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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. I had no idea this was a thing - what terrible news! That means there are large massive swaths of mainland that will never be updated or even accessed again aside from the moment it was first purchased - over a decade ago…..
  2. What - what?!! I’m doing this today! and what are the ‘color sims’?
  3. I agree with this - I think it’s the prettiest by far. I just wish there was some M over there!
  4. ...I was actually talking with a friend earlier about this : which one is your favorite? And why? (I'd go first, but I'm still debating between Heterocera and Sansara - I'll weigh in later in the thread when I decide.)
  5. Soul - didn’t you have a camp ground or something too in Lota? Is that you or Yuki?
  6. I am SUPER excited about this theme. 😍 Not only do I love everything steampunk-ish, but I’m even more thrilled that a whole new set of things will be made to add to the genre for SL shopping! YAY!
  7. I think what Joy is saying is the residents do the work - then submit a JIRA (or something like it?) for LL to take the road and ‘make it official’. I actually don’t hate that idea! I wonder if anyone has been successful with this in the past? It’s like…. Volunteer Moles or something…. Intriguing.
  8. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I’d put 4 million hearts if I could. This is my heart right here. That is EXACTLY what I’m thinking too. BUT JOY - how do you decide where to invest???? I’m having to pick between two regions to really ‘invest’ in one area, and it’s like picking between two favorite children or something. 😭
  9. I did that though. I pitched an idea, offered copies of scripts, marketed it, showed them it was successful & sustainable, and that it shouldn’t require any additional work for them in any way. What did I miss?
  10. Can you believe I was lucky enough to talk with Sebastien Le Livre, CEO of FoxTrot Breedables? This company is -changing- everything we know about breedablesand replacing it with low land impact, low script, low lag, and high fun! I learned so much about the 'breedable' Secondlife industry in this first half of the interview with Sebastien and I'm humbled by the story of this company. Join me for part one!
  11. I will do that in my next interview I record! I wonder what POD station that is.... In the meantime - here is the 2nd half of Meela's interview where she talks a TON about community building!
  12. They said it would be! They reached out to me too and the guy was really nice. To be continued!
  13. 2022 Join me for a ride in Corsica and an EPIC interview with Meela Vanderbuilt as we pick her brain about Social Media, Community Building, and so much more!
  14. One more thing - in the screenshot you posted first there are two displays that you can see in the picture - the one you are standing in front of says ‘For Rent’ at the top. You can see it above the display and more details underneath. That kiosk is to show rental skyboxes in different spots in the mainland in those ‘hard to build on’ spots I mentioned in the post above. The other kiosk you can see in that picture that you posted says ‘For Sale’. That kiosk (at the time of the picture) listed parcels that are For Sale that fall within a certain set of criteria for the group listing them. I’ll be sure to swing by tomorrow to double check the signage - I tried to make it pretty clear. Hope that clears up any confusion!
  15. It's not an operation that rents skybox stacks. It's a group for a real estate project I’ve been working on for the last year geared twoards trying to 'claim abandoned land' and remaking it into something people can use. I've tried to be pretty transparent about the project. Some of the parcels have skyboxes on them (like that mountain you took a picture of) - it's an attempt at trying to use 'hard to use' land that has been abandoned for awhile and turn it into something people might use - like skybox rentals. That picture you posted is NOT mine - it's my neighbors. It seems the camera is positioned in a way to make it look like mine or part of the build you are at - Was that intentional? FYI - Everything I've placed on every parcel I had for the duration of this project is at least above 1,500 sqm. And always will be.
  16. I think most people understand things better when they see them. I’m certainly no different. And as far as ‘help’ - it’s just a friend that is also sending in AR requests. Every AR ticket is help, right?
  17. I agree with her here. I did an Interview with a guy that talked extensively about the teen grid and what those are. A memorial is nice - 200 ‘memorials’ is more like spam.
  18. I actually just interview someone a few days ago that is working on helping with that problem on Sharpe too. I had no idea - Sharpe is my fave continent so that is a real shame to hear. I hope they crack down over there.
  19. Part Two - PODsCast of Transcontiental Corsica! (With some Sythwave in the background!)
  20. Region: Sled Rating: Moderate Sqm: 1024 sqm parcels (8 of them total in the same area) Price: $2,500 L per 1024 sqm parcel Introducing this beautiful stretch of Sansara mainland I like to call 'the edge of the world'. I have reworked these beautiful parcels in the Moderate Sled region to be 1024 sqm (instead of 512 sqm). It's an epic area on a steep cliff that has been abandoned for some time. Surrounded in beautiful pine trees, these parcels have been outfitted with custom landscaping and TWO beautiful mesh home perched on what feels like the 'edge of the world'. Oh - and did I mention 'epic- views of Region Edge Linden Waters? AND the killer price? I don't have a good way of listing 8 parcels in one thread, and I could never fill this post up with the AMAZING pics of views from all of these homes. The fastest way to get to an easy list of them all is via the Operation Mainland Real Estate Office - the FOR SALE Kiosk has all of the available properties listed and you'll see the options to select the parcels that are still available for this listing. Each parcel is listed at $3,500 L - Thanks for taking a look! VISIT THE PROPERTY HERE VISIT THE OFFICE FOR ALL AVAILABLE PROPERTIES HERE
  21. I doubt it too - his profile makes it pretty clear what his enterprise is about.
  22. So I actually own 8,192 of a giant mountain that overlooks that valley. When I buy a part of a region like this, I try to make the land not only useable but work with whatever everyone around me is building. I noticed this in the valley as I was taking in the view, and since it was in the same region as me I thought - maybe I can help out the other people in Lota by working on trying to get that solved for them. Maybe someone would claim the land if that wasn’t there? I may offer to buy the abandoned land and rehab it via a ticket… but only if that micro parcel is gone. I know the price could be worse, but $4k for 16 sqm is extortion -and ‘ain’t nobody got time for that’. I’ll use the quote from Patch and see what they say!
  23. 16 sqm that is on sale for $5k. Yikes! Right in the middle of a field of abanoned land. Is this something that I can file an AR request for? Screenshot: https://gyazo.com/e3c44af115028cecb1ee5ea6f0f4d66d
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