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Ry0ta Exonar

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Everything posted by Ry0ta Exonar

  1. When I check your my.secondlife, it shows you are on-line, so I'm wondering if you are ghosted. If so, read Jasmin Helstein's post in this thread http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Viewer/Friend-quot-Ghosted-quot-SL-acting-like-he-s-signed-in-when-he/m-p/1354313 When I once experienced this, I could login by that method.
  2. You are not alone. Have a look at this page. http://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-4945
  3. I have no idea about the game but It's not like that LL is patroling the sims to discover infringing objects, so they probably don't know until someone let them know. They are not proactive in general. I'm afraid the only thing you can do is to notify the copyright holder so they can file a DMCA take down notification?
  4. My favourites are langue de chat, Oleo and orange peel cookies. ETA : I meant Oreo lol
  5. Hmm...I think if there is such a way, we would have already seen lots of hats like that. If all the textures used for the hair sticking out are alpha textures, an invisiprim could hide it, though.
  6. Rya Nitely wrote: It works if you're advertising a really eye-catching skin, cothing or hair. The sort of thing that makes people go 'Oh wow, now that's nice'. Then it works. Otherwise no. Maybe this. Since I read so many complaints about homepage featured ads on these forums, I was shy away from that one, but I thought I'd give it a shot for a change 2 days ago and I was surprised to see it's getting four times more impressions and click-throughs than my usual ads I put on category landing pages. I don't think all of those who clicked through are potential customers, but still it would help in increasing name recognition. ETA : Then again I've never seen my ad on home page, either.
  7. Did you check your listing enhancements report? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/merchants/yourstore#/reports/listing_enhancements Even if you don't see your ad in the featured items, it's possible other people see it. If you see 0 impression there, then no one see your ad. You might want to file a support case.
  8. Okay, I sent you my group gift. Give it a try.
  9. So I guess basically you want to lighten your skin tone. On the marketplace you can find some skin tint like https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Skin-TintColorizer/2655636 .
  10. Oh, I just recalled something. A customer IMed me after purchasing a skin telling he found a skin tone mismatch between upper body and lower one and sent me a snapshot. In the picture the difference is so apparent that I checked the skin in question in my inventory just to make sure. Of course it had no problem and It turned out that that was his sky setting.
  11. If you try my demo skin with its corresponding shape and think what you see isn't like the ads, take a picture and let me see it, then I think I could answer to your question.
  12. Try Wanted forums.http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Wanted/bd-p/Wanted Or it'd be more profitable if you sell your products by yourself. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700193 http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Selling-objects/ta-p/700143
  13. I've never head of that problem but when you have that issue, try rebake (press Ctrl+Alt+R). That might be of help. I have a similar issue, that is although I see myself wearing clothes, other people around me see me naked, so I always try rebake before I leave home.
  14. I've just received the same message. "IM: Second Life: Objects you own in Ho Su have sent out excessive inventory and their offers have been temporarily deactivated. The last inventory offer sent was from 'Prodigal Update'." This is the first time I received such a message, so did something change? I sent just one notecard to my subscribers (about 4000). After googling this message, I found the creator of the subscriber kiosk I'm using asked the same question on Answers forums, so I'm kinda at a loss. lol EDIT: Looks like it's a general issue for subscribo thingies so I'll contact the creator anyway.
  15. chou101 wrote: There were some who knew what type of person role-player 1 was. And felt bad for what was happening to role-player 2. And those very people decided to talk to the sim owner about what happened to help role-player 2 out. Sadly the sim owner never addressed role-player 1 about what had happened despite the report they’ve received. Those people should have ARed role-player 1. That's against community standars.
  16. Hmm..so that means it's not the eyelashes cause that alpha layer should work on every skin if your viewer is compatible with the alpha layer. Did you try rebaking (Ctrl+Alt+R) after wearing the alpha layer? It sometimes take time for the layer to rez. Another thing I'd do is clearing cache. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Troubleshooting_common_performance_problems Maybe a snapshot is helpful for us to identify your issue.
  17. Try this https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/T-Eyelash-be-gone-free/1829695 and see if it makes difference.
  18. There are 2 ways to make nails. painted nails : Using a clothing template you paint nails on a new layer. I suggest you download Eloh Eliot's skin template from http://www.vintfalken.com/free-full-perm-female-skin-textures/ so that you can figure out where to paint nails. prim nails : You can find a couple of sculpted nail builder's kit on the marketplace like https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Sculpted-Nail-Builders-Kit-Set/2709482 . They have samples and also nail textures, so you can learn how to make your own nail textures or you can just modify the attached textures as you like.
  19. al vulo https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ja-JP/stores/53512 ESUGA https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ja-JP/stores/46763 Hal*Hina http://halhina.slmame.com/c5635.html
  20. Deja Letov wrote: Weird thing though...apparently when it comes to these claims, your Marketplace listing, not the item is actually affected. I changed out the item associated with the marketplace listing to the newly created item but the entire listing was actually removed not the actual item. It was actually left in my marketplace box. I guess that's because IP team don't know the change you made and it's the listing that was reported to be infringing. So did they remove your newly created item from your magicbox? and what about your own inventory...I mean, did they remove anything also from your inventory?
  21. The shape I'm usually wearing is 2.21m prim height but even that looks short inworld. I have also a shape of 1.85m, rarely use it though. I'm selling shapes with different heights and more than half of the customers buy the tallest ones (over 2.40m), so I would assume the average height of muscular male avis should be pretty tall.
  22. I had the same issue before. My case was sorted out by installing the generic Adobe Flash plugin. I'd had already flash plugin for IE but that wasn't sufficient. So if you are using IE and don't have any other browsers like firefox installed, that might be the reason. http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_media
  23. お久しぶりですw マーケットプレイスで見てみたのですが、Google TranslateのAPIを使っていないものと言うと、こんなところでしょうか。 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bing-Translator-For-Modern-SL-Viewers-Translate-36-different-languages-automatically/2768836 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/GUUD-Universal-Translator-v15/2869059 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bing-Translator-Translate-23-different-languages-to-and-from-your-own-language-automatically/303243 あと、レビューを読む限り機能すると思われるもの https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/IOL-Q-Translator-57-Languages-Auto-Spellcheck-Dictionaries-Wiki-Search-Fake-Accents/641722
  24. They are not getting past. Before the marketplace it was Xstreet SL where people could just rate their purchases without writing a review.
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