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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. Thanks animats but we have the equipment. I just need the printout for a separate room.
  2. You're in the wrong forum. This needs moving to what Blush says below.
  3. Do forgive me if this has been asked before but will there be a section for advertising new rp projects (as opposed to posting them off-topic in the Discussion section)? I really don't want to break the rules and it seems a legitimate thing to do but I can't find anywhere suitable.
  4. There were hundreds of shelves full of it where I worked then, all in binders with proper labels and everything
  5. I'd never heard of the event, and when I read Blue I automatically thought of Blue Linden. So what do I know about fashion?
  6. I'm furnishing an office from the late '90s and need computer printout - ideally one in a closed binder and one open as though being read. This is the sort of thing:-
  7. They look like the marks I make when I'm terraforming underwater and don't try very hard.
  8. Perhaps because you can get kicked out any time from someone else's region. just a thought.
  9. Special offer of L$462 per week for the 1st 4 weeks. It would be nice to fill up these last spaces with a couple of people and I know if they don't get rented I'll just take them back and build on them so take advantage I don't mind if you leave after 4 weeks, either
  10. You have to agree to the Experience made for the region. It is confusing when you get that message as it's not obvious what to click on first but if you click on the link The Cornfield you get a window asking you to accept it. Do that and you can go in. I don't know if the direct lm to the prize location worked (the one in the Featured News Item) as I clicked on the link in the Experience, and landed at the other end of the region, finding out what the Experience is all about. I died once.
  11. I haven't discovered anything since pursuing the action I mentioned. My tenant hasn't reported getting any more of the messages.
  12. I'm trying to remember my days as a systems engineer in preparation for an upcoming rp based on Moonbase Alpha. I'll be the Computer Operations Officer, so I need to say convincing things
  13. This is an ad not a discussion topic. Look for the forum headings to find the one suitable for your ad.
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