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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. I'm pretty lucky- I get to live with an SL brother and gardened his homestead region thru out the years. He gives me a little island to have my own house on off on one of the corners.
  2. Consuming the evidence! That episode of Frasier where they're buying blackmarket caviar & the feds raid the boat they're buying it off....
  3. Still got the dish sirius channels up- now its 70s on 7-
  4. Investigating never tells everything, Leslie. CANDY 🍬
  5. I don't mind fall back that much- that perceived extra hour of sleep day. But overall I could do without the entire diddly-doo. Get everyone on one time standard.
  6. I remember when I made my previous-to-pixie-avi, sometime in 2006, and I logged on and didn't know what I was supposed to do. I remember seeing people camping for lindens, everywhere, and I thought okay, so people just log on and sit on pillows and that's it? I didn't get any further until I came back 3 years later and had created Pixie. Once again, I was directed to go to places to sit for lindens. There, at what was an area dedicated to Galveston, Texas, i met my first friend, who took me to a Tiny Empires group's land and I made friends there I have to this day- and a few of them took me under their wing and taught me how to customize my avi, shop inworld, and on the MP (xstreet) and look up blogs. (obviously they advised me I could actually use real world monies to buy lindens) I didn't know for a really long time we could have individual homes. I can't begin to imagine how confusing and overwhelming SL must be for new "players". Especially if they're like me and do not actually play any sort of video games. Nothing to base anything off of experience or intuitive wise.
  7. Widows Walk (A widow's walk, also known as a widow's watch or roofwalk, is a railed rooftop platform often with a small enclosed cupola frequently found on 19th-century North American coastal houses.) wikipedia.
  8. Have got the Sirius XM music channels up on the television- flipping back and forth between stations- mostly oldies, am on the classic vinyl one now- and this just came up- one of the most beautiful songs ever, to me. ❤️
  9. I love love love love love love LOOOOOOOOVE Eric Burdon's Animals - not so much a fan of his War time.
  10. I'm not happy with this- so it probably won't become my profile picture. I wish I had photography skills and programs to edit with. oh well- just means I'll have to think of something else for a new picture :)
  11. Certainly useless red tape interrogation. DREAD
  12. Over easy. Which I do not like. Unless it's scrambled the yellow has to be poked and cooked in the pan.
  13. Working to find a satisfactory free pose on the MP for a new profile piccie. My add on prop tongue looks funny cause my mouth isn't open from just relogging.
  14. I'd ask how much Aquanet it takes to get it to shoot out behind you like that 😛
  15. I dislike spiders a lot, but that wouldn't bother me. What grosses me out is pictures of the skulls made from meat.
  16. Is that the Michael Shannon movie that was never released wide spread!?! If so- squee! I likes me some Michael Shannon!
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