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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. Thanks for the update, Guy. Mistakes happen. ❤️
  2. I'm late to the party on this one - but I'd be super interested in building stuff for this body. Skins. Clothes. Whatever. I love this idea, not just for my own wallet, but for the learning curve for new residents. I don't think we'll ever get back there 100% where the base avatar is everything you could ever want...but how cool would it be if you really -could- start out as a newb...and just...go buy clothes/hair/whatever and look awesome? @Patch Linden - Sorry if I missed it, but where can we find out more info about making stuff for this new mesh body?
  3. I like wearables too - that way you don’t have to worry about rezzing anything.
  4. Instead of speculating and guessing, let’s just ask. @Abnor Mole @Patch Linden There is a lot of speculation going on about the old Volenteer HQ that recently came down. We can see that there are changes being made on the mainland, like the connection to Belli etc. Is this one of those changes? Specifically, is this land being remade into something else? Or is it being auctioned off?
  5. I'm split on this one, honestly. I think it's fair for Secondlife to grow and change. I think it's fair that they make new places and repurpose land for events and locations that matter to residents for whatever day and age we're in - especially on the mainland. This makes me think of an SL creator I was reading the other day - they said they were mad that they have customers angry at them because they won't sell them 'old discontinued items'. She said that she was frustrated because she wants to grow as an artist, and that she should have the right to close a door on a chapter of her art in favor of a new artisitic evolution. I agree with her, and I think the Lab has the right to do this too. They can close the door on 'old products' they don't want to 'be known for anymore' because as a business, they also need to evlove. And yes, I like games and communities and public spaces and mesh. I will always encourage anyone to get out and explore, reguardless of where they call their 'virtual home'. I like experiences that help create Secondlife community. I like making 'onboarding' easier for new residents and I like helping people figure out how to get started and settled in this crazy world. Whats more, I love the mainland - even the old weird builds. And I like that we can have all of those things I mentioned on the mainland. BUT......and this is a big but.....seeing this made me honestly worried about talking about or featuring any of my favorite old mainland spots. I loved that place - it had an AMAZING prim statue in the back that was unbelievable. I think it was made by a resident, and it was of a guy holding up two colums. It really was a masterpiece. I owned land literally next door until I realized I could never line it up with the land the Lindens raised on that parcel (I ended up abandoning it back to the Lab: I didn't sell it) It's true - I still 100% feel like the signs and URLs needed to be updated (and still do), but only because it's confusing for new residents when inworld things have signs for webpages and marketing concepts that don't exsist anymore. That being said, I loved it's historical charm - for me, this was one of those places that really was a beacon of SL History and I'm bummed that it's gone (but more bummed that it wasn't used more!) If it's still owned by the Lindens, maybe they have a plan for it? Though, to be fair, there is tons of abandoned land...well..everywhere.....so.... ? I'm going to ignore the obvious implication by the OP that I called for the destruction of this place (that I have videos, blog posts, and tons of pictures of logged on flickr and Twitter over many many years) because I said it needed some new URLs and the Sign graphics needed updated in a forum post. That said, I do think there is a fair point to be made by the OP and it does look really coincidental. I HOPE that drawing attention to 'old spots in SL' isn't what gets them axed on some mainland locations hit list. I mean.. that WTH.... thread?! Only time will tell.. On NatureCon: It wasn't a Linden event - it was put on by private Residents as far as I know? I didn't ask. I did a booth there and a small hunt. I was involved because one of the organizers asked me to join and I have alot of respect for people that were involved as builders.(It's also known that I butt heads with some of the collaberators too...so... >.> ) I was given the oppertunity to do all kinds of things, even build a big display, but I didn't have time to commit to many days of building. I did do some impromtu video and social media posts of the event (on my own - they didn't ask me!) and shared it out on some of my social media pages. Diamond is right - It really was just two chicks doing a Naturecon thing as far as I know. On 'Kiosks and Stamps': I think it was a die hard Bellisserian that said something like "Nothing is worse than going out into a really cool forest or an epic waterfall..and seeing a modern kiosk to 'get a stamp'." I really took that to heart, because you know what? That DOES suck. As I was going along and cataloging some of these old spots for the OMT project, there were SO MANY kiosks! BBB kiosks! Forever Tourist kiosks! By the time I'd gone around and collected all the landmarks I was sad! The worst thing possible happened: The kiosks had become those weird towers that are all over Sharpe - only worse! Between that and seeing the work those awesome NatureCon builders did, it really drove the point home for me. There are nature based builds all over the mainland...that really could be ruined with a modern looking kiosk. I'm all about marketing and I love to brand, but I was starting to feel like those kiosks (Forever Tourist ones included!) weren't any different than the 16 sqm parcels with signs all up and down the mainland roads. It bothered me so much that I've rebuilt everything to be invisible and noninvasive, and I'm going through and replacing all of those public 'kiosks' with something that isn't even visible.
  6. I agree on this one. It’s not my thing, and sure, there are a ton of them…. But isn’t that what mainland is about? We get into dangerous ground if we start saying one persons ‘tastes’ count for everyone and one person gets to decide what’s okay on the mainland. I mean…. Can’t I erect a reasonably sized full bright low hanging Cheeto and live in it if I want…. on the mainland? I get that people don’t like it, but that is to be expected as we all have different likes and dislikes. What I’m confused about is I seem to remember being ‘run over the coals’ on these very forums for daring to mention that the Lindens MIGHT USE land in a way that someone else didn’t want to use it - you know… just like this thread is about how some other person is using the Teen Grid teleporty things with their own tier. And…. the teleporter things aren’t ads? so I they don’t count towards Ad Farming? The OP keeps saying ‘we live here’… but I dare say that the teen grid teleporty people AlSO live here too. And me, with my make believe full bright giant Cheeto house. And whatever else any other mainlanders wants. We all live here… and we ALL have to find ways to make living here work for all of us - even the people with the giant teen grid teleporter things. [redeacted personal dispute]
  7. I was actually going to say the same thing - he messaged me as well to let me pass along that they were swapping them out for something smaller and shorter…. But it doesn’t look like they have. It’s my understanding that they are teleporters for an old teen grid combat group.
  8. Sounds cool @Aethelwine - open water access is \o/ 😍(And thanks again for all the links! What a list! Wow!)
  9. I love those too! The Destination Guide is fabulous, Inara Pey is one of my favorites, and Seraphim is an amazing source for stuff, too! I also look at them regularly and refer people to look at them as well. I don't think there is a 'real problem' per say. In fact, I'm not looking to 'solve a problem' with the OMT. I just want to play with a different way to expose places to explore that don't involve lists - especially ones that people may or may not know about. Nothing wrong with having a little build project that you having fun with, right? I like the idea of a World Map, for sure! I wouldn't know how to do that though - I've seen something similar in a CasperLet prim but it only displayed for one region. Sounds like a cool idea for someone to take on! I totally agree about how important it is to drive/fly/walk...but not everyone has loads of time to do the 'leg work'. Sometimes they only have a few hours, and they want to check out a few places without having to hunt them down themselves - maybe thats who will come visit when it's finally open. Maybe no one will? Who knows! But for now, it's been fun seeing all these new places and logging them and taking pictures! It's allowing me to learn my virtual geography, get -away- from lists, and have some fun building something that feels immersive to me. To each their own, right?
  10. You are so talented! I need to get you to decorate my… well… everything. Haha
  11. I am cross checking your list that you have now to LM and stuff tonight and tomorrow. No pressure at all to help, but these lists have been super helpful! The LDPW page in the Wiki has been helpful (and the Destination guide has some listed too!) No pressure to make lists, but honestly - thanks so much for the help Aethelwine! This is exactly the type of stuff I was looking for
  12. First - because they won't dissappear. I've been trying to figure out a way to direct more traffic to old Linden locations for years now - to somehow highlight the 'historic' vs the 'new' to show how cool the history of Secondlife is through it's two decades of extistence. I know that some people are about the 'walking and exploring'...but sometimes it's nice to just 'learn about an amazing place' and explore when you get there too. The LDPW locations are like that for me... I get there and poke around from there. It's like...'the start' of the adventure. The other side bar to that is that there is always the debate between 'the old' and the 'new' as far as LDPW spaces. I want to make sure that if a new resident ends up at one of these stations, they'll be able to quickly identify 'old from new' when they are looking through locations. I like them both, and it's been fun setting up these teleporters because I've gotten to catagorize them for my own fun as 'Historic'. Second, I'm testing a plan right now where the teleporters are maintained with very minimal effort on the part of a 'Conductor' for that station. If it works like it should, any private location can be added and the teleporters are just maintained accordingly. No real bias here as far as landmarks - I honestly want it to be a place where anyone can go and instantly find things to do and people to talk to. And whats even cooler, anyone you come across, you also know that they like exploring, too. I didn't put a skybox in Belli - I ended up using a Linden Home and some tier to make a station there and hooking it into the 'loop'. (It's shaping up to be the -most- full station, ironically! Tons of cool places and people love to share them, too!)
  13. This is exactly what I’m talking about. ❤️ Thank you for these! I can’t wait to see them
  14. Thank you so much!!!! Really.Thank you. ❤️
  15. Hey Diamond! Thanks for that info! I also have had a look at all of those suggestions you mention. They are all great resources! I am hoping to use that info to further feed a -grid wide- project. I’m sure you know, new spots are being built all the time…. and if you are a new resident, you might not know about all of these places/groups/guides/forums. Ofcourse we should continue to refer new residents to those info places too, but nothing wrong with a ‘grid wide’ project right? I reopened this thread in hopes that some of the ‘locals’ might know of cool spots that haven’t been listed yet. Hope that clears up some confusion!
  16. I am actually trying to navigate that - because ‘Adult’ is a huge part of SecondLife for sure. Any suggestions? I’m thinking a Zindra station… with all the Adult stuff?
  17. @diamond Marchant Similar! I have never been to a telehub.. But yeah maybe? How it works now is you go to the subway station (skybox) themed for Satori (or whatever) - you go in to the subway car and select a Location from the teleporter (that is all Satori locations) or go up the flights of stairs in the skybox to ‘go to another station’ themed for another continent. So yeah - similar to the destination guide? Or Forever Tourist without the stamps? But without interacting with a website or list? I get a fair amount of traffic from new residents who haven’t found the destination guide on the website yet. And… not all places are listed in the DG (Not a judgement - SL changes fast!) So yeah - I guess it is a continent themed subway telehub?
  18. I’m resurrecting this thread - but don’t hate me for it! Hear me out! I’m working on a project called the OMT. In short, it’s a series of skyboxes on different continents that are built to look like subway stations. They are all connected with experience teleporters and each Subway station is specific to its continent, showing locations in a directory in world that are located where that station is (Sansara, Heterocera, etc). I am super excited about this project because it provides an exploring experience without leaving modern looking kiosks in weird spots all over the grid. It also helps to highlight LL creations as well as resident ones, and the stations will update themselves (mostly). So - what does that have to do with Linden Homes? I’ve been helping my husband build out his cute house in Sakura and he suggested a Belli station too - ‘connecting continents together’ in a way that encourages exploring… in an easy to use format for new residents. Linden Homes regions can be hard cause… like… you don’t ‘know where the cool stuff is’ unless you stumble across it or someone tells you. Between Horse Riding Clubs and house parties, there is a super interesting culture about living in Belli because of the lack of ‘search-ability’ (maybe by design?) All that to say - I’ve combed the threads here and I scored 10 really amazing spots all over Bellisseria from old threads. I also realized that there has to be so many more. Like - more than anyone could ever know or find on their own. I can totally see how a resident can explore any of the Linden Homes regions and find tons of little gems. Does anyone else know any other Linden owned pretty places in the Belli regions that they’d be willing to share? As a reminder, this is a ‘SURL / landmark only - no kiosks’ project. I’m not looking to drop a terminal in the middle of someone’s favorite forest - just a place with a landmark to it so other people can enjoy it too. ❤️
  19. Hey everyone! I’m working on a project called the OMT - Operation Mainland Transit. In short, it’s like an ‘in world Forever Tourist’ - a series of skyboxes on different mainland continents that are built to look like subway stations and all be connected with experience teleporters. Each Subway station is specific to its continent, showing locations in a directory teleporter that are located where that station is (Sansara, Heterocera, etc). I have combed through forum thread posts and the SL wiki, but wanted to ask you guys too - do you have any SURLs to mainland locations that are interesting AND the land is owned by LL? I’d like to list them in the directory for its continent on the OMT! (I am super excited about this project too, because it helps provide a similar ‘exploring experience’ that Forever Tourist provides, without leaving modern looking kiosks in weird spots all over the grid. I promise no ‘pretty spots’ will be harmed in the giving of your favorites
  20. My hubs is a Belli guy - I'm helping him build out this AMAZING home he snagged. Check this one out - FIRST TRY! One parcel away from the epic mountain. ❤️ What a lucky duck.
  21. My own little slice of mainland ❤️ My beautiful Bay City Penthouse with 'rooftop everything'. I added a pool and a sauna - all with amazing views of the harbor and the canals.
  22. I love Whitney - always so helpful and nice. OP - thanks for asking this! And really cool to hear this is something they’d try and help you with! Wow!
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