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Everything posted by JeanneAnne

  1. redxrob wrote: Can you get any land for free that you can edit if so how?? Some one might give you land but then you'd have to pay tier on it .. So I'd decline the offer if I was you .. Jeanne
  2. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: I am not so churlish that I do not speak to people, it is just that I do not debate with people unless I respect their arguments. Believe it or not I rather like you, which is why I was disappointed. At least you're certainly nothing like Lucinda anyway. I was looking forward to not being pestered by you. Jeanne
  3. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: Oh .. ok .. i thot maybe you were trying to up your post count .. to get a different colored icon .. or somethin .. Didnt know you were on forum patrol .. sorry .. It says somewhere in the blurb about forum ranks and roles or all the arguments about them that General Discussion posts don't count. It's only accepted answers in the Answers section and participation in the creation forums and categories like that. >>Re: Does second life need to be governed? Options Reply to JeanneAnne - view message 04-30-2012 01:50 AM Jeanne, I am very disappointed. You disdain sharing. As Lady Capulet had it; do as thou wilt, for I have done with thee.<< You don't stay very true to your word, do you Peter? Jeanne
  4. Venus Petrov wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Thank you for the invitation to respond to your OP, but I will decline. Apparently, so will Madelaine. What's the point of announcing that you decline to respond? Why don't you simply not respond? Jeanne Because that is my response. Forum patrol? Oh .. ok .. i thot maybe you were trying to up your post count .. to get a different colored icon .. or somethin .. Didnt know you were on forum patrol .. sorry .. Jeanne
  5. CrystalShard Foo wrote: I've noticed most avatars get famous (or infamous) by one of those three attributes: They make a popular product that you see everywhere. They make enough social noise - positive or negative - to get noticed. They've done something extraordinary that gets people talking. SL fame comes and goes pretty quickly, by the way - much of our userbase gets changed every year, with only a core membership sticking to its guns for the longer term. This swap means that unless whatever had made you famous will keep making noise well into the next generation, you will get flushed down the has-been bin soon enough. Also, a quick tip - if you spot someone who's: a. Been in SecondLife for a long time and b. Are known to create things, chances are they are or were famous at one point or another. Ask them about it - they'll probably have some fun stories. Who was it who collapsed the grid w/ gray goo? Seems like theyd be the most famous person in sl ever !! Jeanne
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Are you sure she isn't using an Alt to hide her Bisexual Furry Avatar from you? Would be cool if she was !! Kinda doubt it tho .. :matte-motes-dont-cry: Jeanne
  7. Canoro Philipp wrote: as long as you are not against the Terms of Service or Community Guidelines, all types of roleplay are legitimate. thats what i figger too CP Jeanne
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: Our avatars are what we make them. Our fantasy, desire, creativeness, and time all play a huge role in what we are presented in our viewer. Our avatars, much like our real life, are bound by laws (TOS) and patterns that are accepted by us as a community. However, following those patterns does not necessarily make us good citizens. To be a good citizen first you have to be a good person. By that I mean that you need values, principles, ethics, etc. When joining all these aspects together you will find out that there is nothing else needed. I try very hard to be kind to others that I meet. I help where needed, and where I am able. I like for others around me to enjoy their time and experience in-world... I am respectful of other citizens in our community. What is your definition of a good citizen, and how are you a good citizen in second life? Ppl play sl for all sortsuv reasons .. Some may want to rp being way meaner than they can geta way w/ in rl .. Others can ignore em or fite w/ em .. Is being mean in sl an more illegitimate than being nice? Why or why not? Jeanne
  9. Venus Petrov wrote: Thank you for the invitation to respond to your OP, but I will decline. Apparently, so will Madelaine. What's the point of announcing that you decline to respond? Why don't you simply not respond? Jeanne
  10. I discovered SL in August. By T'giving time i was pretty good @ playing SL so when i was home for the holiday i introduced my mom to SL. She's a Mac fanatic so playing SL on a Mac took me some getting use2! But anyhow.. I helped her get an account, put together an attractive avatar, showed her how stuff works, & took her dancing @ a couple of my favorite blues clubs .. where the ppl are friendly & she would like the music. I took her shopping @ Freebie Galaxy & someone even gave her L$250 cuz she was new .. I showed her how to log in & to fly & that she could go underwater .. & stuff like that .. We played SL together for awhile @ least .. justa bout every day .. & she seemed to like it & have fun .. I looked forward to playing SL with my mom once i went back home .. So i went back home after T'giving & kept waiting to see my mom inworld .. Nope .. no show .. So i asked her over the fone why she wasnt logging in .. "Oh .. I'm too busy for computer games .." was her reply .. but shes no busier than i am & i find time for SL .. I kept encouraging her to login .. maybe she did .. briefly .. once or twice .. but it was obvious she didnt really want to or care about the game .. I gave up on trying to make her interested & she prolly dont even remember her password anymore So whats w/ ppl like my mom .. who get introduced to SL but dont take an interest? I dunno .. When I was back home she wanted me to control her avatar for her .. while she just watched .. I showed her how to use the keys to walk & fly & made her do it .. She could .. sortuv .. but I think it was all too complicated for her to care about mastering .. My mom isnt dumb & coulduv figured SL out as well ~if not better~ than i did .. I just dont think she thot it was worth the time & trubble .. Apparently theres 10s uv thousands of ppl like her .. who get an account but rapidly .. if not immediately !! lose interest So the question becomes .. What could LL & content developers do to keep ppl like my mom interested? I'm really not sure .. but someone needs to give this question some serious thot if we want new ppl w/ their newbie enthusiasm to keep SL vitalized .. SL being a moribund backwater for jaded oldbies is no fun for anyone !! Jeanne
  11. lx42 wrote: Hi, I'm doing a bit of research on Second Life for a class and was hoping for some quick input. What factors influence the creation of your avatar? In particular, when you create an avatar that closely resembles yourself, what characteristics do you transfer over and which ones do you revise? Or, if you create an avatar that strongly deviates from your "real" self, what qualities do you seek to emphasize and why? I realize this is very personal information, but I would greatly appreciate any feedback! If you have any other information regarding why you chose to create your avatar as it is or your relationship with your avatar, please share! Thanks so much! My avatar is an idealized version of me. About the same height, same skin tone, probably more physically fit looking (now that i've had my baby!), etc. Currently my boobs are a bit bigger since i'm nursing. One main difference is that her eyes are green & my RL eyes are brown. Guess when i was ltl i wished i had green eyes .. now i can have !! I usually wear a brunette or auburn hair .. as in rl .. but am sometimes blonde & freckled in SL. My prim nails are always perfect in SL .. in RL im more lazy about doing my nails LoL Ummm.. what else? Guess thatsa bout it !! Jeanne
  12. DafneLis wrote: "We are pleased to inform you that your account has been reactivated! As a gesture of goodwill we've waived the DafneLis wrote: "We are pleased to inform you that your account has been reactivated! As a gesture of goodwill we've waived the normal $9.95 reactivation fee. " yayyyyy !!
  13. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: @JeanneAnne: Dres was pointing out to you in a roundabout way that it was I that posted that, and not he. Don't feel bad. You're not the first who's confused us and won't be the last. *looks at Celestiall* :smileyvery-happy: @Celestiall: So, as long as no federal funds are involved, it's all good? Sorry. Not buying it. I didn't buy it when Rand Paul said it, either, and even he's retreated from his position... somewhat. Even if there was no de jure racial segregation like there was in the South... without the Civil Rights Act, we'd be back in the days of Jim Crow. Oh! I see ... Sorry for confusing you guys ... & i agree w/ your comment to Celestiall too .. Jeanne
  14. Parhelion Palou wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: <snip> I've noticed that my avatar & those nearby me can be pretty smooth but avvies across the dance floor can be pretty jerky & laggy looking. What you're seeing is avatar impostors, a feature LL added awhile ago to ease the rendering load on viewers. The viewer will properly render nearby avatars and replace the others with crude representations of the actual avatars. You can configure the number of non-impostor avatars you see in the Graphics tab in Preferences. I don't think there is any way to ensure that others see your avatar the way you do. It's fun to have several people take pictures of the same thing then share the pictures. You'll find that, just as IRL, we all see things differently. Ah! Thanks Parhelion .. I'd seen a setting for number of avatar imposters but since i didnt know what that meant i didnt mess w/ it .. now i know !! Thanks! I guess youre right about others not necessarily seeing my avatar the way i do .. which kinda sucks .. how am i supposed to know how others see me then ?!? I have brought an alt in before .. just to see how i look from the alt's perspective .. but running an alt lags me out & how my alt sees me may not be how other ppl w/ different viewers & settings see me anyhow .. i guess .. But yeah .. I've seen pics my sister has taken of me where my feet .. or at least my toes .. are all grey when they looked ok to me .. So I guess i see what you mean.. :matte-motes-sour: Jeanne
  15. Rhys Goode wrote: I'm currently sorting through my inventory, and finding or making alpha masks for older shoes that use invisiprims. I will likely toss some otherwise perfectly good sandles, the last custom alpha mask I did took an hour, just not worth the time. Disabling "lighting and shadows" works fine for what I see, but the setting I use in my viewer, or the particular viewer I use has no effect at all on what poeple using up to date viewers see when they look at me. And I dont like walking around with ugly looking feet. I can edit the "wrappers" on prim clothes to be tiny and invisible, so if someone has a non-mesh viewer I might look naked to them. Thats OK. But I draw the line at ugly shoes with spurious fleshy looking heels sticking out.. I cant stand having ugly feet either !! Which is why I have the Coyote bare feet .. They are grey when i 1st log in but i've discovered that if i zoom on them they turn flesh colored more quickly .. Took me awhile to match their tone w/ my skin but i finally got it right! I knew that i sometimes had trouble with shoes but i thot that my bare feet were ok once they grey went away .. but the other evening i was told that i had 4 feet .. even tho i was wearing the thing that makes the default feet invisible .. I told my sister that i just wasnt going to care how i looked to others & she said that well .. she cared .. & i had to admit that so do i .. & its embarrassing when someone IMs "~psssst .. you have four feet~" !! So i dont know what to do anymore .. Jeanne
  16. Lex Solari wrote: my guess is at 40% we ARE the largest single market. The US spans 4 time zones (excluding AK & HI) so the other 60% are spread across the other 20. They should schedule maintenance when its daytime over the Pacific .. sorry Kiwis & Hawaiians ... Guess LL cant afford to have a nite shift Jeanne
  17. miklc wrote: Thanks for the tips, I have no idea what I'm doing or where I am. There's loads of people just floating up and down in the air and there's even a man standing stark naked doing nothing LoL miklc .. Welcome to SL !!! :catvery-happy: There was big trubble last week & today theres scheduled maintenance .. You might be having problems cuzuv that .. Dunno ... Please be patient tho .. SL is fun but it takes some getting use2 .. All too many newbies get frustrated & just give up .. Hope you will stick w/ it & learn how it works .. Takes every new person awhile .. Jeanne
  18. miklc wrote: Thanks for the advice guys, just opened the game for the first time and it's all so confusing. So can I earn money in game (without having to spend real cash) and then use that money to essentially buy outifts/add-ons such as a fish tail? Sorry I know this is probably really noobish Well .. if youre a brand newbie it might be difficult for you to earn L$ inworld .. DJing & even hosting require some experience & practice .. as does making stuff & selling it .. So unless you have some particular skill it might be difficult for you to earn L$ inworld .. @ least for awhile There ARE ways that newbies can get L$ w/out any skill tho .. Sometimes you can get paid for filling out surveys .. If you have good fashion sense you might enter contests & win .. altho many contests are rigged & you will prolly need some nicer outfits that may cost .. You could even resort to prostitution .. Or put out a tip jar & dance on a pole @ a free lance place that allows that .. You can get clothes & shoes from lucky boards & lucky chairs & midnite manias .. You can get free stuff @ Freebie Galaxy & Freebie Dungeon & @ stores that give out freebie stuff just to lure you in hoping you'll buy stuff .. Or .. you can practice, Practice, PRACTICE building or scripting til you get good enuf @ it to make stuff that might sell ... Thing is tho .. that you dont really need L$ to have fun in SL .. Maybe it helps to have a source of income but a good deal of the funuv SL for me is figuring out how to look nice & have fun w/out spending any real $$ on it .. Of course, LL & all the merchants prolly dont like me saying this but its true!! You can have a blast in SL w/out ever spending 1 cent .. if you want .. But of course if you'd rather spend a fortune & have all the nicest stuff & own land & all that ... You can do that too !! The beauty of SL is that you can play it however you want to! Have fun miklc .. & welcome to SL & to the forum !! Jeanne
  19. miklc wrote: Hi there, I have literally just created a Second Life account and I am wondering if anyone can tell me how I get a fish tail and become a merman. Also by becoming a Merman can you go places underwater that you cannot go with legs? Thank you to anyone that can help me You can get a free mer-person tail from MP .. it comes w/ a mer dance animation .. It isnt real nice tho so if you want a nicer one you need to pay for it .. I got a swim hud for L$50 thats pretty good .. it isnt an underwater dance tho but you can do different stokes .. set the swim speed to low medium & high .. & you can even do dives w/ it .. Someone said its nicer than a swim hud they paid L$400 for.. SO...... What i do @ underwater dance parties is wear the cheap freebie tail .. do the cheap freebie dance now & then .. & mostuv the time swim around w/ the L$50 swim hud .. It works both on the surface or underwater .. you use the arrows to control it .. Maybe not as nice as the expensive tails & mer dances but it works for me .. Jeanne
  20. Aveline Stein wrote: If you live in Austrialia, i somewhat doubt they would send CIA bodysnatchers after you for using your friends ID. I agree that the OP doesn't have to worry about criminal charges being filed. Thing is tho.. that LL might ban both the old account & any new one for ToS violation. I wouldn't risk it. Thing i wonder about tho, is why any identification is called for. I never identified myself to LL when i opened my account. When i wanted it upgraded to A access all i did was state that i was >18. I actually lied about my age by stating that i'm younger than i really am, altho still well above 18. Why should anyone need to provide LL with id? What business is it of theirs who you really are. 1uv the chief virtues of SL ~i thot~ was the anonymity .. Or is it a premium account? Jeanne
  21. Thanks to all who responded! Yeah, my pc is old & i have most all the settings pretty low. I've noticed that my avatar & those nearby me can be pretty smooth but avvies across the dance floor can be pretty jerky & laggy looking. This isn't a mesh issue ~I know about mesh & have the Firestorm v4 & i have a mesh skirt i sometimes wear. But my fps are really low w/ the mesh enabled viewer so i seldom use it. My problem is prolly an old pc, low settings, & i dont have shadows on. I can understand how this might affect shoes but sometimes the problem is with my Coyote bare feet too. I have the thingie that makes the default avvie's feet invisible but once i was told i had 4 feet so i guess they could still be seen. We use2 dance on water & my sister showed me how to make the greenish thing on my shoes that showed against the water go away in edit (altho i've forgotten by now how to do it ~LoL) but that was just with one pair of sneakers. Guess i just need a new PC !! Jeanne
  22. I have a question .. If anyone cares to respond: Why can my feet look perfectly good to me yet I get IMed telling me I have four feet or that my shoes don't fit right? I'm mostly using the Firestorm Betav2.5.2.16922 because this viewer gives me the most fps. My shoes or bare feet look perfectly fine to me with this viewer. I assume that those who see my feet funny are using a newer mesh enabled viewer but don't really know which viewer they're using. Maybe Phoenix, probably not the official LL viewers .. not sure. Once when I was told my feet looked funny and they looked ok to me, I saw a guy dancing whose shoes didnt look right to me, so I asked if his feet looked ok to the person telling me about my feet, & she said his feet were fine. So it works both ways. So is it normal for people to see feet & shoes differently with different viewers? (I'm not talking about mesh...) If so, what can I do to make sure my feet look ok to others when they look ok to me? Thanks! Jeanne
  23. I wouldn't trust LL. What I'd do is get a new account. Jeanne
  24. >>Even though the property is yours, and you should be able to choose who you rent to.<< The government owns all property & you only rent from them. Don't believe it? Don't pay your property taxes (rent) then, & see what happens.Since government owns the land they let you pay to call "yours" why can't they tell you what you can & can't do with it? If what they tell you you can & can't do serves the public good.. then more power to em!! Same is true in SL. LL owns or leases the servers your "land"'s code is stored on. You think you "own" that code? Don't pay tier then. Or get banned & see if LL compensates you for your "property" you can no longer access. Jeanne
  25. Dresden Ceriano wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Libertarians oppose any legislation that separates and creates a government ordained class system. Which is what the Civil Rights Act did. Um. Wow. If any piece of legislation was ever needed to UNdo a "class system" it was the Civil Rights Act. Kudos Dres !! Jeanne I understand your confusion, JeanneAnne... it's a well known fact that all us gays look alike. ...Dres i dont think much uv u Dres .. mostuv the time .. but thats not goin2 keep me from agreeing w/ u on the rare occasions when u post something intelligent & rite- minded so ... >>If any piece of legislation was ever needed to UNdo a "class system" it was the Civil Rights Act.<< Good Post !! Jeanne
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