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Cougar Sangria

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Everything posted by Cougar Sangria

  1. I just visited an open house that is divine! Jake Vordun of Fancy Decor opened his home, and it is brimming with ideas. You must visit. Here's your ride. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Buitenwijk/228/192/26
  2. Well, I guess it's their loss and our gain
  3. I did the same thing today and got the sweetest spot on the outer banks of "Double" region. Unobstructed sunset view, Dogbone Island close by, and no one behind me. Refreshing ever so often finally paid off.
  4. The traditional homes remind me of Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard, and the Massachusettes coastline. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS819US819&q=images+of+nantucket+island&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1hPals-nhAhVKlKwKHWXeDVUQsAR6BAgHEAE&biw=1908&bih=959 https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS819US819&biw=1908&bih=959&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=e7DAXJOsEYuStQXvvrS4Bw&q=images+of+martha's+vineyard&oq=images+of+Martha's+&gs_l=img.1.0.35i39j0i30l6j0i8i30.76426.83000..85049...0.0..0.130.2668.4j21......1....1..gws-wiz-img.......0j0i24.4kLQjWxv-ZY But a lot cheaper. Yeah. I think I'm going to stay a while
  5. And the gifts keep coming
  6. There are two rez zones for boats side by side near my home. Here is the LM Public Rez Zone For Boats http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SSPE88/37/70/23 Esper Region Enjoy guys!
  7. I was able to get a traditional home on my main account, but my alt is homeless at the moment as there are no houseboats available. I can wait for the next release and hopefully grab one. I am hoping that the versions that follow will include a rustic mountain cabin. I would so grab one of those. In the meantime, I am decorating my Winchester and riding my bicycle or horse around the continent. I find these two modes of transportation to be most suitable for sightseeing on solid pixel ground.
  8. I see green dots! This on a Friday night How exciting to see so many on the continent. On my Linden 1.0 continent, I would have been lucky to see any green dots. I hope this continues.
  9. There are more styles of homes that will be available in the coming months. The traditional and the houseboat are the first release. Patience.
  10. The covenant for this new continent states that skyboxes are allowed at 2000m and above.
  11. Here is the link per your request straight from Patch Linden himself. You can't get much better than that.
  12. I am working in my garden. Attempting to be LI savvy lol. Flowers are from T-Spot and Landscaping by Felix. Hummingbirds are a product of Jian, and the fencing is by Apple Fall
  13. It's all about location, location, location lol. My lot faces east, is elevated, overlooks the houseboats and I can see a community pool from my back yard. Perfect!
  14. I was busy decorating my traditional when two tour buses came by. I almost fell out of my computer chair I was laughing so hard. I love it! I got my traditional on this second night trying and on the fourth try. I am hard to please lol.
  15. I so want this!!! Getting so many wonderful ideas for decorating!! I am inspired to try and build my own.
  16. Oh wow! Location, location, location!!
  17. My first post here as I am new to the forums. I have been lurking for about a week. My alt was able to get a traditional that backs up to water on the Esper region. I am so excited to have people around me. I used my allotted five tries on my main account not finding that perfect for me plot. I'll try again tomorrow and maybe shoot for an interior piece of ground if any are available lol. I love, love, love what Linden Labs has done with this new continent. So much more than I could have imagined. Thank you!
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