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Drayke Newall

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Everything posted by Drayke Newall

  1. If some company builds a metaverse exactly like Second Life with inworld creation, endless regions that dont lag or have region crossings, a scripting engine that allows game quality building to take place, an economy that you can cash out to rl money etc and that works both with VR, non-VR, AR and is like ready player one, I am almost certain the majority of people in SL would jump ship, All without that big company needing to buy Second Life. Sure you will have the sticklers that say "I have invested to much into this" but that wont be enough to keep SL afloat and would certainly be a reason why the new company wouldn't want to buy SL. The very fact that almost all articles that talk about these companies wanting to create a metaverse (and the companies themselves- they talk about Roblox etc) and dont even mention Second Life should go to show that SL is on no body's radar at all.
  2. You wouldn't want to live in Belli if there were mountains with lookout spots, smaller niche areas, yet just as neighbourhood like. Cliffs with waterfalls and parks around for the trailer house's etc? I dont want to live in Belli because it is so bland and flat... maybe I'm the only one that feels that way. I know it isn't a show piece however because LL 'made' it they should at least do it to a good standard and set an example. Then if people ask like above what is a good standard for mesh builds we could then point to those examples. It is the same with the free premium gifts. They are terribly made of which being something 'from' LL they should be well made.
  3. This just will never happen. Second Life is not worth any form interest from big tech companies. Second Life's code, graphics engine, viewer and user assets are just to old and bad to even be worth using as a base for big tech to build a metaverse. Facebook, Epic or what have you will just start from scratch and Second Life will be starved out.
  4. The sad thing is that they shouldn't have to be warned or told what to do. That was what I was getting at. They are employed by LL to create content and that content should be the epitome of created content and an example of how to do things. They failed miserably and what is even sadder, they continue on their merry way, doing the same builds and sim planning on newer Belli sims as if the lag doesn't exist.
  5. Oh believe me, its been requested in this thread numerous times by people that you should have to use 2FA every time you log in (page 4 of this thread has some). As to why they believe such should happen, who knows... paranoia perhaps?
  6. True, however that should have been taken into consideration in the initial designing of the buildings by the Moles and the landscape. If they had thought forward as to how people would use the homes (an obvious observation to any user older than 1 year - they fill it to the brim and use all LI allowance) they would have realised that it was going to be a cluster****. As far as I know they did test the sim for lag, but only their objects without filling the houses to the brim like the users have. Very bad planning and QA. Then there is the whole physical impact on the sim where they could have at least made bushes and tree foliage to have no physics. Instead they leave them on so if multiple people hit bushes it impacts on the sim performance. A minor thing but it all adds up. Even if the terribly basic culling method SL uses of distance to avatar is taken into account just some form of terraforming, object cliffs etc to hide around corners small groups of plots it would have helped. Instead Belli is design almost as a flat plane with house after house after house. Even in modern games they dont do such things due to lag concerns. Whilst I agree meshes play the main role in the bulk of VRAM over textures, this doesn't absolve the Moles of their negligence in their designs. Go have a click on the trailers in Belli and you will see that the mesh complexity is insane compared to well made homes others sell with the download cost and land impact taking up near the same as large user made homes that are twice to three times the size. They have meshed screws, grooves, etc. that all could have been done with materials. They then upload 1024 textures for an object that does not need anything greater than a well made uv mapped 512 texture. It might not be a measure of complexity in real terms but it is a large indicator of a badly made mesh. If a trailer home 1/3 of the size and literally a rectangular one room building equals the LI of a large multi room house, then something is amiss.
  7. It was compromised well before even using it for 2FA. I the other thread about this topic I posted an article about how it was compromised but the usual people came in and said "so what 2FA is awesome even on SMS" so I gave up arguing it. I do agree with you that the best 2FA is email due to its convenience over the others, however, still find the whole system a little odd considering email accounts are one of the most hacked services yet people use them to receive a code to access another account. I however, like @Innula Zenovka have different passwords that are auto randomly generated and kept secure that has seen me never have an issue (touch wood) of account compromises. To be honest, I also believe 2FA to be a band-aid fix and wrong in that it gives a false sense of security for those people (lets face it the majority) that believe that 2FA means they can be lax on other forms of security such as strong passwords. Likewise, I also believe LL should fix other security flaws prior to 2FA such as removing payment info on file tags, hiding usernames an using display names as the primary identifier etc. But that just will never happen. I think you misunderstand me. I have no problem with allowing people to secure their account with 2FA. If they feel that need for more security because for instance, they want to only use one password on multiple accounts and it gives them piece of mind in having 2FA despite it actually not being the case then that should be allowed and encouraged. The more layers the better for those kind of accounts. I am just against it being mandatory for those that dont need it and against incentives that offer something that greatly shifts to a bias such as monetary incentives and/or disincentives. Now things like what I believe twitch offer their userbase that use 2FA I have no issue with as it is throw-away in that, they give some unique emoji's to those 2fA secured accounts. Unfortunately LL have nothing like this that they could offer... Come to think of it the only thing I can think of that wouldn't provide any form of advantage or bias over another user not using 2FA would be to offer those rarely used and forgotten voice morphs.
  8. The argument wasn't just about making it mandatory (it would be to LL peril if they did this) and making it so would not stop harassment or griefing in any way. The other argument at least I was having with Coffee was the proposal that incentives or disincentives be provided to make people want to use 2FA. Some games offer vanity pets or in game currency etc as incentives as literally this is the only way they can get people to use 2FA as it is that unpopular. This just cant work for SL and shouldn't be implemented as there are no incentives other than disincentives that LL can offer unless they go down the $L path which would not be wise for the economy and gaming the system. As an example, SWTOR game by EA have their 2FA incentive as 300 credits (which you normally have to buy) per month. Last time I talked to people that play that game they have multiple free accounts of which they then game the system by buying with their freely offered credit incentive marketplace items and sell those in game to make money which destroyed the economy. As for emails being instantaneous that would depend. With many large companies, sites etc it can take 10 mins for the email to arrive or just not deliver at all which is why they always have a resend code button. The fact this button exists shows that its not a case of emails always come through. Then if you have hotmail linked to gmail so they come through one account, this adds even more time to the process. Then you also have the issues of things like authentication emails going to spam or being blocked due to spam or simply emails being unsecure due to phishing. SMS is still generally the number 1 go to 2FA option both for users and companies as other than authenticator's it is the second most secure despite it not actually being secure according to research - that is to say it's better than email.
  9. Your snide unhelpful comments aside, you are literally proposing in your previous posts that along with 2FA introduction LL need to remove features from people that dont use 2FA and give perks for those that do of which, there is only one perk that they can give that would have that incentive $L. So yes, leaving is the right avenue if they start such absurd practices as you suggest - like these you posted: I asked in my previous post if you were being sarcastic, but based on your non-answer and later responses it seems you were not. What's included in the 'etc' you posted or what are you going to suggest next to incentivise 2FA? Limit the number of times a person can access their inventory, the amount of inventory space, how often you can edit your avatar, amount of text in a script, item rez limit... These can also be used to grief and harass. 🙄 If past history is anything to go by it's stupid ideas like these that LL take on board especially from people such as yourself (who creates a popular TPV) who have a little more clout than the average user. I had thought better of you... clearly I was wrong.
  10. It is precisely about protecting your account nothing more. Your bank details are separate in that there should be security in those things (this being CCV) though, considering LL offer a subscription it requires them to save all card details so as they can continue to take the money monthly. This is why you dont have to add your CCV number every time like people have wondered why in this thread. That is their answer as to why CCV isn't needed for purchases. This is done the same way by many subscription based or recurring payment companies that have additional purchases. No need to renter CCV even though that is the 2FA of your bank card. And you know this how? Why do you think people wont stop trading in SL because of the introduction of what many believe to be more of an annoyance than account security? You say that no one is going to stop doing things in SL if mandatory 2FA is introduced and yet that fear of people not spending money is the same reason why no other company has ever made 2FA mandatory. They fear the loss of income from people not continuing with their product because of the awkwardness and annoyance of it. Take Marketplace for example, some in this thread have said that every time you make a MP purchase you should have to do the 2FA dance even if using just Lindens. Many people (myself included) dont use the cart option on MP and do single purchase's as they find them. Do you honestly think people will spend more or the same amount (if not leave entirely) on the MP if every time they have to enter a 2FA code. Say if a person is browsing MP and buys (with lindens) individually within 1 hour of browsing 10 items for an avatar mod they are making and do so because they are editing the avatar at the time. Waiting for a 2FA email, copy paste the code and submitting it 10 times... No thank you! But making 2FA mandatory removes that option for people. If they dont have a financial link they still have to have 2FA, making your reasoning void. Someone posted that reddit link about the person that lost $1700. I dont believe that for a second and if they did then I would be changing banks and be far more concerned with bank security than my second life account being hacked. If my bank recorded (as they stated) 50 transactions in a day totalling to an amount of even $200 (they had $1700) my bank would have frozen my account and contacted me immediately in person on the phone of the suspicious activity. My bank has done this in the past and I was the person doing such activity on my own. I have no issue with LL introducing 2FA but as stated in my edit it needs to not be mandatory, no incentives and no disincentives. If they do any of those, then they can expect people to do just as you have said they wont, leave SL and I will be one of the first after 18 years.
  11. This should have been done a decade ago. Second Life is the only program/game/platform or what have you that firstly, advertises half your login details (username) and secondly advertises to the world that you have a bank account, paypal, or card attached to that account with "payment info on file" in the profile. I'm not sure if your being sarcastic here or not? Such a move would see LL user count plummet overnight and ruin what little rep they still have. Removing perks from accounts because some people want 2FA and others dont is insane and would be a first on the entire internet. It is equivalent to Google saying 2FA is optional (it is) but if you want to send emails or not have a cap on how many searches you can do you must get 2FA. I'm sure Microsoft (Bing) will rub their hands with glee if Google did something as stupid as you suggest LL to do. What happens if a person has a premium account but doesn't want 2FA? Do they then also loose access to those things as well despite paying for it and if not then what incentive is there to have 2FA for people more likely to have large sums of money than a basic user in there account? As to saying there shouldn't be a reason why... how about simply a person not wanting to use one at all? LOL... What does Steam do exactly that LL dont? I can purchase a game without 2FA, I can log in without 2FA, I can get RL money in my steam wallet without 2FA, I can trade on the community market for RL cash without 2FA, I can pay for subscriptions via steam (even from another game companies website) without 2FA, the list goes on. I can also save my payment details just like I can with SL and never have to input my CCV Number again. Additionally, the only time a 2FA code is sent is if you have a different geo-location or login from a new device, this is known as SteamGuard. Steam offers no email or phone or SMS 2FA options. They have "Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator" which is optional and THE only way for any form of 2FA and requires you to have a mobile phone and download the app. Loose your phone or cant access it due to damage and you have to use a code that you are given when you get the Authenticator of which you have to find on a scrap of paper you wrote it down on because you forgot it. People on Steam have more value on their accounts than most Second Life user accounts yet Steam a much larger company than LL (and 99.9% of other companies) doesn't offer the security measures and enforcement measures people in this thread is suggesting LL to do. :EDIT: If people are so hell bent on 2FA for SL it needs to be entirely optional, with no incentives (i.e. extra perks or lindens) and no disincentives if a person doesn't want to use it. Any incentives offered like in other games cannot work with second life due to RL money linkage and as for disincentives, I have never come across any 2FA with a disincentive as I dont think any company is stupid enough to even try such a thing.
  12. Of which listing it as such is not gaming traffic. If someone lists it as LGBT and it is a car racing sim that is gaming traffic. If it is a genuine gay, lesbian, trans or whatever sim then why cant they state it as LGBT when they are part of that community?
  13. It has always been a hypernym or as you put it, an umbrella term. Whilst yes it is an abbreviation it does not remove the fact that it is a hypernym and is not loosely defend as such either - it is one. Additionally, the + at the end is there to define all the other extra types that the letters do not define making it even more so an umbrella term. You are getting hung up on the abbreviations without realising that due to it being a hypernym and a community exclusion can be made. For example, I can say I like all clubs (hypernym) except disco clubs (hyponym). It is quite ok for a person to advertise LGBT+ as part of something and have an exclusion due to it being an umbrella term or, do you expect them to keyword spam and list everyone individually allowed including the plethora that the + represents? Just like the pre LGBT term 'gay' was used as an umbrella term for Gay and Lesbian, meaning pre 1990's gay bars and clubs were advertised as such with exclusions to one or the other. i.e. this is a gay club and only for males. To further show that Gay is still used in modern times for all, you still have gay pride weeks, days etc as well as even organisations such as the GSA Network which stands for Gay - Straight Alliances however encompasses all of the modern LGBT+ as does the National Gay Pilots Association as well as many others. So as a gay male given LGBT now implies gay as being distinct in being male only, how would I search in SL when it means both the LGBT term as well as the older hypernym of gay and is used in second life as both? The same would apply for LGBT - exclusions. As another example, one may be part of the furry (hypernym) community however wish to exclude feral's (hyponym) from an anthropomorphic RP sim. Ferals (as well as scalies etc) are part of the furry community. Is a person/region listing in the keyword 'furry' abusing keywords or being mean to ferals due to not allowing ferals (or other hyponymy) to be on the region? No. And what intent is that and how do you know the intent of the searcher? I constantly search for LGBT as part of a search as that is what the community is. I also however look at the other sim information and if it says LGBT+ and then says no gay males or is clearly for another subsection of the community I dont go. It is not that hard and I am not offended at all by such things.
  14. Seems similar to Avikin. Only available on mobile and your have rooms that are premade. Cant really see business's using it but knowing Korea will definitely be big among younger people.
  15. I wont argue with what you have said as you are correct. No one forces people to do such things, however it is in Linden Labs best interest and the user community for LL to make a large profit as it allows them to do more to make SL better and modern. The fact that they see raising Linden purchasing fees is going to give them more flexibility and profit than removing ridiculous restrictions to fundamental systems that people will purchase for a higher fee and multiple times is just silly. Not to mention doing both would be even better but not at insane prices. I am not against them raising their fees. What I am against is them making systems that could give them far more cash and then locking them behind braindead ideas that reduces the potential uptake to single digit percentages or literally pricing a feature many people want so high that the majority of their users cant pay. If it was so brilliant a move and made (and continues to) them a lot of money, then why did they have to increase $L purchasing fees a year after they introduced that brilliant money making name change system? As @Coffee Pancake stated above, 99% of users did it begrudgingly. You specifically asked how Linden Lab could make more money other than increasing fees yet say in response 'but some people bought the name change with that price' missing the point just like LL have. Providing a service that literally has no impact on Linden Lab (it is a fire and forget feature) to a wider audience for a cheaper price will give more profit than charging a larger price and lock it behind premium in the hopes people will stay premium which they dont. Their current system reaches probably 2% of Second Life's touted 70+million accounts and will reach a peak if it hasn't already. Opening it up to all users, lowering its cost and advertising it in specific places were people would want a name change like new users or a partner would reach 100% of their client base as well as new users.
  16. Come on Rowan, you cannot be that naive. There was absolutely 100% no need for it to be locked behind premium. It is an automatic process where a person applies to change the name and they are granted it all without LL staff intervention. LL's excuse of not wanting it to be used to often is as equally ridiculous and short sighted given their options. As to the price, it is an absurd price to pay for a name change in a digital non physical environment and has no logic in it whatsoever and shows just how out of touch LL is. There is no game, platform or internet service that charges more than $15 USD for a name change. Linden Lab charges over triple that price. To put it into perspective, in some countries and even in some US states it costs less to change your real name which does require physical staff to process, paperwork etc. What is going to earn LL more money? Keep the resident last names for new sign-ups and then charge $15 for a name change (for only those that want it) and restrict a name change for 3 months (or even 6 months) after it is bought or charge $53.95 USD minimum for one which doesn't even take into account that in some countries it is even higher with exchange rates. For example it costs $72.10 for Australians. So what if people change their name every 6 months. LL is the first company I have seen that is actually worried more about people changing their last name to often than the profit it would bring if they did. You ask for other methods they could make more money other than increasing fees which past evidence shows has never worked for Linden Lab. I have given you 2 already, releasing homestead's restriction and doing #1 above, but... How about they provide a basic premium under the current one, charge $5 per month and it just gives you a Linden Home and nothing extra not even including the option to have a mainland parcel instead. How about they offer their current premium with more useful incentives and not just useless fluff to entice a larger uptake of it. How about they offer a higher premium and charge $30 per month for it and aimed at content creators where they have their upload fees removed. How about they pull their finger out and actually give the ever elusive new higher super duper premium that has been in the works for 2 years! How about they offer as part of the partnering system in Second Life to allow for people to pay an extra $50 to get their (both accounts) own "married" last name of their choice or pick from the standard last name list. i.e either offer a custom name or at least advertise the name change option when partnering for more exposure. How about rather than just offering 2 region options they open it up for customisation where you can buy addon packs to increase LI or avatar limits. For example pay an extra $20/month for an extra 10 users or an extra 1000LI or whatever to homesteads. In the case of full regions pay a once off fee of $50 to reduce your avatar limit but increase your LI by 1000 and vice versa. Offer incentives for people who sell on marketplace to actually rent a parcel of land and have a inworld store. i.e if they have an inworld store they get a reduction in marketplace fees. Tier will always get LL more cash than marketplace fees would. There are so many options available to Linden Lab to increase their revenue and increase their userbase but they just dont think outside the box and relative to what people expect.
  17. The requirement was made if I remember correctly due to the potential to have a massive impact on their old physical servers (hopefully someone who knows more as to why can chime in and say as more than likely my memory has failed me). Those no longer exist and all regions are now one AWS meaning that it wont have a negative impact on the servers due to scalability. This just wont happen. Homesteads only allow for 20 avatars and 5000LI. Land Barons make their money by splitting full regions (not homesteads) into lots of rentable space both on the land and in rentable skyboxes and therefore will keep those and they own 90% of them. The majority of users will still rent land from the barons and not be interested in the homestead as they can pay $50/month for their little parcel from a land baron as opposed to $109/month + $149 (once off) setup fee. Large scale shopping areas like say mesh body creators will also not convert their full regions due to the avatar limit, same goes for event stores, large scale shops etc due to LI limits homesteads offer. Clubs will still need full regions as will the vast majority of users interested in making money in Second Life. Homesteads are intended for light commercial or residential hence the low avatar restriction and low LI limit (i.e. you have your house on the homestead as well as your own sandbox for building and a little store of the things you make). Also small communities (like small RP) that only see max 20 avatars on at a time would benefit from it. Additionally, some people just trust having tier with LL over a land baron that can pack up shop and take your sim away at little to no notice. As to mainland even if the homestead restriction is removed, it will stay as it has for over a decade - a barren desert of a bygone era that no one wants to rent in due to lag, horrible builds next door and little to no land editing.
  18. Hmm what benefit would that give though? They get support as part of the region purchase which is all they need. All other stuff included in premium is not needed by the region owner and would also impact on LL revenue. If LL were to offer multiple tiers of premium specific for each area such as normal premium, land owner premium and creator premium with benefits specific to those types of users then it may be a different case.
  19. Let me clarify. What I meant was a basic account would be able to buy one homestead without the need for having premium or a full region. This means that basic accounts benefit from the ability to get that homestead just like they can get a full region now without premium. This would mean that basic users that will never go for premium and want to buy a cheaper full size region have the ability to get it in the form of a homestead meaning more money for LL. If those basic users then want to get a second (or more) homestead(s) they will then need to have premium. This means once again more money for LL. Similar to how basic accounts can only have one animesh attachment yet premium can have 2. I am not suggesting they get one free, they will still need to buy it however, imposing a specific restriction on basic users will see a negative reaction and will impact on any potential profit LL would gain. Locking the purchase of all homesteads behind premium is no better than locking it behind the purchase of a full region. They need to maximise the potential uptake and by offering a single homestead purchase to basic users and multiple to premium members enables them to have maximum uptake of it and maximise their revenue stream from it.
  20. Off the top of my head how about they release the need of having a full region to buy the cheaper homestead? Their excuse of it burdening their outdated server farm to much is no longer the case as they have moved to AWS which is easily scalable. It is a quick fix, requires little to no staff costs other than to remove the full region restriction and will allow people with lower budgets to get a region or regions to enjoy second life especially if those people dont see any benefit for premium (which most dont in its current format). These are people that dont want a full region with all the bells and whistles and would never buy a full region due to price. There is no excuse LL can make now not to make this change being on AWS and the positives for their bottom line massively outweigh any negatives (if there are any). If they want even more money the could simply offer one homestead to all without restriction and if you want a second homestead you must have a premium subscription. Win-win scenario for both LL and the userbase all without impacting on the spending or purchasing of existing users. It is not rocket science. There are numerous ways LL can make more money, they just have a very bad habit of choosing the wrong ways and spending on the wrong things.
  21. Geez some Australian ones will get me banned... I'll post some reasonably clean ones. Dry as a dead dingo's donger - means to be very dry Flash as a rat with a gold tooth - means your dressed up to the nines or flashy Flat Out Like a Lizard Drinking - means you are busy though is usually just shortened now to Flat out Mad as a cut snake - furious Spit the dummy - means throw a tantrum (dummy here is a pacifier for you people in America) Do a Harold Holt - sudden or unexplained disappearance (came about after our Prime Minister went swimming at the beach and disappeared never to be seen again) Do a Bradbury - win something unexpectedly (came about after Steven Bradbury won the winter Olympic gold for speed skating after all other contestants fell over at the last minute) Chuck a sickie - fake being sick to get a day off
  22. Exactly and that is the point and is why no other platform uses it for closed captions designed for the hearing impaired. Subtitles yes, CC no.
  23. Odd I watched the Brett Linden one (Meet the Lindens 2021 - Brett Linden) with CC on and it was terrible. Absolutely no punctuation making it just confusing. No speaker ID's as to who was speaking and what not. No non-spoken content indications like [Laughing]. No ellipses when correcting himself, like where he is going to say understand and all he gets out is "unders..." but it reads as just "unders tech" looking like it was correct. Also in closed captions you usually never keep the "uh" or "ums" as they are unnecessary and distract from the text. I also dont know what you are talking about with only one word being misspelled in the first 10 mins either (unless you watched the other vid you posted). Linden's is spelt Lyndon's, the recently deceased CEO is spelt "ebbieltberg". Then after that rather than saying "better known as Ebbe Linden" its reads "better known as i be lyndon" and Linden Lab is "lyndon lab". Then there is sansar spelt correctly earlier on, then, at around 9 mins it becomes "samsara" or my favourite is a few lines later sansar becomes "sensors are still around". Wookie who took over sansar are written as "wiki" then after that Linden Lab becomes "london lab". All of the above was in the first 10mins of that video you posted. So, I will disagree with you like others have. YouTubes CC is known to be terrible and not compliant to CC codes.
  24. My ideal virtual world would: Allow for a person to have their own space where they can build, have a house, play dress up barbie or dream house barbie (aka vastly improved second life) Allow for a true multi world virtual world. One where I can be at my parcel of land then decide I want to play World of Warcraft and can do so by just teleporting to that game inworld and start playing it where I left off without the need of starting another program. Allow for a shared currency across all worlds Allow for me to go inworld to a public library browse the books then rent one and it appears on screen in the viewer as an eBook to read whilst I am sitting in my RL lounge room in front of the fire and playing said virtual world on my tablet reading my ebook. Allow for me to do virtual shopping where there are items displayed so I can see what they look like accurately before buying unlike websites which just show a picture. Allow for me to shop for clothes and see what they look like on before buying. All that kind of stuff and more is what I believe virtual worlds should be. A singular space where everything on the web and computer can be done in a single program virtually.
  25. Wolfsome, holds as much power as any of his predecessors did. The only difference is at the moment the board is steering the helm whilst a new CEO is looked for. Wolfsome, unless they have removed the entire board and only have him, is still at the behest of the other board members and also the limitations of the current heads of departments. All of which are the same people that have been there for almost a decade, with the only new blood being the incoming engineering head of whom would still be accountable to those older people Yes it is obvious. It has been obvious for over 10 years and yet nothing has changed. They are still investing in other platforms with money garnered by Second Life and will continue to do just as they have done. They still provide no visible public roadmap, they still release slow updates and they are still making half a** attempts at possible massive draw card features. Put simply they are out of the loop as to what people these days expect. Look for instance at the latest Windows 11 update forecast to be released this year. There will be a feature called DirectStorage (which NVidia have already implemented into the next cards), which its entire premise is to speed up game load times by using modern hardware like SSD's and NVMe drives to call more i/o requests allowing for decompression of cache files and loading of those files. Tests have shown that it reduces CPU overhead for tens of thousands of I/O operations ‘to a small fraction of a single core.’ Considering this is a major downside of Second Life in that texture files are replaced very, very regularly, such a feature would help immensely. Yet here we are stuck on openGL that its owners have stated will be replaced and hasn't seen any meaningful update to modern standards for 10 years. Not to mention LL being to scared to allow for such things (multi-core use included) because they are at the beckon call of people who dont want to update their comps to better systems. LL is the only company I know of that actually do not update their systems because of the possibility of older computers not being able to handle the updates. The only way new growth can be achieved is by updating the entire graphics engine to modern standards, updating the viewer to modern standards and implementing systems that allow people to have something to do in Second Life other than barbie dress up and dream home. That means creation, new scripting commands, lower land prices, larger land sizes with no sim crossing lag and the ability to have more than 70 people on a sim and implementing and developing for modern features. LL cant see any growth until the younger demographic (20-30 year old) see that Second Life looks and behaves like a modern platform with things done as before mentioned. All of which would require to much investment and money to achieve and from what we have seen in the past LL are not prepared to invest for.
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