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How to be a better person, Simple tut.


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How to be a better person.........................friends are people who you can rely on in times of need, dispare and, lonliness, and they expect the same from you. Always, be nice to you're friends not just when you need something, because that is what we like to call "Being Used" and nobody likes that way so try to avoid "Users" and don't "Use" people. You, can make friends everywhere in Second Life. My favorite type of friends are the Newer type of residents because they are less mean, and more harmless, and besides you can teach them to be good people in Second Life. Always wear a  :matte-motes-smile: on you're face. Everyone should, Laugh at least once every day because it leads to a better second life. Always appreciate other people differences, because nobody is the same. For example, if you don't like pickles and someone else liked pickles you shouldent go embarrassing them saying Ewww, if it is something unhealthy for example drinking Urine, you should not make fun of them but sudgest them help from a doctor. But the main tip is just be the best person you can possibly be and you will have endless amounts of friends ;). Me, i'm always looking for people to add so if you would like to add me inworld my username is  xcookiemonsterx resident  :)

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I do not like this guide. Why? You are basically saying we are not entitled to voice our opinion. If I don't like pickles and someone is gushing about them in front of me I'll tell them I don't like pickles. What matters in that situation is that you TELL them you don't like them, but you tell them NICELY. That's what matters. I wouldn't want to gush about something in front of someone with them just smiling and nodding yet not giving a single dang about the subject at hand. I'd rather they tell me their honest opinion and discuss, or move on to a subject we both enjoy.


Also, honestly now, if you're going to make claims please make sure they're proven.

Drinking urine is NOT unhealthy. In some religions, and wide parts of india it's seen as a good way to start the day. It might be gross for us, but for them it's normal, even encouraged. Telling them to go to a doctor is really really rude on your part.


* Urine is 95 per cent water, but it also contains small quantities of nutrients including calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium and zinc.

* Self-urine therapy dates back 5,000 years to ancient India, where it was known as "shivambu shastra" and seen as a way of rejuvenating body and soul.

* It is highly sterile. The Aztecs used it to prevent wounds becoming infected.

* The practice is particularly popular in China, where millions of people drink a daily dose of their own urine.



And that is just one article.


I get you are trying to help, but when you make a guide I expect you to be as curteous as you want others to be. Making these people seem like the need help from a doctor makes me speechless as it's ignorant and narrow minded.

And for the record, I would never drink my own urine unless I am about to die of dehydration.

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iCade wrote:

I do not like this guide. Why? You are basically saying we are not entitled to voice our opinion. If I don't like pickles and someone is gushing about them in front of me I'll tell them I don't like pickles. What matters in that situation is that you TELL them you don't like them, but you tell them NICELY. That's what matters. I wouldn't want to gush about something in front of someone with them just smiling and nodding yet not giving a single dang about the subject at hand. I'd rather they tell me their honest opinion and discuss, or move on to a subject we both enjoy.


Also, honestly now, if you're going to make claims please make sure they're proven.

Drinking urine is NOT unhealthy. In some religions, and wide parts of india it's seen as a good way to start the day. It might be gross for us, but for them it's normal, even encouraged. Telling them to go to a doctor is really really rude on your part.


* Urine is 95 per cent water, but it also contains small quantities of nutrients including calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium and zinc.

* Self-urine therapy dates back 5,000 years to ancient India, where it was known as "shivambu shastra" and seen as a way of rejuvenating body and soul.

* It is highly sterile. The Aztecs used it to prevent wounds becoming infected.

* The practice is particularly popular in China, where millions of people drink a daily dose of their own urine.


And that is just one article.


I get you are trying to help, but when you make a guide I expect you to be as curteous as you want others to be. Making these people seem like the need help from a doctor makes me speechless as it's ignorant and narrow minded.

And for the record, I would never drink my own urine unless I am about to die of dehydration.

i honestly couldnt agree more :)

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Randall Ahren wrote:

Maybe the inquiry should be "Why to be a better person". Don't
? The desire to please is a disease.

That wikipedia page indicates that nice guys get the long term relationships and bad boys get used for flings. That makes sense to me. If my sole interest was a weekend roll in the hay, I'd want to have it with a fella who wouldn't miss me when I'm gone.

The brief synopsis of the book "The Disease to Please" suggests (to me) that the author has selected that subset of the altruistic who's altruism is ultimately self destructive. It believe it would be a mistake to think altruism is not generally self beneficial.


ETA: If, in the aphorisim "Nice guys finish last", you define the thing that's finished as "a life", then indeed it's true. The altruistic, on average, live longer than others.

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emmettcullen93 wrote:

iCade wrote:

I do not like this guide. Why? You are basically saying we are not entitled to voice our opinion. If I don't like pickles and someone is gushing about them in front of me I'll tell them I don't like pickles. What matters in that situation is that you TELL them you don't like them, but you tell them NICELY. That's what matters. I wouldn't want to gush about something in front of someone with them just smiling and nodding yet not giving a single dang about the subject at hand. I'd rather they tell me their honest opinion and discuss, or move on to a subject we both enjoy.


Also, honestly now, if you're going to make claims please make sure they're proven.

Drinking urine is NOT unhealthy. In some religions, and wide parts of india it's seen as a good way to start the day. It might be gross for us, but for them it's normal, even encouraged. Telling them to go to a doctor is really really rude on your part.


* Urine is 95 per cent water, but it also contains small quantities of nutrients including calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium and zinc.

* Self-urine therapy dates back 5,000 years to ancient India, where it was known as "shivambu shastra" and seen as a way of rejuvenating body and soul.

* It is highly sterile. The Aztecs used it to prevent wounds becoming infected.

* The practice is particularly popular in China, where millions of people drink a daily dose of their own urine.


And that is just one article.


I get you are trying to help, but when you make a guide I expect you to be as curteous as you want others to be. Making these people seem like the need help from a doctor makes me speechless as it's ignorant and narrow minded.

And for the record, I would never drink my own urine unless I am about to die of dehydration.

i honestly couldnt agree more

I'll add my agreement as well.

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xcookiemonsterx wrote:

How to be a better person.........................friends are people who you can rely on in times of need, dispare and, lonliness, and they expect the same from you. Always, be nice to you're friends not just when you need something, because that is what we like to call "Being Used" and nobody likes that way so try to avoid "Users" and don't "Use" people. You, can make friends everywhere in Second Life. My favorite type of friends are the Newer type of residents because they are less mean, and more harmless, and besides you can teach them to be good people in Second Life. Always wear a  :matte-motes-smile: on you're face. Everyone should, Laugh at least once every day because it leads to a better second life. Always appreciate other people differences, because nobody is the same. For example, if you don't like pickles and someone else liked pickles you shouldent go embarrassing them saying Ewww, if it is something unhealthy for example drinking Urine, you should not make fun of them but sudgest them help from a doctor. But the main tip is just be the best person you can possibly be and you will have endless amounts of friends
. Me, i'm always looking for people to add so if you would like to add me inworld my username is  xcookiemonsterx resident  


Alas, no good deed goes unpunished, CookieMonster ;-)

If there's a flaw in your premise, it's that the tutorial could be simple. Your example of drinking urine, as iCade points out, is an unfortunate one. SL attracts people from all over the world, with vastly differing cultures. It also attracts people with atypical beliefs and interests, who seek acceptance and perhaps like minded companionship here.

The complexities of life make even The Golden Rule a minefield. Fortunately, unlike real minefields, you can and will survive your missteps here. The trick is to learn as you go.

I hope you're able to get in a least one laugh today, it is good medicine.

Care for a pickle?


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Simplicity is the enemy in this case--but I will try.  

There is a difference between disagreeing and being disagreeable.  It is sometimes hard to know the difference because one person's pleasant debate topic is another's core belief.  I've been on both sides of this one.  I prefer to get to know someone a bit before I question their taste in pickles or engage in lively debate.   I still run into misunderstandings and hurt feelings, but much less than I would otherwise.  

The best you can do is make a point of not being intentionally rude and own up to it (appologize) when you realize you screwed up.  

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I also agree with iCade. Your principle is sound, but your facts are not facts, but opinions.

New residents are not necessarily "less mean" and "more harmless." In fact, I've met many newbies that are in SL to cause trouble - more of these, in fact, than I've met experienced, long-term residents looking to cause trouble. You're not talking about children here; you're talking about adults, or at least teens, who have already learned certain behavior patterns. You can, as you can with people in RL, help them to realize that their behavior is harmful and not acceptable and thus help them to develop a more friendly and personable attitude, but you cannot "teach them to be good people." That's not your job - you're not their parent(s).

Appreciating or at least accepting others' differences is good advice, but as iCade said, your examples are unfortunate. I would rather have a good conversation with someone than smile and nod when I don't care about and/or agree with what they're saying. And I'd rather they do the same for me. If I disagree with someone, I will say so. I will not say "Eeew, you're disgusting!" but I may say "Yeah, I'm not a big fan of pickles. They taste weird to me. I love cucumbers, though." It encourages further conversation and is not rude. If I'm talking about my love of pickles and someone else says "Eeew, I don't like them," I wouldn't be embarassed. I might ask why they don't like them, ask if they like vinegar or cucumbers (two main ingredients of pickles!), or change the subject slightly to another food I like, or a food I don't.

If someone is talking to me about an unhealthy practice, I might, in fact, suggest that they see a doctor. But I would make certain I have my facts straight, first. Drinking urine is not socially acceptable and is considered disgusting in many parts of the world, but in others it's not only accepted, but the norm. It is not unhealthy, so telling them they should see a doctor would probably be very embarassing to some people who hail from countries where the drinking of urine is common and accepted.

Being a good person does not mean agreeing with everyone and never voicing your own opinions. To me, it means voicing your opinions in a respectful way and never deliberately trying to hurt anyone - and apologizing when you do hurt someone. Agreeing with everyone is called being a "yesman" here, and is not a good thing. It means your opinion changes quickly depending on whom you're speaking with, and that in general you don't have opinions of your own and can't really be trusted to be loyal because you'll change your opinion as soon as someone voices a different one.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

If my sole interest was a weekend roll in the hay, I'd want to have it with a fella who wouldn't miss me when I'm gone...

ETA: If, in the aphorisim "Nice guys finish last", you define the thing that's finished as "a life", then indeed it's true. The altruistic, on average, live longer than others.

 I think what you posted supports being selfish and mean rather than nice. What do you think guys really want? Take a guy that can have his choice of women, does he want just one? Not usually. Look at rock stars with their groupies or Tiger Woods with all of his love interests. Boredom provides an evolutionary advantage. It causes the guy to move on after planting some bad seed and look for unplowed ground.

Winning is propagating your genetic material into the next generation. That's why bad guys persist and why women like them. It's survival of the fittest, not the nicest or smartest.

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Ariel Vuissent: You summed up what I said so nicely, kudos to you!

Cookiemonsters: Instead of responding to the topic at hand all you are concerned with is the amount of people who have read your little "guide"? Seriously?

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Randall Ahren wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

If my sole interest was a weekend roll in the hay, I'd want to have it with a fella who wouldn't miss me when I'm gone...

ETA: If, in the aphorisim "Nice guys finish last", you define the thing that's finished as "a life", then indeed it's true. The altruistic, on average, live longer than others.

 I think what you posted supports being selfish and mean rather than nice. What do you think guys really want? Take a guy that can have his choice of women, does he want just one? Not usually. Look at rock stars with their groupies or Tiger Woods with all of his love interests. Boredom provides an evolutionary advantage. It causes the guy to move on after planting some bad seed and look for unplowed ground.

Winning is propagating your genetic material into the next generation. That's why bad guys persist and why women like them. It's survival of the fittest, not the nicest or smartest.

Take a woman that can have her choice of men, would she want just one?

Randall, forgive me if I'm wrong, but your understanding of sexual attraction doesn't seem to account for the environment. The behavior you describe, of planting bad seeds and looking for unplowed ground, works best in poor/unstable societies.

The third from last paragraph of this article hints at an alternate psychology that doesn't look like your "bad boy" hypothesis.

Regarding your anecdotal reference to rock stars...


I have long wondered if rock stars sire more children than average, or if their children fare better than average. I've seen no credible research beyond Dr. Bellis' study, but I have my suspicions.

I do believe in survival of the fittest, but don't think "fittest" is quite as you suggest... at least not in my world.

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 Women don't have a lot of seed to spread around, although they're not adverse to letting a bad guy plant one in them on the sly. So yes, even wildly attractive women tend to want just one dude. Men and women have different mating strategies.

Poor/unstable society? Ah unstable society is one that fails to produce enough offspring to preserve itself and gets replaced wholesale by a faster reproducing culture. Look at the US, soon to be mostly Latino or the post-Christian Europeans, soon to be Muslim. Unstable does not equal poor.

It's not just rockstars. Look at star athletes. Google an article about the NFL players with the most kids. They have harems. Or read about Magic Johnson and his magic johnson.

Got a book for you: Be The Worst You Can Be - Life's too long for patience and virtue.

This isn't a how question, it's a why question. Not everything can be satisfactorily answered in terms of how.

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The question I posed was "Why to be a better person" as opposed to "How to be a better person". We already know how, it's obvious. Don't lie or cheat, share, be friendly, clean up after yourself, be considerate, etc. Everyone already knows this.

But why do it? Does evil really exist? Or is it just something imagined? The light from the stars shines down with cold indifference to both good and evil.



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