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Pixie Kobichenko

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Everything posted by Pixie Kobichenko

  1. Reminds me of driving through around in the real world and waving at someone sitting on their porch & feeling embarrassed when they don't wave back to me.
  2. I don't know if this would be a help- but maybe it could work? It is called: UC_Cinderella_dress_black from United Colors- it has a corset which won't help you- but the pieces are separate (corset not shown)
  3. Hi Stella! Welcome to Second Life Are you looking for help in finding a mesh body? Or are you using the standard body that you start with? Or have you already purchased a mesh body/head and looking for assistance with fine tuning it? I don't know that I'd be much help, but maybe if you can give a bit more info others can
  4. Wednesday was payday for hubby- which means the day we go out dinner (mexican food!) and shopping for groceries. Our drive takes us thru a pretty, hilly- really tree packed area & I was hoping for more fall foliage but they were still pretty.
  5. I left Sl for awhile this past winter, and didn't think I'd return- so I deleted some groups I'd made myself after seeing another person's profile doing the same thing- They were something like "Hi, my name is Pixie" "I'm just here to play pixel Barbie" "I love glitter" Etc- I really can't remember any longer what they were exactly- or why I deleted them. Wish I hadn't I did get several IMs saying folks thought my profile was interesting. It feels nice to get a compliment, even on something as silly as that.
  6. Oh yeah, it's happened in local before. It happens one of those spots I mentioned to you before out of curiosity where the ladies keep their clothes on and the men must have theirs off... A female Avi began berating my avi's perceived weight in local.... For quite a good bit. I left. I remember once a guy and a girl we're together and the guy started asking and local how do I fit on airplanes? Really the silliest thing in SL. There was also one particularly nasty guy who actually messaged the moderators of a Sim and told them I shouldn't be allowed out in public.
  7. Kindly ignore naughty kangaroos, yourself. YACHT
  8. Yeah you definitely do not have your full body & head alpha on
  9. Well I can give you the name of the place that my friend rents from. I went to pay her rent for her while she's in the hospital and had logged out at the pay kiosks at the rental office after getting it taken care of in the middle of the night. I logged back on this afternoon into the same spot and TP home and by the time my TP completed I had an IM from a guy who told me that I had an interesting avatar. Since Pixie is on the plump side sometimes I get those IMs and people follow up with being a jerk and will call me a fatty fatty two-by-four. So all I did was respond back with a "Thank you, I think?" He quickly retorted "oh yes indeed it's a good thing." Then he followed up with "I'd like to see more of you." 😑🙄 I didn't bother to respond....
  10. @MichaMoz. Did a good job of summoning up a lot of people opinions on the situation. When that announcement was first made there was some speculation at least amongst the people I spoke to that we would possibly be able to just create a last name. Then it became clear they were referring to reinstating the last names and allowing a change of last name for existing users. None the less I got excited because I thought it would be fun to change my last name even if I had to pay for it. But it seems like now it's just been swept under the rug and isn't going to happen. I mean this is going on two years now that they officially announced that they were working on it. Like maybe the lindens hope we forget about it. Shrugs.
  11. Finally! It's the great pumpkin Charlie Brown 😍 🌌🌙🍭🍬🍫🎃👻
  12. I don't work any more, but when I did, if I was feeling poorly enough to stay home then all I wanted was to go to sleep with the help of Nyquil.
  13. Hubby has the tv & is flippin' thru the youtubes, no telling what I'll hear:
  14. You summed up my feelings perfectly. So far as Virginia slims go I'm old enough to remember candy cigarettes and cigarette vending machines. I never really gave a lot of thought to the social implications of that particular slogan I just always thought it was annoyingly stupid.
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