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Hayley Spore

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Everything posted by Hayley Spore

  1. Willow Danube wrote: 10. Be silly whenever, wherever. /me waves to Hayley... good to see you here. :matte-motes-big-grin: Oh dear the crazy mouse heads are back! That was so much fun, I was still laughing about it the next morning.
  2. Randall Ahren wrote: 3) Be completely unhibited in chat regarding grammarr, spelling and syntax. Nobody cares about korrect speling. On the.. kontrary... I care very much and I am very quick to dismiss people who ask questions like, "how r u" and "WUD?" Even if English is your second language, it's in your best interests to learn to spell correctly. It says a lot about you and your level of maturity.
  3. Hailey Takacs wrote: How will that work with the last name of Resident? Many new residents will just put both the first and last name they want in the First Name field. For example, if I signed up today I would be "HayleySpore Resident". You're almost guaranteed to get the name you want that way!
  4. "nadine" but I don't think you'll find them there
  5. Oh yes, congrats on 1500 posts dear! That's impressive
  6. That's the Busty Village Mall Normally that's where I would have sent you but I can't find the vendor there anymore.
  7. Sorry that's just a clothing store that supports them.
  8. If I can find another Foxbean vender I'll buy you a pair hun. They are simply amazing As for Lolas, I find *most* Lolas! appliers work alright. eCorp works every time, and Universal works almost every time.
  9. Oh dear... for L$300 you could have bought the Nadine's by Foxbean Laboratories. Of all the Prim Breasts I own, these are my favorites! Fully resizable, multiple shapes, they come with four redgrave skins, one of which should match up well enough and they are Modify so you can tint as you like. Plus they fully support almost all clothing for implants! Now if only I could find one of her vendors... The one in Busty Village Mall seems to have disappeared
  10. My friends definitely have that "SL is for freaks and weirdos" opinion. I do talk about SL with them, but I have never tried to suggest that any of them play, or even talked about my own experiences. Mostly I'll tell them about how creative it allows the player to be and how everything in the world is user-created. Things that are different and interesting from what they're accustomed to.
  11. The whole thing seemed very... dated. It reminded me of 10 years ago when the Internet was still a scary place to many people and they just painted virtual worlds with a big "STAY AWAY! THERE IS NOTHING HERE FOR NORMAL PEOPLE!" sign... *sigh*
  12. So I gave Mesh a try today... Just the same Jane jeans you guys have already seen. First, without the alpha layer. These jeans are pretty close to my shape, but not quite exact. But not bad! Then I put the alpha layer on. Much better. It still looks like I could use a belt, just a little, but pretty good I think! But how is it sitting down? Not bad I can definitely see myself buying mesh bottoms, as long as there is a demo. I guess my shape isn't all that unique Tops will be impossible, at least for a while... Shoes and cars will be great though! Now if only the Firestorm team would get Mesh support out soon
  13. Most prim breasts come with several skins, and some (eCorp) have tinting balls that automatically match your skin for you. Which ones did you buy?
  14. Marianne Little wrote: Ah, here is how you change your camera placement: http://pennycow.blogspot.com/2011/07/matter-of-perspective.html Thanks! Although I fixed my camera long ago, I'm referring again to the default settings. For a new user, the defaults leave them with an avi that is too tall and a camera that is too high.
  15. Ariel Vuissent wrote: With all the talk now about "frankenbarbies" and how nice it would be for people to have "realistic heights," I still don't think there's anything wrong with being unrealistically tall in SL as opposed to RL. There isn't really, but if we were all say, a foot shorter, (and had lower cameras) we could make other things smaller too, allowing us to fit more into each sim than we currently do. That would use less prims too!
  16. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: Dollquet, part of your [and many other avatars'] problems lie with the fact that SL avatar heights tend towards the unrealistically tall. The maximum height for male avatars would equate to 7 feet tall in RL! There's a post by Penny Patton here on the forums about scale in SL, it's well worth the read. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/A-Matter-of-Scale-How-scale-affects-content-creation-and-land/td-p/943101 I think the real problem is the defaults. As Penny wrote, "starter avatars are shownb to be around 6'3" for the women, and up to about 6'6"-6'7" (About 2m tall!) for the men. "
  17. Randall Ahren wrote: My recommendation is for sandals. That dress looks pretty good with bare feet. OOoh yes! Absolutely! These would do nicely without drawing attention away from the pretty dress https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Maitreya-Gold-Flip-Flops-Breeze/2404965 They're no mod ( :matte-motes-frown: ) but they come with a script-killer so you can fully de-script them still. Beautiful scupted feet!
  18. For all those things that don't come with script killers, you can delete them yourself, but only if the object has modify permissions. I have a scrubber script (I'm at work, I could paste it for you when I get home) that you drop into an object and it does a pretty good job cleaning up most of the scripts completely automatically. It's really handy!
  19. I'll probably never wear much in the way of prim clothing, just because I have a unique shape and I'm not willing to sacrifice it for something generic. Now, accessories on the other hand... I can see myself buying all sorts of mesh shoes, jewelry and vehicles, but it might take some time for clothing. Hair is another interesting one... If it has to be weighted entirely to the avatar, long hairs simply won't look good unless you're standing up. With knee-length hair it would tuck under every time you sat down. But if it can flow freely like flexi hair does, I'm all over that!
  20. People Against the Unethical Treatment of Care Bears Somehow I don't think PAUTCB has the same ring to it...
  21. I use Firestorm for the built-in Client AO option, among many many other things. Most of the sims I frequent require me to de-script as much as possible, and with some of the AO HUDs out there, that's difficult unless I want to walk around like an action figure with a grand total of 5 movable joints.
  22. Aside from crashing into a few of them and getting pushed over a few sim boundaries in the process, I don't have strong feelings about them. They make me think of robot ice-cream trucks Except you can't buy any ice-cream
  23. Mesh will introduce the same thing that it does in games like Oblivion, which has a HUGE modding community. Someone will come out with a nice shape, let's call it "Anya". If it becomes a popular shape, clothiers will start supporting it, and eventually the majority of mesh clothing will read "Supports Anya Shape". Your face will be unique, but we'll all be built the same way. Shortly after, a few branches of this shape will gain popularity (Busty Anya, Athletic Anya, etc) and alternate versions of clothing will be made for these shapes too. We sort of have this today amongst prim breast users, as clothiers who choose to support us often support a limited subset of prim breast models. This means that most prim breast users will all have nearly identically shaped busts, with the only difference being size and the clothing over top. On the plus side, it will make it easy for new people to get decent looking avis right away just by purchasing (or maybe it will be free!) the standard Anya shape. It also gives clothiers the confidence that their stuff will fit and work as expected every single time, as long as people wear a compatible shape. On the down side, how the hell am I going to find clothing that fits anymore?
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