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Eirynne Sieyes

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Everything posted by Eirynne Sieyes

  1. Clues all over the place. Hmmm... What about this picture in Patch's Flickr; in the Linden Homes album of all places. Almost all the pictures are recognizable Belli. But this photo shows a home style that I don't recognize. And if you zoom in, the background is a snowy mountain. ???
  2. Does anyone have a landmark for a rez zone near a track?
  3. Highmarket. I think every house here back to water.
  4. I will never abandon my beautiful abandon! ( Even though I prefer modern open concept.) Caught last month.
  5. This is for those of you who understand this stuff. Because I don't. The gorgeous vic in Highmarket, surrounded by water on two sides has been abandoned for SEVERAL DAYS! What is taking so long for it to hit a cue?
  6. Hmmmm.... How do you do it? When you have alts, can the owner avi set it up so that the other alts can use the home? I have the security system set to a group AND to name, yet while an alt in that group is not kicked out, they have no ability to operate house controls. Is there a way? Happy New Year!
  7. Open letter to Patch, The new homes are beautiful, and so is the landscaping. The builds are awesome, and the level of detail is very high. In a word, "stunning!" Yet some of us really appreciated the room size and height of the old homes (especially the contemporaries). I hope you don't forget us. *nervous smile* Perhaps instead of shutting down the old homes, you consolidate us? Just a thought. Thanks for all you Lindens do!
  8. Lol! I did! It was probably a glitch I'm sure they fixed since posting this.
  9. Clicking the map, I am in an unowned house on SSPE299, which is directly looking at Hornpipe's houseboats. Lol! According to my map, 13 moles are building, but i can't spot even one. Am I supposed to be here or is it a glitch?
  10. They are going to have to literally throw me out of my beloved contemporary "old" house. With one HUGE room with high ceilings (plus a smaller room), I'm spoiled. The new stuff makes me feel claustrophobic.
  11. So, the campers DO get less prim allowance. That can't help. The Lab might be better off giving the owners a choice between extra prims and the right to use that sim allowance elsewhere.
  12. I'm not partial to the themes so I've not been following the homes closely, but I'm wondering if different themes get a different prim allowance? (Just read that the trailers get an extra 512 to use elsewhere.) ??? Also, has anybody heard mention of a contemporary theme at some point? Thanks in advance!
  13. Wow! Kudos to Linden Labs, who IMO have outdone themselves this year. Don't miss it. Don't miss the time capsules. Don't miss the gifts, the events... Thank you!
  14. I am in the minority, but I am an Altamura Bento addict. I own two of them and pair them with my own shapes and with a variety of makeup options. Altamura was my first mesh body. I got it because the head was attached and I didn't want to fuss with matching skins. I was a late adapter from the classic bod, and wanted simplicity. Later, I tried Lara on an alt with a few different heads to see what the fuss was about. I did like Catwa heads, but was not overly impressed with the Lara body. In the end, I moved the alts to Altmura. A side benefit, these bodies it seems to me are less laggy. No, I am not being paid or compensated for this post. 😘
  15. Heck, I date from 2005, former Island owner/content creator. Hardly a new avatar. The camera does so much adjustment and that's it. Those new home only work when I am a cat. And even then, I find them claustrophobic!
  16. I've tried repositioning the camera. No matter what I do, I don't like the feeling of being closed in. But thanks for your reply.
  17. The new homes and neighborhoods are beautiful, but I totally agree about lack of roominess. My current (old) Linden house has 2 huge rooms, very high ceilings, and no doors between spaces. It is easy to get around. As much as I love the new community, I find the traditional homes way too cramped and claustrophobic inside - and my camera constantly gets in my way. This drives me crazy. The houseboats, while more open, are stuffed too close together. I would love to see an updated version of the contemporary homes. Heck, for that I would go super premium in a flash! (Hint, hint!)
  18. Hmmm.... I wonder if an existing old Linden home owner will need to abandon their home before they can see if a new option is available.... My kitties would hate to go back into inventory while they wait! Anybody know how that works?🐱
  19. This wasn't a person who would be banned. Must be a self-delete. :( Phooey. Thanks everyone.
  20. I found a notecard with the friend's name. When I looked that person up - THEY DID NOT EXIST! I guess that's a Linden ban. (And I wonder for what?) ☹️
  21. I hope you're not asking for ransom Bree. *Teehee*
  22. Yes, we were friends. That is what is so strange. There is NO calling card and I have never deleted a calling card. And it happened just about a week ago. Makes NO sense.
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