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Lewis Luminos

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Everything posted by Lewis Luminos

  1. ZoeTick wrote: What is your favourite hair colour? Guess. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:
  2. This has happened to me many times. The worst one was when I lost a dance machine containing 5,000L$ of no-copy dances. All gone. I no longer rez any no-copy item anywhere near a mesh build. I don;t think it's vewer-specific, my partner had a similar thing happen with Singularity.
  3. I usually pay 500L$ per 2 hour set, though this is at the low end and I know a few other DJs who charge 500L$ per hour.
  4. irihapeti wrote: (: This forum DEFINITELY needs laugh buttons. Especially since, before SL, I used to use a photo of him as my avatar in various places around the 'net.
  5. I would move to whichever alternative grid is the first to have a creator make a decent skin, beard & hair for ginger-haired guys.
  6. I pay my DJs a fixed fee per 2 hour set, and they get to keep tips on top of that. I let them use their own tipjar (most of them have their own which incorporates their own group-joiner), I don't keep a cut of their tips. I have 4 regular DJs and when I hired them, 3 out of the 4 were actually surprised that I was paying them a fee at all, they were fully expecting to work for tips only. So it's not impossible to find DJs who will work for just tips. But if you are going to do that you need to be up-front with them right from the start. Can't comment on hosts; I don't employ any, and I just do all the hosting myself. If I was to change my mind and employ a host, I would employ them on the same basis as my DJs.
  7. ZoeTick wrote: zomg! Did you ban yourself from your own forum? This forum needs Laugh buttons.
  8. I tried a few, same skin, and got a variety of ages from 27-37, which is strange because I always thought my avatar looks younger than that. Here's a mid-range one: Without the beard I look about 15 but this website has other ideas: I also tried it on my real photos. One taken this year it reckons I'm 39 (I'm 48 so I can live with that). But then I fed it a pic taken 10 years ago and it said I was 43!
  9. When I see someone with a Japanese name in SL I don't assume they are Japanese. I assume they are American or European, and are anime fans, and as such, would have nothing in common with me and be at least 25 years younger than I am. Generally if someone has a display name different from their username I will address them by display name, as long as it is in readable text. If it's full of unicode sparkles or is in any other way not easily readable I'll use the username instead. If the entire profile is in a language other than English thats an entirely different matter. I speak only English with any fluency so I would be unlikely to engage with themin that case. I don't care a bit about past wars or anything of the sort. I haven't ever been at war with anybody. And I will chat with anyone who speaks my language and is willing to chat back in return.
  10. Here's me, taken just this week; new haircut and all set for the holiday.
  11. Sion Pearl wrote: Sion, your avatars always look totally amazing.
  12. I own and run a small club; a very small one. I employ two DJs and we have no more than one event a week. I do not employ any hosts; I do that role myself. We speciallise in 1940s vintage swing and Jazz music. I pay the DJs for their time and they also rez out a tipjar and they keep 100% of their tips. I have a venue tipjar as well. No, I don't make a profit, usually. Venue tips generally cover the DJs fees with sometimes a little over, but they don't cover the rent. I pay that out of my own pocket, but its only a 2048m parcel so it's not a huge amount. And you know what, I consider my club to be an absolute success. People come, and they come back time after time, and they love the place. People hang out there even when there's no event on. We will be celebrating the club's 2nd anniversary in a couple of months. Here's what has, in my opinion, made Club Noir a success: 1) We cater to a very niche market (vintage swing/jazz fans) and we started up shortly after the demise of a 1940s roleplaying venue that I was already active in, so there were already a group of people looking for a place to go. 2)There are a handful of similar/competing clubs but none to my knowledge operating in my timezone. My DJs work at those other clubs too and that actually helps spread awareness and bring in more people, so it's beneficial to be on good terms with your competitors. 3) Friendly atmosphere, real conversation, no gestures (I actually disallow my DJs from using gestures). Admittedly you can't force people to chat but if the host and DJ are actively engaging with the guests it will happen. 4) Not caring about the profit margn. Because I don't need worry about whether I will be tipped enough to pay the rent, I can relax and enjoy the events. I don't have to keep hassling people to tip, and because I am paying my DJs a fee, they don't have to either. As a guest I find soliciting for tips to be intrusive; guests will tip if (a) they are enjoying the event/music and (b) they have L$ to spare. Making sure (a) is true is my job but I can't do anything about (b) and constantly nagging people to tip appears rude and desperate and is more likely to have the opposite effect. 5) No contests, nothing that gives out prizes or L$. Contests do not usually attract the type of guest who is interested in the genre, the music or the conversation. Christin73 wrote: The more money a club owner spends the more people they will get to visit the club. However, that only gets the owner broke and stressed trying to make money on a losing game. If I had to give people advise I would tell them not to open a club n sl. It's not worth it. I disagree with this on two points. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get people to visit. You just have to find a specific audience to cater for, and do so in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. If I received no tips at all, ever, my club would cost me around L$1000 a week in staff fees and rent. That's about the cost of a fancy Latte. If someone asked me for advice on running a club I'd say, sure, if it's something you LOVE doing, if you'd do it anyway even if you pay for everything out of pocket, if it brings you happiness or fun or joy, then yes, it absolutely is worth every penny.
  13. You should hang out at Commune Utopia, Hippie is a regular there. And even if he isn't, it's a very cool place to hang out.
  14. It could simply be that the event is not yet ready to be open to the public and they have closed it while they finish setting up.
  15. 1) is the game as it says? you litterally play a second life? where it works just like IRL? Not exactly like RL. It's not like, say the Sims, where you have to make sure your avatar eats, sleeps and goes to work, for instance. There are a few opportunities to work in SL but they are really limited as most businesss in SL are solo activities and buiness owners don't emply staff. The exception to this is nightclubs, which often employ hosts and DJs. 2) What is there to do? Pretty much anything you can think of, really, and most activities are free. The Events listings and Destinations Guide are good places to start. Also try putting a keyword in Search - such as "sailing" or "art gallery" or "wild west roleplay" or whatever you fancy. 3) The main reason why I wanted to get this game is because I heard you can change your character to look like anything. What I really want is to be a furry, with multiple tails, with angel wings, and neko eyes and ears. Then i looked at what there is to offer....You have to pay IRL money to get the costumes. I'm a huge money saver and I HATE spending IRL money. So i checked the store, and i realized that all the costumes, and all that goody stuff you have to spend IRL money to get. Can i also get those same costumes In-Game using the game currency, if different from the websites? You can buy items inworld with game currency (Linden dollars) but you first need to buy those L$ with real money. US$1 will get you about L$250. However, there are options for getting free furry avatars. Start off by searching the marketplace for the free avatars by Wingless Emoto. They're old and not brilliant, but they're a good place to start. They are also fully modifyable so you can alter them to be more like what you want. Also, join the Kinzart Kreations update group. They often have special events where they give away lots of freebies, especially at Christmas. Grendel's Children is another great place for free furry and animal avatars, again they usually give away a lot of goodies nearer Christmas. As for clothing and costumes, there's TONS of free stuff. You can search the marketplace (select L$0 as the cost and put "NOT demo" in the search bar). Or you can try midnight mania boards and lucky chairs, which give away free items. If you find a store you like, join their group - they may periodically give free gifts to their members. 4) I have heard there is a furry-only "server" or "room" of some sort where nothing but furries go. Is this true? There are LOTS of places where furries go, but as far as I know, there isn't any place where non-furries are banned. Luskwood is the best place to start. Places in SL are called "sims" or "regions" or "parcels", not "rooms". 5) i've also heard of a room dedicated to "18+ stuff" if you know what I mean. Is this true as well? Again, there's lots of adult content and a lot that is specifically adult AND furry. In fact there's probably more adult furry places than there are PG furry places. You need to be 18 or over to access them. 6) Is it possible to make your own costumes/animations? Because some of the animations and costumes i've seen through google are through "modding" or "texture editing" or something like that, but is very difficult to do. is that possible? legal? Absolutely possible and if you are a furry it's definitely the best way to get the unique avatar you want. Just about all furry avatars are modifyable because furries LOVE to modify their stuff, there are whole communities dedicated to modding. Mostly it will involve re-texturing sculpt or mesh parts. You'll need a little skill in something like Photoshop or GIMP to make textures and you'll need L$10 to upload each one. To make animations you'l need speciallist software and again, some skill in using that software and L$10 each to upload them. If you get very skilled in making textures, animations or anything else, you might want to consider putting them up for sale to make some more L$. 7) Like a lot of MMORPG games i've played, i can get the website currency through "voting" on InsanityFlyff, or watching videos on Aeria games. Is there a way to get some L$ in this game without spendning real money? There is no SAFE way to do this through surveys/voting etc; 99.999% of these schemes are scams or illegal (ie the money they give you comes from stolen credit cards). Other schemes such as Fish Hunt and Gold Hunt are legal but entail you spending more than you'll ever earn back (for instance you have to buy bait for fishing). However, you can play Linden Realms inworld for free L$, that is safe, legal and run by Linden Labs themselves. It's a basic very simple grind and its a bit tedious and buggy but you can potentially earn about L$50 an hour.
  16. Xiola Linden wrote: Hey there! A few genres and styles have been mentioned already here - and we appreciate the feedback. What specific types of things would you like to see represented there and which categories in the marketplace do you think they would best represent? I would like to see things that are not represented by the marketplace at all. 1) Beautiful or interesting places 2) Charity/non-profit organisations (not shopping fairs) 3) Roleplaying venues 4) Activities such as sporting events, art exhibitions, educational events
  17. There is no way for a script or object to change a user's body shape. The only way to change a shape is by what you call the "headache" way - editing it using the sliders - but the headaches can be reduced by saving a copy of the new shape and maybe keeping that copy (or a link to it) in the folder with the mesh clothing that fits it.
  18. They may be set up to automatically send group notices, IMs etc. Perhaps spamming or phishing.
  19. If you're getting that error message it may mean that your graphics drivers are not up to date. Hop over to nVidia's website and check them. Failing that I'm out of ideas - your rig is better than my last one and that ran SL just fine.
  20. Gosh - big list for me. I run a small club with my partner - definitely a labour of love not profit. We only have one event a week but its developed a lovely community of friends. And when I'm not in my own club I can often be found in someone else's. Hanging out with my partner; listening to music and chatting while we cuddle. And yes, sex too SL photography. Not so much fashion/avatar photography, I'm more about exploring places and photographing landscapes. Sailing and 7 Seas fishing. I live on the shore of several full sims of Linden water. Recently bought myself a jetski rezzer which is great fun. Horses. I used to breed them but now I just keep a couple as pets. Love to go riding. Roleplaying, just casually because I don;t have a lot of time left for it When I roleplay I tend to use an alt. Interior decorating. I don;t make much myself these days but I have a tendency to wipe my land clean every six months and start from scratch with a new build. My current home is a Roman style villa. The last one was a lighthouse. Next one will probably be back to the Victorian/Steampunk theme. Over eight years inworld (including my oldest account) and still loving it.
  21. Pamela Galli wrote: I see that IP violating behaviors are now evidently unreportable. And I was thinking of ARing the POS who copied 4 of my houses and took them to Inworldz to sell. I guess now they get medals for that sort of behavior. AR-ing is never the proper response to copied/stolen content. File a DMCA - that's the only legal recourse. In this case you'd have to file it against the Inworldz resident.
  22. If you want to keep pictures of your outfits you might want to store them locally on your hard-drive instead of uploading them into SL. You'll save L$10 per picture.
  23. If your birth date is wrong you can open a support ticket for it to be corrected. You will be asked to submit a copy of your ID (driving license or passport) showing your correct birth date.
  24. There are small risks but most can be avoided with a bit of intelligence. Don't share any RL info you are not happy about the entire world knowing about. You never know who will pass on that information to others. Don't use the same password for SL as you use anywhere else. Be careful what links you click. If it looks like a marketplace link, make sure it's genuine before loggng in. Try logging in to the Marketplace first, from the official website; if the link asks you to log in again it's likely not genuine. Be careful about accepting objects in-world. Some may not be all that they seem. Be particularly careful of anything that, on rezzing, pops up a yellow dialog box asking for permission to debit L$ from you. Unless the item is something like a vendor system, do not grant permission. If you think someone is spying on you, stop wearing any object they have given you. There may be a tracker script hidden in it. If you have media or audio enabled, the owner of the media/audio stream can see your IP address. This in itself is not inherently bad; every owner of every website you visit anywhere on the internet can do the same thing. Your IP address cannot identify you as an individual; it may be able to pinpoint the county or town where you live. If you have a dynamic IP, you will get a new IP address every time you reboot your router. Some scripted objects (which have since been banned) used the media/audio stream to keep a database of residents and alert land-owners to possible alts based on the IP address. If this is of concern to you, you have a couple of options: 1) Keep media and music disabled in-world. You can copy the url (from the land info page) and paste it into winamp or itunes, but any suspicious scripted objects using the media feature will not affect you. 2) Use Firestorm and enable media filter. This enables you to whitelist or blacklist every url that requests access. So you can whitelist those that are genuine music/video streams and blacklist those that aren't.
  25. Kelli May wrote: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UBU-PornStar-Hi-Tops-v25/655324 Sculpt rather than mesh, but they are extremely detailed. Every individual panel, inside and out, can be individually textured from a choice of about 40. Laces, eyelets and rubber can be configured too, from a smaller list. Porn Stars look great but they're horribly scripted (over 3k per shoe) and no-mod with no option to delete the scripts. So I bought a pair of these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Chuck-WHITE-TEMPORARY-PROMO/2654928 Low script which is removable, also fully mod so you can make them whatever colour combination you like just with the normal edit window.
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