoluteness of the idea that putting out a donation box is the same as selling goods. Understand that this is a largely an academic point I'm making, though. Nevertheless, Patch clearly indicated that they might be open to some sort of (semi-) commercial activity on the new fairgrounds. And maybe it would really behoove the Lindens to look into Events as well (possibly on those selfsame fairgrounds), as I can definitely see how the existence of tip-jars, for the various performers, might be deemed 'fair' there, yea, welcomed even. So, yeah, I'm with Sylvia on this: would be nice to hear from Patch about this.
  23. You're right about that: a tip-jar is advertising. And 'texting for tips' is something I never like anyway. And it's really asking for money.
  24. Thx for all the info. And your homes are beautiful, btw. ❤️ As for inventory, I wouldn't say I have VERY little to chose from (I have ca. 100,000 inventory items, which is actually still pretty low). It's more that most stuff I have is crap. 😁 Or no longer up to current standards.
  25. I'm just going to put my unpopular opinion here, and say that I don't find tipping very offensive. I'm not even sure it truly constitutes 'commercial activity' -- at least not in the spirit of the law. Tipping a Dj, to me, is just one notch above right-clicking on a profile, and selecting 'Pay Resident.' Also, tips aren't mandatory, so, like I said, I'm not even sure it's really commerce (in the sense of paying for services rendered, and NOT getting the service if you didn't pay). I see tips more as a token of appreciation, rather than a business transaction. But that's just me. If tipping is truly verboten, then far be it from me to encourage ppl to go against the Covenant. In that case, though, I still reserve the right to right-click on a Profile, and pay a Dj some, when I wish to express my gratitude.
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