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Flamers, Trolls, Dramaqueens and Spectators

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Rene Erlanger wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Darn! Sorry I missed her ...


That does not surprise me one little bit.......bees to the honeypot! :matte-motes-sunglasses-1:

Don't bees have to be familiar with the honeypot in order to recognize it or be attracted to it?

I don't know who this poster they're talking about is. She mustuv already been gone before I got here. Or maybe there was some overlap but if so I don't recognize her or know what she was like. Sounds like she liked to stir up trouble tho. I'm not like that. All I do is point out the obvious...

Should be obvious to ya'll how badly LL treats you. Should be obvious how unfair & self-serving the business model of this sociopathic corporation is. Should be obvious how the few subsidize the many in an obscenely exploitative & greedy way. Fact is, it is obvious to you, which is why you dance around the central issue, preferring to argue over unreliable figures, taking ltl cheap shots at me like this. You don't want to admit how blatantly LL has played you for a sucker, do you? I don't really blame you. Most ppl will attempt to defend their egos the way you do, even to the point of appearing ridiculous. Anything rather than have to admit to themselves that a corporation has made a chump of them.


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Venus Petrov wrote:

Celest, indeed, she was a psycho paranoid personality....but I do laugh at the whole 'Hit Squad' thing (more names forthcoming).  During all of her ranting on her blog...not once...not once did any of her 'friends' call her on her insanity.  Their voices were silent and so she raged.

She did not last long once mods moved in.  They had her number.

I took a break from these forums for most of 2011, so i didn't see her departure from here. I was quite surprised when i re-joined these forums....that she was no longer posting for whatever reason.

As you well know, I had a series of running battles with her that probably stretched well over a year. She was in my mind one the nastiest forum trolls i've come across in many a year. She wasn't right in the head!

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Because I like the friends I've made in SL, like the music & the colorful eye candy. What I especially like is the free music tastefully selected by talented DJs and streamed commercial free.

Do you tip the DJ's.  If not, why not?  Some of them work very hard at doing what they do and some of them have large investments in their music collections.


JeanneAnne wrote:.

"And if you care so much about the artists why aren't you buying their works?"

Sometimes I do. When I do, it's with $L I acquired inworld somehow. I like to shop in SL. It's just that I'm not going to buy $L with real money.

If you are acquiring $L in world then you must be contributing something to be getting them.  Or are you just taking advantage of the good will of friends to get them?


JeanneAnne wrote:

You have no choice but to tolerate "freeloaders" like me & the "vast majority" of other SL residents who play for free. You don't set corporate policy. LL does, and they've decided ~doubtless correctly~ that if they didn't offer free accounts there'd be no newbies. So if you don't like us "freeloaders" take your beef to LL. See if they'll listen to you ... LOL :matte-motes-tongue:


Because you are doing something to acquire $L you are not a free loader so this becomes a moot point.  Unless you are some how just stealing them.



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JeanneAnne wrote:

 You don't want to admit how blatantly LL has played you for a sucker, do you? I don't really blame you. Most ppl will attempt to defend their egos the way you do, even to the point of appearing ridiculous. Anything rather than have to admit to themselves that a corporation has made a chump of them.


Not really...i'm well ahead of the eight-ball and have always cashed out regularly over the last 5 years. LL's platform has allowed me to do this......but that doesn't mean i have to like them or agree with some of their policies & strategies!

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"Do you tip the DJ's.  If not, why not?  Some of them work very hard at doing what they do and some of them have large investments in their music collections."

No, I do not. Sometimes I feel bad about this. Several times I have apologized to DJs for not tipping. Invariably I've been told that it's ok, that I'm supporting them & the venue just by being there. My sisters are DJs. They've told me that having an attractive, friendly avatar dancing at their gigs increases traffic & that this is tip enuf. Sometimes ppl will mistake me for the hostess & tip me! LoL When this happens I give the tip to the real hostess or if there isn't one, to the venue.

I may DJ myself eventually. I know what a big investment, at least in time if not in $$$, acquiring & organizing a huge music collection can be. I bought a machine with a turntable & cassette player that digitalizes music & have spent countless hours working on my mom's extensive old LP & cassette tape collection. I think that I have some pretty obscure '60s & '70s hard rock & other stuff. My collection only runs to ~10K songs, tho. My sister has >50K & I know one DJ who has >130K songs in her collection! If I do decide to DJ, tho, I don't intend to put out a tip jar. Or if I do I'll just give whatever tips I make to my sisters.

"If you are acquiring $L in world then you must be contributing something to be getting them.  Or are you just taking advantage of the good will of friends to get them?"

I have found that people in SL tend to be very generous. Just recently a guy gave me $L1000. Nor did I ask for it or do or give him anything for it in return. He just gave it to me. This has happened on numerous occasions, in various amounts. Also, just recently, a guy similarly gave me a very nice sky blue outfit, several swim suits & a nice pair of shoes.. for no apparent reason beyond the kindness of his heart. The amounts of $L I've been given pales in significance, tho, compared to the inventory items I've been given. Whole folders fulluv nice clothing. Skins, & vehicles & countless funny objects. All of this over & above all the freebies & MMs & lucky chairs I've actively sought out & acquired for free. It's very easy to acquire stuff in SL without paying for it. You may consider the acceptance of gifts freely offered to be "taking advantage" of others but I don't. To me, "taking advantage" is pulling some scam to get over on others. LL takes advantage of content creators. I don't take advantage of anyone by accepting things they freely offer to me.

Sometimes I enter contests in clubs. This may involve changing an outfit. I've won or placed in several contests this way. I don't really consider this "contributing." Nor do I consider it much of a contribution to be paid for filling out a survey, which is another way I've several times gotten $L inworld.

"Because you are doing something to acquire $L you are not a free loader so this becomes a moot point.  Unless you are some how just stealing them."

The only things I've stolen in SL are a couple slave girl collars but those idjits had it comin. I don't object to being considered a freeloader in SL. Most SL players are! In fact, the Wikipedia says that the "vast majority" of SL players play for free. If content creators or those with premium accounts or those who pay tier, et al., resent us freeloaders, what are you going to do about it? Who are you going to blame? Us? LoL It's only rational to get for free what you don't have to pay for! The irrational behavior is on the part of those who pay for what they can have for free. You can resent us freeloaders all you want but it is LL who allows, nay... encourages! free accounts. Direct your resentment where it's due Perrie. It's LL who takes advantage of you, not us freeloaders. They're the ones ripping you off, not me & others like me. I'm on your side. I'd like to see us SL residents, users, players... stand in solidarity against the oppressor. Boggles my mind that the worst oppressed are their strongest defenders tho.. LoL Human nature sure is weird!


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Rene Erlanger wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

 You don't want to admit how blatantly LL has played you for a sucker, do you? I don't really blame you. Most ppl will attempt to defend their egos the way you do, even to the point of appearing ridiculous. Anything rather than have to admit to themselves that a corporation has made a chump of them.


Not really...i'm well ahead of the eight-ball and have always cashed out regularly over the last 5 years. LL's platform has allowed me to do this......but that doesn't mean i have to like them or agree with some of their policies & strategies!

Ok Rene. Good job! You've managed to pull off what very few have accomplished.

As much as you try to inflate the numbers of those who have done what you have, tho, you have to recognize that your accomplishment is rare. For each person like you there are scores or hundreds who just manage to break even on tier & upload fees by means of inworld endeavors. And those who even bother with some sortuv inworld economic activity are a minority compared to those who just enjoy SL for free.

So don't try to justify or rationalize LL's business model by what the elite few such as yourself have managed to accomplish. That is simply disingenious.


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Replying to the original OP, I would say that I am one of those idiots who seeks truth through intelligent discussion. Yeah, I know, boring, elitist, square, arrogant, yawn. Nobody likes dry, academic crapola - especially a full page of footnoted text - but, hey, that's how I'm wired for text-based fora. Inworld is a different story. Inworld is where I dance up close to you, slide my hands over your hips and whisper outrageous fantasies in your ear.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

@ Jeanne...no my little flower-child, you are lucky you missed her.  She'd have taken one look at your posts and made your forum life pure hell.   


I'm sorry that happened to you Celestiall.

Maybe you're right.. Maybe I am lucky to have missed her...

But I would like to see a bit more controversy, a bit more fire, a bit more drama if you will.. in this forum. It's boring as it is.

As for her or anyone else making my forum life pure hell... Naww... That only happens if you let it. I woulduv prolly played with her. Maybe I woulduv ignorned her. I might have even liked her! for all I know... & joined in with her for fun. I dunno. But I sure wouldn't have let her make my forum life pure hell. I woulduv quit participating in the forum before that happened.



I understand the allure of the unknown.  

But, contrary to comment about Miss S. being a communist, she was not.  She came *from* a communistic country and was an ardent Capitalist. 

You'd think that she & I would have gotten along, but nope.  Even commonalities had no affect on her.  

Now, for you, it would have been your comments about LL, and corporations, politics, etc.   NO ONE could make a comment that was not 100% cheering for LL or she went after them.   It was the strangest thing.   Some even suggested that she was paid shill for the Lab.  But, I doubt they would have wanted her brand of endorsement.  

She would not have responded to the subject matter, but gone right for your jugular.   It's hard to fathom, but imagine every single comment you make on this forum having someone and their alts, comment after you with insults directed *at* you.   Day, after, day, into months.  Seriously, it's why I did leave the old GD forum for a while. 

I am happy to see that you are so feisty though, and would relish the opportunity to cross swords...err..I mean words...with such a *personality*.     : )

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

JeanneAnne wrote:

Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

@ Jeanne...no my little flower-child, you are lucky you missed her.  She'd have taken one look at your posts and made your forum life pure hell.   


I'm sorry that happened to you Celestiall.

Maybe you're right.. Maybe I am lucky to have missed her...

But I would like to see a bit more controversy, a bit more fire, a bit more drama if you will.. in this forum. It's boring as it is.

As for her or anyone else making my forum life pure hell... Naww... That only happens if you let it. I woulduv prolly played with her. Maybe I woulduv ignorned her. I might have even liked her! for all I know... & joined in with her for fun. I dunno. But I sure wouldn't have let her make my forum life pure hell. I woulduv quit participating in the forum before that happened.



I understand the allure of the unknown.  

But, contrary to comment about Miss S. being a communist, she was not.  She came *from* a communistic country and was an ardent Capitalist. 

You'd think that she & I would have gotten along, but nope.  Even commonalities had no affect on her.  

Now, for you, it would have been your comments about LL, and corporations, politics, etc.   NO ONE could make a comment that was not 100% cheering for LL or she went after them.   It was the strangest thing.   Some even suggested that she was paid shill for the Lab.  But, I doubt they would have wanted her brand of endorsement.  

She would not have responded to the subject matter, but gone right for your jugular.   It's hard to fathom, but imagine every single comment you make on this forum having someone and their alts, comment after you with insults directed *at* you.   Day, after, day, into months.  Seriously, it's why I did leave the old GD forum for a while. 

I am happy to see that you are so feisty though, and would relish the opportunity to cross swords...err..I mean words...with such a *personality*.     : )

"But, contrary to comment about Miss S. being a communist, she was not.  She came *from* a communistic country and was an ardent Capitalist."

yep! the Ayn Rand syndrome.. all too typical ..

"I am happy to see that you are so feisty though, and would relish the opportunity to cross swords...err..I mean words...with such a *personality*.     : ) " 

You're cool Celestiall. I enjoyed you @ HippieStock... That wasa blast !!


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Perrie Juran wrote:

Seeing her name mentioned again I had to control my gag reflex.

She even trashed her best friend Scylla here on one occasion.

She was the epitome of something I've known for a very long time, there is no such thing as a compassionate communist.

Wait.  Suspiria was my "best friend"????


And she TRASHED ME?????


The B*TCH!!!




(And yeah, Suzy was no communist.  That'd be me.  Well, socialist, but I know we all look alike to you neoLiberals :matte-motes-oh-rly:) 

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Yohan Roux wrote:

You mean you need more topics like this, still you did all you could to get lucinda removed last time she livened the forum up, didn't you, killed of your own sport.

I don't know what you mean; I have not posted to this generation of the forums before this week, and would remind you that mere speculation on althood is sufficient to get you warned by the moderators following Amanda/Lexie's proscription of such activities as harassment. Take care, as Lucinda should.

Pie says "Revenge is a dish best served cold!"

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JeanneAnne wrote:

Rene Erlanger wrote:

Ok Rene. Good job! You've managed to pull off what very few have accomplished.

As much as you try to inflate the numbers of those who have done what you have, tho, you have to recognize that your accomplishment is rare. For each person like you there are scores or hundreds who just manage to break even on tier & upload fees by means of inworld endeavors. And those who even bother with some sortuv inworld economic activity are a minority compared to those who just enjoy SL for free.

So don't try to justify or rationalize LL's business model by what the elite few such as yourself have managed to accomplish. That is simply disingenious.



I don't inflate the numbers at all.....as i have never discussed nor showed or even know how many SL businesses make profits. It would be a tiny amount....probably a lot less than your 4% you keeping banding about. It's probably less than 1% (which would mean 8000 - 9000 businesses) even.

The figures i've always shown are those SL'ers that contribute to the platform, pay for rents, buy lindens or have businesses (so recieve money & pay money) On thats score about 25% of monthly repeat logins is about right. That has nothing to do with profits or cashing out ...of which there would only be a few!

Again if it wasn't for all those people paying for Linden Land and Sims....you wouldn't really have a Second Life to enjoy. Linden Lab are not going to host all these Sims for Free....it's their main source of income!

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Lucinda is not banned, just suspended for a week, her comments were not that bad but she got involved in a spar that ended up in a race dispute, so maybe the lindens were right, she wont do it again, revenge has always been a dish of snow, it melts when a warm heart touches it.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

The only things I've stolen in SL are a couple slave girl collars but those idjits had it comin. I don't object to being considered a freeloader in SL. Most SL players are!
In fact, the Wikipedia says that the "vast majority" of SL players play for free
. If content creators or those with premium accounts or those who pay tier, et al., resent us freeloaders, what are you going to do about it? Who are you going to blame? Us? LoL It's only rational to get for free what you don't have to pay for! The irrational behavior is on the part of those who pay for what they can have for free. You can resent us freeloaders all you want but it is
LL who allows, nay... encourages! free accounts
. Direct your resentment where it's due Perrie. It's LL who takes advantage of you, not us freeloaders. They're the ones ripping you off, not me & others like me. I'm on your side. I'd like to see us SL residents, users, players... stand in solidarity against the oppressor. Boggles my mind that the worst oppressed are their strongest defenders tho.. LoL Human nature sure is weird!



Again you have mis-interpreted what Wikipedia states.......it is very true that most SL'ers play for Free ....as only a minority percentage of SL'ers pay LL for Premium membership. It does not mean that whilst they have a "free account" they don't rent land or even buy Estate sims or buy Linden dollars to spend on the Grid. I had a bunch of Sims on a "Free Account" for a few years before I decided to buy Premium Membership. ( as I wanted to buy a SIM on Mainland)

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JeanneAnne wrote:


How can people defend a souless, profit-driven corporation who treats people this way? Who makes creative people
them to upload the content they create? Who lives off the creativity of talented people like a hookworm in the gut lives off your blood & tissues? Who arbitrarily bans people for expressing an opinion?



Creative people are uploading their content which is in turn stored and maintained on servers, located in facilities, manned by human beings...none of which are free to LL.   10L is a small price to pay to have my digital creations stored and easily retrieved.  If I sell my digital creation for $1500L 50 times a day....do you really think I'm going to sit around thinking I have been suckered by a souless profit driven corporation because they made me spend 10L so that I could make $75000L in a day? 

People are not arbitrarily banned for expressing their opinions.  They are banned for expressing their opinions in a manner that violates TOS or Community Guidelines. 

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As you don't have a copy of what was said you can't make that judgment, unless you consider the words "...............", after quoting a phrase from a children's book in their own very rare language, I only wished to see if their claim was true, but you seem to be a person that knows all before it happens, so fine, i wont repeat it.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

Perrie Juran wrote:

Seeing her name mentioned again I had to control my gag reflex.

She even trashed her friend Scylla here on one occasion.

She was the epitome of something I've known for a very long time, there is no such thing as a compassionate communist.

Wait.  Suspiria was my "best friend"????


And she TRASHED ME?????


The B*TCH!!!




(And yeah, Suzy was no communist.  That'd be me.  Well, socialist, but I know we all look alike to you neoLiberals :matte-motes-oh-rly:) 


I have removed the adjective from my statement.

And welcome back.  You've been quiet in here for a long time.

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JeanneAnne wrote:

The only things I've stolen in SL are a couple slave girl collars but those idjits had it comin. I don't object to being considered a freeloader in SL. Most SL players are! In fact, the Wikipedia says that the "vast majority" of SL players play for free. If content creators or those with premium accounts or those who pay tier, et al., resent us freeloaders, what are you going to do about it? Who are you going to blame? Us? LoL It's only rational to get for free what you don't have to pay for! The irrational behavior is on the part of those who pay for what they can have for free. You can resent us freeloaders all you want but it is LL who allows, nay... encourages! free accounts. Direct your resentment where it's due Perrie. It's LL who takes advantage of you, not us freeloaders. They're the ones ripping you off, not me & others like me. I'm on your side. I'd like to see us SL residents, users, players... stand in solidarity against the oppressor. Boggles my mind that the worst oppressed are their strongest defenders tho.. LoL Human nature sure is weird!


Just to be clear, I do not resent people who 'play for free.'  Nor do I necessarily equate them with freeloaders.  Also, I agree with many that some of the services SL provides are over priced such as land tier.  But I also recognize that LL is a business.  A business with investors who want a return on their investment.  They want to turn a profit.  And I have no objection to any one earning a profit.

The question becomes, at least for me, at what point a profit is ill-gained.  And while in some instances I may feel that the pricing is exorbitant, I do not feel that any of it is ill-gained.  LL has set the pricing for their services.  There are others who feel that they can provide similar service for less.  If they can and do, if they succeed,  then LL will either have to reduce their pricing or fold.  Pretty simple to me.

I just try to maintain a balanced view of things.  I am reminded of the work, "A Message To Garcia:"

"We have recently been hearing much maudlin sympathy expressed for the "downtrodden denizen of the sweat-shop" and the "homeless wanderer searching for honest employment," & with it all often go many hard words for the men in power.

Nothing is said about the employer who grows old before his time in a vain attempt to get frowsy ne'er-do-wells to do intelligent work; and his long patient striving with "help" that does nothing but loaf when his back is turned. In every store and factory there is a constant weeding-out process going on. The employer is constantly sending away "help" that have shown their incapacity to further the interests of the business, and others are being taken on. No matter how good times are, this sorting continues, only if times are hard and work is scarce, the sorting is done finer- but out and forever out, the incompetent and unworthy go. It is the survival of the fittest. Self-interest prompts every employer to keep the best-"

"I have carried a dinner pail & worked for day's wages, and I have also been an employer of labor, and I know there is something to be said on both sides. There is no excellence, per se, in poverty; rags are no recommendation; & all employers are not rapacious and high-handed, any more than all poor men are virtuous."


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Yohan Roux wrote:

Lucinda is not banned, just suspended for a week, her comments were not that bad but she got involved in a spar that ended up in a race dispute, so maybe the lindens were right, she wont do it again, revenge has always been a dish of snow, it melts when a warm heart touches it.

She is regretting her actions already? She'll have to man up if she wants to return without allowing those hyperemotional indiscretions to get the better of her. I would have said a cold heart would be considerably more beneficial in the circumstances. A warm heart has never worked on me.

Pie says, "If you have to fake something, fake sincerity!"

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