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I know someone that is having a problem with passive stalking in SL.  This person is using Red Zone to know when my friend is online or their alt.  Their relationship ended in SL due to this problem.  Red Zone was giving out IP addresses and this person was accusing my friend of having many alts which they do not.  Now this person is still watching online when my friend logs in and even knows when others friends are online.  Is there any way to prevent them from "spying" on my friend?  There is no viciousness at this point but my friend feels they cannot log in and feel any sense of privacy.  

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Your friend has to disable all media in SL. And uncheck autoplay before disabling media.

If your friend wants to listen to a stream at a venue then your friend needs to use something like winamp and get the stream url from about land sound tab and open the stream in the external music app.

After your friend finds a way to get a new IP address that is. Some ISPs change the IP address if you leave your cable modem off for 4 hours. A pain but it is the only way.

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RedZone has been banned from SL and I understand it was pulled from the grid.  She should AR the guy and send the proof he is using Red Zone in an AR report if she has any.

If she has no current proof of red zone use, and he isn't doing anything but knowing she is on line, then there really isn't anything she can do. You don't need Red Zone to know when someone is on line.  There are all sorts of scripts you can get that will tell you that if you aren't on someone's friends list.   It is not illegal to use them as being on line or not is 'public' information.  He apparently knew who her alts were so he could just be using one of those scripts.

If he's engaging in harrassing behaviors other than just monitoring her on line status, she can AR him for TOS violations.

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Redzone doesn't work anymore, and hasn't in about a year I think. Being alerted to whenever a specific avatar logs into the grid is easy to accomplish with a script, and as far as I know there is no way to fool it.  There is no way to avoid showing as being online to others in your groups, either.  Several years ago I remember someone showing me a script he put into a prim, then gave that prim (in the form of a bracelet or necklace, I don't remember) to his gf and when she wore it he could easily track where she went inworld.

It's kind of hard to stay under the radar in SL.

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SInce its been pulled about the only thing she may be able to come up with is a log where he admits he's currenty using Red Zone or something that accomplishes the same thing.  Red Zone isn't the only way to find out somone's IP address if you really know what your doing.  The OP seemed to think she knew he was using it.  I have no idea how she knows that other than she's just assuming he's using it because he had it before it was banned.  That's why i pointed out there are legal scripts that you can use to monitor someone's on line status.

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Tell her to play a different av for a while. Tell her to never turn on media, not video and not sound. Tell her to uncheck the website thingy in preferences. What else, guys?

Maybe quit any groups the stalker is known to be in. And tell her not to tell anyone about her new av. Then, maybe tell people eventually one by one. See when the stalker knows who she is again. He or she could have alts of their own, and if she's telling people things she could be telling the stalker or his/her friend.

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This really makes SL fun doesn't it?  I'd say it is borderline stalking even if they don't harass in the normal sense.  It is just knowing that every time you log in they know you are online.  And according to this person they can even tell where you are in SL and the people that are close to you.  Kinda creepy if you ask me.

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  • 5 months later...

deluxegal923 Northman wrote:

This item was shown to me on market and is avaiable in world too I believe.

So If LL says we can't see what viewer is being used(which would help me help newbies) how can this not be a violation of ToS??????

I checked the item. Nothing new or impressive though.

If I'm in same sim I just need my viewer to track someone, don't even need a single script.

A beacon in an attachment is nothing new. That could report not even your position but the avatars near you and can report all chat too.

So don't wear gifts. In case of an Ex - use nothing of them.

Btw. spy-objects - is that against TOS or avatar-avatar issue?

For the OP - what is passive spying? Mute and don't go there and this person does not exist anymore. Problem solved.

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Spy HUDs have been around SL longer than I have. 

The primary accepted use was in role play.

I would think any other use would fall in the category of Avatar to Avatar dispute.  If an Avatar is using it in order to engage in malicious behaviour, that behaviour would be ARable.

I am curious about the claim to track "grid location."  I thought mapping was only possible if you granted that permission.  I'm not saying that this HUD can't do it, but I would love to hear a scripter weigh in on this.


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Cigarettes are available to buy inside supermarkets in the UK, but it is illegal to smoke them there, or anywhere indoors.

Similar rule applies to this very invasive gadget you've seen on the Marketplace. It isn't against the ToS to make it, sell it, or even use it - as long as the people it is being used on have given their express permission to be spied on!

Regarding the ability to track someone's movements wherever they are on the grid, they would have to be wearing something (ie a bracelet with the script in it), and by wearing the bracelet, it could be seen to be giving permission to the person who gifted it permission to see where they are on the grid.

If anyone is actually found using any of these devices without permission, they risk losing their account. 

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Perrie Juran wrote:

I am curious about the claim to track "grid location."  I thought mapping was only possible if you granted that permission.  I'm not saying that this HUD can't do it, but I would love to hear a scripter weigh in on this.


can use a script to get online status. stalking starts with that. most people are creatures of habit. like they go the same places pretty much when they do login. like to their home parcel and to the same clubs/events/shops etc

when if is an ex cant/wont let it go then they know all this about you. part of the harassment is same like they do in RL. say stuff like you cant escape me. I know everything about you. and say other bs like that at you. when they doing/saying this constant at you then can be quite hard sometimes to stop it affecting you like mentally and emotionally


just add another thing we can do ourselfs to  be more safe

about alts. can stop random txt and voice IMs coming at you from random accounts. in V3 Preferences \ Privacy \ Only friends and groups can call or IM me

when enable/tick this option then you get an advice that some random alt/account has tried to contact you. you just dont get to read/hear whatever they said. if is someone you recognise then can IM them back and say Hi and see what is. so thats ok

 if you not sure then can just ignore and not respond. if you still keep getting constant advices off them and suspect is a ex/stalker/harrasser on a alt then can Block them. is pretty good that feature I think for dealing with them types

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How about this "spy" HUD it  claims it can send nano prims across regions to an avi to log local chat see what avatars and objects are around you,EVEN on no permission parcels (I'[m assuming it means parcels you can't see others on). The accepted use may be role play, but really if I set my parcel so no one on a nearby parcel can see or hear me and they use this?!?!?!?!?    Oh BTW if you are role playing why do you need tools like this if they do not exsist in the real world your role playing.(Like modern warfare)


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16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I am curious about the claim to track "grid location."  I thought mapping was only possible if you granted that permission.  I'm not saying that this HUD can't do it, but I would love to hear a scripter weigh in on this.


can use a script to get online status. stalking starts with that. most people are creatures of habit. like they go the same places pretty much when they do login. like to their home parcel and to the same clubs/events/shops etc

I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status.

Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status.

Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter.


thats true

is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour


about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say

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deluxegal923 Northman wrote:

How about this "spy" HUD it  claims it can send nano prims across regions to an avi to log local chat see what avatars and objects are around you,EVEN on no permission parcels (I'[m assuming it means parcels you can't see others on). The accepted use may be role play, but really if I set my parcel so no one on a nearby parcel can see or hear me and they use this?!?!?!?!?    Oh BTW if you are role playing why do you need tools like this if they do not exsist in the real world your role playing.(Like modern warfare)



A prim with a script can locate all avatars on the same sim. Since a prim can move it can move to the neighbour sim of course. All you need is a parcel that allows object entry. Switching off scripts on a parcel is meaningless.

If you switch off visibility on your parcel, that prevents other avatars seeing you but not scripts locating you. But if I know where you live i can get the map and if i see a green dot - i can guess who that might be hmmm? So don't expect too much about privacy :)

Restrict voice and chat to the parcel, switch off visibility and object entry and rez, switch off scripts (works from ground to approx 100m only). Use IM's for non public things and an external chat system for matters of national security. Thats it you are as safe as possible. :D



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deluxegal923 Northman wrote:

    Oh BTW if you are role playing why do you need tools like this if they do not exsist in the real world your role playing.(Like modern warfare)

But tools like this do exist RL.

On a humorous note, the FBI here is having a real difficult time.  After the Supreme Court ruled they couldn't use tracking devices without a warrant, they had to turn them all off.  Now they are having a problem retrieving them because they have no way to see where they are located!



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16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status.

Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter.


thats true

is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour


about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say

This is what is puzzling me.  Even RLV as I recall does not automatically allow mapping.  It requires that I specifically grant the permission. 

Need someone who knows more than me to weigh in on this because like you, my understanding is it can't be accomplished with just LSL scripts.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status.

Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter.


thats true

is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour


about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say

This is what is puzzling me.  Even RLV as I recall does not automatically allow mapping.  It requires that I
grant the permission. 

Need someone who knows more than me to weigh in on this because like you, my understanding is it can't be accomplished with just LSL scripts.


to make a hunter

to make a hunter then dont need any exploits. can do legal in SL like codewise anyways. just have to know how to code and a bit about social engineering

most people who got them kinda skills dont make these kinda things tho bc is creepy to do. also creepers tend to get attacked by coders who got way more skills. is bigtime game in haxxor circles to munt creepers

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16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status.

Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter.


thats true

is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour


about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say

This is what is puzzling me.  Even RLV as I recall does not automatically allow mapping.  It requires that I
grant the permission. 

Need someone who knows more than me to weigh in on this because like you, my understanding is it can't be accomplished with just LSL scripts.


to make a hunter

to make a hunter then dont need any exploits. can do legal in SL like codewise anyways. just have to know how to code and a bit about social engineering

most people who got them kinda skills dont make these kinda things tho bc is creepy to do. also creepers tend to get attacked by coders who got way more skills. is bigtime game in haxxor circles to munt creepers

I am tempted to buy this thing just to see it work.

I understand the social engineering end of this. I can give you a prim with code that reports back it's location on the grid.  But it only works if you wear it.

So I just went back and read the product description again. And it is as they say, the devil is in the details.

"This advanced tracking system can show online/offline status from any avatar on the grid and has the abillity to detect the exact location of the avatar within 1.5 region radius."


It does NOT say that it can report what region an Avatar is in!

What it is says is that it can report the exact location of an Avatar within a 1.5 region radius. That would be an Avatar in a radius from where you are standing, up to 1.5 regions away.  This makes perfect sense.  Because the viewer  reports what I believe are called "Child Agents," Avatars that are located in a region adjacent to where you are standing.

I hope I've stated this clearly enough.


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Perrie Juran wrote:

16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

16 wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

I am very aware of the scripts for detecting Online status.

Reporting an Avatar's location In World (what SIM and the coordinates) is a completely different matter.


thats true

is just that stalker types quite often pretend to have superpowers as part of their harassment behaviour


about hunting people down on the grid then is doable. cant do it just with lsl scripts tho. like you say

This is what is puzzling me.  Even RLV as I recall does not automatically allow mapping.  It requires that I
grant the permission. 

Need someone who knows more than me to weigh in on this because like you, my understanding is it can't be accomplished with just LSL scripts.


to make a hunter

to make a hunter then dont need any exploits. can do legal in SL like codewise anyways. just have to know how to code and a bit about social engineering

most people who got them kinda skills dont make these kinda things tho bc is creepy to do. also creepers tend to get attacked by coders who got way more skills. is bigtime game in haxxor circles to munt creepers

I am tempted to buy this thing just to see it work.

I understand the social engineering end of this. I can give you a prim with code that reports back it's location on the grid.  But it only works if you wear it.

So I just went back and read the product description again. And it is as they say, the devil is in the details.

"This advanced tracking system can show online/offline status from any avatar on the grid and has the abillity to detect the exact location of the avatar within 1.5 region radius."


It does NOT say that it can report what region an Avatar is in!

What it is says is that it can report the exact location of an Avatar within a 1.5 region radius. That would be an Avatar in a radius from where you are standing, up to 1.5 regions away.  This makes perfect sense.  Because the viewer  reports what I believe are called "Child Agents," Avatars that are located in a region adjacent to where you are standing.

I hope I've stated this clearly enough.


yes thats right if you make a hunter just using lsl

if you want a hunter and you know that people are creatures of habit (the social engineering part) then you make a bot. the bot can hunt you down really fast just by TP to the places that you would normally go to

is quite creepy how it works. can really freak people out when they dont know how they being found. like they dont know about or even see the bot bc is superfast in and out. and uses the new agentlist function to grab everyones UUID on the sim.it dont need to fly round anymore and use sensors like before

the creeper then just TP in after the bot has found you

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