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Velk Kerang

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Everything posted by Velk Kerang

  1. I don't know if I would say shaky. I mean you got to consider dude is working a job just like the rest of us and can only give out the information he's been given or authorized to release. So it's more of a we'll hear more when he hears more waiting game type of a situation then anything else mate.😎
  2. Ya know what? Your exactly right mate. lol I didn't think of that at first, but now that you've said it, it does look like a mac. lol Makes perfect sense now about what it was that's been gnawing at me about that OS ever since I seen it. lol Thanks for that. lol🤣 I agree with you though it is way entirely to early to tell. I don't want to be to hard on it just yet. I got the impression is was scaled down from what I read and some features we have in 10 won't be present in it. Which really is fine if you don't use any of those features anyway. I couldn't really find anything definite about the customization aspects of it other then a list of a lot of stuff that got removed so thank you so very much for mentioning that the start button could be moved. That would have irked me to no end mate only because I like moving everything out of my way. lol👍 My initial plan was just to check it out in a virtual machine and go over it some. Now you got me thinking about breaking off a partition just to actually hardware test it and see how it handles a few games. lol I was surprised you didn't have to much of a difference other then a slight one mainly because I would have thought it would have had a massive performance boost though considering they scaled the OS down some in comparison to Windows 10. Could be the difference in the computers your running them on, but if the specs are close enough you should have an accurate enough feel for the OS I would think. Personally I wish they would have revamped their versions of Windows XP to operate with today's software since it only requires 512 megs to operate just so users could maximize the full potential of their system RAM. That would have been the ultimate scaled down OS as far as gaming goes. lol Anyway I might decide to give it a closer look since you said it's not all that bad. Thanks mate.😎
  3. Honestly for me personally I did good just to even allow Windows 10 on my rig. lol I'm still laughing at the fact they are even pushing an 11 out when 10 was supposed to be the final one and improved up on. I'm not surprised however. I looked in to it though and I found a lot of features you will find in Windows 10 will not be present in Windows 11. Also not a fan of the start menu in the center of the screen. The OS reminds me a tad of Windows 8.1 in a way, but it offers no tablet or touch screen support last I looked. For me personally the way my rig is set up for dual booting I got Ubuntu 18.04 LTS., Windows 7, and 10. So I think I am good. I might test it in a virtual machine if anything, but I don't see me setting it up as an OS I would actually use seriously for anything. I just wasn't that all crash hot impressed with it mates.😎
  4. Club jobs are usually the biggest and easiest source of employment on SL last time I checked. That having been said you can find jobs doing other things for example if your willing to invest in the tools you can find a job working in the medical field on SL if you don't mind family rp. I made decent money doing that. Another one is working for retail or even rental companies on SL. If your lucky you will hook up with a decent job, but be careful and research your employers. Especially if you need to make any investments on your end. Another good job is try finding a decent tribute band. Again you will have to invest in your own instruments and be willing to create custom avatars to look like the band member your portraying, but if you find a good band with steady work then the money you make will pay back the cost you spent and then some. Hope this advice helps some and good luck mate.👍😎
  5. Not if you have some control and chance to win the item you want like one of those toy machines you see at the store mate. Personally if it were me then I would script up a game and then let people pick their prize at the end if they win like at the fair or something. If I ever get back in to content creating then I am calling mine Chachas because I want everybody Chachaing. Lmao!!!!👍😎
  6. Ya because keeping those business owners who spend a lot on the platform we enjoy and keeping the lights on wouldn't make sense at all right? lol And where do you get your numbers from? I'm just curious because that's bold assumption and way off base mate. lol🤦‍♂️
  7. Your correct and that doesn't effect those communities as a whole. So in terms of this platform they could always restrict it to location then just like they did with the gambling sims before they shut them down. The community as a whole shouldn't have to suffer for it mate. Gachas aren't loot boxes. Not really. Today it's Gachas they are shutting down. What's next? Lucky Chairs and MM Boards? Where does it stop? I mean they can kill their own platform if they want to. It certainly won't have a positive effect on the community. You don't let something become this established on your platform and embedded in to Second Life culture to the degree that this has been and then pull the plug and not expect to loose some revenue over it mate.😎
  8. I heard about that mate and to be honest and a lot of that I am sure stems off of pissed off parents who's kids are stealing their credit cards and spending it on stuff like that. Which should be a home issue and not a government one. Gacha machines to me aren't even close to being loot boxes, but more related to those little toy machines you used to see in the store where the kid could win a random toy. Which to be honest is perfectly legal. So to sum it up if I understand the situation correctly one of the main sources of revenue and entertainment this game has is being banned which to be entirely honest really isn't a very smart move. It's been a part of Second Life culture for ages now. If it was going to be such an issue then the time to have done this should have been in the beginning. Not years down the road. Maybe it's because I am not a lawyer so I do not fully understand why some of the legal issues of others areas would come in to play, but I've never heard of an mmo making massive community changes because Joe in Jersey can't legally do x, y, and z. It just doesn't make any type of sense to me. Sounds more like a Joe problem then an LL problem. I don't think it's a smart move. I think it will kill interest for a lot of people on this platform as many come up here to collect Gachas. Not me, but many people do. I would urge that LL reconsider and actually stick up for their residents on this one. If it is in fact a case of LL's hands are tied due to some legal mumbo jumbo then I guess we have the whiners to thank for this change. In that regards Second Life will definitely be imitating Real Life. lol😎
  9. Fair enough. Valid point. I can agree to that mate.👍😎
  10. I'm good. I understood your words very clearly. I'm not an idiot. So if that's your underlined way of calling me stupid for my views then I'm opting out of the conversation and I'll leave you to it mate. Stay safe.👍😎
  11. Not sure what your point is that you were trying to make, but your statement is actually incorrect. Millions died for the ignorance, due to ignorance and it was all caused by ignorance in the handling of this pandemic mate. So we don't want to even go there.🤦‍♂️
  12. Simply put. If you can afford the power bill to run a high end rig then someone else shouldn't have the right to tell you that you can't.👍😎 I probably could start a company building computers if I wanted to. I've built enough of them. lol Since you wanted to go there if it were me I'd build the stock rigs and offer up a special booster kit. lol No regulations on computer components. lol😜 Personally I do whatever I want in my home. As long as I am not hurting anyone can't nobody tell me what I can and can't do in my own home that I pay the bills for. Many have tried though. lol I'd normally agree with that last statement, but I've seen some stupid stuff in my time. I once had this clown show up from city ordinance out of the blue try to tell me I could not work on a car in my own yard unless it was in an enclosed garage. I looked at him and smiled and pointed over at a tree and told him well get to chopping MF'er or get out my yard. lol Let's just say the judge liked my style. lol🤣 How did you get spite out of all of that? lol Simply put. I don't let people take my rights away. Nothing spiteful or complicated about it mate. lol😎
  13. I've looked at the specs. on some of those rigs and they are perfectly safe. They are no more unsafe then the ones that passed. Regulating how much power your rig uses makes about as much sense to me as trying to regulate the power consumption of a VCR.. So no I wouldn'tathunkit mate. lol🤣😎
  14. This pretty much sums up how I feel right here. I'm not gonna lie I would intentionally break this law clean off if I lived in any of those states. If they pull it in mine I fully intend to not abide by that law. To many people fought and died for us to have freedom in this country. I'll be damned if someone is going to tell me what I can and can not do in my own house. Best I can tell them is good luck trying because that'll be the day. Ice cream in hell anybody? lol👍😎
  15. Just curious. I gotta ask this. How does it have a notable place in gay and queer culture mate? I only ask because I do have a lot of friends on here that are either homosexual or trans. and I literally know no one who would make that claim. lol😎
  16. Heck ya. lol The louder and longer the bigger the tip mate. Lmao!!!!👍😎
  17. You are so totally awesome. You just got the totally awesome award. lol And here I thought I was the only one who ever used that line. lol I say that to my kids all the time when they complain. lol I'm like let me tell you something. I don't want to hear it. When I was a kid blah blah blah. And I mowed peoples grass for 5 dollars a yard. Lmao!!!!🤣 On the topic of tipping. I don't feel like anyone is obligated to do anything they don't want to do. It is a common courtesy and respect though to do so. If I'm broke and I go out I generally catch them on the next run and just add in a bit extra. I also tip based on how on point people are in their jobs. If your an afk host half the time don't expect a big tip if one at all. lol If your that DJ who leaves yourself on open mic and you fart in to it then I might just tip extra for the laughs. That's just how I roll. Lmao!!!!😁😂🤣😎
  18. We still get the big piece of chicken though mate.👍😎
  19. Anytime I left a bad review and got a response if the vendor even cared at all it was to contact me and address my concerns. I gotta be honest every single time that has happened it has always with out fail ended in me leaving them a positive review even if I wasn't totally satisfied with the end result because I was always impressed by the quality of service and that speaks volumes to me and goes a long way. On the matter of vendors banning residents I can see that system being abused. Some people act stupid and ain't got no type of common sense. To be honest if they add such a system then they need to add an up/down vote feature with a comment section even if you haven't purchased said products. If you up vote or down vote you have to explain why. It's only fair. 👍 I don't have a negative experience usually and when I do it's usually in world half the time anyway. My most memorable one was the time this lady who sells kid avatar gestures IM'ed me while I was afk while my SL wife and kids where shopping. I came back to find myself banned because she didn't like my auto message to non-friends. What if my SL kid IM'ed you she asks? My response since she took it there. Teach your kids not to message strangers and it wouldn't be a problem ma'am. lol Lady blocked and muted me. lol Ya'd think as a parent she'd have enough sense to understand the concept of stranger danger. Lmao!!!!😁😂👍🤣😜😎
  20. I'm actually impressed at that screenshot mate. Looks like something out of the Blade Runner universe. lol👍😎
  21. Oh wow I feel silly now. lol I shoulda probably went in to that thread. I read the title and thought it meant something else entirely. lol Thank you so very much for that.😎 Thank you so very much. I appreciate it. I'll definitely be looking in to them and some of these other places.😎
  22. Are there any other store besides Layla's that offer up clothes with stripping scripts in them? Preferably one's that have an access list scripting in so not just anyone can access them? I absolutely love these things mates. lol You can be sitting there all alone watching a nice romantic movie with your lady and oopps it looks like something slipped out of your dress. How embarrassing. Here honey let me fix that for ya. Lmao!!!!😁😎 Anyway I'll link the store for anyone who wants to check it out. If anyone knows of any others like this I'd greatly apriciate you sending whatever you have my way. Thanks in advance. Stay safe everybody.😎 Layla's https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/185594
  23. I want to address this one point here. I don't know if you've ever worked for the military or a government agency before. I'm assuming you haven't so I'll explain a few things to you. The President is also the Command In Chief. When it comes to national security issues which this clearly is and it completely falls under his purview. The U.S Constitution is not the Bible of the United States of America. That's why we have laws. There are a lot of things in today's world not covered in the U.S. Constitution and this is where common sense should really come in to play, but 9 out of 10 times it doesn't. Which is why we have a buffet of political groups and organizations out here pissing and moaning about x, y, and z rights and this, that, and the third every single time you turn on the news. In this day and age the world suffers more from ignorance and weakness then it ever has since the beginning of time. Weakness because people rather cry about every single thing rather then actually doing something to make this world a better place. Ignorance because there is always that groups of asshats who piss poorly justify the BS. With out fail. Now considering I actually do have a background in National Security it just might behoove you to listen to the guy who just told you the Commander In Chief of the United States of America could have shut it down before it even hit the state level. I don't know everything, but when it comes to security matters that's pretty much my battlefield your stepping on to mate. lol Your welcome to believe what you want from the articles on the internet. I'll believe what I actually do know from professional experience. Stay safe mate.😎
  24. Well first I want to answer you. I was not in Sansar creating, exploring, or partying. I was snoring. lol Well actually I did explore some. I'm exaggerating on that. lol However there was a lot of snorage action going on though. lol So maybe I missed something in my nap? I don't know. lol So your probably right. I evidently missed it or simply just did not find it. lol Maybe it's the time period in which I tried it. I honestly did not run in to a lot of people on there. So I really wasn't motivated enough to even make an attempt at creating anything on there because it was just that dull and lifeless to me. It was deader then being on the OSGrid. lol😁 Now that having all been said I'm sure it's probably more me because SL does raise the bar pretty high in terms on content creation and indepthness so I was no more impressed with Sansar then I would be with any other cheap SL knock off VR platform world that I've vetted out. It's sort of like comparing Pre-CU Star Wars Galaxies an mmo done so well it can be classed as a virtual world in it's own right due to how complexly indepth it was in design compared to an mmo such as World Of Warcraft a generic hack and slash mmo. When the bar is set that high it's extremely hard if not near impossible to be impressed by releases that have less content and options available to you in them. Which is why I said if you like it then I love it because my opinion is not a reflection on your enjoyment of the game. People like WoW and it can be a fun game, but no SWG will it ever be. It never had the virtual world feel that SWG had. Never will. Same thing with SL vs Sansar. I'm sure people like it, but it's never going to be on the same level as Second Life. Second Life does and probably always will hold that title. In my opinion I feel the younger generation enjoys simplicity over complexity in terms of mmos. If you enjoy Sansar I certainly would want you to continue to enjoying Sansar. I'm just saying I would not personally compare the two because of how massively different they are. For all I know that could have been changed over the years since I first vetted it out. And you are right SL did have some issues when it first launched and I was around on my original avatar to answer you. However the issues SL had back then were more server side issues and had less to do with the actual client. Where as Sansar it was a bit of both. So that in itself is apples and oranges as well too mate. Even still not to many games have a perfect launch, but I will say this. If you compare the launches on older titles to the launches on newer titles out here we didn't have no where near the amount of issues that newer titles have no days. It has become an acceptable practice for developers to launch unfinished products where as back in the day developers actually completed their products to an acceptable level of performance up on release. So yes Second Life did have issues, but it was still at a more acceptable level of performance then Sansar was up on release. The negative reviews on Steam alone speak for themselves and Sansar has only recently not so long ago hit mixed review status over all. So that does show there has been some improvements over time. I give it that. However for a company such as LL who I would class as the experts in virtual world design it did not meet the standards of excellence that their original creation set forth. Which is why it would be like comparing apples to oranges mate. Now if your saying the level of excellence is raised and it's better now then I may be actually inclined to give it a second look. However if I still think it sucks then Ima gonna have to hit you up in world and mess with you. lol It's a moral imperative mate. Lmao!!!!😜😂🤣😁😎
  25. I really wouldn't compare Sansar to SL mate because one sucks and one doesn't. lol It actually bombed due to lack of content options, not to mention zero adult content options and ridiculous high end system requirements at the time of it's release. That's not counting the bug issues and glitches it had. LL sold it due to the fact that it did so poorly. If it was a success they'd still be running the show. You really can't compare a PG VR simulator to a full on virtual world. It's basically like playing an updated version of Garry's Mod the mmo. lol Only Garry's Mod is much much better. lol I mean no offense if you like it then I love it, but it's like comparing apples and oranges is all I am really saying at the end of the day. Have a good one mate.😎
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