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Stephanie Misfit

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Everything posted by Stephanie Misfit

  1. Awesome Christmas set, if you want to match your partner. Includes CZ Slim. Click through the image for info.
  2. For the head - Lelutka should be giving something away free for the holidays, so hold on a couple of days and you should be able to get an awesome head for nothing. Hopefully skin makers will be sharing free skins again this year too. For the body - Reborn For the hair - Magika, Truth and Doux
  3. They have done that before, I recall getting all the trees at once that way, so you never know your luck.
  4. There is one event at the moment with "gifts" for 50L each. Some of these "gifts" are packaged so that you can't even tell what you are getting, not even the name of the object tells you what is inside. Now I got an awesome 50L sweater from that event, so I don't mind paying for stuff but don't call it a gift, and do provide a preview image if you want people to buy from you.
  5. Maybe they don't want to support certain egregious land-selling practices. I know I would not.
  6. Not every day you see Finnish country music posted here, especially combined with hard rock. I like their cover of The Trooper.
  7. She uses templates, so the bodies she releases clothes for will be whatever the template makers rig for.
  8. My inventory is massive, absolutely overflowing. For this reason, I very rarely take freebies from stores or events, unless it is something that matches a purchase I have made from the same store. I have made an exception this year though for one advent calendar. You know, I probably would not be so against collecting freebies if it was not for all the other crap that comes in the packages along with the gift. Landmarks, notecards, unpacking scripts, hold animations. If you take a heap of freebies your inventory will soon be overflowing with many things you don't need, often including the gift itself. I don't need antlers, or coffee mugs, or earrings, you know the usual sort of stuff that merchants offer up as gifts whether it is representative of their usual products or not.
  9. Cheezu has this cute dress at SantaInc. Look around at the event, there is quite a bit for LaraX. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dracul/227/104/21 http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gorean/4/128/21
  10. Shoes and boots for LaraX from KC Couture http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ominious/47/157/21
  11. A decidedly NON trashy gown from Ruxy for Wanderlust weekend. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Summer Time/228/235/21
  12. Very peeved once again at what passes for customer service by some merchants in SL, as twice in the past week I have had to contact sellers about issues with purchases, and been completely ignored. There are no consequences for merchants who refuse to provide customer service, other than losing customers who have bad experiences. New customers are not protected at all.
  13. Minor peeve: Texture changing scripts with no menu to allow me to set access to owner only. I live near a busy infohub, and hate logging on to find all the textures on my stuff have been changed by passers by.
  14. And that is interesting because Lara is the body of choice for people who want to dress in either high fashion or more conservative clothing. That is lovely!
  15. Peeve: Teleporting to my work platform, and finding 2 people going at it like rabbits on my work-in-progress furniture! Time to put a security orb there I think.
  16. The Forge has this updated for LaraX for 60L a piece this weekend. No redelivery for previous purchases as far as I can tell.
  17. This Xmas tree from KAZZA is gorgeous and only 14 land impact. Click through on the image for the slurl. Only 60L this weekend, and there are some other Xmas items and a gift. Speaking of Xmas trees, DaD has some stunning ones like the one below and they are currently 60% off for Black Friday. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Brookhurst Cove/166/116/24 Now I will have trouble choosing which tree to use come December.
  18. It's not clear what sort of cool stuff you are after, but events are really good for shopping, as are weekend sales. And at the moment there are a lot of Black Friday sales too. If you go to the Seraphim website, they maintain a listing of sales and events. https://www.seraphimsl.com/
  19. In theory, I would date my male alt if he belonged to someone else and I was single. He is hot. Obviously though, whether I would really date him would depend on the typist behind him.
  20. You could look for avatar physics if you want your breasts and backside to jiggle. There are plenty on the marketplace.
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