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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. Remix of Rated X by Miles Davis from 1974
  2. Gong concluded their Flying Teapot trilogy 50 years ago with You. This is a recording of a live performance in Germany. And the album itself:
  3. Something else from 1974, a great period for King Crimson amazing to see them playing
  4. I am not understanding the awkwardness. I can only see benefits to knowing where the banlines are before you enter the region so you can take steps to avoid them.
  5. I agree with all that what I would add though is that the best tip for anyone vehicle travelling, or indeed walking is to use the mini-map and turn the view of property lines on. Without it, it isn't possible to navigate rivers safely and it makes finding rezz zones much easier.. The Linden Viewer didn't use to have that function, why I haven't used it in years. (I don't know if it does or doesn't now.)
  6. I recall the context being more along the lines of you claiming there weren't many orbs anyway, and that you had made a long journey over mainland without encountering them. It is a bit disingenuous if that journey was over protected land because it doesn't make the point you appeared to be making.
  7. This thread clearly isn't about rights to trespass, so no I am not counting this, even though you appear to want it to be. I don't know of one that was deleted because well deleted? and exploring a skybox - there is no wonder why I wouldn't count that. The other one you mention was about someone that didn't know why they were being ejected from abandoned land. Again I wouldn't count that because not what I was talking about.
  8. I just had a look and in the last 12 months I can see just three threads about people being obstructed whilst travelling and each of them were new to me on the forum with low post counts. The relative lack of travel stopping security probably has little effect on the number of people that will complain here, because as numbers go down people become more confident to travel and when they do find an obstruction are likely to feel as aggrieved if not more by their experience and think it might be worth raising on the forum.
  9. My experience is the same. Pretty much all I do in SL for some years is organise and run cruises. My perception, is perhaps anecdotal but I can certainly speak with some assurance that waterways and riverways look better and are more open now than ever before. Nautilus is circumnavigable. No obstructive security any more between the Sea of Fables and Linden Village area. Corsica is much easier to navigate and circumnavigate. I can do routes through the Coast Town sims now where previously taking people down there would have wiped out every one. Even Heterocera is open enough now to run cruises, with some care, where a few years ago it would have been out of the question, even if possible. Even the Zindra river is free from security, now. Just yesterday I ran a route from Mare Secondus through rivers in the Volcano regions and Micronesia. There were just two orbs along the 1.5 hour route. There would have been many more just a few years ago, I can speak with far less assurance for travel overland as I rarely fly, but when I have, my experience is of rarely encountering orbs and security. For a comparison the Wiki has an article that includes a Survey done 10 years ago: A survey made by our team showed that about 40% of all parcels have restricted access, as follows: 20% use ban lines and use group access, access list or no access list. This percent is much higher in some places of the grid and a lot lower in others. 5 to 10% use entity orbs to restrict access. From these, the majority use a higher eject time (over 10 seconds). Only a few are very aggresive and are set for less then 5 seconds. Also, only a few teleport people to another parcel. About 15% use banned lines for a few unwanted visitors. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Land_With_Restricted_Access#Percents Now I am not clear if those percentages are for mainland alone or if they include private regions. But private regions don't always allow banlines anyway, in fact I don't recall ever being allowed them on private estates I have rented or rent on. I would say along waterways the percentage of places using orbs of less than 10 seconds would be something like 0.5%
  10. Sailing, but possibly more than that is just idling on a patio watching the way the water shimmers. The best views in SL normally involve water. Something about it that is almost medatative, relaxing.
  11. On another forum there was someone with the name Don Kiddich. I didn't think it unusual, he was a regular. It was a few years later someone asked if actually tried to verbalise it, before I realised the hidden smutty meaning. I like the cleverness when the double meaning is hidden.
  12. Herbie Hancock with Norah Jones on the first track from River, the Joni Letters.
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