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Coby Foden

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Everything posted by Coby Foden

  1. You don't see the experience listed because you have never been in that region. Therefore the experience has not been forced on your avatar. That region http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Firestorm Orientation/128/128/2 with that particular experience in question is only available for newbie accounts. The experience is forced on all those accounts who have been in that region, not on anybody else. I see nothing wrong with it, it's nothing bad, it's actually good for the newbies as they can learn something useful there with that experience. Some people just get paranoid over something what they don't understand what it actually is. "Forced something on my avatar? OMG! It must be very bad!"
  2. I made simple one prim seats around the table in my "supposed to be Japanese" room. Naturally the chairs needed also some Japanese animations. Oracul had one Japanese AO where I took standing bow and kneeling bow animations. With AVsitter it was quick job to adjust the animation positions in the seats. Hmm... the local lighting is not good in the above picture. The light from the table lamp and the candles go straight through the table and light the floor. To correct the lighting I adjusted the light radius of the table lamp and the candles so that their light does not reach as far where the floor is. Then I made one projector light and put it high above the table. Looking more natural now as the lights don't pass through the table. And the projector light creates nice convincing looking shadows.
  3. What am I doing on the table (o .°)? Just testing is there enough space under my swimming pool for any living activities. Yes, there is. The stairs lead upstairs (obviously) where the pool is. It looks in this picture as if the avatar must crawl the stairs to get up... ... but no crawling needed, there is plenty of room to walk naturally up. ? I'm 1.78 meters tall with bare flat feet, with those high heels I'm 1.93 meters tall. Naturally the heights accurately measured with prim.
  4. This. Relaxing at my in-house swimming pool. Cheers! ??
  5. The ball has been handed to @Phil Deakins now. ⚽
  6. That's how I have understood it a for long time. • Region is 256 m x 256 m area inwold. This is what people often refer to as "sim". • Sim host (aka sim "sim" or "simulator") is indeed the server hosting either one 256 m x 256 m region or many 256 m x 256 m regions. PS. The sim host is a new term for me. I've always referred to it as "simulator"; but anyway "sim host" is more accurate term. The server hosting the region or regions runs the SL world simulation.
  7. This is the second incarnation of my in-house swimming pool. There is swimming HUD which works in Linden water as well as in prim water. The HUD package has a script what you drop into the contents of prim and it turns the prim swim-able. You size the prim to the same size as the pool water volume is and place it into the pool - turn it 100 % transparent. Done. Get AT - Swimmer at (with amazing price of L$0): https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AT-Swimmer/5646038?page=1 Testing floating in the pool. Swimming in the pool works just like swimming in Linden waters does. Which is great as the pool has now some actual use, not only being a decoration. And below, a bigger view of the upstairs pool area. I had to make some ramps to access the pool because the railings in Linden home cannot be removed. There are also two glass ramps inside of the pool so it's easy to climb up from pool. (A part of the stairs leading downstairs can be seen at the bottom right corner in the image.)
  8. Did it really? And if so, what is that method of torturing prims by not using the build tool normally? I have always thought that "tortured prim" = "twisted prim".
  9. There are Windlights which show the effects of ALM, and there are Windlights which don't show them. Mostly those which don't show the effects of ALM are the so called "Optimum skin Windlights". They are specifically made so that the light appears to come from all directions making the skin to look smoothly illuminated and perhaps nice. Personally I almost never use those Windlights as they make the world to look like cartoon scene, even smooth lighting all over the place. They have their use though for few specific purposes.
  10. I took two snapshots in my house, exactly the same Windlight in both. First one ALM ON & shadows on, second one ALM OFF (shadows not possible). Both are raw snapshots inworld, no editing done to them. I don't know can you see any difference in them. For me there is a huge difference. I prefer the first picture. 1. ALM ON + shadows ON Direct sunlight comes in only through the windows. And there are dynamic shadows inside the house. They move as the sun moves. Local projector lights inside the house create shadows too. No need to have fake static shadows under furniture, plants and what not. I have many local projector lights and the effect is really nice. The lighting and shadows look very similar how like they do in real life. I really like how ALM enhances any view in Second Life. 2. ALM OFF (shadows not possible) Direct sunlight comes in through the walls and roof as if they didn't exist at all. To me this looks very bland and cartoon like scene. There is nothing dynamic lights and shadows play. So I always keep ALM and shadows on when I'm in the house or sailing and exploring out. ALM stays always on, in laggy places I turn shadows off.
  11. Today late afternoon in my home... waiting for my friend to arrive from a concert. And later in the evening at my swimming pool. (Isn't he a gentleman, not looking.)
  12. Hmm... that's strange. I see no saw effect on edges with ALM and shadows on. Everything looks good and clear. Do you have any antialiasing on? I have mine at 2x and it smooths edges well, no need to go higher.
  13. Observing avatar's double shadow. The long one is from moonlight, the short one is from local projector light (up behind me). Pretty cool, huh? ? ? I always keep ALM and shadows on when I'm in my house. Why? Without shadows on the sunlight and moonlight will pass straight through any walls. But when Keeping shadows on then those lights cannot penetrate the walls. So, inside the house there will be only the general world ambient light, local lights (I have many, mostly projector lights). Sunlight and moonlight can enter only through the windows, just like in real life. All this gives very realistic nice lighting inside the house.
  14. I made the floor of glass blocks so it feels more spacious as you can see part of the downstairs through the floor.
  15. That's a very nice pool, modifiable, low LI and low price. I bought the same and installed it on the second floor in my Linden home. At the other end of the house there was suitable two stories high space where the pool fitted well. The rooms in Linden homes are so high that there is still plenty of headroom downstairs under the pool. It was a fun project to do. Decorating the whole house with good quality low LI items is fun and rewarding pastime. And here, testing the new shower which I put there today. Oopsss... I got my clothes wet... ?
  16. Indeed so, in the continent where I have my Linden home all the regions are moderate. Not a single general region in sight there. By the way, the present content ratings are: General, Moderate, Adult. And have been for long time so. Mature rating does not exist any more.
  17. It's sail-able all around the continent. Even at south there is narrow water passage ?. <--- that small emoji is supposed to be "speedboat".
  18. Few days ago I moved to Linden Home. OMG, the house huge! House footprint is the parcel size, 512 square meters. It has downstairs and upstairs. Total of 1024 square meters room to decorate with furniture. Some work is already done downstairs, not finished yet - work in progress. Today I decorated the balcony. Each item in the snapshot is only 1 Li. There are 15 items, so the total land impact is only 15 on the balcony. Yay! The fish tank has many moving fish. Some mesh magic from the creator with only 1 Li. (I saw same type house nearby and it was fully furnished downstairs and upstairs including the balcony - Li used 118, still 57 available.)
  19. I keep Advanced lighting model always on, often shadows too. Those make Second Life look much better than without them.
  20. Earlier I used that same female image made by an artist. Somehow I didn't quite like the artist's idea about the human body. So I started to use real female photo instead, just to be sure that I get the proportions on the avatar as close as possible with real human. Naturally the body proportions of real humans have some variations. So I browsed through a lot of photos and then I selected the one which I liked the most.
  21. @Ebbe Linden @Linden Lab I think that the last name and name change thing along these lines would be really great: 1. All who create new account would have last name for free. 2. All existing avatars with last name "Resident" could change their name one time for free. 3. All other and subsequent name changes would have a fee. 4. No need to be premium member to change the name. It was after all a very bad and not well thought decision from Linden Lab to stop the last name availability. So make it good again. Thank you.
  22. When I made my shape I didn't care anything about the so called "standard" sizes. What I did was that I took real female photo, put it on prim and set the size so that she was the height what I wanted my avatar to be. Then I put my avatar on its side and started tweaking my avatar so that it was as close as possible to the real woman. This is easy way to get the proportions right. If there is no reference when adjusting the shape it can go very wrong - unless one is an artist and knows intuitively how real human looks. The avatar in the picture is classic (AKA system) avatar. When I bought mesh body and adjusted its shape I did the same with it as with system avatar. With good real photo as a reference, adjusting avatar's body shape quite easy job to do.
  23. I know one dancing place which is always on, 24/7. There's always DJ and host or hostess. Most DJs talk (I know only one exception who types instead of speaking). There are always people, during weekends it can get very crowded. Everything is mostly in Spanish and the music is mostly Latin music with some exceptions. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/TROPICANA SALSA BALLROOM/125/91/3427 Now I wonder are there any other such places in SL with constant activity going on?
  24. What do you do when there is an update for the mesh body? Let's suppose you have 200 outfits and every outfit has a copy of the body.
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