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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. That does not represent what I said. If you're going to quote me have the decency to display what I said rather than a meaningless lopping. I'm not minded to follow any link you provide or assist you in any way to further your political agenda.
  2. It's not suicide; don't be melodramatic. As for ruining other people's countries, I'm reminded of the saying 'What have the Romans ever given us'.
  3. Very listenable, and I like the elegant choreography. What a change.
  4. Someone's been kind to me today, though they probably won't realise it. I was feeling grumpy with myself and everyone, and annoyed by various pains, but now I probably won't bite the next person's head off.
  5. I just got and released a trad in Ebbe Tide. I was just curious, really.
  6. On my arrival in April 2005 I had no thought of being anything other than human. My aim was to set up a home then explore. I developed a backstory where I was born in a parallel universe but I'm mostly human, with a dash of angel and vampire now. Most of my early pictures vanished in a disk crash but I kept the first shape and some clothing I made so here's a recreation in the region where I began, followed by my current profile photo.
  7. Give me some facts and I might listen. You answered too quickly to capture my edited comment, but never mind. When you say things like "supporting social cohesion and directing support to disadvantaged families to empower their life choices and give their children more opportunities and choice" it just sounds like Eurobabble to me.
  8. In 10 years the demand at food banks in the UK has increased by over 3,800%, with about 2,000 food banks serving the needy. One fifth of the population is now living in poverty. That's happened during Tory rule and during the UK's membership of the EU; I don't see how the EU has been effective in helping them, assuming they tried.
  9. Then you don't know what it means to someone who does.
  10. That's true but, as I said in my posting with advice, the ad went out on 19th, so it would be impossible to edit it. I was assuming Tolya meant adding not editing.
  11. Good grief, @Tolya Ugajin, my posting immediately preceding yours gave a perfectly good reason why the OP should not add to her posting. Either you didn't read mine, or you thought my advice worthless. How often do you read the land ads anyway?
  12. The UK will be in transition from 31st January until 31st December, so I imagine exchange rates could be a bit wobbly for a while. I myself went a bit wobbly over land recently, for reasons which I'm not allowed to discuss, though they have nothing to do with Brexit. I'm also disabled, @Michaelatv Destiny, and have to consider my options, but really, you are the one in control of what you do to face changing circumstances. Calling on LL to make changes to benefit you is optimistic at best.
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