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Everything posted by kiramanell

  1. Hi. Just read a rather disturbing series of posts, in a thread that's now fortunately closed, in which basically certain ppl were harrassing Moles, in-world, because this-or-that wasn't done immediately. Up the to the point where Moles were talking about possibly closing off sims for preview. Not going to rehash the matter, but I just wanted to quickly return to this thread, and express that I'm very sorry this happened. And, moreover, that I hope the Moles understand not everyone is like that. I myself try and follow the example of @WillowTenage and keep a most respectful distance of Moles, and certainly not pestering them. And I really, really, hope the Mole realizes a great many ppl are greatly appreciating their awesome work. ❤️
  2. There is, of course, nothing preventing one from linking the 1-piece mesh walls to another linkset (see above), and then, afterwards, set the newly added (what will now be a child-prim) to 'None'.
  3. Let's say you have a linkset with, say, 7 child-prims in it. All invisible and set to 'Phantom' (a linkset for lights, for instance). When you select the entire object, and set it to 'None', you will get the usual warning message, that you cannot give the root-prim a physics shape of 'None.' So, you can just safely remove 'Phantom', select the object, then hold down CtrL, and select the other linkset you want it linked too (really important to select the linkset you want the lights linked to as last). Then link them together. Now, there's still 1 more step to perform: namely, to set the root-prim of the original lights linkset to 'None' too. That's easy: just go to 'Edit linked', and press CtrL + <, which will bring you to the last link added; which, as far as the system is concerned, will be the root of the last linkset added: aka, exactly the prim you were looking for. Now set that one to 'None' as well, and you're done. The same goes for a mesh object with wall-segments, of course. N.B. Phantom is really almost obsolete: you get the effects of 'None', sans the possible LI reduction. I said 'almost', as you could find an edge-case, where you really need the entire object, root included, to be behave as 'None', and you can't link a different root to it (to stick underwater or something), because the object is non-mod, for example. Otherwise, always go with 'None.'
  4. So am I. And you, apparently. 😍 White and gold is such a classy combination: part of why I immediately took to your new living room. Warm and classy does wonders for me.
  5. Yeah. I have a lot of Fancy Decor stuff too; heck, even bought some extra stuff today. I guess the store owner will be happy with us (and we, no doubt, with them 😁).
  6. LOL. Yeah, really makes one almost despondent when thinking how little stuff I have. @Marianne Little That dining table (with the bowl of pears on it), where is that from, please? It looks very classy, especially what those chairs and all.
  7. You're absolutely right! The wall IS the art! Me? I'd probably just hang some golden sconces on that wall, instead of the mirror; but, needless to say -- but I'm going to say it anyway *g* -- this is an exceptionally well-designed living room, with or without the mirror. And, the white surface of that mirror really matches that of the table lamp to the left, and the coffee table surface in front, and thus really provides a perfect 'blend/transition' between furniture and wallpaper. Obviously, Marianne knows what she's doing.
  8. Love what you did, there! ❤️ Beautiful decoration, and good overall colopr-matching. And I especially love that unique curtain-style.
  9. And I love her floor tiles, and her coat rack, and her rugs, and her furniture. And her tutorial.
  10. I have like a thousand faux shadows on my Windlass. I think linking those together into 1 mesh object might be a real useful thing to do, thx to Marianne.
  11. I think she was just trying to inject some levity into this thread. At any rate, the 'Accept' button may be annoying, but not pointless.
  12. You really want to do this?! Ok then -- talking about reading for comprehension -- how's about the very first line in that document, which says "The mainland is a Second Life area in which Linden Lab is the estate owner and exercises elevated discretion regarding content and design." Then visit Bellessaria, pull up the Estate tools (Alt-R), and read "Estate owner: Governor Linden." I could rest my case right there; but furthermore, said document does not name Bellisseria by name, of course, but does say the Lindens reserve the right to "Change covenants and/or rules applicable to certain mainland areas such as zoning." Bellisseria, I'm sure, would constitute such a (special themed) zone.
  13. Your "I don't know how to make mesh items" is still 1,000x better than what I can do, LOL. But today, after I saw your work, I figured "Why not try it myself? How hard can it be!?" Eek! 😜 So, I exported a circle in SL to a .dae file, and brought it into Blender. Ca. 2 hours later I had learned how to add a subdivide filter, to make it smoother. It looked weird. Another hour later, I realized you need to 'remove duplicates' on faces first. Then, it was finally done! The perfectly smooth ring! (View 3). And not that much LI, either. Well, pretty low... not all that much, relatively... only 190 LI. 😋 Haha! At that point I remembered why I had decided, like a year ago or so, that I'm too blonde for mesh.
  14. Thank you for saying so. Had a kind of poetry to it.
  15. Slightly off-topic, but are you the same @Shield Markus that made those wonderful skybox surrounds, back when? If so, maybe it's time for a Bellisseria-like themed one. 😁
  16. Honestly didn't get it either. 😁 But when I tried to check out the link to the quoted post, it had gone. So, maybe something really was off somewhere,.
  17. Sadly, I don't think that's how it works. As with any EULA/TOS, you press 'Agree' when you're about to receive/use the product, not sooner. Naturally, because of the shortage, you may think "Of course I want one!" But, under normal circumstances, one could also just as easily navigate away from the Homes page, before actually finalizing the 'purchase.' That's why any 'Terms & Conditions' agree/decline button really needs to be at the end of the process. There's nothing preventing them from making that box a little bigger, though.
  18. Thank you dearly for these fine tutorials, Marianne! These will definitely help me getting started on mesh too.
  19. Really love what you did with that Winchester. ❤️ And I see you're using your own patented WillowTenage-blue as well. And great job on creating that mesh kitchen yourself. One day I'll grow a brain, and will learn how to do that too. 😁
  20. Wait!? She had to scale it down because she had to float in the air to do the dishes?! I would have expected the opposite (that scaling down might make her hover too much over the sink).
  21. All up to personal taste, really. Me? I would probably just scale it down to where it hits the door post, so to speak. Having it stick out looks perhaps a mite weird. Be careful with that LAQ kitchen, though; it comes with many animations (I have it too). I'm not sure how those will behave when the entire kitchen is scaled down.
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