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Healing HippieStock (A Forum Dwellers' Party)


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There has been a lot of drama going on regrading HippieStock on the Feeds and in Threads here in the forums. I added the subtitle to the title of this thread to remind everyone what HippieStock is... “A Forum Dwellers' Party”  There are some that think HippieStock is about Live Music and the performers. While the people who performed last year were awesome (This year is even better with added acts and the addition of some of SL's best Djs) it is not about the music, it is about the people. Hippie originally posted back in 2010 that he wanted to host a party for all the forum dwellers. To me that is all inclusive Troll, Lurker, Helper, and even goofballs like me.

    For one day a year we put aside out differences and grudges and come together to enjoy each others company. We did this last year I know we can do it again. To me HippieStock is a lesson on how to get along with people. It seems really, really silly to get mad at a Troll (even the self proclaimed ones) for being a troll... “Why are you Trolling me you Troll?” Ahem.... didn't you just answer your own question? If you don't like to be stung by the bees don't try to be a bee keeper.

   I KNOW MOST WON'T LIKE THIS... but we need trolls... just like we need Lurkers, Helpers, and Goofballs. No one is more important than anyone else. If everyone was a Helper how boring would that be? To me it was all the Wild and Diverse Personalities that made the old GD so great and this party is a place for all of them to come together in one place. One day a year we put aside our hatred , our fears, and prejudices and come together to party. Put on your best outfit, (and if you are a performer) pick out your hottest tunes and come together to BE EXCELLENT TO EACH OTHER..... remember it is only for one day a year.


Keli :)

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Of course Hippiestock II should be like the original Hippiestock in that anyone and everyone who wants to have a good time gathers together to groove with friends.  I would never assert that I am one of SL's best DJs (thank you anyway), I just do it for the lolz.

I plan to enjoy myself.  I hope everyone else who comes during the event has fun, too.

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

For one day a year we put aside out differences and grudges and come together to enjoy each others company.




Let those who will enjoy HS2 enjoy it.

Let those who will not, not destroy it (no matter how hard they might try).

Let it be.

Peace to you too.

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ROB34466IIIa wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:

For one day a year we put aside out differences and grudges and come together to enjoy each others company.




Let those who will enjoy HS2 enjoy it.

Let those who will not, not destroy it (no matter how hard they might try).

Let it be.

Peace to you too.

See that is the thing... we live in a virtual world people can only destroy if we let them. If you don't like someone don't let it get to you, just ignore them. If they are spamming local or spamming inworld with particles they will get ejected, otherwise it is just words don't let is get your dandruff up.

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ROB34466IIIa wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:  See that is the thing .... don't let is get your dandruff up.

Oh .. you consider the 'thing(s)' mere dandruff ? Dandruff doesn't need to 'heal'.

I was almost under the impression you had a cure for necrosis there, Dr. Kyrie.

My bad.

I am in no way the cure. I just put out the olive branch it is up to all of us to work this out. You are right people are more hurt than dandruff.

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

I am in no way the cure. I just put out the olive branch it is up to all of us to work this out.


I do understand and I respect your effort, but only wanted to point out not to expect the impossible to happen, to avoid disappointment for everybody. If people rather stay away to avoid any trouble at all, it should be their right of choice, I find.


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ROB34466IIIa wrote:

Keli Kyrie wrote:

I am in no way the cure. I just put out the olive branch it is up to all of us to work this out.


I do understand and I respect your effort, but only wanted to point out not to expect the impossible to happen, to avoid disappointment for everybody. If people rather stay away to avoid any trouble at all, it should be their right of choice, I find.


You maybe right, but I hope not. :o

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Nice sentiments Keli. I hope to try and attend this year, though Saturdays are hard for me.

As for the childish animosity going on, well one of the reasons I didn't attend last year was to avoid certain people. To keep  myself out of the firing line as it were. I was hoping things might be different this year, but when people are doing things like releasing 3-month old IMs to stir the pot, it's hard to see how it can stay true to its meaning.

I wish Hippiestock well, whatever the outcomes. :)

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Keli Kyrie wrote:

There has been a lot of drama going on
regrading HippieStock on the Feeds and in Threads here in the forums. I added the subtitle to the title of
this thread to remind everyone what HippieStock is... “A Forum Dwellers' Party”
 There are some that think HippieStock is about Live Music and the performers. While the people who performed last year were awesome (This year is even better with added acts and the addition of some of SL's best Djs) it is not about the music,
it is about the people.
that he wanted to host a party for all the forum dwellers. To me that is all inclusive Troll, Lurker, Helper, and even goofballs like me.

Thank you for this reminder, Keli. As I just said elsewhere, I'm looking forward to ALL of the entertainment at Hippiestock. It's a forum dweller's event, and it is wrong to suggest that only live musicians have a place there. As far as I know there has never been any stipulation about who could attend or perform. I'm looking forward to having fun with whoever shows up.

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Keli, hugs and I mean no offence, but I find all these "olive branches being offered) only seem to end up as fuel in the fire.

Hippiestock has nothing to do with the rift between these two groups of people. It is only being used as the vehicle to spread more butt hurt

You can rest assured that all this crap would die out if both sides would ignore one another. But that seems impossible due to the ability to cross post in the feeds. You will find that most agitators that have been banned from this platform are now running free in a better griefing environment, the Feeds.

Hippiestock is safe, and it should be a great fest so ignore the whining, grab your beads and have a great time, live the moment  its.... 


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I didn't attend the first HippieStock and in all probability won't be attending HippieStock II. If I'm not working Saturdays (and I often don't know until Saturday!), I'm catching up on household chores and trying to get some much needed rest. I also find myself increasingly shunning crowds in both RL and SL.

I do hope, though, that this event is not sullied by bad behavior... on anyone's part. There have been pledges by some to not cause discord. One might hope that all could refrain from doing so, but...

This HippieLeaks incident is troubling.

Some may think the timing of the release of the PM suspect, but it's the contents of said PM that I find most damning. The attitudes expressed are a far cry from "inclusive." The fact that the sender is affiliated, in any "official" capacity, after it was shared with the organizer, is downright scandalous.

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Kisses Seaside wrote:

Happy New Year everyone.. When is the Hippie stock?

Ah, *sigh*...such a melodious name you have.... : )


Hippiestock is Sat, Jan, 21st, 2012.  (1-21-2012)    Look up the name Hippie Bowman inworld, and send him an IM regarding attending.  Hippie will be putting names on the attendees list, and you'll want to make sure you can get into the sim that day. 

Also, note...that Hippie may need a few days to reply to your IM...as RL may prevent him from responding straightaway. 

If you have any other questions about Hippiestock,  Keli, who started this thread...or myself, would be happy to answer...you can send us PM's here on the forum...or IM inworld.



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Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Some may think the timing of the release of the PM suspect, but it's the
of said PM that I find most damning. The attitudes expressed are a
cry from "inclusive." The fact that the sender is affiliated, in any "official" capacity, after it was shared with the organizer, is downright scandalous.

Hippie has been away from SL for days and won't be back for days. Are you sure he's aware of the content? If there's a scandal, wouldn't it have to wait for the facts and Hippies's response to them?

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Griffin Ceawlin wrote:

Some may think the timing of the release of the PM suspect, but it's the
of said PM that I find most damning. The attitudes expressed are a
cry from "inclusive." The fact that the sender is affiliated, in any "official" capacity, after it was shared with the organizer, is downright scandalous.

Hippie has been away from SL for days and won't be back for days. Are you sure he's aware of the
? If there's a scandal, wouldn't it have to wait for the facts and Hippies's response to them?

Hippie and forum moderators were made aware of the content on the day I received it.   They all received full copies of the PM.  The author gave me permission to publish it anywhere.  Why 'wait' over three months?  I got tired waiting for the author to retract her words that sought to intimidate, harass and demean me.  She has not yet done so.

She could do the right thing and remove herself from the role of 'Security' and any organizing role for the event.

What other facts do you seek?

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Quinn Morani wrote:

Thank you for this reminder, Keli. As I just said elsewhere, I'm looking forward to ALL of the entertainment at Hippiestock. It's a forum dweller's event, and it is wrong to suggest that only live musicians have a place there. As far as I know there has never been any stipulation about who could attend or perform. I'm looking forward to having fun with whoever shows up.

And  isn't that one of the most exciting things Quinn, seeing who shows up. It is a Forum Dwellers' Party it is a time to meet the people inworld that you have only seen in the forum. I feel sad for the people that did not go last year and are afraid to go this year. Really honestly if you read the chat logs one third of the event is just everyone saying hi to each other and how they never knew their avies looked like that. The second third is woots and Weeeeeeeeeeeeees and the third third is everyone saying goodbye. With 60+ avatars posting in local all at the same time it is very very very hard for anyone to get a foothold and dominate the conversation. People seem to behave kinder to each other when they gather in groups dyt?

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