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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. Bother, and I was enjoying making fun of the previous name. Hooray for Live Chat, when it wakes up.
  2. Might I gently suggest that people don't reply to the spam posts as that boosts them above ones people actually want to read? They've been reported.
  3. It means nothing to me. Evidently my FB is a whole lot less exciting.
  4. They have enough awareness to know they can't post here until they've appeared inworld, and they know how to tag posts, but they do seem incapable of interaction.
  5. Eight minutes since the last spam barf. Let's see ... you never know, it might be a useful exercise.
  6. It's been 6 minutes since the last spam barf so this is a little test to see if this comment sparks another one. I know it's not very scientific but I'm just curious. [Edit]. Well, apparently yes. If it goes quiet again, I'll try another test posting.
  7. Certainly a good throttling would be welcome just now.
  8. I think it's probably time to do something with the Shop and Hop gifts that I haven't touched, plus all those old hunt gifts. I mean, Steam Hunt prizes from 2013 really should go. Please outdo my idleness claim by telling me of older things you still have.
  9. I didn't know messages were timed as well. That does seem odd when you're only talking to one person.
  10. It's run out of ideas now and is just repeating itself.
  11. I still haven't seen that! Would you say it's worth watching from the start?
  12. I'm doing pretty well, all things considered; it's amazing what fresh milk and bread can do for morale. I also had the pleasure of seeing and hearing people being cheered up when I told them of my gratitude for their help. I hope that cheering-up spreads.
  13. I think that unless you can dispose of it to other people who need it, or you can use it all up before its expiry date, then it's fair game to play with.
  14. The best thing we can do is report one post and block. Supreme Crystal Princess.
  15. I am doing one thing to prepare - getting an outdoorsy outfit for my Tiny. I'm also wishing hard that Tiny Grove is really a home for Tinies.
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