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Everything posted by JeanneAnne

  1. >>In my sim I have no patience or interest in interacting with visitors who are not willing to follow the rules..<< Which is why i have no interest in visiting your sim. :womanhappy: Jeanne
  2. Personally, I dont want2 see any1 banned. I dont like the censorship in these fora, either, for instance. I've never banned any1 in SL or filed an AR on any1. (iv muted an ex- or 2 tho LoL) Then again, iv never encountered any serious griefers .. Some ppl ~like the guy who used the avatar magnet on me~ iv ended up making friends with .. Doofy dom guys i let put their collars on me then steal them LoL The way i look @ SL is ever1 should just do what they want .. if i dont like what some1 is doing i can go elsewhere .. imo SL suffers from 2 much control, not from not enuf .. Jeanne
  3. Very interesting analysis Josh !! Thanks ... Trouble with it, tho is: Positive vs negative is a normative judgement. + or - for whom, under what premises? Perhaps LL is losing $$ w/ SL & has tasked some functionary with killing SL off so that the corporation can devote more resources to other projects, thereby increasing their bottom line. Yer gonna hav2 polarize your +/- continuum by defining "positive" & "negative" outcomes 1st. Also, not every1 is goin2 agree that those 10 behaviors listed are desirable. Perhaps the Lindens don't think some, or alluv em, are .. & thereby have no intention of conforming to them. How do you know that LL isnt intentionally violating some of all of the listed behaviors because they don't agree with them? A sample size of 10 is too small to distinguish random from intentional behavior w/ very much statistical confidence. > 7/10 conformity may be suggestive but even unity could still all too well be a random outcome. So ... you asked >>Please consider again, carefully what I have said about the significance of with how many items on the list LL has complied in principle, and tell me how I might be wrong.<< I have done so. I don't hold LL in very high regard & have no interest in being "diplomatic" about calling them on their stupidity &/or misfeasance. I agree with the desirabilty of making "objective behavioral assessments" too. All I'm saying is that your analysis doesn't hold water due to small sample size & the arbitrary & subjective nature of the assessment criteria. Jeanne
  4. >>my suggestion is contact .. maybe even a federal agency for a search on him.<< If you contact the FBI they will tell you to contact local law enforcement. The feds only get involved once its been determined that federal or interstate laws have likely been broken, & the local police ask them to. Jeanne
  5. Vaelle wrote: When I was in SL previously (before the Big Purge... omg, never again!) I used to love visiting a location which I'm hoping still exists and someone can point me to, please: It was a dance floor, quite elevated above the ground level (though not a sky platform) which had a sort of Greco-Roman style to it with balconies and columns, I think it had a couple of levels in itself; and then there were other dance floors at ground level (well, at least one) and I remember this most magnificent curtain of flowers by that ground-level dance floor. Also, there were romantic locations for lovers, including some inside little skyboxes (not far above the ground though). And I remember the place had perpetual sunset (or sunrise, but I somehow think it was sunset). Not sure if that's enough to identify it, and if it still exists... but I yearn for that place since returning. Please point me there if you can I'm sorry Vaelle but i cant help you locate this club. I'm curious about what the "Big Purge" was tho .. Care to elaborate on that please? Jeanne
  6. carolinestravels wrote: Good Morning from Europe Most people's avatars look young and pretty. But I met a guy the other day that had an avatar looking 50+ . He really was standing out of the crowd between all those pretty 20 to 30 avis. I had to talk to him and wrote an article about that on my blog here: http://carolineinsecondlife.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/forever-young/ Ok guys what do you think? Why would people look their real life age in Second Life? Would you do it if you knew before this possibility actually exists? Why or why not? I think it'd be cool if avatars aged .. i guess @ the 4x rate that everything seems to happen in SL. I think that there ought to be more of a range of avatar ages .. from children to the elderly. Also obese avatars & avvies w/ disabilities. Prolly there are but i see few that arent perfect. I guess that SL is an idealized world & residents & players want idealized avvies, for the most part. My avatar is only supposed to be a few years younger than my RL age but i suppose that as time goes by i will age & my avatar wont. If SL lasts that long & i stick w/ it anyway ..... Jeanne
  7. Kallyanna wrote: The other day i encountered a male avatar on my land property that was angry with me because i returned one of his items that he claimed flew over to my sim four sims away. I basically told him to stop crying like a little girl & get over it. He then threatened me saying "your gonna regret that B*****", Never thought nothing of it but maybe him coming back spewing dumb griefer stuff all over. He came back with an alt because i banned the account that threatened me & created so much lag & apparenty hacked into my estate rights & took them away. I couldnt eject him ban nor freeze him. He placed mega prims on the sim & continously made my computer crash until i set my login spawn destination elsewhere. He kept coming back & messing with the sim & the terrain. I had to call chung to remove him because my lag was so bad i was actually scared to go back Anyways he kept coming back& back doing the same thing threatening in my IM's he would do this everyday until i left the sim. Well i did. couldnt deal with it & such. He im'd me this morning saying " aww you got scared and left your sim" told you that you would regret this or something..then he said so how's michigan treating you? ....! then went on and named the city, then my IP i checked it to make sure he really had it & he did. Then said i need to pay my comcast bill which is the name of my internet/cable provider. Really freaking scary. I reported to LL & going to report to local today. Should i be worried about anything pertaining to my PC? since he has already made it crash several times? Weird that he was upset that you returned something to him. Guess you shouldn't have called him a "little girl." The censors remove posts that discuss ripping IPs from media streams but it's well known that the so-called "justice league" & others can do this in SL. Depending on your isp he may be able to locate exactly where you live. Chances are he doesn't live anywhere nearby so you probably aren't in any physical danger. On the other hand, with a psycho you never know .. If he's a good hacker he may be able to get credit card or bank account info from your computer, tho .. so this is the real threat. He may also wreck or take over your computer with trojans or other malware. I hope local law enforcement takes this seriously. The dude sounds dangerous. Jeanne
  8. Sassy Romano wrote: Read and spot the similarities. http://www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/ethiopia/Publications/Top%2010%20Reasons%20Why%20Systems%20Projects%20Fail.pdf >>..the failure rate of large projects is reported as being between 50%-80%. Because of the natural human tendency to hide bad news, the real statistic may be even higher.<< Failure rate is 100% .. given enuf time.. Jeanne
  9. This is a good idea. I know that LL is only doing it to improve the bottom line but as someone concerned about her carbon footprint i applaud all efforts to save energy. So .. for once LL does something i approve of !! Yayyy !! Jeanne
  10. Wallace Wirefly wrote: Found this article on simulation of virtual worlds requirement and challenges. For those real Techy geeks who would like understand what Linden is trying to do here in Second life is a very good read. In fact maybe even they would appreciate http://www.informs-sim.org/wsc10papers/070.pdf Very interesting Wallace .. thank you! Jeanne
  11. Argus Collingwood wrote: ENFP [with hermit crab "I" trending] Yayyy !! Another ENFP .. We RULE !! :catvery-happy: Jeanne
  12. I think i changed everything about the newbie avvie i 1st got .. Since then i've changed most things .. I havent changed my tattoos in a long time tho .. Jeanne
  13. ENFP here .. whatever that means !! >>ENFPs are initiators of change, keenly perceptive of possibilities. They energize and stimulate others through their contagious enthusiasm. They prefer the start-up phase of a project or relationship, and are tireless in the pursuit of new-found interests. ENFPs are able to anticipate the needs of others and to offer them needed help and appreciation. They bring zest, joy, liveliness, and fun to all aspects of their lives. They are at their best in fluid situations that allow them to express their creativity and use their charisma. They tend to idealize people, and can be disappointed when reality fails to fulfill their expectations. They are easily frustrated if a project requires a great deal of follow-up or attention to detail<< Haha !! No wonder i dont have the patience to build stuff in SL .. or to program !! LOLLOL Jeanne
  14. I've long argued that SL needs to be wrested by those who love it from the greedy clutches of LL, & run as a non-profit members-owned consortium. I've advocated a tier strike in order to force this badly needed change. Baring this, I'd love to see some viable competition to SL. The ToS ~obviously~ apply to everyone but LL. LL can change the ToS arbitrarily, enforce them selectively, & disregard them themselves w/ absolute impunity. The resident has no recourse. Hence, I say, simply enjoy SL for what it is & when what it is becomes intolerable .. go do something else. Attempting to 'do business' in an authoritarian, autocratic world ~virtual or otherwise~ is fraught with risks .. as you've discovered to your disadvantage. But you can still have fun in SL. You can become a nomadic hippie gypsy who plays for free. That way, you have only fun & no heartburn. Best wishes to you TP. Jeanne
  15. >>This is being caused by someone who is breaking the TOS everyday, and it is LL who is allowing it. I don't want that point to get glossed over. For me, it is the most distressing part.<< I understand that. For all the tripe about "your imagination .. your world" tho, the fact is that LL owns (or leases) the servers that stores the code your graphics card turns into pixels simulating 3D stuff that appears to move. Fact is that SL is LL's world. Who is going to force them to enforce their own ToS? Jeanne
  16. Triple Peccable wrote: Letting go might not be so easy for you either if it had been your hard-earned USD, search placement, and landmarks lost because of someone else's ignorance and lack of consideration. I even sent the owner a notecard telling him of a much better place to locate his club. The land was free, on the water, low tier, 100 av's at the same time possible, and clubs allowed. He completely ignored it. I can let go of the land, but not my principals. I should not have been forced to move out and take a bunch of losses because someone else is allowed to continuously break the TOS. I'm sorry all this has happened to you TP. It's the kinduv thing thats going to happen, tho, given the toy economy LL imposes on SL & its residents, along w/ the faux 'property ownership' illusion LL sells. This is the reason I invest nothing in SL: nothing invested nothing lost. No loss no pain. I'm not meaning to be flippant or condescending when I advise: 'Let go.' I mean it literally. Play SL & have fun, in the moment, & when the moment passes simply let go & move on. If ppl took this approach to SL ~& to RL for that matter~ there'd be much less broken-heartedness, if any. I recently lost my computer & it's costing me $924 to replace .. I almost allowed myself to get caught up in moodiness or self-pity over it but decided to just shrug it off instead. Easy come easy go .. Same thing when my home sim died: Big deal. It's gone. I have fond memories of it .. that's all. Jeanne
  17. The outcome of attachment is grief & resentment. You enjoyed what you had while you had it. Now just let go .. Jeanne
  18. >>Solid State drives won't have a rotation speed, since they don't have platters. These are obviously better in that regard, but their MTBF can be significantly lower than platters (unless you spend a fortune.)<< That's what my brobot has against ssds. He says they last about as long as a cheap cell phone. Jeanne
  19. Yep! Tamara .. guess youre right about ppls' dreams .. Seems expensive tho .. paying LL to have one's dreams rezzed more tangibly than just in their heads. Glad they do or we wouldnt have such lovely places to explore around !! LoL .. youre a cool perv tho .. guess we both are .. :catwink: Jeanne
  20. >>..I can wander around different places and its like the end of the world. Tons of shiny places, beautiful scenes and not a living soul near..<< Isn't that the truth?!? Sometimes on weekends I just wander around. Often there will not be a single other person on a sim i stumble across. Or sometimes the map will show someone but they must be up in a skybox or somewhere cuz i dont see them. Some places will have yellow lines around them but most don't. Usually if i 'touch' a door it will open & i go in houses & lounge on furniture or sit on pose balls. It doesn't hurt anything. I don't track in dirt or make messes. LoL I don't steal anything .. Then I move on .. Some of these sims are gorgeous. Depending on the mood im in .. it can make me feel sad that such pretty places are deserted. Other times i feel like a ninja sneaking around .. I wonder why ppl pay to maintain such pretty sims .. or 'property' on sims .. if they arent even going to hang out there. Of course, maybe i just miss them when they're home. But all too often nobody is home .. anywhere! From sim to sim i go w/out running in2 a single avatar. The sim i live on w/ my sisters these days is divided into quarters. There's seldom anyone on the other 3 quarter sims, even tho there's elaborate builds there. Then again .. I'm not inworld these days either .. & wont be til i get my new computer set up .. so maybe it's understandable. Still tho .. SL seems awfully deserted to me .. away from popular clubs or slex places anyway .. Jeanne
  21. >>The only house I ever built had no windows or doors, so basically was a box made up of several linked prims, with a black brick texture on it. It was home for a while, the inside was quite nice.<< When I was new to SL ~in like my 1st week~ I built a house at a sandbox. It was very basic, with all 90^o angles & a flat roof. It had rectangular openings for doors & windows, & interior walls tho. I also put a brick texture on it. Since I didn't "own land" I didn't have anyplace to put it so I just saved it to my inv & I guess it's still there. The experience taught me that building isn't difficult but that it would take practice to get fast & good at it. I didn't feel like I had the patience to practice building, tho, so haven't. SL seems so over-built to me anyway, that I didn't see much point in adding to the clutter. Jeanne
  22. VRprofessor wrote: It is time for a new hard drive and I might as well make a choice that will work best with SL. Right now I am looking at SATA 3.0/6.0GBs drives running at 7200rpm. Does that seem reasonable? I've noticed that cache sizes differ. Most of the drives I've been considering have a 32mb cache but some have a 64mb. Is the difference between these likely to impact SL performance? Thanks, Here's what's going into my new computer: Seagate Barracuda Green ST2000DL003 2TB 5900 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148681 I don't know much about this sortuv thing & don't know how the 2 drives would compare. All I know is that my brother seems to prefer platter drives over ssd, for the time being ennyway .. Jeanne
  23. Gorgeous pics Nyll !! & thanks so much ... The processor he's putting in is: AMD FX-8120 Zambezi 3.1GHz Socket AM3+ 125W Eight-Core Desktop Processor FD8120FRGUBOX http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103961 & the mobo: GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3 AM3+ AMD 990FX SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128514 Components arrived yesterday & he's prolly got it together by now. I'm going to bug him to bring it down here this weekend. Hope he can but he has two young children & a busy life. I'm jonesin' for my Second Life !!! :womansad: Thanks again for taking interest & for all your help ... Jeanne
  24. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: Looks like the pink & purple issues was w/ 3000 - 6000 series cards .. The 1 hes ordered is SAPPHIRE 11188-22-20G Radeon HD 6950 2GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready Video Card (OC Edition) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102987 .. so maybe its newer & doesnt have these issues ... hope not !! Jeanne, LL fixed the pink bug a few versions back and it is not an issue now. There were a couple of variations of it, one affected prims (which I never suffered with using my ATI Radeon HD 5850), another affected some system layers. Both are fixed. Occasionally, it may take a rebake but that's it. Niran's viewer, which I usually use, had an issue with the pink system layer bug after fixing the prim bug a while back but he fixed the system layer bug last week. So all is well with it too. I can run on Ultra with shadows and DoF, no problems and get a good fps. I have to disable VBO in Preferences > Graphics > Hardware in V3 in the latest V3 mesh viewers but is fine enabled in Niran's. There was a thread last July about the 6950 where the OP said it wasn't working well with V3 but another person said it worked great with Firestorm and I think you use it. Another thread here http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/How-well-do-newer-AMD-based-video-cards-work-in-SL/qaq-p/1312183/comment-id/17941 Doesn't matter one jot what SL recommends after installing a card, it's how it runs when you move the slider up. Nothing else I can find or even recent so I'm guessing any driver issues are long sorted or we'd have seen more threads. Thanks so much Nyll :matte-motes-inlove: Brobot says that the components arrived today & he'll start assembling my new pc & have it ready this weekend. Then he either has to bring it down to me or i have to go get it. I'd rather he brought it here so he can set it up & make sure everythings working. Yeah, I use Firestorm. I've been using the beta because I get the best fps with it but with the new machine I'll use the latest mesh enabled FS. I will be SOOooooo glad to put my settings up to where I can finally see SL in all its glory, & set my draw distance to where i can see trees & stuff before I fly into them! Will be so nice !! My old computer ~which my brother also built~ was a nice one .. It was just old. He had told me not to spend 1 cent upgrading it but then said that if it had a PCI-Express slot ~he didn't remember if it did or not~ that I might want to try putting a new video card in it & see if that helped. So over the weekend I unplugged everything, pulled it out onto the carpet, opened the case & looked. I couldn't tell anything so I took pics & sent them to him & he said Yep! .. it was a PCI-Express slot alrite. So I thot I was only going to have to buy a card ~not a whole new computer!! Well... the inside was dusty so while I had it open I thot I'd better vacuum the insides. What my brobot & the guy @ Best Buy both think happened was that static electricity from the vacuum fried the puter when it wasnt grounded. So .. a $924 lesson learned !! Altho I'm not sure how I'm going to pay for it .. I'm actually glad to be getting a new computer. Now I'll be able to see shadows & see mesh & set all my settings high. I'm really missing SL right now but I have a feeling I'm going to fall in love w/ SL all over once I can see everything properly! Jeanne
  25. Thanks Peggy .. from what you & Bouttime are telling me .. i think i'll try the ATI card .. Jeanne
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