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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. If they are reviewing the guidelines it might be an opportunity to rephrase the description of behind closed doors so it is clear that restricting access to a parcel is not required simply for having a bed with adult animations on your moderate parcel. The current wording encourages a belief that all bullet points are required, rather than suggestions and that reasonableness is the key part of the requirement. The literal interpretation that all are required is destructive to community building and cooperation between residents for betterment of mainland.
  2. I was new and had been shopping and was wearing bits of different outfits without realising it I was wearing about 6 facelights one from the skin maker, one for eyes, one for hair, one that came with the outfit and maybe another that came with the shoes or jewelry. Everything came with a facelight... I didn't really know what they were I just added them And well one day someone said wow you look great but I think you would look better with this and they gave me the facelight 3000..... It was a great lesson when I worked out why they gave it me. 😁
  3. It depends on what you are doing, but often you can run and organise groups without much need for land. If what you are doing is successful and people are engaged with it then it will naturally evolve. The failures happen when you over reach or try to run before you are walking. Don't worry about writing constitutions unless you like doing them. Elections can be nice, but most of the time people should be happy to contribute to the group and empowered to do so without needing formal roles or titles. But be flexible and let the structures evolve to suit. My experiences of successes include the sailing club I am annually elected as commodore because no one else daft enough to stand. Our marinas are collectively owned and paid for through donations and tier. That model has lasted successfully over 10 years. My motorbike club doesn't have elections but no one else would want the president role anyway, it is a lot of work. The biking regions are paid for by 12 or so owners. There are weekly owners meetings and members meetings where decisions are discussed and made. The club started off with a constitution and elections but is now a more president decides thing, but those decisions and clubs continuance depends on retaining the support of those financially contributing. They both work differently with different models that have evolved over time to suit circumstances. Both successes that have lasted more than 10 years that work through collective contributions and empowering those involved to do more than they could individually. The CDS model works for them, but other models can work too.
  4. I remember being confused at the start trying to find things I had bought. Clothes you might think would be in the clothes folder.... but no not there... in outifts? maybe but no... then look in received items, objects and then find it at bottom in another new folder. System clothes have icons to indicate what layer they are on... but sculpty clothes, mesh clothes appear as boxes in the inventory just the same icon as well boxes, vehicles, buildings, guns and other stuff. Knowing and living through the SL history I know why it is like that but that is a lot to understand for someone new.
  5. We have never looked as good since we got rid of powerful facelights
  6. There is this road from 2004 that they never completed. They even sold off a section of it so you end up with banlines extending over the road, but aside from incomplete Gaeta I can't think of other examples.
  7. Little fortresses with dungeons ? 😁 - I hope something more normal maybe mix in trads, houseboats etc without creating a new theme..... I think the success of Bellisseria is in part due to it looking like a regular suburban housing estate.
  8. Adult regions linked to moderate in the collection of regions that includes mainland would seem to break a fundamental principle for them that they apply to CLPP Estates linked to mainland. It is possible, but I think linking new Adult regions to Zindra is more likely because it would not create a perception of a "double standard". I would like to think it would involve finishing Zindra.... but if Horizons is anything to go by they are more likely to link to it by a waterway and leave Zindra in the mess it is. But I am not without hope, that Zindra will get some love in this plan.
  9. 50g of earthworms a day is a normal moles food requirement. So they are paid their weight in worms looking that up about 90g... So 90g of worms a day is well over what they really need, but it won't pay for any luxury holidays.
  10. I don't disagree with that, I wasn't around to comment and happily trust what you say is correct... But unless I am reading you wrong it seems odd that they would plan to make continents that looked unfinished. My understanding was that there was a surprise decision during the role out of the Zindra and Gaeta continents that suddenly stopped development, I think there were staff lay offs too? Presumably a financial report of some kind that showed the expansion was no longer economic, that the forecasts that got them started had turned out to be wildly optimistic. Those two continent systems end up looking like a half finished tower block with a few people living in the first stories, while the top half of the building never got windows. The gap in the road between Kerano and Harriott would be fixed by one or two regions, but they never went in. I am no financial expert really to comment on the decision made then, but the way they simply stopped roll out across the board, in particular for Zindra seems more and more flawed as time has gone on. Even if they didn't feel they could expand it further at the time, it has been a long time since then, they surely could\should have come back to complete it considering the occupancy levels (even if largely in the hands of rental companies).
  11. It seems I had to verify my email address, kind of odd I would have thought I had already verified it... but well anyway thought I would give an update in case anyone else with the same problem..
  12. I tried to respond on the feedback portal in support of the suggestion, but pressing the Login button on the page just sends me to knowledgebase article about how to login to the portal. I get sent around in a circle trying to login. Anyway, I fuilly agree that Zindra is half done. The gap in road between Kerano and Harriott a shocking example of a plan ended before completion. The value of land in Zindra and success of Horizons illustrates demand and is a good business argument to complete development
  13. It reminds me a bit of the photo galleries that used to be in Helvellyn in the East River Community. Looking at your photos inspired me to go back and I am pleased to see that despite the changes the little art community remains there with a nice cluster of galleries to make a visit worthwhile.
  14. I am pretty sure the sort of alpha you wear will be a part of the bom loading process. Therefore old style clothes, underwear, tattoos and alphas will all rezz at the same time and you will look grey until they do.
  15. I remember that I think their longest running thread started out with something about licking gravel and ass. I think it was either a troll or the weirdest output from Google translate ever, but it was enough for the forum to run with for years. You would think it gone for months and then someone would resurrect it.
  16. The technical stuff here is really over my head, but is this why after the cloud started delivering the servers the Loonetta and other boats stopped working reliably? The Loonetta for me every 20 minutes stops after a region crossing like the avatar has stood up even though they haven't. With Mesh Shop and Bandit boats the Avsit fix made them useable again (eg HVW ones). My understanding of these fixes is that they introduce a delay into a timing in the script to give more time for the regions to report the transfer. These problems affect people a little differently but they are very widely reported, the Loonetta in particular is rarely used any more because of the problem. If so then the problem might be related to a change that happened around the time of the move to the cloud. I did try to introduce it into a Jira, but don't really understand them. The Jira got closed as accepted and then couldn't see what was being done with it if anything.
  17. I am being perhaps a little over cautious but I would advise against starting your explorations of mainland with a "large" boat. I do like sailing my N&K Square rigger, but it is not a beginner boat. One problem with large boats is that unless you stick exclusively to the main waterways you may find rezz areas that don't have enough prims for you. A medium to small boat is much better for your first adventures. Kingpost is a good place to start. Rezz your boat and head North and then East to go to the Blake Sea area. Head South to go to Bellisseria. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Kingpost/77/158/22 For a good first boat that is free :https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Michie-Marine-Classic-HT/8080288 Tips Keep the scripts and complexity of your avatar down Press Ctrl-Shift-M to bring up the minimap. R-click on the minimap and show property lines. It will help you see where region crossings are and show parcel boundaries. With a bit of pattern recognition and experience it will help with finding rezz areas. Avoid crossing regions at their corners. At a corner the server has to deal with two region crossings in quick succession, best to give them at least 10-20m space if you can to give the servers time to process the crossings and to avoid problems.
  18. Diamonds waypoint hud is very good. It outputs in USB format that will work with other huds too. I use it all the time.
  19. For me it was not limited to the landmark folder. The duplicates I deleted when testing were in folders for clothes bought from a store.
  20. I thought you might mean this world map: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Da Boom/120/40 but landmarks don't obviously work with that to my knowledge, but I thought you might be saying there was a way to use or store landmarks on it. I hadn't noticed the landmarks in the Viewer world map option.... but now you mention it I have had a look. The Landmarks there appear to correspond with ones in my inventory. I copied the name of one of the landmarks there that came up multiple times and deleted all but one from my inventory. When I look at the drop down on world map again for the landmarks there is now just the one entry .... so editing landmarks in my directory in Firestorm appears to edit those that appear in the World Map landmark list. Is that not working for you?
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