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Can This Resident Really Do This?


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I was checking out the female avatars at the beach the other day. I saw this one female avatar that was smokin hot!  lol So I get an IM from her telling me to stop looking at her. I asked her how she knew I was looking at her and then she went on to tell me about the Show Look At.   I didn't stop looking at her even after she told me to stop. That really got her angry. I was 75 meters away from her to. So she said I was harassing her and that she would file an abuse report on me.  Can she really do that?

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OiiiO wrote:

I was checking out the female avatars at the beach the other day. I saw this one female avatar that was smokin hot!  lol So I get an IM from her telling me to stop looking at her. I asked her how she knew I was looking at her and then she went on to tell me about the Show Look At.   I didn't stop looking at her even after she told me to stop. That really got her angry. I was 75 meters away from her to. So she said I was harassing her and that she would file an abuse report on me.  Can she really do that?

there is no rule about looking at anyone..it's not even an option in the real linden viewer..it's a 3rd party viewer option so that they can see who is looking at them..she also has the option to turn it off and turn off who she is looking at so nobody can tell she is looking at anyone..LL doesn't have support for 3rd party viewers..so good luck to her  trying to get some  for that feature lol

they have no right to tell you where you can look..

if she was so concerned about people looking at her..then she should work on getting ugly rather than hot if she doesn't want all the attention of on lookers hehehehehe lol

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Thanks!  I've been waiting for a can't log in message after that. Looks like it's not going to happen after all

How you all get your profile photos large like that with the name and date and posts? Won't let me go over a certain size.

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Any Resident may File an Inworld Abuse Report if they suspect or experience abuse in Second Life.

A link to the Terms of Service, the Community Standards and the SL Privacy Policy.

Section 11.4 of the Terms of Service, is my favorite part of the TOS. It really helps me understand what kind of games Linden Lab is willing to play.





If you are on land you own, or rent, or you are on Linden Owned Land, you are free to look where you please. If you are a Guest at another Resident's Land, you should try to be a welcome guest.

Technically, she had to have been watching you, watching her. (Starting to remind me of a song) :smileyvery-happy:

Linden Lab states that they "read all Reports" and that a decision to act or not act upon Abuse Reports is made on a Case by Case basis, based on what is best for the SL Community and SL.

LL may use past AR's filed by or against a Resident in order to render a decision. I try to avoid getting AR's filed against my Avatar.

I might need the Support of, and from Support, someday in the Future.



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This is something I don't get about  people here, I have encountered so many testy people and heard others being yelled at for looking at someone that I rarely cam in as much as I would like. I love looking at all the different avatars! I am a huge fan of SL fashions, skins etc. and often want to get close up looks at them. Isn't the whole point of this very visual world looking at people and things? It's one thing if someone is in their home and someone is camming in on them, not cool, but other wise be happy that someone finds you interesting enough to look at!

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Aurelia Lionheart wrote:

LoveAngeL Lyre wrote:

Is a violation of the TOS to look a "hot" avatar? Of course not. Just forget it and continue to enjoy your SL. Btw i would suggest her, if she doesn't desire to be looked, to buy a whole region and stay 24/7 there.

Or that she just delete her account :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:

Oh, no!  We've got a live one here; let's milk her for all we can get.

If she won't spring for the whole region, she can get the same effect by owning just a parcel and turning off visibility in the Options tab of About Land.  

But first, do try to sell her on the full region.  She sounds stupid enough to fall for it.

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i had someone yell at me for looking at them one time..which really i wasn't..i was just caming around the club that i had worked at for two years lol..so i decided to be a little devil and add a little extra to their fit..


i said..i wasn't looking at you..i was just inspecting you and all your stuff ..but i'm done now ..

omg did that go over well LOL

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

there is no rule about looking at anyone..it's not even an option in the real linden viewer..it's a 3rd party viewer option so that they can see who is looking at them.

Actually, that's not true. You can enable Show Look At and Show Point At in the Linden viewer as well under the advanced menu.

But regardless, it seems that some common courtesy is missing from the discussion.

I don't think there's an issue with looking at people, but if someone asks you to stop staring at them, it would seem to me to be a polite thing to do so -- or at least appear to stop (it is trivial to position your look/point at to be able to look at something without actually appearing to be looking at it).

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That is A-1 Hilarious!

"He was looking at me!"

Does she have any idea how juvenile that sounds.

To expect to not be looked at in SL is nuts!

And while I know it 'upsets' some ladies in RL, well dang, if you are going to wear low cut blouses that  I can see where your nipples start, yes I am going to look. 

Next time you get a complaint here are some products you can suggest to the complainer on the market.


And a p.s., unless something has changed in V3, show look at is a function in ALL viewers.  Just that some of them make it easier to access.



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Really, people need to get over themselves, or their avatar. When I was bored, and didn't feel like working on anything, I would see who is in my store. Camming on customers and watching how they navigate around the store can be very insightful. Plus, when some1 buys something, If I see them hanging around after, I cam on them to watch them open the product and play with it. Again very insightful. Once tho, I did have some woman accuse me of being some kind of perv. Why do people assume every1 is a perv? If you ask me, this is totally a female thing, cause I could really give a crap who is looking at my avatar or even myself in RL. Personally, I just love watching people play with my products.

1 day, I want to walk around with my butt cheeks hanging out and a shirt with my nipples cut out. Then, I want to walk up to women and complain how every1 is looking at me and how they must all be pervs. There really is something mentally wrong with all these women that are desperate for attention, and then complain about being stared at.

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Medhue Simoni wrote:

Really, people need to get over themselves, or their avatar. When I was bored, and didn't feel like working on anything, I would see who is in my store. Camming on customers and watching how they navigate around the store can be very insightful. Plus, when some1 buys something, If I see them hanging around after, I cam on them to watch them open the product and play with it. Again very insightful. Once tho, I did have some woman accuse me of being some kind of perv. Why do people assume every1 is a perv? If you ask me, this is totally a female thing, cause I could really give a crap who is looking at my avatar or even myself in RL. Personally, I just love watching people play with my products.

1 day, I want to walk around with my butt cheeks hanging out and a shirt with my nipples cut out. Then, I want to walk up to women and complain how every1 is looking at me and how they must all be pervs. There really is something mentally wrong with all these women that are desperate for attention, and then complain about being stared at.

What has really amazed me is that I have had on a few occasions someone IM me and ask me if I knew I was being stared at by someone!

I have look at turned off.  I really don't care if someone is perv-camming me.  I do my own share of perv-camming too.

And I read profiles also.  I've started a collection of "favorite quotes from profiles."

One of my very favorite ones is this:

"Of all the things you can choose to be in SL, why would you choose to be an a$$hat?"

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Medhue Simoni wrote:

Really, people need to get over themselves, or their avatar. When I was bored, and didn't feel like working on anything, I would see who is in my store. Camming on customers and watching how they navigate around the store can be very insightful. Plus, when some1 buys something, If I see them hanging around after, I cam on them to watch them open the product and play with it. Again very insightful. Once tho, I did have some woman accuse me of being some kind of perv. Why do people assume every1 is a perv? If you ask me, this is totally a female thing, cause I could really give a crap who is looking at my avatar or even myself in RL. Personally, I just love watching people play with my products.

1 day, I want to walk around with my butt cheeks hanging out and a shirt with my nipples cut out. Then, I want to walk up to women and complain how every1 is looking at me and how they must all be pervs. There really is something mentally wrong with all these women that are desperate for attention, and then complain about being stared at.

What has really amazed me is that I have had on a few occasions someone IM me and ask me if I knew I was being stared at by someone!

I have look at turned off.  I really don't care if someone is perv-camming me.  I do my own share of perv-camming too.

And I read profiles also.  I've started a collection of "favorite quotes from profiles."

One of my very favorite ones is this:

"Of all the things you can choose to be in SL, why would you choose to be an a$$hat?"

here  you can have the one in my profile..hehehehe


"it takes 10 years to be able to use tai chi."

Ceka:but what if i train everyday, really, really hard?!

"then it takes 20 years."

Ceka: Bleh =( OK i know!! What about Twister??"


Ceka: How long would it take for us to be able to play Twister?

"well we could do that right now.."

Ceka: Ok then lets play Twister!! \o/

"oh ok "

Ceka<3 =)

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Many people encounter a new and disorienting social reality when entering SL. They adjust the sliders, get some animations and, boom, sex goddess, rock star, fashion queen, but they have no RL experience of how to deal with people socially in their new, avatar body. That's why many girls take fright and many guys choke. It's one thing to cast a strong image; it's another thing to live up to it.

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