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Everything posted by davidventer

  1. I'm running SL on the 15" MacBook Pro with Retina Display Everything in-world looks amazing, only the UI elements are somewhat blurry but that would be because the SL viewer is not retina-ready. I'm running on High graphic settings with everything enabled and 2x anti-aliasing. It runs really well. If you're on the fence about getting the Retina MacBook Pro; I'd say get one. Just be prepared to view profiles via your broswer instead of in the viewer because they're way too blurry in the viewer. Everything else is fine Oh... And be prepared to get used to hearing your fans kick in at max speed when running SL (this is normal but takes some getting used to because the MacBook is generally dead quiet with any other app or game).
  2. SL runs quite well with on High and Ultra mode on the 15" Macbook Pro with Retina Display. I just wish that the profiles and some UI elements weren't so blurry. The SL viewer isn't retina ready yet. Hopefully Linden Lab will release a retina ready viewer soon. Everything in-world looks amazing. It's the some of the UI elements that are blurry.
  3. Take a break from work for some mid-week entertainment. Come on down to Lionheart - Under the Bridge at 1PM (PST) today (Wednesday November 16, 2011) where Geos Copperfield unslings his guitar to serve up an entertaining mix of original material and crowd pleasing covers from the 60s to the current day. Event Information: https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/event.php?id=4854009 Landmark/Location: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lionheart%20Scar/47/137/21 Hope to see you there! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  4. I'm running Lion on a 2008 model iMac with ATI HD Graphics. None of the v2 viewers work properly. Disabling Frame Buffer Objects does not seem to fix the issue. I have tried Firestorm which seems to run ok but crashes often. I'm not a big fan of TPV's so I really hope that the Lindens can fix this soon! I *need* to be in-world to take care of various responsibilities. This is no game.
  5. I have been unable to log in to SL since upgrading to OS X 10.7 (Lion) - The issue does not only affect the default viewer but all v2 based TPV's as well. I haven't tried logging in with a v1 code base viewer yet as I am not a huge fan of v1. I've even tried the beta and development viewers, did a clean re-install but nothing seems to be working. Would love to know if anyone else is having any luck running SL on Lion?
  6. Yes, I do! - @davidventernet I LOVE Twitter!!!
  7. Just in case: :smileyhappy: You can download 2.6.2 from this wiki page. Remember to disable automatic updates until a fix for the 2.6.3 issues have been provided by Linden Lab.
  8. Hello Ray, Myself and many others are indeed experiencing the same issue. For some the new DNS address change may be a temporary fix depending on your general system setup and OS but for others there is no hope. I am currently using the previous stable v2 release because I simply cannot get a way around this issue. Please Join and vote on the following Bug Report in the Jira and also submit your secondlife.log files for review - To speed things up I would also suggest you create a new support ticket explaining your issue and containing link to the Jira in order to get the technicians to pay attention to the issue. Jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627 Support: https://support.secondlife.com/
  9. <vent> Second Life™ males generally look way out of proportion. They make the arms too big, the torso too wide but not long enough, the legs too long in comparison with the torso and the hands and heads are usually tiny in comparison to the rest of their bodies. - The majority of avatars are too tall to show any realistic features. If you are the fit "stud" that you want to be in SL your hands should be just as large as your upper legs when stretched out, with the tips of your fingers pointing out past the thickness of your legs, unless you want girl hands. If you want to be a realistic "stud" then your legs need to be in proportion with your torso, you can't have 237149823742398 foot long legs and a 1inch torso - I usually suggest all men to set their torso height at 100 and edit the legs accordingly to make it look realistic. Another thing to keep in mind is the side of your arms in comparison to the size of your hands and your torso, think realism. Your neck and head also play a large part. If you have a tall avatar make sure you have a larger head so that it at least looks somewhat realistic. - Just my 0.02L$ worth. -As for the ladies, the same generally applies but since I've never spent a lot of time modding a female avatar I cannot give an honest opinion - Please guys - Look at yourselves! Your legs, your torso, your hands, your arms. I hate to be rude but 99% of other male avatars that I come across in Second Life™ are COMPLETELY out of proportion and quite frankly it really annoys me when they think they're hot studs when in actual fact Linden Lab's noob avatars are more in proportion to realism then they think they are. </vent> *Takes a deep breath* In response to your question Bree: Some may consider it rude to be upfront with them about their appearance but on the contrary I think that it is constructive. I sure wouldn't want to walk around looking like a giraffe or a gorilla thinking that I'm the "bees-knees" without anyone to tell me that I actually look really unrealistic and to provide me with some friendly advice on how and where I can make improvements to my avatar. It is of course important to make it clear that you are not insulting the person, you are there to help them if they are willing to have a listen at your advice. Personally I've never told anyone that I think they look out of proportion because it feels like a rude thing to do. But, now that I think about it, it's actually a very helpful thing to do to new Avatars and to those who are really an eyesore to everyone. Instead of sitting in group chat gossiping about the gorilla noob with the tiny hands and huge feet let's IM that noob and offer a helping hand in avatar customization. That should make this whole virtual world a better looking place with less gossip. And please, this is not about appearance preference! Some will say that what is good looking for me may not be good looking for them. I'm not talking about looks or general appearance, I'm talking about realistic proportion. I think that the best way to tell someone that their shape is a little out of proportion is to be honest, yet friendly about it. Perhaps: "Hello there, how are you?" - "Look, I really don't mean to be rude but I've noticed that your legs/torso/hands/arms is/are really out of proportion and I was wondering if I could give you some useful pointers to improve the realism of your avatar's appearance." - I'm not sure how well that would sink in with most people but if someone approaches me like this, I would not consider it rude. I would hear them out and thank them for the information, whether I'm going to actually listen to them or not. It's all about a friendly approach! :smileyhappy:
  10. This is a common issue and the fix provided by Gio does not seem to work. Please visit the Second Life™ Bug Tracker (Jira) and vote on the following issue. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627 Please also attach your secondlife.log file in order to help Linden Lab determine and resolve the problem.
  11. LOL, you guys crack me up. As for your idea Max (can I call you Max?): Helping others in business would be a very generous thing to do, but where do you draw the line of how much you're willing to give? Some residents may try to take advantage of such offer to get some land to mess around on for a couple of days and then they'll simply vanish and won't really care if they lose the land while you've already paid the tier fees. If you are going to help someone I suggest you be very careful and perhaps get to know them first, both in the real world and in Second Life™. Also keep in mind that you may help someone which will eventually become successful and generate enough profit on their own to be able to afford their own land. Once that happens they might leave you behind and you'll discover that you've spent more helping them than the small percentage that you got back from their sales. As a side-note: If you are going to do this I would suggest that you look into profit sharing scripts and vendors to ensure that you automatically get a cut from every single sale that takes place on the land that you "sponsor." - Good Luck! :smileyhappy:
  12. https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627
  13. While adding the DNS servers in system preferences seems to remove the DNS error, the viewer would still crash when reaching "Downloading Clothing" during the login process. If you are experiencing the same problem please vote and add your secondlife.log file to the Jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627
  14. I have downgraded from premium to basic various times. I did not lose anything. - It is important that you manually downgrade via your account management page BEFORE the premium account renewal date otherwise you are legally obligated to pay the recurring fees. - Always read the fine-print when initiating payment agreements with any company.
  15. Hello SoonerGlass - I am sorry to hear about your misfortune. Many residents forget that if you do not wish to re-new your premium account it is important to downgrade your membership to basic before your premium account is set to renew/expire. It is also important to abandon any land that you own prior to doing so otherwise you will not be able to downgrade. The downgrade is not instant, it only takes place at your next billing cycle so if you downgrade a month or even a week before your account is due for renewal you will still receive your weekly stipend until the next billing cycle and you will not be billed for the next billing cycle - instead, your membership will return to basic, you will stop receiving your weekly stipends and your allowed land holdings will return to 0sqm. You have to downgrade your membership to basic or switch to monthly billing BEFORE the renewal date. If however you do not downgrade in time then legally there is nothing that you can do besides either paying up or losing everything. This works the same way as any other billing agreement in the real world such as a cellphone contract or something that is set to auto-renew unless you cancel before the renewal date. Please keep this in mind for future account management. It is however unfortunate that Linden Lab does not send out reminders about this matter close to the renewal/expiry date but it is stated in the initial billing agreement that it is a continuous agreement and that the same payment method on file will be used for future billing cycles unless you downgrade to basic beforehand. (not in those exact words but they do mention a recurring agreement).
  16. In order to place an item for sale on the market place you need to purchase an XStreet SL Magicbox (Free) - Search for and purchase that item from the marketplace. You'll need to place the items you wish to sell in the contents tab of the magicbox. On the marketpace itself you need to click on the little "down arrow" next to "my marketplace" at the top and select "merchant home" - Under "Inventory > Manage inventory" you need to click "Sync Marketplace with Magicboxes" - After refreshing the page you should see all the items that you have placed inside the magicbox. From there you will be able to click "Edit" to edit item details, add pictures, set price etc. - You can also "List" and "Unlist" your items from the marketplace in the "Manage Inventory" section. Play around with it to see if you can get the hang of it. - In order to check if your items are indeed listed you can either search for them in the marketplace or you can click on "My Store" from the little drop down menu that you get when cicking the little "down arrow" next to "my marketplace" at the top (in between your account name and L$ balance). Hope this helps - Good luck with your store and enjoy your Second Life™
  17. It could be that your bed is set to be a "physical" object making it act like an avatar or a bouncing ball that could roll or fall down and through things. If for example you rez the bed on the second floor but some prims of the bed are sticking into or through the floor there is a possibility for it may fall through if it is a phyical object. You can check this by right clicking on the bed and choosing "Edit" in the general tab you can see if the object is physical or not. I can't see how or why anything would "fall" of it is not a physical object. - I could be wrong? Hope this helps :smileyhappy:
  18. I too, have been searching for the same thing for quite a while now. Unfortunately after months of trolling forums, blogs and using various search terms and search engines I was unable to find anything compatible with BlackBerry™ devices. Your best bet would be to contact the creators of PocketMetaverse or SparkeIM and urge them to create a version for BlackBerry™. Maybe one day we'll get lucky and someone will develop a BlackBerry™ application for accessing Second Life™ chat, inventory, transactions and teleportation from our beloved BB's.
  19. Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. I'm quite enjoying the forums already! :smileyhappy: In response to your question Phil: I am a big fan of change and improvement and personally I love the v2 interface and functionality, especially the way that outfit sets are being handled. In the old viewer items were moved or copied to a saved outfit folder. If you had no copy items you could only have them in one outfit folder. On the v2 however all items are linked, not moved or copied. So your inventory stays clean without hundreds of duplicates and you can have no-copy items in more than one outfit. I also enjoy being able to open all my textures and flip through them with ease without opening one by one or without using a laggy texture viewer hud. The sidebar and new web profiles are a personal favorite and I also love the way chat and notifications are being handled in v2. For me to go back to v1 would feel like moving from Mac OS X to Windows 3.11 or from using an iPhone to a first generation Motorola brick. My return to Second Life™ is in large part due to v2 - Personally I love it. I understand that any new technology would have bugs and issues. Remember how bad v1 was back in the day? It took Linden Lab a while to iron out all the kinks, the same will happen with v2 but instead of degrading the hard working technicians and refusing to use the new technology I will embrace and support it because it makes my Second Life™ so much easier to live. I strongly believe that viewer use is a personal preference as with cellphones and computer operating systems and Linden Lab understands this otherwise they would not have allowed any TPV's to connect to the grid. Each to their own. Personally I love v2 and I will stick with it! I always say: Instead of moaning about bugs and functionality issues, do something constructive by opening a Jira about your issue and if it is really an issue and others feel the same way as you do about it then something will be done, eventually. We all love Second Life™ and it is important for us all to stay positive, constructive and supportive of Linden Lab. Let's help to track down bugs and issues instead of sitting on the fence complaining and not doing anything about it. That's how I feel and I really wish that more residents would feel the same way instead of openly degrading the creators of this place that many of us call home.
  20. This is a general issue experienced by all Mac OS X users. Please comment on the Jira and submit your log files to help Linden Lab to fix the issue for us all. - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627
  21. This is a general issue experienced by all Mac OS X users. Please comment on the Jira and submit your log files to help Linden Lab to fix the issue for us all. - https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627
  22. Hello everybody. Although I have been in Second Life™ since early 2007, this is my very first post here in the forums. My inability to log in to Second Life™ today has led me to browse the website and find other ways to interact with other residents. I've always known that a forum exists but never really paid much attention to it until now. I'm really glad that I started reading some of the interesting topics of discussion and look forward to sharing my point of view. If any other residents using Mac OS X are having trouble logging on with the latest viewer 2.6.3 please visit this Jira page and share your comments so that we can speed up the process of pushing the Lindens to fix the issue. Since I am unable to get in-world because I refuse to use a v1 viewer and do not like any of the TPV's, I'll go back to browsing the forums and hopefully I'll find some more interesting topics to discuss. I may even find some more friends, who knows? :smileyhappy: i hope you're all enjoying Second Life™ as much as I am - Let's keep this amazing virtual world alive and kicking! xxx
  23. I have traveled to Bay City various times and absolutely love the general layout, scenery and vibe. My dream is to one day have my own store and perhaps even a little apartment home in the Bay City area but at the moment I simply cannot afford the high "Buy Land" fees. But who knows, maybe some day? :manhappy: Truth be told, I would rather live my Second Life™ in Bay City than on a private estate owned by someone else. Bay City is a true example of how the entire mainland grid should be managed and maintained.
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