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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. I think the color regions were like the second or third wave of regions after the original 13.
  2. I like them all in different ways for the reasons already given. Asking to chose a favourite is a bit like asking which kitten from the litter is your favourite... it is a hard choice and don't want to hurt the feelings of the others. No one has mentioned Nautilus yet, and perhaps for good reason the road system is a disjointed afterthought making actually owning land there pretty pointless unless you are on a waterway... but the waterways are its main selling point. In the North West there is a lovely and creative chain of mole built islands and a link to Corsica. On the East and South there are waterway connections to privately owned estates with the Seychelles, USS sailing sims and others around the blake and Fairchang in the SW. To the South Connections with Satori and the fun Nautilus City with its Citadel and canal. I love Corsica waterways and roads. I love Sansara's Seas and roads, the sense of history and variety of areas, the Atolls geography road and rail networks and its little sometimes infuriating waterways. But my heart would always lead me back to Nautilus and the opportunities it offers for sailing, the little islands and features dotted around and the links with the private estates.
  3. Motorcycle club regions are often well done and will likely have build enabled primarily for vehicles, but I doubt anyone would complain if you rezzed something for poses for photos or to show friends.
  4. All the maps got me interested. This one of an LCC cruise from May 2012 shows the addition of the original 5 Snug Harbor regions
  5. Atlan Blades map from 2018 is a classic, would be nice to see ones for the intervening period
  6. It would be interesting to see more maps from the years after to show additions over time. Second Norway - 2012/13? The Seychelles, Brookland, the opening up of North West Coast of Satori, links to Corsica etc I have a map in my inventory of the USS sims from 2008, from before the Blake sea
  7. It is interesting to me at least to see the 2010 map before Snug Harbor (2011 I think) and before the Grumphmunch Channel.
  8. It would be such a huge missed opportunity if they don't ultimately provide that link, that it is hard to believe that they would get so close and then not do it. Those missing 18 regions would probably double the amount of water Bellisserians have access to. And the Houseboats and now the Stilts seem to be the most popular Bellisserian homes, consistently hardest to get.
  9. Above 50m any banline you encounter is because of being blacklisted. It might be that an orb has done that. https://sl-aviation.fandom.com/wiki/Ban-line
  10. It might be the car that is causing it or the way the car interacts with that particular track. I am going back some time with my experiences and those are with bikes, but some just work better on some surfaces than others. Making roads and vehicles is in part art, I know when working with prim road pieces you could make the sections match exactly and still get bumps as the vehicle transitioned between them. I would tweak and retweak sections time and time again to minimise the impact. Simbaz was one of the first mesh road builders, but the joins in pieces of her tracks could sometimes throw bikes off the road, wildly even worse than prims. More recent mesh road pieces like those made by Katyproxima seem incredibly tolerant to being misaligned. Bounding boxes for animations can also make a bike prone to misbehaving on mesh roads in particular or roads in general. Alot of vehicles use Karyn's scripts (described as ACS or KCP). It sounds a bit like you might be using one of them since you are talking about those values and her scripts have a lot of tweaking to settings. You can also tweak the values in the vehicle directly in edit. What those numbers should be caries wildly from one vehicle to the next because of the way parts are designated physical and how they contribute to mass. You can look at the wiki for those scripts, but it is really designed for builders rather than for riders. Trial and error is probably the best way to go about setting up your vehicle. I would suggest trying different tracks and different roads to see how it handles them. I am not that keen personally on super heavy bikes\cars, but I know they are (or were) popular especially with racers for holding the track better. It is trial and error with the numbers to get it to handle how you want.
  11. Not being much of a flier myself I am not sure the extent of my sympathy for fliers caught in ban lines. A 50m no fly zone above property doesn't seem so unreasonable. But a case could certainly be made for some visible marker at the top of the banline. It is an interesting discussion for others on how that would be best implemented. Where I do have more sympathy is zero second orbs that extend the entire height of the parcel. They are excessive and recognised as such, at least in Bellisseria. I think the difficulty is perhaps whether the resource needed for policing a prohibition on them is worthwhile. I am inclined to think it would be, but only they really know how much resource they require to do that in Bellisseria, and by extension the rest of mainland to make that judgment.
  12. Personal opinions might not matter to you, but they are important, they are a part of what makes us human and what allows people to come together as a community to work together for collective benefit.
  13. Huh? What has that to do with anything I or anyone else on the thread has said?
  14. What I see in the discussion is the opposite to be honest, Continued assertions of the rights of individual land owners to disregard the context they are living in, and what their neighbours are trying to do regardless of the consequences. And that that person should be immune from judgment or criticism. Something I find profoundly offensive and hypocritical. Do as you wish, as I have said umpteen times and you have ignored. For me people can have ban lines and security without being anti-social. But there are cases where they set up traps for travellers where they in my mind and in those snared in them's view clearly are.
  15. Another issue with this, is that banlines are so rarely seen on waterways that when people do find them like, in Diamonds example it is a nasty surprise. A clear visual clue like displaying them as a 5m wall in the same way a prim would be displayed would make for a huge improvement. Often they don't display until it is too late or at all if they are on a region boundary.
  16. I haven't noticed anyone saying that and certainly not me. I have been very careful to try to give some balance in my responses and allow for the many ways in which security can be used for example when clearly marked out that is not anti-social. There are good uses for orbs, like I think Prok pointed out or someone did in response to them, orbs are often the only way for landlords to give tenants eject rights on their land.
  17. People can say all manner of things it doesn't make them right. If someone saying that is saying that a person coming into their living room is griefing them, then that is fine and makes sense. But an individual using security measures that creates a trap to ensnare travellers (like my water way examples you are responding to) and says that they are being social in their actions is clearly wrong where their neighbours have been careful to make the route otherwise safe to travel. The exclusion they are creating is anti-social to their neighbours and to the travellers using that route. You say we shouldn't go judging them, because they might be introverted?.. If they are introverted then their actions are clearly not going to be helpful to them. Whether you like it or not they will be judged, people will feel griefed when their boat hits their banline, when their neighbour realises that the otherwise open water way has now been spoiled and some will express that to the person. If you have advised an introvert that has done that to stick with their guns, they are doing nothing wrong... then I am afraid that is terrible advice, damaging to the individual, their relationships with their neighbours and the community they have chosen to live in.
  18. You also know Linden lab give us the tools to grief people with replicating spammers, to target people with particles. Just because the tools are there doesn't mean it is okay to use them. If people do as you say and should never set foot outside a linden passageway on their vehicle then everyone loses so much, the landowners that build bypasses and through ways. The collective of landowners that have built a passageway across the top of nautilus could not be enjoyed because there is no Linden Passageway there, the passage is created by the collective will of the 20 or more landowners opening their land up along that route. That narrow one dimensional view of rights has us losing so much freedom and so much opportunity as land owners and as a group to make a more creative and fulfilling world.
  19. I prefer when referring to excessive use of security to terms relating to them being anti-social rather than griefing for this reason. Although as I say above griefing in some cases can in my mind can be reasonably argued. Parcels open for community purposes are social places. Private spaces aren't intended to be social in the same way, but they become anti-social when they start becoming disruptive to their neighbours and traffic.
  20. I can use the tools that Linden Lab gives me to do any number of undesirable things. A friend regularly sends me particle hearts directed at me as part of a gesture they use to greet me, it is cute and always brings a smile to my face. If I was to use that same tool on someone sat behind their banline they may well feel like I was invading their personal space, that I was griefing them. The section of policy relating to that says "Linden Lab aims to provide users with an enjoyable experience on the Service. Please be mindful that your actions may cause slow server performance or may inhibit another user’s ability to enjoy the Service." That same line could apply to badly used banlines or security as it can abuse of particle followers. Now I am not saying that a parcel adjacent to a waterway, clearly marked by walls up to the edge of their boundary with a banline or orb could reasonably be said to be griefing to traffic going past. I wouldn't say they are being particularly social, perhaps anti-social but not in an especially concerning way. On the other hand there are parcels, like one I know between Sea of Fables and Mare Secondus that is of minimum width and extends from the water bank across part of the waterway right up to the linden protected waterway, close to a corner. The security there is extremely unlikely to be there for protecting anyone's privacy, it is hard not to come to the conclusion the intent there is to inhibit peoples ability to enjoy the protected waterway. And that their intent is to disrupt and cause grief for travellers. Griefing. I can think of a few cases where people have parcel's in terrain terraformed to be waterway that are larger than that and could possibly be said to be there for the privacy of the owners. But if they are protecting their privacy why is their build in the sky and not in the area the banline is protecting? I can see they might misunderstand how their banlines work, but they will have been told politely countless times and probably less politely too that their security decision with banlines is not serving any useful purpose for them. So they should by now know that their continued use of their security is griefing peoples enjoyment of the linden water way and its intended purpose. Again then a situation that could easily fall under a definition of griefing and against TOS against inhibiting people's enjoyment of the service provided. For communities to survive and thrive in real life and virtual worlds neighbours have to work together or at least in ways that don't cause conflict.
  21. An orb can be the best option for distributing security powers around your staff when there are insufficient group roles available or where control of the land group is indirect like it would be on a rental.
  22. I disagree with the sentiment that because land owners can use orbs, banlines then they should. I can do all sorts of things that are undesirable. just because I can do something doesn't mean I should. Whether the use of orbs and banlines is justified depends on context. I also disagree that people using the roads or waterways are entirely responsible if they hit an orb or transgress off a linden passageway and encounter problems. The vast majority of landowners along public routes appreciate the value of their parcel having unrestricted access along those routes. There are many routes that require going over private parcels and others that are difficult to navigate without making a tight corner turn, or where the linden route is just a mess of varying sized width. Over zealous security along such routes, is obnoxious to travellers and to their neighbours. The Landowner has better options using limited range orbs, or orbs with a timer. Many of us spend much of our tier on land we encourage people to enter and enjoy. This going on private held land is bad attitude is alien to me and antithetical to our investment and enjoyment. The majority of people along public waterways and roads pay the premium to enjoy the public access along those routes. Landowners should feel encouraged to collaborate and open up routes and passages across areas that have no Linden protected access.
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