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Hayley Spore

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Everything posted by Hayley Spore

  1. WilhiamMeshTest wrote: I see you like fast cars. Can I be your mechanic ? ^.^ Can you fix my upside-down helicopter?? (Sexy pic LOL)
  2. Hahahaha well they can't have them! Germany is too far away. Here, you win the prize
  3. Someone said that here already >.> And now a picture of me, upside down in a helicopter. Or maybe I'm right-side-up in an up-side-down helicopter...
  4. Sorry hun, I hear that one all the time
  5. You win a prize if you can make a boob joke I've never heard before. Good luck
  6. I like my Maitreya Gold Bare Feet a lot! My only grief is that they are no-mod But they do come with a Kill Scripts button which fully de-scripts them (Except the 2 ankle-lock scripts) once you're done, which is nice. HUD lets you change nails, skins, and more. They look great They also come with three different anklets you can wear
  7. I have emerald green eyes in RL, so I tried to be sort of similar in SL. I like these eyes, but I'm not overly attached to them I suppose. They are "Bad Kitty Jade Green Eyes"
  8. Melita Magic wrote: If you like that long, flowing, wavy hair, try Sirena. I have to second this; Sirena hairs are beautiful and high-quality. I used to wear the Spirit hair a lot as well, it's such a great all-purpose long hair. This one is the "River" hair, it has an alternate style you can toggle with a hair tie:
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