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Hayley Spore

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Everything posted by Hayley Spore

  1. Penny Patton wrote: @ Heyley: Good to know! I always have to point it out tho because there are so many people who don't realize the official appearance editor is broken. Absolutely! And I'm glad you did. I've always known that slider was broken, but it was your article on scale that really made me realize just how much. It's wrong in Firestorm also, but perhaps not by as much? I can't use the official viewer to compare, it just refuses to log me in.
  2. Penny Patton wrote: It gets worse. How, exactly, did you determine your avatar is 5'4"? I used the guide in the 1920s Berlin sim, in combination with one of those "Find your accurate height" scripts (Edit: This one). They both seemed to agree with with my heels I'm 5'8" and without them I'm 5'4". I think when last we met in-world I was 2-3" taller, I spent a bunch of time last night making adjustments. @Wilhiam: Thank you for having such a wonderful sense of humour hun
  3. I'm 5'4" in RL and I've reflected that in my avatar. I really do look tiny compared to your average giants in SL. Heels help, but I really like my flip-flops. So far I've never been accused of being a child, but I guess that's because I dress and act my own age (23). I also have a particular physical attribute that really gives me away as an adult.
  4. Sorry hun You're stuck with your username unless you want to make a brand new account. Unfortunately a large number of people, especially those who have been here a while, disable the Display Name entirely so all they see is your username.
  5. Maryanne Solo wrote: Hayley Spore wrote: I've always loved RPGs like Oblivion and Fallout.. O M G! omg! omg! Are you saying Fallout is like Oblivion? You can't be serious? (jumps up and down excitedly). In terms of a virtual world that I can mod to my heart's content? It's a lot like Oblivion! Here's what I did with Fallout3 (This is unmodified, straight from my game!)
  6. Wildcat Furse wrote: throw as many as you like Jesica, I do just the same!!!! :smileyvery-happy: *meows* Oh that's a lovely shot Edit: Might as well add one of my own, for vanity's sake.
  7. I'm a sucker for a good character creator. I've always loved RPGs like Oblivion and Fallout where I get to create any person I like, and then simply exist in their virtual world. I try to play as if it were RL-me behind those virtual eyes, and immerse myself completely for a while. My problem has always been the often-arbitrary limitations set by the developer, ("Nobody will ever want to set the slider that high/low!") which prevents me from bringing my imagination to the screen and makes it less likely that I will want to keep coming back. There is also the limited scope of game genre. I would like to take this same avatar that I have created and do something other than slay orcs or fight supervillains. Perhaps I'd like to race a motorcycle with them, or try snowboarding. Generally that's impossible without moving to a different game and thus a different (probably more-limited) avatar. It took months of tinkering, learning, modding and troubleshooting but here's me riding a motorcycle in Oblivion. It's the only motorcycle available, and as far as the game is concerned it's actually a horse (lol), so sometimes it gets pissed off and starts attacking things, or runs away on its own like a horse would. I came to SL because (thanks to a particular SL blog) it seemed like I really could make my avatar look like anything I wanted, and then I could do anything I wanted with that same avatar. SL to me is like, a place where I can play any genre of game that I like, or just sit around and socialize, and be able to keep the same avatar for all of it. So I guess to that end, my SL is exactly what I expected it to be.
  8. Physical attraction is an important part of any relationship. While the emotional bond may be enough to hold an existing relationship together once the physical attraction begins to fade, it is often (not always!) enough to get a new one started or move to the next step. Not only that but communication is the single most important part of any relationship. If you can't be honest and open about something as important as, "I am not attracted to you and do not wish to persue a relationship" then it is doomed to fail right from the start. I've gotten myself into a lot of trouble for being blunt and honest in the past, but it has also saved my bacon more times than I care to count. I would much rather that my significant other just outright tell me how they feel so we can deal with it right away, rather than dancing around until I figure it out myself. Just my two cents! :matte-motes-bashful-cute-2:
  9. Works wonderfully for me on Windows, but as soon as I boot into Linux I have all kinds of problem with it. Much of the text on the UI is invisible (contact list, several sections of profiles, etc), I cannot start an IM with anyone and when they start one with me their name shows up as "[NAME]" while typing, and blank while not typing. Also, I do not see mesh. At all. I don't see weird donut shaped prims, just nothing at all. Much like Kirsten's viewer, which also works fine on Windows but has the same problems on my Linux installation. I'd love to tell you how Viewer3 works on Linux, but it refuses to even log me in. I still have no idea why. I assume it's my video card, but upgrading my drivers has had no effect so far. Gentoo Linux 64bit (Kernel 3.0.0) with a NVIDIA GTX 480 video card (driver version 280.13), for those wondering.
  10. No problems with the Firstorm Beta3 Mesh viewer so far. Granted I only used it for ~6 hours, but it worked beautifully and has some really nice new features.
  11. It strikes me as odd that we can still have wardrobe malfunctions, even when our clothes are painted directly onto our bodies.
  12. I'm online most days, just look me up in-world and we'll meet
  13. Hayley Spore


    I have a single alt, with no personality and a name that just screams, "I am an alt, ignore me". It's hard to focus your camera on a single spot and then say, drive by it without being able to see where you're going when you're off-camera. So instead I open a second viewer and log in with my alt, that way I have an independent camera to record video with. I have no deceptive intentions with my alt, it's just to aid me in situations where a second avatar would be useful or necessary.
  14. Cio Koba wrote: Is there any way I can get ''sandwiched'' between you both? Oh dear. Well I suppose I do have a larger blindspott directly in front of me that you could potentially hide in....
  15. Randall Ahren wrote: your avatar's bosom is way too big. It's looks freakish and unattractive You have a right to your opinion and I have a right to mine. If you have a problem with my appearance, then kindly ignore my posts and pretend I'm not even here. I will happily return the favor.
  16. As a woman who is marrying another woman in less than 72 hours, my eyes are not initially drawn to her mesh dress or big hair either! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: And now, a picture of me and my dear friend Melissa Yeuxdoux! We are different people, I swear!
  17. For me it's the person's reason for having a "shocking" avatar that matters. Are you an overweight elderly man because that's the role you want to play? Or are you just there to stir the pot and creep people out? I get a lot of questions from sim owners and visitors alike about my breasts, certainly some people find them shocking, but I think most of them see pretty quickly that I'm not there to cause trouble and I'm dressed rather conservatively, so they leave me be. Your "pile of feces" avatar was no doubt there just looking for reactions, and banning him was probably the best course of action.
  18. I like to be consistent with my avatar no matter what she's wearing. Once I'm "satisfied" with the way she looks I try to avoid changing things that are impossible or overly difficult to change in real life. I also like to pull features from RL when I can, such as hair and eye color, height, etc. So no matter what I'm wearing in world you'll always see me with emerald green eyes and long (waist or below, preferably ankle length) red hair. I also very very rarely even consider changing shape and skin (unless I'm dressing for a specific event/sim that requires something special) because I consider these things an integral part of who my avatar is. In a sense I kind of think of my avatar as a version of RL me, but with brigher eyes, longer hair and bigger boobs! (And the ability to fly) If I one day decide that I want to be a robot or wood elf or something all the time, I'll go make an alt rather than change my avatar to be something totally different.
  19. Venus Petrov wrote: @Hayley: Nice to see you are becoming a regular here! You'll be sick of me in no time, dear
  20. Every MMO I've ever played has a training area for noobs and they simply cannot leave until they have learnd to walk, run, jump, put on some gear and kill a boar. With the exception of the last one, these should be mandatory things for new users before they are allowed to join the main grid. I love to help when I can, but it's frustrating when so many of the new users who come in turn out like this: - Me: Hi, Welcome to Second Life How are you? - Them: Sex? - Me: No. - Them: *Sends friend request* They can learn to send friend requests and ask for sex but they can't walk or dress themselves. That said, some of my best friends on SL are only ten days to a month old Those are the ones who can think for themselves and only ask to be pointed in the right direction, not hand-held every step of the way. People love to help those who can help themselves.
  21. http://vidasegunda.blogspot.com/2011/08/where-to-find-foxbean-laboratories.html I knew Melissa would come through The offer still stands, look me up in-world and we'll go buy some boobs!
  22. Very cool! I just got caught up in a random dance party at the cafe!
  23. DQ Darwin wrote: Hayley: What's round trip cost? It's always on the house for you, dear
  24. My appearance is not (for the most part) limited by the original intentions of the creators. I love most RPG games, and I'm a sucker for a good character creator but I always feel so limited to the slider limits that the developers so arbitrarily set. In SL that still happens, but there's always a way around it if you're willing to spend a few dollars. The same goes for my actions. If I want to drive a school bus on the moon, well, I'm going to go right ahead and do that. Who wants to join me?
  25. Frankly I'm surprised we don't have spawning zones, rather than coordinates. Allowing builders to mark off an area where people could land and having the sim automatically place them in an empty spot within that area would reduce the amount of headstanding from people who don't feel the need to move.
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