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  2. But his saddest song (not counting the "Candle in the Wind"):
  3. Thank you for the images! The staff is the same, but in the latter Tilia is taken out of anybody's responsibility. Nobody is in charge of Tilia any longer. Note Aston and Johnson were solely assigned to Tilia.
  4. There's a real estate company here in the UK that specialises in commercial property. Some years back, they had a £500 million portfolio of property, and ZERO cash. "Book Value" £500 million. So, they SOLD £300 million worth of property to a bank, THEN leased BACK the property they sold, incurring substantial rent/lease payments. Then they claimed that they owned 200 millions worth, controlled 300 millions worth, AND had 300 million in cash, and that therefore their "Book Value" was now £800 million, a 60% increase which raised share prices substantially, and then the board voted themselves big fat "performance related" pay bonuses. By REAL WORLD accounting, they sold off 60% of their assets because they were broke, then wasted a big chunk of that renting back what they sold, and their new "book value" was just smoke and mirrors and snake oil.
  5. I can't help wondering if the USA tax rule for 1099-K reporting might also be part of this decision: The IRS Delays Reporting Changes For Venmo, CashApp And Other Payment Apps – Forbes Advisor
  6. Anything is happier than this. But the music and presentation is - power! And anything after it seems, well, lightweight.
  7. OMG! You've stooped to the level of calling people "shills". Now I have absolutely no reason to respect your opinions. Cool!
  8. Hahahahaha. Hahahahaha! From the classic punk compilation, "Let Them Eat Jellybeans":
  9. Same for me. If Elon bought it I would have some level of confidence and hope that it would be of benefit to residents. I'd suspect a major purge of employees but that might just be what is needed.
  10. The stereotyping iss coming from the Positiivity Cultists... "But... But... Fake Money Crypto-Crap Enablers Inc of Singapore will allow those POOR people in 'Under-Banked' Africa to finally send money to SSL for a Pwemium sub, and a belli house!" These people talk about Africa as if they don't have banks there, or connections to Western Banking networks, and only St. Thunes can save the planet!. Never occurred to them that places like Kenya have perfectly good banks, and perfectly good access to international banking systems, and credit cards for those who can afford them. No, they sseem to think some poor African, is DYING to log into SSL with their whyPhone, but can't because there's no mobile app, and without St. Thunes, no way to get their money out of Africa. Reality is, that St. Thunes, has NOTHING to do with access to 3rd World markets, NOTHING. It's strictly a B2B enabler, for shifting crypto from Tax Evasion Havens to the world banking system and back. The only buyers I could imagine for SL are either somebody nut with a lot of pocket change who has secretly enjoyed SL for a decade or more, and wants to own it so it wont close down,. Or. Some failed "metaverse" rival, who'd want to close SL, with a "preferential migrant" package for the active users, in the hopes that transplanting the SL user base will save their multi billion $ fiasco, for a cost of a few hundred million in buyout fees. Do they? Traditionally, working for LL seems to have been a "dead end" for many, nobody wants you after you worked here. Very possible. But we're not talking about the employees here, but the OWNERS. If SL gets sold off for a quick buck by the OWNERS to people who will shut it down and break it up for scrap, the employees lose out even more than we do. Hahahahaha. Most places seem to be "more cashless" than the USA. Here in the UK, pretty much every store has cashless payment options, even the "food trucks" take cashless payment by credit/debit cards or smartphone apps. Indeed the whole banking situation in places like Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, etc., is why I laugh so hard at the "positivity Cult" claptrap about how the Blessed St. Thunes of Crypto-Crap Transer will SAVE those POOR people from not being able to spend $99 on a "Pwemium Subscwiption" like Califorrnians do. The poster of that nonsense comes across as a paid Thunes Shill, who actually thinks 95% of SecondLifers live in California.
  11. If anything like here in Canada, the new way is to reference the download link for the manual from the Quick Start pamphlet that does come with the new laptop. Collecting on the warranty however, even if having bought an extended one, is a fiasco.
  12. The Jan 6, 2024 page I referenced, and the present page for https://lindenlab.com/about are identical. If two pages are identical, then how can one of them be "not true"? I fail to follow your logic that 1 does not equal 1. Do I need to show screen shots of both the present and Jan 6 Management to show they are the same? If you are thinking that a lack of a title means anything, than the last time Tilia was shown after a management position was on August 11, 2023. In this case two Tilia employees had Tilia, and two did not. And two of the LL employees showed Second Life after their position, and two did not. This all means absolutely nothing at all. Here are the August 11, 2023 Management Positions: And here are the Management positions on Dec 25, 2023: Starting in 2024 the Management has not changed, although there are two apparent promotions to Sr VP in SL.
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