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Chic Aeon

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Everything posted by Chic Aeon

  1. I was down to 3.7 but got up to 17 finally. I have some computer issues that seem unsolvable at the moment. The whole Expo isn't working for me. THAT however isn't a new problem. I pretty much would leave and not come back after opening :D. But not there this year. HOUSEBOATS had better FPS for me. Much. No "flora". :D. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz (3298.09 MHz) Memory: 16286 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 17763.379) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 980/PCIe/SSE2
  2. When someone finds the Linden Homes (happy to have that official) can they post a link please. Sims aren't that full but 6fps for me so not able to find them. TPing directly will probably be better. THANKS!!!!!
  3. I didn't exactly understand things that way. Can you point us to where that seemed to be true? I was thinking that the new folks IF they opted into premium when signing up go the chance at a last name (much like in the old days -- of course then you didn't need to be premium). I am certainly open to your scenario (and again we won't know until things are finalized) but would love to know what I missed along the way. Such a curious gal :D.
  4. Double post. Something that I didn't mention in the OTHER post was that schools often have SL blocked, so the hospital certainly could also :D.
  5. Sorry you are in the hospital but you will have to hold out until you are out. Second Life doesn't run in a web browser; you need to have the viewer installed and obviously the hospital won't let you do that. If you have your own notebook with the viewer installed you "should" (I would think) be able to connect via their wifi. But they may have a lot of things blocked, so who knows. There are some aps that let you do minimal text things in SL but again they need to be installed (and paid for). So you are stuck with the gossip and questions for awhile. Cloud Party used to run in Chrome and did well. Unfortunately it is no longer with us. If I am wrong on this I am sure someone will pop in and correct me.
  6. Yes, I had seen you mention that. It is just that many full sim builders (me included) use "placeholder buildings" to get the feel of things. Either way, glad they are back.
  7. You are likely thinking of OPENSIM. Look up Opensim in Google and you will find information. You can have a stand alone server or you can connect to a grid host.
  8. Good job little sleuth! Maybe the first boats were "placeholders" and these are the REAL boats. If you look at the dates when the first Linden Homes and Horizon plots were opened to the public (not rentable or buyable yet) -- then we "could expect" an announcement in the upcoming week. But that is ALLLLL wishful thinking most likely LOL.
  9. AHHHH OK. Gacha. Thanks. Still thinking of another comment. (shaking head) But still similar. Will be interesting to see what happens.
  10. Thanks! So a "few" could be 3 and $30 or even 4 and $40 :D. That wasn't the quote I was looking for. Mine was from a much LATER Town Hall meeting (November I am thinking but haven't checked) and wasn't Grumpity (in my memory anyway). I didn't remember that earlier comment though. Most likely because I didn't care personally --- hence my "shock" at the later comment. Again, it really doesn't matter until it is unveiled. And it has been a year now so who knows. From Google (and we know Google is ALWAYS correct *wink*) : While many people would agree that "a few" means three or more, the actual dictionary definition of "a few" is, "not many but more than one." So, "a few" cannot be one, but it can be as low as two.
  11. As I was trying to find out the last Town Hall meeting date (November, 2018) I came across the 15th Anniversary post. For those of you wondering and not wanting to delve though a lot of old posts, I am linking here. What has been accomplished has certainly been welcome. Next week it will be a year since this list came out.
  12. I guess for the sake of history and for all those that have "Resident" as a last name, I should add that the SL citizens of long ago TOLD The Lab (over and over and very loudly) that they did NOT want last names to disappear. It happened anyway. My building alt, Lani has one of the very last to garner a surname (long after they disappeared officially -- from an educational portal that had been missed and was closed down a few days after :D). She is seven years and four months old now, so that is a LOT of people with less than wonderful names. In the beginning it wasn't so bad, but eventually -- as we know -- there simply weren't any names left. This isn't a lot different than having email addresses as logins in Sansar -- ones that couldn't be changed (that seems to be fixed now and can be changed via tickets). The Lab has a long history of NOT looking too far ahead :D. I think they need more Aquarian and Piscean "Big Picture" people in the mix. Or maybe they are there and just not listened to - LOL.
  13. Agree that the mentioned price ( I am pretty sure I remember who spoke on that last it but don't want to watch the whole Town Hall again so if someone DOES please note here) was eye-poppingly more than I expected (even though I have no need or want to change my name). AGAIN, that wasn't etched in stone, just something "being considered" (not a real quote from a source there). We still haven't seen that 30% Marketplace cut for creators that was mentioned several time by Ebbe (in my recollection he never SAID that there would be a 30% take, only used that number a lot when talking about things which led me to think that "possibly" it was to make us feel better if it turned out to be 20%). *** There were some big changes in the Sansar store selling fee and cash out costs a few months ago. That didn't sit well with creators and in part contributed to a mini creator exodus. So IF we are lucky that "test case" may influence changes here in SL. I was thinking more in the $10-$20US range for name change which seems reasonable to me. BUT unlike a Marketplace fee increase, the NAME CHANGE IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL and voluntary. So, not as big a deal in my mind. Also, I forgot to mention that it was said (again Town Hall) that last names that had been previously used (such as "Aeon") would not be available -- only NEW last names. Once again, this was quite awhile ago and things CAN change. For anyone really interested in this, I suggest going to the next Town Hall meeting whenever that may be and hearing for yourself. For sure watch the videos of the last meetings. As mentioned by both Ebbe and Oz, the roadmap changes often and isn't that far out in months --- so we won't know really UNTIL we do :D. Right now, it is only conjecture.
  14. For anyone who has been reading the official statements on this from The Lab (most of them in Town Hall meetings which you can watch on YouTube) the latest that we know is: People can choose a FIRST name and THEN a name from a DROP DOWN LIST. The last names will change periodically over time. NOTE: That this was the method for YEARS before LL did away with last names (presumably because of some Facebook connection that didn't work out but you would need to research that if you care). The last charge amount mentioned (again in a Town Hall meeting) was "around $35US* which kinda blew me away as I was expecting something lower. People will be able to (again, nothing has been set in stone that we know of so most all if this COULD CHANGE) again, or switch back (think marriage and divorce maybe) if they choose (same charges will apply). Feel free to watch the Town Hall meeting videos as almost all of these address the last name changes. As far as we know there has been no date set for name changes even though it has been worked on for sometime. There was mention of technical issues (scripts failing types of things) that needed to be worked out. There really hasn't been much official news on this in a long while. So we will know when we know. Happily I don't have to worry personally --- and glad of it.
  15. OK. Thanks. There was "some official" comment on that right after it went over to the beta grid testing -- only a few days after they opened that up and had the project viewer available. Not going to look it up but wouldn't have paid much attention if it hadn't come from someone official :D. A whole lot has changed over the life of this project. Thanks for commenting. Maybe I will ask on the official thread. Or maybe the best plan is just to wait and see what happens when it goes gridwide. (Sly comment thought about but not typed LOL). @Blush Bravin EDIT: Thinking about EEP and those early days some more, the comments "may" have been about having four different setting on one sim (at levels) which is the only thing that I really cared about. Going back over to the thread I see lots of comments about opting into experiences if scripting was involved. So that could have been what I am remembering. Too long ago for me. So I'll just wait until all the dust settles.
  16. I was very enthused (mostly for LEA6 where I have many full sim levels) about EEP ---- UNTIL I found out that folks had to opt in to the EXPERIENCE in order to see it. Is that still the case? I really hate that experience thing and typically just refuse so I can't really feel good about asking others to do that --- especially on a sim created for machinima and photography LOL. After that I just ignored it. I did manage to make a fairly good sky from scratch, but I will likely just be tweeking my old Windlight settings. Much like the addition of "materials" (normal and specular) it seems to be a very hit and miss thing. Happy to have my mind changed :D.
  17. Also make VERY SURE that you understand "mixed permissions" and how they work. When you have you box ready have an alt that cannot edit your items (in the friends settings) test by sending you box to them and having them open and make sure things are as you want them. If you don't have an alt, then send to a trusted friend. It takes most folks a long time to really grasps the settings within settings rules. You can see these in your viewer but the BEST METHOD IS ALWAYS TO TEST.
  18. Just adding for others that anyone can see the land capacity of a lot (mainland or private) by looking on the land tab -- preferably before buying.
  19. Note that the new name change is simply THAT === changing the name. The avatar identification number stays the same though any name changes -- hence The Labs recommendation long ago for script folks to start using the avatar identification number instead of names. As to limiting the amount of times one can change their names, that seems unlikely since the last that we officially heard, the name change charge was going to be in the area of (not decided on at that time yet) $35 US dollars. So it certainly seems like this will be a money maker for The Lab :D. EDIT: Well "bad word" a necro thread. My response was to the OP LOL.
  20. #1 there are no OARs in Second Life. #2 if their WERE it would still be against both SL and Kitely TOS to import items that were MEANT ONLY FOR SL to Kitely. You "might" be able to contact the maker and the "might" upload to Kitely, but since there are some very real issues with content and theft in Opensim I am doubting that they would be interested. Buy it here. USE it HERE! EDIT: "Transferable" in SL does NOT mean transfer to another platform. All items are meant to stay within SL. There are a few cases where creators give there permission to use in Opensim (some are texture places). A few full perm clothing creators make special deals with folks that they trust for Opensim. This doesn't sound like either.
  21. When you back up as PRIMS using Backup it saves a prim linkset which you can import again (for free if you upload without textures). It will also uploaded the TEXTURED prim build for you. It is great fun to watch a 500 prim item "build itself". You should try it sometime. I mostly used then for Opensim where "prims don't count" since most folks have a sim. :D. You can of course upload WITH the same textures -- you pay for each texture used.
  22. Backup as I said is for PRIM builds, not mesh. And (not to Pamela) an anim file won't help me any LOL. But that's OK. I like making poses and animations; just don't do it that often.
  23. OK. Thanks. IF the Flash update went out to lots of folks that might be it -- maybe. I am hesitant to role back the update. My notebook has Win10Home but also very little power so testing on that won't really tell me anything as I can barely move (and likely can no longer get in with the new Firestorm update). I keep it in case I need to log into Opensim. Appreciate the reply. I will ask my friend if he had that Flash update. OK. Checked with friend. He has NO Flash Player updates listed on his Win 7 machine even though he has Flash installed. I don't have Flash installed (at least it isn't in my program list -0- will check more on that). So IF you have a security update for Flash that could be it. It seems unlikely that he wouldn't have a Flash security update and you would, but who knows. I frequently get updates WAY after other folks :D.
  24. Noted. That has been my practice for years. Has nothing to do with current problems. I actually USUALLY have more programs running than shown here. I AM careful about not having the same avatar on Agni and Aditi at the same time. That is mostly because of some bad inventory issues in the past. As noted way up top in this thread (pretty sure I wrote that anyway) . I have had the exact same issues with ONE avatar and a reboot and a cache clearing and whitelisting. NONE of that seems to matter. It is actually worse now that it was before. Again, it appears to be only some of us but what we have in common (other than possibly the Win10Pro update, I know not. EDIT: To be crystal clear (not just for Whirly)---- things have been running perfectly for as long as I can remember. Textures have loaded instantly --- almost instantly if I am at a brand new place. This with three avatars plus many other programs open including Sansar the last few months and it is a power guzzler. I have a pretty hefty computer, a 4G video card and a oversized power supply. I don't use wifi. So SOMETHING has changed. If I could figure out what I might be able to get back to my personal "norm".
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