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Everything posted by Mayalily

  1. No I never said I wanted to talk to LL about the Dj incident where we in IM contracted he would download some songs for me in his off time, 2-3 days of off time. His agreement to take the money was to download the songs. He didn't do it. That is my naivety and not the prob of LL, so I never said that. That's part of a community prob, not LL. Next, at the one sim (club) that is terrific build, absolutely outstanding, the one Dj I like who does a great job in giving avi's an experience of what is described in her sim, was logging off. I knew next Dj coming plays to much country. Then one of my fav Dj's logs on (one I believe should work as a Dj in real life because he's that good and that professional) logs on. So I request a tp to where he is Djing. I tp there, to a club I've never been and there is vendor stuff right outside the club entrance, so the visuals were lost a.k.a. greyed out bots and horrible visuals. Lots of avi's there because who wouldn't like that Dj? He's great! He should be a Dj in real life. I'm talking about scamming in regards to false rental agreements, bad builds by ameteur builders who cram way too much stuff in their sim that no one needs any clothes anyways, terrible landlords with promises, promises of a great place to live when it's not because they won't answer IM's or even fix texture bleeds (that's scamming) if you ask me! I'm also talking about ethics here in regards to the Dj's; that's a community issue, but there should be some ethical guidelines, such as if you are getting paid to be a Dj, update your playlist; don't just log on and do your regular playlist day in and day out. I have some great Dj's I have found, but then tp, the sim is a terrible build because this vendor crap is right outside the club entrance. So, dud sim. A quality assurance team is definately needed and a quality assurance area on this forum is needed to address some of the other issues I'm discussing in this thread. Not to even mention, three months with these shoe huds things. I haven't seen one avi yet at a club that had the right color tint to the feet, not in three months. They need to start with just getting one viewer.... that might be a good start. It doesn't say there are other viewers; it says download viewer now.
  2. Yes, well viewer 2. You log onto SL website and you download viewer. It doesn't say there are other viewers. So, I'm on viewer 2, now I've bought things for viewer 2. Sounding kind of crazy already. Then people tell me to go on Phoenix, then we all start talking about strip tease dance time... we all can't be on viewer 2; most are one Phoenix because we've talked about which viewer inworld at least 200 times. So those on Phoenix were grey blobs/ghosts/eggs too because they told me they were on Phoenix and we're complaining, complaining about SL and the typical joke is SL HATES ME TODAY, and that joke has been going on for weeks. Inworld, a lot of complaining and difficulties no matter which viewer. Also, being as naive as I am, I've paid Dj's in advance to download some songs for me in their off time. Did they even do it? No. Am I ever going to do that again. No. Also, a female person may feel she needs to change her avatar in private; then you get sucked into this house rental thing just so you can change in privacy and find out it's a bunch of hooy and the rental agreement lied about a discount, not to mention bad build, no response from landlord that it will get fixed. Nothing. You get no answer. So you pack up and move out. I did the same thing as the OP. I just packed up and moved out of that nonsense house. Quality control is what's needed, along with ONE VIEWER may help. Time out for me. I've had enough. There is no quality control here; nor even one viewer.
  3. I've been to many clubs. However, I don't want to hear trance, rap or country, nor dance remixes. There are some clubs that are fine for rezz because they don't have the vendors there, but the music is awful. Not to mention we pay the Dj's and then I go again, and they play the same songs over and over every day, and do not update their playlists with their money. So why should I be paying for any of this? I don't want to hear the same songs over and over, and especially not crappy songs. And oh yes, you will find the stripping jokes if logs are checked because it's true and I have no reason to lie. It's not my computer; it's everybody (or every avi!). I don't want to pay to see a bunch of grey blobs or ghosts. Each sim definately needs a quality rating to get rid of some of these scammers. I feel I am being scammed. Not to mention, shopping is right here on this webpage and it's called Marketplace and you can find Marketplace by pointing your mouse to shopping. Where do I call to discuss these complaints with this so called Linden Labs? Does it even exist?
  4. Ya well I was told a bunch of false lies in my rental contract. Discount if you pay for a full month in advance. I didn't receive that and didn't complain. Texture bleeds into my house which was ruining my SL experience, and when I asked for a fix and a move, I got no response. No refund, no fix, no move to another house while landlord fixed the house. He did nothing. Wouldn't fix house to get texture bleeds out and wouldn't even respond. My story is worse! Greed is killing SL because people are cramming way too much vendor stuff or other things into a little small space. It's ludicrous! Sims are going to need some kind of ratings for quality and experience of build 'cuz I feel I'm getting taken to the cleaners here. Wha? How long does SL think people want to joke about stripping since we can't be seen?
  5. Right. I feel I'm getting played here. This is absurd! All the avi's joking that they can strip on moderate sims because no one can see you anyways because of all that vendor stuff crammed into this little space. I'm getting sick of that stripping joke. VERY sick of it.
  6. I know the feeling I had no response from a landlord either. SL is no longer fun for me. I like to go clubbing and just went clubbing on two sims. One is nicely built, you can see all the avi's and what they are wearing, enjoy dancing without the lag 'cuz it's a terrific build. But, the next Dj does a lot of Country which I don't care for, so requested a tp from one of my fav Dj's to another club and the lag was so horrible that no one could move or see anything because of all the vendor stuff built all around the dance floor. I'd rather dance and chat in an empty warehouse type sim, than deal with a sim crammed full of so much stuff no one sees any visuals. Last week, I was at a club on a moderate sim and we were all joking about stripping. Why, because we were all ghosts or grey bots and no one could see anything anyways if we stripped, and that sim was crammed full of vendors - CRAMMED. It's just bad sim building. It's horrific! I don't know what to say about this. It's not fun. Why spend money on all these clothes people can't see anyways? You can just strip now on moderate sims with all that vendor stuff because no one can see you. It's utterly ridiculous. They need to stop this vendor stuff. There's marketplace right here on this website for shopping (just point your arrow at shopping and click on Marketplace), and then there are particular sims for shopping. SL is going to die if this keeps up. Or it's already dying or dead. They need to have separate sims for shopping or it's definately going to die. Why spend money when you can't be seen? It's absurd.
  7. I thought that was very clever! Thanks for sharing.
  8. No, I completely disagree. Those vendor things are a huge problem for club goers. HUGE. Not to mention they run scripty things. It's simply an extremely poor build with too much stuff crammed into a small sim. The good clubs are the ones that don't have vendor stall rentals. The laggy clubs ARE the ones with the vendor stalls, and so I don't go back. The music might be good, but the lag from the vendor stalls kills the fun.
  9. Marianne asked: I don't know if you want advice from men only? Mayalily responds to Marianne: Anyone can answer. I remember as a little girl thinking my Mom looked beautiful in her heels when she'd dress up to go out with my Dad and then I'd try to walk in them and fall over. So, I could even say what I think looked hot on my Mom and no I'm not attracted to my Mother in a way people would think. Didn't you ever think even you Mom and Dad looked good in something? I think my Mom is very beautiful! Thread is open for anyone.
  10. Oh Willow, that was just too funny! Yes, I'm beginning to think I could have done without an education and speak Cantonese to an Italian and it wouldn't matter as long as I have boobs. @Randall. I have skinny long legs in RL and many think my legs are beautiful. Thank you very much. So there! I also have long skinny arms. It's called being thin boned Randall and there is nothing wrong with thin boned women.
  11. There is tons of free items on Marketplace. Marketplace is not rezzed nor inworld. Marketplace is right here on this website. Point your mouse to shopping (not community), then the word Marketplace should appear. Click on Marketplace, then look to the left of the Marketplace webpage and click open "see all categories", that will bring up your pricing menu where you can search items from 0 to 10 lindens. If you're not finding it, let me know 'cuz you are missing out on so much fun.
  12. Yes, and lag is a killjoy. Some builders of sims are wrecking the SL experience by thinking of profit and putting too much stuff in their sim (the vendor thing) and it ruins the club experience as it causes so much lag. Lag is the worst thing in SL. Better building to keep traffic on your sim is a must to keep people coming back. If it's too laggy, people will skip your sim altogether.
  13. Something I would like are sims that have changing rooms for the new user's to use to change in privacy. Not all user's want to start with a private home or apartment. I don't like the idea of having to pay for an avatar (as Venus suggested), I think that would drive people away as the skin costs enough already. ETA: Upon reading Venus' post again, she said pay for a SECOND AVATAR. Yes, that's a good idea. I thought she meant pay for the first avatar. But, I'd suggest CHANGING ROOM sims.
  14. THAT was AWESOME Canoro! They should put that on the SL page. That truly was great; needs a little more music, but excellent! I enjoyed it!
  15. You need a livelihood to even own a computer and be on SL. Don't rely on your parents because we never know when it's our time to die. Parents do die and you need to be able to make it one your own. You job and RL come first always! Do deep breathing to help control your anxiety. Finish your studies. After you've finished your studies, then you can relax a little and have some fun. If you haven't finished you studies, give up SL and seek a psychiatrist's help and advice.
  16. Violence is worse imo. Parents have their kids start with very violent video games at a very early age. About all you can do is set some type of parental control on your computer. Other than parental controls, all I can think of is for someone to create a browser just for kids, but all websites would have to be rated so that children's browser will connect to only G rated websites for an example. I don't know if that would work, but it might. Uh, kids were passing around parents Playboy type magazines when I was a kid, or whatever they could get ahold of that parents had in their house with nudity, and we didn't turn out damaged in any way from pictures of nudity. Is violence worse. Studies have said so. Random school shootings. Anyone? Hello? Parents need to monitor their own kids internet time or block websites under tools. I don't want the internet censored after the censoring I'm dealing with right now in another thread...so I say poopoo to this idiotic censoring. Taking all nudity off the internet is actually a ridiculous idea because for example where I live there are tons of nude statues and paintings in Musems. So, kids can't go to museums because there is nudity? Oh how times change. Also kids don't pay for cable and the internet; adults do. I'm an adult and I don't want my internet censored. Adults are the paying customers, so we should come first. Your children are not my responsibility nor can I control what people's kids are doing on the internet. That's a parent's responsibility, not mine nor other adults who are the ones paying for the internet.
  17. Oh to Randall: I think Donald has his keyboards and piano blocked (copywritten) that's why no YOUTUBE. I can't blame Donald for wanting to copywrite his brilliant mastery of the piano and the keyboards. I could swoon. Well, women swooned for Beethoven. I swoon for Beethoven, too. This is very sad to me though because this is asking music critics to almost avoid getting good research on Donald, and it is a bit like asking someone who wants to talk about classical music that they cannot include Mozart because some of his name is a bad word. One can't leave Donald out if they are a music researcher/critic? That's ridiculous because one couldn't have a complete classical library without Mozart. And it would be like saying to classical music students, we can't study that one because his name is bleeped.
  18. I like just the title, and for Fame I think the I'm going to learn how fly is funny. We can fly in SL, but cannot teach our RL children that they can fly because in RL, no we cannot fly except hang gliding, maybe. But the I'm going to learn how to fly is a good SL joke.
  19. Fame! That's a good one. Thanks for sharing it! To address my OP: Now that darn link is playing again? and I can see the video? How bizarre. And in Randall's link all you hear is bass/drums/vocals: no good.
  20. No, that is not the whole song. Read what is says above when you open the youtube link. Some instruments are cut out, and that video of Snowbound I'm trying to post a link to is a crack up. It reminds me of SL, but it's way before it's time! I love that song Snowbound so much I couldn't even begin to tell you how many times I have played it. To see the video, you need to get to metacafe through google search is better. When I tried to search metacafe itself, I didn't find the video like I did through the google search bar. ETA: The link played for me twice. Darn it! I think Metaverse is copywritten. Darn it. RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They overroad the link somehow. Metacafe is kind of weird because it's copywritten or something. Where else could I find that video, me wonders? ETA: Link is working again for me. Click skip this advertisement, and patiently wait a little for the video to self load; do not press play; it is self loading but takes a little time to load. I rebooted my computer and the link does play even tho I wasn't logged in when I did another test. Try it again Randall and let me know. It almost looks like Donald is in a weird kind of skybox. And a part of the lyric says: It's a marketplace, and a party house too. lol
  21. Oh darn, the link plays for me (it has a pause and will look blank until the video starts; maybe be patient for a min) 'cuz they have that song blocked on YOUTUBE! Okay, if it won't play after you have been patient a little, then go to google search; type in Donald Bleep (I can't type his name in here.) The correct spelling of his name you will find in the link above. Okay, in the Google search bar, type in Snowbound by Donald Bleep (put correct spelling in your google search bar) and you should see a link to the metacafe.com. The song is unfortunately blocked on YOUTUBE right now.
  22. My first choice would have been Donald Bleep's song I.G.Y. for a SL Theme Song, but the first line : Standing tough under stars and stripes (well, that refers to the American Flag, and I needed something more global). Am I a Donald Bleep fan 'til the end: Oh yes. I.G.Y. would have been my first choice though, and I want it played at my funeral just because it is one of my favorite songs and I don't want people crying at my funeral. 
  23. Thank you Randall for the compliment. Ah-shucks, I'm a blonde.
  24. What song would you chose as a theme song for SL? I'd have to pick "Snowbound" by Donald Bleep (they won't let me put his last name here because the computer default thinks his name has a bad word in it which it does not as his last name is pronounced Fay-gen. This video is before SL's time even arrived, but reminds me so much of SL. ETA: Okay if video does not start right away, make sure you click, skip this advertisement, and then wait patiently for it to self load; do not try to push a play; it should self load. Sawry, some tecnical difficulties with metacafe, but it should play; again it is self loading and you need to be patient for it to start playing. (Also, when you click on link it may say "skip this advertisement" or "skip this video"; click that and then the video should self load; it takes awhile, so do not click play once it connects to the correct link you see below.) http://www.metacafe.com/watch/wm-A10302B0000207474J/donald_fagen_snowbound_official_music_video/ Sawry, technical difficulties. If that first link doesn't work. Try this one. http://www.contactmusic.com/videos.nsf/stream/donald-**bleep**en-snowbound-video-version Oh as you can see in this second link, it took out his name. Poor Donald who is loved by music critics the world over and forever! Oh, so sad :(
  25. Oh thank you! I thought you were making a joke that we were'nt logged in adequately. That confused me.
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