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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I have been looking for "hat hair" since I made this post. Found a nice one that works with a variety of hats and comes with a full color hud (much more than the demo suggests happily). On sale for the weekend. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/White River Farm/143/179/24
  2. Now this is seriously cute!!! I am missing my rustic abodes. I still have a couple of thousand li left so maybe up in the sky. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lost Dreams Island/102/67/22
  3. This USED to be an issue with ad blockers or ad blocker browsers (like BRAVE). So try using a different browser that has no ad blocking on it. I use EDGE for that purpose.
  4. If you are talking about an "Opensim" environment, be apprised that while that will work for SOME parts of mesh, others are very different than uploaded in SL via the SL uploader :D. Good for some thing though. The beta grid (also free) is a better option.
  5. Most viewers have this function now but maybe not the Linden Viewer. This is Firestorm. Good for sizing. You need to clean up prims (and indeed imported mesh too) as the exports aren't perfect. Alt + J and Remove Doubles are a good first step. Really best to build with "mesh prims" rather then legacy prims as those are divided into many more triangles than a simple mesh prim would be.
  6. It seem logical that it would be just before SL19B or "at" SL19B. So a couple more weeks? You know things are never as soon as we expect them to be LOL.
  7. With the card you have there should be no problem at all doing what you want to do without special effects -- unless of course you want them. IF there is a sim that is problematic (I went to one last week via Inara's post that was so heavy with mesh and textures nothing would load) then MOVE ON. The point of having a good graphics card (and the cost involved in having one) is pretty much about the creative freedom that comes with that. Camera smoothing settings will solve a lot of issues with fps, but still 15fps was always my low number. If I couldn't get that (middle of the road card at the time) then I "fudged" and even used stills. Most of the time though -- even then I could do what I wanted to do. Practice helps :D.
  8. Most people as you likely know use Firestorm -- not because it takes the best pictures but because it has more useful features (for many of us anyway). I have a 3070 card and honestly I think any viewer you chose will work fine.
  9. In general all the non-top bodies have difficulties when it comes to finding clothes. One thing you can do is look for all in one complete outfits with sleeves (not too long a sleeves often have a "hand" rigging issue). If you like those sleeves that droop longer than hands (I really don't) you are in luck. Winter clothing is typically easier than summer. Zenith has outfits in that vein and there are a good number of role play all in one top and pants or dresses. S@BBiA makes "fitmesh" that typically fits all avatars with some garments being more lose fitting than others. If the body is BOM then you can use any texture garments especially pants and lingerie. It IS a challenge when you get a body beyond the top five. But it is a thrill when you find something that works.
  10. This might be it. If not there is a setting that let's you hear sounds WORN by someone (this in case it is an attachment doing it).
  11. Lots of good stuff here. I didn't buy this but bought some other quirkier things and my favorite bracelets are on sale here too LOL. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/MoonLand/224/30/22
  12. I am fairly confused about the title to this post and the OP itself. The Lab will never do on demand sims for mainland as it would break the immersion factor which is (or at least historically has been) an etched in stone bit of criteria. I thought years ago that on demand sims with less expensive costs would be a very good thing for everyone. They might need to be limited to "no bots" so that folks wouldn't just plant folks there so that their regions would always be up but aside that very doable especially for residential. Ebbe made some comments that had me thinking it was considered at one point but it never happened. Note that a 20K region in Kitely is $15 a month tier (at least I think that is still correct) and aside from a few things like advanced scripting and HIGH QUALITY INVENOTRY PURCHASES -- Kitely is pretty much just as good as SL. Not perfect but if you compare the costs you can see why some folks are there. LL seems to be going in a different direction however and we'll see how the Premium Plus level works out -- and of course what it actually entails LOL. Currently people in SL can have all the privacy they want if they own or rent a sim. They can be completely closed off except for white lists so I can't see any advantage there. Again I am a bit confused on what this thread is supposed to be discussing.
  13. I haven't read this thread as I am not planning on being premium again AND I haven't seen that Premium Plus is available, BUT wanted to add for the folks that may have forgotten that when Premium Plus was first mentioned we were ASSURED officially (not sure which Linden it was years ago now) that costs would be amortized and people would get credit for any remaining premium dollars in their account. Details weren't mentioned and there is really no reason to believe that this idea will be in effect when the time comes but it certainly would be in The Labs best interest to keep the stated policy.
  14. You can't imagine how much I SMILED AT THAT!!!!! Still chuckling. BTW I spent WEEKS trying to adapt and was about ready to see if I liked "single malt" like in all the TV shows. Then aside from some Sansar poses threw in the towel. Not all of us are as adaptable as you think :D.
  15. OK. So not until June 21st. I either missed that or the post I read was updated. I will update MY post. That is a VERY LONG lead time :D. Thanks Love. PS Mercury will be long out of retrograde by then so I suspect beyond the shadow also. Yesterday was NOT a good day for a lot of us LOL. So happy to note that.
  16. In regards to his official post: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/entry/10806-inventory-management-and-performance/ I would appreciate any input from folks that have noticed changes in their inventory. I want to be able to follow up on my post and since "I" have had no issues I suspect that "I" wont see any changes. But I am very interested in any input (and timeline) others can offer. Thanks.
  17. Dust Bunny can be very heavy too so check those triangles if you care. I bought a new clothesline last year from anc. My blog post talks about very good LODs but still "primmy" but NOT heavy mesh. It is simpler but better for folks with a less than new and stellar computer. I WILL say that the heavy version in question has much better LODs than in the past. There IS a lot going on there but unless I had a perfect place to show it off (and I may some day) that half a million number is in general too high for me. Remember this is RENDER mesh not GAME mesh. The one below is GAME mesh LOL. Damn virtual life is complex.
  18. Out for 25Tuesday -- at Oyi which I had never heard of. No demo and horrid LODs on some small parts. Big parts not great either but happily this will still work for what I bought it for which. is inside a building for SL19B. One sit animation but it is mod (obviously as I deleted those pesky horrid parts) so you could add your own sits if needed. The vendor is on the wall under EVENTS. No demo of course but took a chance at 25. This could work as fantasy or Sakura -- or steampunk after I get done with it LOL. Edit: In the end I went with something else. :D. Oh well.
  19. Along with Littleme's link, MY first step is to log into SL using an alternate viewer (any third party viewer will work if you are using the Linden viewer). It is always good to have two viewers to choose from for many reasons including your problem here. IF you can see your inventory in another viewer that is a very good sign and one of those steps in the list should fix things. It is possible to actually lose inventory items but your description suggest it is not "real" inventory loss. That is a GOOD thing. https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory Good luck.
  20. Mistral. $289 good triangles and long good LODs Kustom 9 here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/kustom9/99/188/1003 6 land impact
  21. In case you were wondering -- half a million triangles. Kustom9
  22. H and G prizes on the current Enchantment Hunt. Warning several issues on this hunt including the "disappearance" of the starting point and incorrect links. Many of the prizes are so far away they might as well be in the next sim LOL. But if you are a Tim Burton fan it is likely worthwhile. tea and bust from Tirrany Designs. Lamp from free bird. Also a nice texture change choker from bubble. https://enchantmentsl.com/burtonesque-hunt-guide/
  23. I noted that mine was something like 92 yesterday which is beyond odd. Traffic numbers do go awry now and then and at some point last year (think it was last year :D) the land tab stopped working altogether for what seemed like forever. So not terribly unusual and apparently not too high on the LL todo list :D.
  24. You can set to sale ONLY to that person. You could each set a very high price on the parcel. BUT you (or the other person) will end up paying extra tier for the time they own both parcels. I suggest that for oh so many reasons this is a bad idea. "I" certainly wouldn't do it.
  25. Out for the weekend. 2 li default - 3li shown. Heavy mesh but good LODs. LODs was my number one answer of what I wanted on that Seraphim survey by the way. Nutmeg
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