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Everything posted by JeanneAnne

  1. Kamala Dashuria wrote: My bare feet from Slink. I am almost always barefoot after buying them. My Deeda glasses from Kg_s, I just have a thing for glasses. All of my outfits are co-ordinated around those two items which I only ever take off by accident (or if I'm dressing formally, which happens rarely, I wear shoes..ones with Slink feet). :matte-motes-wink-tongue: Interesting that you mentioned bare feet Kamala. As a newbie I had a hard time getting shoes to fit properly so I decided to just be a hippie & go barefooted all the time. Of course, the feet that come with the avvie are ugly, so a friend gave me a nice set of bare feet. (I don't think they're from Slink but not sure.) But with these bare feet I had the same problem making them fit, getting the tone to match the rest of me, etc., as I'd had with shoes. I've become more skilled at editing things as prims but at first, the move, rotate & stretch was driving me crazy. I would think I had it right, then change the camera angle & see that they weren't right at all. Seemed like it would take forever to get my feet, or a piece of jewelry, or a belt, etc., to fit right. I would just about have it right then do something dumb and it would be completely screwed up. My inworld time is precious and I simply hated "wasting" time getting something to fit properly rather than spending it flying, exploring, dancing or flirting, etc. When I couldn't get something right I would become very frustrated. When I did get it right, usually just by trial & error, I'd be very pleased with myself. But then a few days later when I was working on something else, I'd forget how I'd done it the first time and get even more frustrated all over again. I mention all this because I think that it sortuv sums up both the frustrations and delights of SL for a newbie.
  2. I change clothing, jewelry, hair, tattoos, even eyes... but I always have my invisible dance chim, so I can dance whenever I want, and my physics, and sexy walk AO, and face lighter, and... ummm, what else? Basic female jesture AO. Guess that's about it. Oh yeah, flight accelerator, too.
  3. I've been in SL for almost three weeks. Seeing the Q2 2011 stats and reading all the comments has been eye opening. Probably no one cares about the opinion of a "noob" like me, but perhaps a newbie's perspective is useful. Much like in RL, there seems to be a class distinction between the old timers who own land, have lots of toys & lots of $L to spend, and the rest of us who are homeless & broke. The "elite" class don't seem to spend much time inworld but when they do login, they have wonderful private parties with the best DJs, their avis are superb and they control them expertly. Can't really blame them for not wanting newbies who haven't figured things out very well yet bumping into them and disturbing their fun. So what is the newbie to do? Hang out in clubs with tasteless music & vampires wanting to bite them? I don't think so. No wonder so many join but don't settle. And when we don't know how to build or design anything to sell, what are we supposed to do for $L? The cut-throat capitalism of SL forces many into prostitution! I'd like to learn to build, so I could build a shrine to Freyja, who I believe led me to SL, but where am I going to build it at? I don't have any land. With a surface area 55x the size of Earth's & a population of <1million, land ought to be free! I wish that the creators of SL had more of a Marxist perspective, you know: "From each according to ability, to each according to need," but I guess this is just dreaming. The bottom line is that as the RL economy continues to tank, this reality is going to be reflected in SL. Thanks for allowing me to express my opinions. Best wishes & no offense intended to anyone. Jeanne EDIT: Oh, and one other thing. When I first joined SL I used Viewer 2 and had ALL kinds of trouble with it. I was very frustrated and almost decided to just forget the whole thing. But then I downloaded Firestorm and it worked fine! Why does a third party viewer work and the viewer offered by LL does not? This makes no sense.
  4. Anywhere Dream Decosta or Kallisti Enoch is DJing is gonna be a good time! When they aren't around I go to clubs that pay $L3, $L5 & $L10 for just being there. I give the club music a listen then almost always stream the Dream Stream or Kalli's Kalliope, or my own Winamp playlist, to dance to.
  5. Storm Clarence wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: Irene ought to kick up some decent surf off Fire Island... Which means the cops will close the beaches. :smileysad: If this storm tracks up Madison Avenue as predicted everything to the east will be a lake. There may not be a beach anymore on Fire Island when this is done. If you think that is bad Boston is doomed; they have the RedSox. I guess anythings possible Storm. But a hurricane hasn't really whacked LI hard since the 1930s, i'm told. I remember Floyd in '99, i think it was. Power was out overnite, lots of tree limbs down... thata bout it. Floyd kicked up a good surf but when me & my friends went to ride it, the cops had the beaches closed & had even closed the bridge out to shinnecock park, at hampton Bays. Bastards!
  6. Irene ought to kick up some decent surf off Fire Island... Which means the cops will close the beaches. :smileysad:
  7. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: But sometimes I think that maybe LL throws in this stuff, sortuv as a Loki factor, just to keep things exciting. Just to keep the wonderment (frustration?) level up. You're quite right...SL offers many moments of wonder such as this. :smileywink: :smileyvery-happy: Haha! I knew it! :smileyvery-happy::smileyvery-happy::smileyvery-happy:
  8. I'm new so I may not know what I'm talking about. A friend took a pic of my avy & shared it with me. I wanted to put it on my profile but got a message that the program didn't recognize the format. The format was TGA. I downloaded a format changer & converted it to JPG. Then it worked. Figuring all this out took up a couple hours of my precious SL inworld time. Could someone please tell me why one part of SL takes pics in a format that another part of SL doesn't recognize.
  9. I usually log into my "home," which isn't really mine but is a home a SL friend has graciously invited me to hang out in as her guest. But then I unexpectedly started logging into the last place I'd been. I didn't understand why. But then I noticed on the login screen that the login location had changed from "home" to "last location." I didn't change it. At least, I didn't consciously or purposefully change it. A lot of weird things like this happen in SL. Things end up in the Trash, settings change, inexplicable things occur. Perhaps I do a lot of this myself, not knowing any better. But sometimes I think that maybe LL throws in this stuff, sortuv as a Loki factor, just to keep things exciting. Just to keep the wonderment (frustration?) level up. Or maybe the sim is just glitchy. Or maybe its just me.
  10. I'm new to SL and the other day I'd worked on my outfit for a dance party where my friend would be DJing. I had my looks about right but then I crashed and when I logged back in I was just a white oval! I waited for my avy to rez but nothing happened. I logged out & back in but was still just a white oval. I freaked! I didn't know what to do. Finally I looked at the folder of everything I was currently wearing. It seemed to all be there: hair, clothes, jewelry, tats... But then I noticed that my shape or form was missing!! The shape I'd worked on for HOURS to get just right. I figured it was gone for good. I started to cry. By this time I was late for the dance. Finally, I dug thru my inv until I found my shape in the trash! How it got there I have no idea. I restored it and all was well. SL can be SOooo frustrating... yet so much fun! Both at the same time, often, for a newbie like me.
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