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Six Igaly

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Everything posted by Six Igaly

  1. CPU: Intel® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz (3400 MHz)Memory: 4096 MBOS Version: Mac OS X 10.6.8 Darwin 10.8.0 Darwin Kernel Version 10.8.0: Tue Jun 7 16:32:41 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 6970M OpenGL Engine OpenGL Version: 2.1 ATI-1.6.36
  2. Well, the build tool shows prim count again, that is a pro. Environment editor in estate tools is cool (although a bit limited as far as i can tell) but then...there are a number of textures that are not rendered anymore (alpha textures). The shadows do show lol.
  3. I switched back to basic (1 prim) vendors long ago. And never regretted this. They are reliable, low lag (i mean low) and low in prim count. On the fly i changed the way how i name my products (i use letters and numbers in stead of names) and use a single vendor for a single product group. That way it is a piece of cake to update the config notecards (copy & paste last line, then only change the numbers). All together i feel i have a lot less to do in comparison to the hippo one. Or maybe i just like the simple no-nonsense way. Oh, and the system i use is available for about L$ 125 :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  4. Yes of course. You can play a human, a hominid, an ape, a primate, a simian, a mammal, a vertebrate, an animal, an eukaryote, an organism, an omnivore, a heterotroph or a plantigrade on this platform called SL. I'd better rephrase myself. I do NOT play SL. Playing implies it is not real. To me however SL is real (as in Virtual Reality). I'm not playing i create stuff, i just create it. I'm not playing i meet people, i just meet them. I'm not playing i enjoy SL, i just enjoy it. If i am sarcastic well, then i am. If i laugh then i'm having fun. Period :matte-motes-oh-rly:
  5. It is not a matter of wanting or not wanting to call it a game. It is NOT period. SL is a platform / virtual environment where you CAN play games.. Every one who keeps telling SL is a game is either hard headed or...well..never mind. If SL is a game then the Internet is a game as well. Of course, i realize, for some people life itself is a game so SL probably is too. Now to hope they can play all levels, find all secrets and win the bonus level! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game
  6. I think a lot of people does not have problems with viewer 2 but with the fact viewer 2 was introduced. Changes! That's what most people dislike. For me viewer 2, i liked it from scratch. I took me about an hour to get used to it (beta release once). Can't imagine people are swearing by a viewer that looks if it was from the early 80's. I hope we'll soon have a viewer 3!
  7. Depending on what viewer is used. This so far about V2: http://roaringapps.com/app:458 A week ago though it was marked as 'Not Working' so there seem to be some progress. I know this: i will not be the first to download Lion.
  8. Long ago it was in the pipeline to limit inventory size, just as script limits (about actual or already is). However i could not find the url back. This is what you'l find about inventory size now (as far as i can tell) http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/When_I_log_into_Second_Life,_it_gets_to_%22Preparing_Inventory%22_and_stops.
  9. It is a bit tricky to rely on camera distance..if your draw distance is set to 256 meters and your neighbours's is set at 64 meters it is one way traffic...as far as they know no one is around!
  10. If you are using V2 then you can choose to save your snapshot as JPEG, BMP or PNG when you use the option 'Save to my computer' in your snapshot window. If you want to save pics that already exists to your disk then it isTGA at default. So either you need photo editing software or a converter. There also are online image converters like this: http://www.coolutils.com/online/image-converter/ Otherwise google for image converter.
  11. I found out for myself that only when i use 'Resident' as last name then search fails. When i leave it out then search is just as fast as ever. This also goes for when i search for 'older' residents, the ones with a last name.
  12. There is a Jira about this issue: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-19754 There are some answers there.. Not sure if voting makes sense these days..but i just did for you never know
  13. Randall is about right. You can give each friend permissions to edit your objects. In viewer 2 you have to open the specific profile, then 'Actions/Permissions and then check the action you want to be taken. For other viewers i think it is like it was on viewer 1. Open your friends list and there check the checkboxes behind the specific name.
  14. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Unlimited-Teleport-Range-Script-FULL-PERM-now-with-menu-multi-locations-3-access-modes/326493?id=326493&slug=Unlimited-Teleport-Range-Script-FULL-PERM-now-with-menu-multi-locations-3-access-modes This script is simple and not limited to heights either. You can use a single location script or a multi location script..both in the package. You don't have to script anything, all there is to do is paste the coordinates of the destination in the script. Then when you want to teleport on touch..right click the prim you put the script in/edit/tab general and there select the action 'Click to 'Sit on object'. Now you tp on touch.
  15. First bought - Shoes / Hair First made - Shoe box (sky box with the looks of a shoe box) First notecard - How to deal with lag First Landmark - Peace ( the good old days of camping..yes..good...in those days you could really earn) First turn-off - Overcrowded club with dozens of people using this ^&^$%% gestures First owned land (strugatsky 512 m) First sold - stick man avatar First friend - Rose B.
  16. I use this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Unlimited-Teleport-Range-Script-FULL-PERM-now-with-menu-multi-locations-3-access-modes/326493
  17. If getting inspired by someones creation is equal to stealing, then all creators are thieves, as well in 1st life as in the 2nd! When you make something totally new never seen before, then i should call it something divine :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  18. I recently removed a bunch from my list again. Criteria: not seen online for ages / meaningless names / people that offered friendship and never start a conversation afterwards (one month trial :matte-motes-big-grin-squint: ) If it is up to me the friends list was not a friends list but a contacts list with a couple of categories: friends-wannabee friends-business. A lot more names would still be in that list now!
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