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Problem With The Back Of Male Avatars


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I'm sorry if this is a double post, but when I searched for the problem with keywords like "back" and "male avatars", my results weren't very specific and mostly about skins and fashion.

Anyways, my problem is that no matter what I do to my shape, I keep seeing these sharp points emerging from my shoulder blades. When I turn my camera to the side I can also see that my upper back is horribly sunken in.

I'm not the only one with this problem. All of my friends who use the male shapes seem to have this problem too. It doesn't look like it affects the female shape unless you decide to switch to male and then switch back to female.

I don't think it has anything to do with what viewer I'm using either. I normally use Phoenix, but I switched to v2.0 and the problem was still there. The same thing happened with v1 and Firestorm.

Can anyone shed some light on this problem or help me fix my back?

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Welcome to Second Life Forums, FreeFaller

Quite coincidentally, a few weeks ago, we had a similar thread about how female shapes have like a hunch shape between the shoulder blades.


Can you please upload a photo of your avatar's back so we can see the problem up close.

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Thanks for uploading the screenshots. It's very helpful to actually see the problem. If I had been looking at you inworld, I wouldn't have even noticed anything "wrong" with you.  I shall start paying much more attention to the backs of avatars from now on I think.

I actually don't think there is anything wrong with how you look - for an avatar I mean.  Obviously to be quite so pointed in that area in real life would be quite alarming.

Let's see if a few more people don't come along to this thread, though, and add some more photos, or input.  eyeye's shoulder area doesn't look too pointed.

Mesh avatars may be a lot more smooth to look at.  I must just go and take a look at that, actually ... back soon.

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Yikes. I haven't seen that problem yet. Hopefully we'll both get some kind of help here.

I wonder why your back looks so much more smooth than the other backs I've seen. I've even switched to a female shape and it's still all pointy.

My default shape when I created my avatar was female, though. I didn't have the points and had a smooth back like you. It wasn't until I switched to the male shape that I started having problems. All of my friends and random guys that I've met who have male shapes seem to have the problem too.

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OK. I've just relogged on a mesh-compatible viewer to look at my avatar while wearing one of the werewolf avatars that are in everyone's inventory (werewolf luna). 

At the risk of turning this thread into a mesh v non-mesh debate, it looks like you can get a smoother line with mesh-created avatars and clothing.

Meanwhile, just keep comparing inworld all the backs, and under different lighting too, which affects the appearance of things.

Mesh Back Demo.jpg

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Clearly, your avatar is just waiting for you to attach wings.

 I've noticed this before, and I just assumed it was an issue with the avatar mesh/morphs. Try playing with some of the torso sliders and see if that changes it up at all.

Or maybe it's body fat/thickness?

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I have a few thoughts which may or may not be relevant or even accurate.

Our avatars shape is a mesh. What we see is a file that is rendered on our screen. You mentioned that everyone's back has this new issue and that it occurred after some kind of viewer and or avatar shape change. Maybe you have a corrupted file.

Have a friend take a photo of your back and see if it looks ok to them. 

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That is caused by the skins shading and how it falls on your shape.  Sometimes a particular skin just isn't right for the shape you wear causing the shaded shadows to fall in the wrong place or distort.  You should be able to clean that up by getting a skin that works better for your shape or a different shape that works better with that skin.  You may be able to clear it up by tweaking the shape sliders in appearance.

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Although skin and shape are so inter-related it can be hard to tell, this doesn't look like a skin-shape issue to me; it looks like a shape issue. The shading doesn't really make it look like the shoulder blades are pointed; the actual shape seems to have pointed shoulder blades.

OP: As other have suggested, try editing your shape sliders and seeing if it helps. You could also try switching back to female, then to male again, and clearing cache both from inside SL and manually.

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That's the chicken wing portion of the SL male avatar mesh.

Unless you make him barrel chested, with big biceps, a certain amount of fat and muscle, those chicken wings stick out. It's freaking frustrating.

That is just one reason why so many shape makers use the female mesh when they make a male avatar shape. Besides the chicken wings, the nose on the male mesh is also terrible, like a Karl Malden putty nose. Nothing against Mr. Malden. And he's a good looking guy. But one kind of nose?

Unfortunately if you want a slimmer male av the ugly parts of the male mesh start to show up. You can tweak and lessen it but they are there.

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FreeFaller wrote:

Thank you very much for the information. I think I
switch to the female shape. Those "chicken wings" just aren't cutting it for me. Maybe someday in the [near] future, someone will get bored enough to give this little wrinkle some ironing out.

For now, helloooo fem figure

Lol, you are welcome.  =)

No one will know the difference anyway until you Ruth sometimes, but people are used to seeing that.

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  • 4 years later...

I know this is an old thread, but I noticed this recently on mine too, and one thing thats not here that is on mine is the stomach, just below the ribs, has two bumpy points that poke out past the pecs...does yours do this too, or is that a seperate glitch/ issue? Thanks :)

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