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Everything posted by Aethelwine

  1. You might be thinking of Shergood aviation's mapping of security orbs and parcel settings? They collates data from individuals, or last time I looked it did. It is a good idea but not really useful without more data. If they switched to using bots it could make the end result much more useful. Come to think of it there is a "weather report" that gets updated at least daily that reports on the health of mainland regions to inform travellers what to expect with regards to region crossings. I presume scripted bots collect that data, but not 100% sure.I suppose with this policy, Bellisseria will lose out on weather report coverage.
  2. I hadn't heard of bonniebots before the information they gather doesn't seem all that useful to me, but it has got me thinking of useful uses for bots. Beyond my ability or inclination but I can see a use for mapping parcel security settings across mainland to help the flying community and other travellers. I would have thought the Linden's would run some bots themselves to gather data to inform policy decisions.
  3. Qie describes them as heavily scripted, which is a bit curious, but doesn't the term scripted agent refer to an avatar doing automated stuff, not just standing around doing nothing.
  4. A couple of weeks ago there was affordable land for sale on the North East side of the sea of fables, possibly there still is. There is nice affordable mainland available if you look elsewhere than the Blake Sea
  5. It is in the "being processed" category, assigned to Guy Linden. He presumably has a backlog of tickets and tasks to work through.
  6. It looks like a mesh shop Pacha with a common mod added that allows you to add a RIB to it. I think the reason it is not showing is simply lag.
  7. Not sure if you have already put a ticket in about it, so I have done.
  8. Another tip for finding places with privately owned rezzing is to look for sky signs that say LCC or GTFO, both of those signs indicate there will be a rezz area somewhere on their parcel.
  9. If you right click your minimap you should (at least on most third party viewers) be able to show property lines. With them showing you can look for parcels likely to be rezz areas. You should spot one near to Nantucket YC. I think it is the South Side of the Club building. You will also notice parcels in the North East corner of each of the Blake Sea regions. You can rezz your boat there to continue your journey. The reason your boat is getting returned will be the autoreturn settings. Sometimes because you will be in the the landgroup at the destination and to avoid autoreturn you could can edit the boat and set it to the landgroup before standing up. But, rezzing a fresh boat however is a good idea after a while sailing, so I would generally let autoreturn do its job and rezz a fresh one even if I was in the land group at the destination.
  10. The Linden Vehicle Sandbox is a good place to start http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Georgean/198/220/38
  11. If using firestorm try seeing if your connection is lossy, press Ctrl Shift 1. And look at the packet loss number, it should be 0% or close to it. If it is higher you might want to try checking your cable connections - unplug and replug them, turn router off for a couple of minutes, or take a look at some of suggestions here https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/slow_rez. I know changing my network bandwidth settings helped when I had problems.
  12. My experience and that of a lot of people I know has been the opposite. The cloud uplift introduced problems. Where before the uplift, it would be rare to have a crossing failure they became so common i almost gave up on vehicles. Loonettas are particularly badly affected, I couldn't go more than a handful of regions before the boat would just stop like I had stood up from it, even though I was still sat on it. Alot of my problem was to do with having just a 4 Meg connection, now it is ten times as fast I can go a couple of hours before having the same problem. Uggo Vieria and Carla Wetter made some scripts to help mitigate the problem, and I know boat makers are now routinely using Uggo's for improved performance in new releases. The cloud uplift introduced a timing problem on handovers, scripts can mitigate them but the cloud uplift was and still is fundamentally broken and the impact especially noticeable on slower internet connections,
  13. I haven't really paid it much attention I just try different words and options until I find what I want. One trick to avoid seeing 30 entries for different coloured listings is to refine the search to under 10L$, that way you just get to see the demo for them in the one listing. Sometimes if I can't find something in my inventory I will look for it on marketplace often finding a name i can then use to find it. I don't really have much problem with marketplace search.
  14. I disagree with some of the comments about only wanting to see new things come up in the relevance search. A teleport pad from 10 years ago is just as relevant to me as one made last week.
  15. What everyone else has said but in particular the covenant, layout of the regions and overall design that encourages travel and exploring beyond the boundaries of your land. I think a benefit not yet mentioned is the impact on connected mainland : Jeogeot, Satori and the regions bordering in South Sansara, they feel revitalised from the connection with the landowners more likely to make builds welcoming to visitors and reinforcing a wider sense of community than an insular Bellisserian one.
  16. We are all affected by inflationary costs in real life, all wanting pay rises to keep pace Linden Lab employees included. If anything I had thought costs to us might be higher. I know some landowners have been struggling and the 20$ reduction for them no doubt welcome. I can't help but wonder if sharing that further by tweaking tier costs might not have helped more.
  17. If before taking your photos you just have a basic platform out on which you are going to rezz your backdrop then moving it up or down away from their shadow is really quick and simple to do. Just r-click the platform, select edit and you should see numbers you can set for location. Add or subtract a number like 500 from the z value. Click elsewhere and it will have moved. Then in firestorm type "gth" followed by the z value you set plus 10 and second later you are on the platform you moved. The trouble they are taking to irritate you is much more work for them than it is you
  18. We might be talking at cross purposes, but portals for region wide travel can be resized. They are just scripts one for the portals and one for the vehicles. I mostly use mine for changing the altitude of my space ship to go from ground level to space station level. I have also seen similar used on roads on motorbike regions, but they would work just as well for cars and tanks.
  19. Drive through portals I think can only work on a region and you need the vehicle to have a script in for it to work.
  20. I have seen it on plants from time to time, I edit and correct them now without putting sufficient thought in to it to really gauge how often it happens except to say very rarely. I was going to suggest asking Qie about it because I recall their post on it, but I see that is already linked.
  21. I came across working Alteran Stargates again a couple of weeks ago on one of the very well run Grid Runs that Drivers of SL do. They worked very well in that context of a story you follow as you travel around. The thing with ASN is they predate and always seemed more popular than Novatech or NLS options. The land impact on them is alot especially on a small parcel, but for larger parcels not so hard to accommodate. The thread is a reminder to me to do some more investigating when I get some free time, I have a port area with 4000 spare prims where I could easily spare the prims to locate one.
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