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Garnet Psaltery

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Everything posted by Garnet Psaltery

  1. I think plurals were established a while ago in other games, and I don't mind, plus you posted a video with a cat in it, which is nice. Diamonds are very sparkly.
  2. Undies Pressed It's to do with ironing, tsk
  3. So you didn't like the Vic parcel by the sea that I especially helped you to get when I was releasing it?
  4. YouTube thought I'd like this. I did already, but now I have to see the film.
  5. I'm a bit confused as to whether this topic is about dating someone exactly like your main avatar, or about whether you think someone else would date you. Or is it about alts? Anyway, other people mostly don't ask me out so obviously they have terrible taste. I'd date me if I were someone else or could clone myself; it's something I've pondered in RL too, and the only difference is that I'd stick to being great friends.
  6. Could it be all the returning accounts desperately trying to buy new bodies and clothing?
  7. I paid a quick visit but there were only three dancers, one DJ and a host. I imagine it had something to do with timezones.
  8. You proved the untruth of your comment that you are not using belittling language just in that last posting, but I have gathered your other belittling comments into this handy basket. You're actively trying to provoke reactions in order to boost your topic, while ignoring my genuine offer of help for those for whom you claim to care. I'd ask why but you'd just use it as an excuse to keep going.
  9. @Wendy Starfall I quoted exactly what I meant to quote, as it shows what you think of some of us here. I did not hand you an excuse to repeat yourself, but you did it anyway. The fact is you're trying to get LL to take time out from everything else they have to do to work out who is making a certain amount of money and owns a region, and convince themselves that they of all residents deserve special treatment. Come on, really? Anyway those people you say depend on you can find other places to go. I've often supported talented people through hard times or when they're getting started, so it's possible I could take them in for a while, and I'm sure there are others who would offer. With that considered, it comes down to you and your desire to keep your region. That is up to you. I've struggled myself with keeping a region but it was important to me so I kept it going, and now am at a point where it's stable and lovely. I have never asked LL to give me anything extra, nor has it ever crossed my mind to do so.
  10. You're breaking rules here, or do you want to dispute that, too?
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