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Six Igaly

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Everything posted by Six Igaly

  1. The longest time I've ever had to wait for a delivery was 13 minutes in the last 4 years. And as a merchant, only once someone IM'd me about a failed delivery and while doing that it arrived after all. So to me it seems like a local problem. 
  2. True. However you don't have to pay Tier for this 512. In that way you could say 'it is mine'.
  3. http://blog.machinimatrix.org/3d-creation/video-tutorials/
  4. Oops, my bad. Was to eager to answer i suppose LOL
  5. You have to be online 24/7 if you want to 'see' it happen. On this page you can see the schedule. http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ If you want to know if your region is done yet then go to the help menu in the viewer and then go to About Second Life to see the current server. If it says 11 then the roll is completed as far as i know.
  6. I have such a folder for about 4 years now, regardless the viewer. I think if it is gone now i'll miss it :smileyvery-happy:
  7. Besides going in busy mode and setting an auto response message you also can make yourself invisble inworld for others*. In your parcel properties (About Land) go to the Options tab and there uncheck 'Allow other residents to see and chat with residents on this parcel'. Note though, the green dot will not disappear..but neighbours don't see you when they cam in or drop by. *In the offical viewer you can anyway, not sure about 3rd party ones.
  8. I hear you. Well. If the store owner is paying regular avatars for being a model it is for fake traffic as well don't you think? Or all these models are standing there for the good cause. Then there is not payed for fake traffic. One thing i do know. I do not envy this models!:smileyvery-happy:
  9. They most likely are scripted agents aka bots. You can create alts and then mark them as scripted agent in your dashboard to use as a model. Bots usually do not chat together.
  10. I can answer this for you. Almost sure it is the Moreland Grove viewer: http://www.primphilia.com/store/MorelandGrove.html
  11. I always use a particular gesture. This gesture will let me make fists and then when played the stretched finger issue is gone again for a while. Come to think of it, I can't even say it is annoying or whatever...it is as long as I remember and I am so used to this 'fix' it is just a routine by now. How sad LOL.
  12. No benefactors here. I spended my first months on a beanbag at Dusty's (how well payed it was) collecting my first L$ and after that doubled it by playing roulette at 007 (just before gambling was banned). All i needed (and need) to knowI looked (look) up in: help, wiki, fora, blogs, joining groups and eardrop the chats, internet, google, and by talking with people. I think if there are benefactors in my SL, it are all those creative, intelligent, humerous people i've met, they made and make me want to stay. Also all assholes and retards are my benefactors, they also made and make me want to stay. Both keeps me inspired
  13. Inspiration is everywhere. What get's me inspired however is totally depending on my mood of that time. And, I have to add, I more often get inspired to NOT create a specific creation. :smileyhappy:
  14. If there was no gender I hope we would not look like Andrej.
  15. Ah, BBQ! How long does one have to cook/fry/roast it before it is any safe to eat?
  16. oh I forgot... You know you're hooked when you forget the walls and doors in your house are not phantom.
  17. You know you're hooked when you want to jump from the highest building if you see your friend walking on the street below and want to surprise him with your latest 'Splat' attachment. You also know you're hooked when you try to cross the Atlantic Ocean walking the bottom just to get a fresh doughnut.
  18. There is voice. Read all about it here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Voice-chat-FAQ/ta-p/700171
  19. A similiar topic was in the Friends section too 6 days ago. I'll repeat myself for a change now: I clean my contacts list frequently. Friends are friends, don't delete them usually. Unless it turns out it became a hollow phrase for whatever reason. What I never do is leave a name because of old times sake or whatever. (I personally think people tend to leave names because they don't want to 'hurt' others or don't want others to think how rude they are.) In my profile I am very clear about friendships though. If I say hi to someone and because of that a friendship is offered, I usually decline. Sometimes a person makes me curious and then I'll accept. If however it turns out to become one way traffic with me as initiator I'll delete the person after all. quoted from: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/Deleting-Contacts/td-p/1091225/page/2
  20. English is not (but almost in the meanwhile lol) my 1st language either. But I am pretty sure you just have to read 'Meeting'. So yes, most likely a typo :smileyhappy: btw..when you use spellcheck then you'll see 'metting' is suggested as 'meeting'!
  21. I clean my contacts list frequently. Friends are friends, don't delete them usually. Unless it turns out it became a hollow phrase for whatever reason. What I never do is leave a name because of old times sake or whatever. (I personally think people tend to leave names because they don't want to 'hurt' others or don't want others to think how rude they are.) In my profile I am very clear about friendships though. If I say hi to someone and because of that a friendship is offered, I usually decline. Sometimes a person makes me curious and then I'll accept. If however it turns out to become one way traffic with me as initiator I'll delete the person after all. Speaking of it...if I log on in some minutes, first thing I'll do is deleting one person that never contacted me since offering me friendship, replied 2 times on my IM and never initiated 1 herself whilst online every day!
  22. I once was told that first year avatars (really from the beginning, maybe even beta testers alone) were offered to settle down on thier own sims (old peoples places?) for grandfathered prices and free membership for life.
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