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Extrude Ragu

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Everything posted by Extrude Ragu

  1. One of the things I find very immoral about choosing to sell no-mod is denying other residents the opportunity to learn and grow on the platform. Second Life, back when I first started in 2008 did not have the same no-mod culture around scripts and items as it does today. My original interest in scripting, and in turn, programming was originally sparked from modifying the scripts of items I had gotten in-world. Although I certainly did break my products, and needed help and support from the creators who sold me those products, I went on to have a successful career in software engineering IRL, inspired simply by Second Life, which puts a roof over my head to this day. I am not so sure that new users of Second Life are as likely to get this critical learning opportunity as I was so lucky to have. Many of the creators of this era come from similar roots. I feel that many have forgotten their origins.
  2. The morality of deciding on behalf of a customer what shade of blue they are allowed in the region they pay for is certainly on topic for discussion 🤭
  3. That's the point. The thread is a discussion of the morality of selling no mod items. The title of the thread implies a discussion of morality. I'm saying, no, 90% of the time in my opinion, it is not moral but rather comes from a selfish place.
  4. Generally speaking the word 'justified' implies morality, rather than rights. For example, just because someone has the right to waste food, doesn't mean they are justified in doing so.
  5. The original title of this thread was "What Justification Is There For No Mod Permissions?" As I see it, this thread was never about 'forcing' creators to change their ways, or changing their rights. It is simply a discussion of their ways, and if they are really justifiable from a moral perspective. My opinion on the subject is no. It's not justified. It comes from a very selfish desire to extract as much money out of the platform as possible, without doing anything to sustain it so that others may thrive on it like they have done so themselves. The desire to prevent would-be creators from 'reverse engineering' their creations speaks volumes about the type of creator they are and how they think of their fellow resident or rather how they don't think of them at all. A lot of these very same creators rely on a lot of other peoples kindness to be able to create at all. Be it the open source tools they use, the tutorials people make for them. The helpful resident who teaches them how to do something for nothing. Chances are high that they rely on hundreds of peoples kindness to make their income. This is why it rubs me the wrong way when creators complain that they might have to help a customer that broke their product. As if they don't routinely rely on other peoples kindness at all. Kindness is not something you can force on people. It would be totalitarian to make kindness law. I will never advocate to deny a persons right to be a jerk. I'll still say that making general consumer goods like clothes and furniture no-mod is jerkish behaviour and deserves to be called such.
  6. I'm not making any demands. I am simply complaining that I think some creators are being somewhat unfairly selfish. If creators have the right to be jerks when it comes to permissions, we surely have the right to complain about creators being jerks. I make my own content, and fwiw even though I am only a hobbyist and don't make clothes for any major brands, catering only to anime market, managed to successfully fund a full sim and other ventures for over 8 years and counting. The idea that you can't make a buck if your items are mod is demonstrably false. You don't even have to be that good at it.
  7. Creator: I owe you nothing. Also, here's the price tag! Hmm yes, that money that I earnt by giving other people what they want. Clearly I should give it to the creator that puts their own wants first and considers my wants irrelevant! Heaven forbid a customer about content creation themselves. Nope, that might mean less money for me! Hey customer *pushes on your shoulder* what you want doesn't really matter does it? *pushes on your shoulder* you'll just take what you're given won't you? *pushes on your shoulder* it's good enough for you, isn't it? *pushes on your shoulder* your money isn't that important anyway, right? *pushes on your shoulder* You know that my rights are more important than yours, right? *pushes on your shoulder* All I'm saying is that sometimes people should ask themselves if the relationship they have with their merchant is an abusive one.
  8. I think you'll find a nice 'arse tastes a lot better than mcdonalds!
  9. On the flip side, If we're saying a zoom call would be better than watching SL - Why play SL at all? I'd like to see more avatar expressiveness in SL, personally.
  10. Lenovo laptops have some of the worst build quality ever. The screen *is* literally glued to the hinges. Wanna see what my old lenovo laptop looked like? Yes, I did actually use my laptop like that back in the day I had to push the exposed wires against the sheered off screen to get it to start
  11. The 50 seems somewhat like LL is shooting themselves in the foot A creator who would have previously used 4 x 1024 textures, and thus, 4 draw calls, could consolidate into 1 x 2k texture and this would save LL on storage/bandwith overhead and also reduce graphics load for the end user. But because it is cheaper to upload 4x1k textures, they might think twice about doing this.
  12. bringing back age verification is going to kneecap sl's ability to attract new players, there was a reason they got rid of it
  13. because they consider their own interests more important than yours
  14. Dear Linden Lab, We the residents of Second Life like bacon. Vegetarian options not allowed except waffles and tacos. Please, a pony would really neigh flamboyantly. Indeed, I bathe frequently in
  15. Networking: Network doesn't typically affect FPS to such a degree, but dropped packets can cause some lag which seems likely with a satellite connection. I'd set your max bandwith very low in network settings. Like 250 or so. Graphics: On graphics settings side. Firstly just try moving the graphics slider towards Low. Investing in a computer with a better GPU will get better performance at higher presets. Advanced: You can make the viewer render at half resolution 1. Preferences -> Advanced -> Show Advanced Menu 2. Up the top, Advanced -> Show Debug Settings 3. Search 'RenderResolutionDivisor' and increase it from 1 to 2. This will half the rendered resolution. If your screen zooms into a corner, you need to turn off anti-aliasing in graphics settings.
  16. "We should ban roads because bad people commit crimes on them" - Abraham Lincoln probably, idk
  17. I wouldn't use em for anything a player would explore personally, it doesn't pass as very enticing to me, I could see it being useful tool for creating interiors for non-explorable rooms, like how in games you got lots of non-explorable background buildings, it could be used to make some fake interiors. That Rodin looks interesting though
  18. The plan as I understand it is to make better use of the discard levels feature of Second Life textures. IE, only people with suitable hardware and cammed to a suitable distance would ever download the full 2K texture. I'd also heard they were considering letting the user cap the maximum downloaded resolution in a new setting. I think that pricing an item based on how 'laggy' it is is a fools game, as all it means is that the mainstream creators, the ones you really want to optimize their content because it's everywhere, are the only ones that can afford to lag the game and becomes something of a status symbol that unfairly disadvantages new creators, creating even more elitism. With all that in mind, I think 40L$ makes sense, the texture uses approx 4x as much storage having 4x as many pixels as a 1k texture. BTW, I'm not saying that we should do nothing to reduce lag in Second Life, what I am saying is trying to achieve that with price incentives just ain't gonna work.
  19. The racism problem we had in the past was that people were actually racist. The racism problem we have in the present is that keeping racism alive is a multi billion dollar industry. The sooner people learn to stop caring, the sooner all this nonsense stops. Also, we have this issue in the West right now that people are basing their whole personality around social justice issues, wars and politics, it radicalises people who would otherwise lead normal lives and have more healthy, productive hobbies.
  20. During Easter this year in the UK, the retailer Iceland decided to remove the cross from their hot cross buns. It all seems so insignificant, but if one looks to the origins of the hot cross bun one might be tempted to think that perhaps there is more meaning behind the decision to erase than a simple stylistic choice
  21. One might ask themselves how the symbol ﬩ came to be. I won't give my opinions on the matter. Here is not the place. All I'm saying is that sometimes the reason people care to point out silly inconsequential rules so much is not an obsession with rules but because of a deeper meaning that would go unnoticed by many. The origins of the Red Cross are interesting. Although I wouldn't consider it a religious organisation, Its founder was a devout Christian.
  22. I've noticed there's this class of people that behave somewhat like dementors who survive by sucking the spirit and soul out of those around them. Have you ever noticed how for example the music industry is the most litiguous? I'm convinced it's because music is something that allows people to share positive vibrations and have their spirits lifted. There are so many people who become lawyers who specialise specifically in music purely because they get to suck the spirit out of humanity and it is something they take genuine joy in. They don't actually need the money, and there are industries that need protection way more than music - But that's of no relevance to a dementor. Why go after the red cross? well it's a symbol that to many represents healing and love. In certain countries in mathematics, the plus sign has its top removed, because certain people take genuine offence to the + symbol and refuse to draw it.
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